Top 10 Apps Similar to Pentecostal Tunes

Rose Nascimento Musicas Letras 1.0
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Rosângela de Azevedo Nascimentomaisconhecidacomo Rose Nascimento (Rio de Janeiro, 15 de setembrode1966) épastora e cantora brasileira de música gospel expoentenamúsicapentecostal umas das cantoras que mais recebeucertificaçõescom 8discos de ouro , 6 discos de Platina , 2 disco dediamante, 1discode platina duplo , 2 de platina triplo.*WikipediaRosangela deAzevedoBirthbetter known as Rose Nascimento (Rio de Janeiro,September15, 1966)is Brazilian pastor and gospel singer exponentmusic inthePentecostal music each singers that receivedcertificationswith 8gold discs, 6-disc Platinum, 2 diamond disc, 1doubleplatinum, 2triple platinum.* Wikipedia
Pentecost Sermons 1.0
Hi AllThis is the app to provide Sermons of Pentecost festival.This coming Sunday, Christians across the world willcelebratePentecost.But it is generally honored in liturgical churches(Roman,Catholic,Anglican, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, etc.), inPentecostal andCharismatic churches, and in many other Protestantchurches aswell.Pentecost is not as well-known or as popular as the ChristmasandEaster, though it commemorates a watershed event inChristianhistory.It many ways, Pentecost is the birthday of the church.If u like the sermons you can send the mail,message and u cansharevia Facebook also.So enjoy with the App."Happy Pentecost Festival"One of my request is please provide the rating and comments totheapp.
Nas águas do movimento espiritualconhecidocomo“avivamento de Gales”, nos anos de 1903 e 1904,foramorganizadas noreino unido a igreja pentecostal Elim e aigrejaassembleia de Deusnas ilhas Britânicas. Um dos líderesdoavivamento, transferindo-separa Londres, alugou, no centrodacidade, o templo da igrejacongregacional que estavadesocupado,organizando assim a renomada“Elim Chapel”. igrejaPeniel Chapelfoi fundada em Londres como frutodeste avivamentoespiritual naInglaterra. Essa igreja recebeu umavocação especialpara missõesmundiais, o que levou o pastor BenjaminGriffes aorganizar a“sociedade missionária Peniel Chapel”.In the watersofthespiritual movement known as "Welsh revival" in the years1903and1904 they were organized in the UK the Elim PentecostalChurchandthe Assembly of God church in the British Isles. Oneofrevivalleaders, transferring to London, rented in the center ofthecity,the temple of the congregational church that wasunoccupied,soorganizing the renowned "Elim Chapel". Peniel Chapelchurchwasfounded in London as a result of this spiritual revivalinEngland.This church received a special vocation for worldmissions,whichled Pastor Benjamin Griffes organize "missionarysocietyPenielChapel".
Aline Barros Letras Musicas 1.0
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Aline Barros, (Rio de Janeiro, 7 deoutubrode1976 ) nome artístico de Aline Kistenmacker Barros dosSantos éumacantora de gênero gospel e empresária brasileira,sendoganhadorade 11 Troféus Talento, 6 Grammys Latinos, 1 DoveAwards, 1TroféuPromessas e 2 Brazilian International Press Award.*WikipediaAline Barros,(RiodeJaneiro, October 7, 1976) stage name Aline BarrosKistenmackerdosSantos is a gospel singer and gender Brazilianbusinesswoman,andwinner of 11 trophies Talent, 6 Grammys Latinos, 1Dove Awards,1Trophy Promises and two Brazilian International PressAward.* Wikipedia
Corinhos Evangélicos 1.0
livre completar top cançõesfavoritasCorinhosEvangélicosparte2: esta aplicativos gratuitos, graças. . .free completetopfavoritesongs Corinhos EvangelicalsPart2: this free, thanks applications. . .
Lyrics Corinhos Evangélicos 1.0
Bingbin Media
Mobile Applications Letter: hasneverbeeneasier.Install this free application, easy to use and takeitwhereveryou go. This application exists to meet the needs ofyoufindeverything about the Corinhos EvangelicalsDownload for free!Legal notice:This is an unofficial app. This application and its contentarenotofficially endorsed or produced by, or associatedoraffiliatedwith the music artist (s) or any associated entitiesofthe artist(s), such as management or record company. Alltrademarksandcopyrights are the property of their respectiveowners.Thisapplication has ads comply with Google Policy andplayPleasesupport the artists and their companies.
Corinhos Evangélicos 2 1.0
livre completar topgospel/religiosocançõesfavoritas Corinhos Evangélicos parte 2Parte1: esta aplicativos gratuitos, graças. . .free complete topgospel/religious favorite songs Corinhos Evangelicals Part 2Part1: this free, thanks applications. . .
Corinhos Evangélicos Lyrics 1.0
BZ Studio
Mobile Applications Lyrics: has neverbeeneasier.Install this free app, easy to use and take it wherever yougo.This app exists to meet the needs of you find all About ofLyricsMusic Corinhos EvangélicosDisclaimer:This is an unofficial app. This app and its content arenotofficially endorsed or produced by, nor associated withoraffiliated with the music artist(s) or any associated entitiesofthe artist(s), such as management or record label. Alltrademarksand copyrights are property of their respective owners.Thisapplication has ads that comply with Google Play Policy andPleasesupport the artists and their companies.
Corinhos Evangélicos Acordes 1.0
livre completar topgospel/religiosocançõesfavoritas Corinhos EvangélicosDescarregue esta aplicativos gratuitos, graças. . .free complete topGospel/Religious favorite songs Corinhos EvangelicalsDownload this free, thanks applications. . .
Harpa Cristã Letras Top 1.0
Harpa Cristã Letras TopChristianharpLettersTop