Top 22 Apps Similar to Aprender Verbos Inglés

English Verbs 14041
Learn English: Browse & search the conjugations of themostcommon English verbs
English Irregular Verbs 6.0.3
Learn English irregular verbs fast, fun and easy!
English Irregular Verbs 1.8.7
English irregular verbs with pronunciation
Verbos Regulares e Irregulares 21.0.0
Verbs learn regular and irregular English with ease. FREE
English Verb Conjugator 3.4.2
Ian Tipton
View almost 2000 English verbs in 20 tenses.
Aprende Inglés - Verbos y más 13.0.0
Want to learn vocabulary in English? Verbs regular and irregularandmore.
English Irregular Verbs 2.1.4
Learn English Irregular Verbs with exams, images, sentences,andflashcards.
English Grammar Test 2.2.6
Dozens of English Grammar Tests in your phone. No books. Justoneapp.
English verbs conjugator 18
Do you want to be fluent in English? Then you'll need this app!
English Verb Trainer 14030
Learn & practice the conjugations of the most commonEnglishverbs
Conjugation Verbs In English -
Ariel Morel
Learn English verbs never was more easy.
Test de Verbos en Inglés 2.3
¿Crees que sabes más de verbos en inglés queunniño de 5to año de primaria?Puedes prácticar donde quieres, cuando quieras y cuantasvecesquieras¿Te has quejado de alguna persona no sabe como conjugar losverbos,ni diferenciar cuando un verbo cambia su conjugación?Prueba que tu tienes buen conocimiento de verbos en inglés conestaaplicación.Un juego muy divertido te hará evaluar y volver a prender loqueviste en primaria.Atrévete y comprueba que si sabes más de verbos en inglés queunniño de primaria.La app contiene:Ejercicios de verbos irregulares inglesEjercicios de verbos regulares e irregulares en inglesEjercicios de verbos en ingles en los tres tiemposEste test de verbos en inglés tiene más de 100 preguntas paraqueevalúes tu conocimientoAdemás de que este aplicación te hará recordar conceptos básicosdegrámatica, como la escritura correcta de los verbos dependiendoelpronombre.Cada test esta diseñado para que evalues tusconocimientosbásicos.Aprende y diviertete.Think you know moreverbsin English that a child 5th grade?You can practice where you want, when you want, wheneveryouwantHave you complained about someone does not know how toconjugateverbs or differentiate when a verb conjugationchanges?Prove that you've got good knowledge of English verbs withthisapplication.A very fun game you will evaluate and re-ignite what you sawinelementary school.Dare check if you know English verbs over a child ofprimaryschool.The app contains:English irregular verbs exercisesExercises of regular and irregular verbs in EnglishEnglish verbs exercises in the three timesThis test of English verbs has over 100 questions to helpyouevaluate your knowledgeBesides this application will remind basics of grammar, such asthecorrect spelling of verbs depending on the pronoun.Each test is designed to evalues ​​your basic knowledge.Learn and have fun.
Spanish to English Speaking: Aprende Inglés Rápido 48.0
* Como aprender a hablar ingles. * Hemos utilizado lasmejorestécnicas para crear esta aplicación. Espero que aprecienesteesfuerzo. Esta aplicación utilizó lecciones de audio paraenseñarleinglés. Aprende inglés en 7 días. * Como aprender aescribir y leeren inglés * Learn English Speaking with thiscomprehensive Spanishto English Speaking Course which is forEnglish speaking. * Cursode Ingles Gratis - aplicativo que aprendeinglês - curso de inglescompleto gratis avanzado. * This is aSpanish to English Speakingtutorial which teaches with interactiveespanol to englishsessions. * Aprender inglés con español lengua yAprende inglés conespañol idioma * You are coached to get morecommand over Englishlanguage with Spanish with each lesson that youtake. This is not aspanish to english translator app. * Aprenderinglés puede serfácil! además espanol to english! Hablar ytraducir! aprender aleer y escribir en ingles. Es ideal para usted,incluso si ya tienetener un nivel básico, intermedio o avanzado decomprensión delinglés. Usando nuestro famoso curso de inglés enlínea, verá comosu inglés mejora muy rápido. Muchas personas ya hanprobado elcurso. ¿Que pasa contigo? * Jogo que aprende a falaringlês.Confident, fluent English learning and speaking becomesquitesimple as you are provided facility to even record your ownEnglishexercise sessions in your own voice for each lesson.Aplicativo queaprende a falar inglês. Aprende ingles en 7 dias -cosas paraaprender inglés. * An Spanish speaking person will alsolike goingthrough the chapters which are coaching you throughout toteach ylearn speaking English language. Aprende ingles gratis. *EverySpanish to English learning chapter is provided to ensure thatyourspeaking fluency improves. Curso de ingles gratis en audio yhablarcon fluidez. This is how you can use this app: ***** TextBasedSpanish to English Learning ***** Como aprender hablaringles.Aprende ingles jugando ***** Audio Based Spanish toEnglishLearning - aprende inglés ***** Como aprender ingles rapidoygratis ***** Save your voice recordings for future reference.*****There are six separate chapters that are devoted individuallyforScenarios, English Interview, Expressions, ColloquialEnglishSpeaking, Etiquette and Phrasal Verbs. ***** Aprenderinglesescuchando audio. ***** Take a quiz test on English languageaftercompleting these chapters. ***** Ingles sin barreras gratisenaudio. ***** Aprender ingles jugando gratis. ***** Learn howtospeak English using Spanish Fluently and free. Speak EnglishinSpanish. ***** Aprender ingles gratis hablar y escuchar yescribir.***** Aprende Inglés Free and Aprenda inglés paso a paso.***** Isthis is the best app for practicing daily Englishconversationalong with Spanish language? Try for yourself and youwill startimproving your English step by step! ***** Learn EnglishOfflineusing Audio based lessons using in top quality lessons.LearnEnglish conversation in Spanish and Learn English Step byStep.Aprende ingles sin wifi. This language learning applicationcanalso be used by all those Spanish speaking participants whoarepreparing for BPO, Call Center, English Discussions and Debatesaswell as English job interview. Aprende ingles escuchando. Ifyouwant to learn english grammar, it is advised that you initiallygothrough this application get yourself ready for yournextassignment. Aprende ingles sin internet. If I want tolearnenglish, I should use this app. Habla Inglés con confianzausandoesta aplicación. This app can help you learn english fastusingaudio. Learn English language using English conversationratherthan through an English Dictionary. Learning Spoken Englishhadnever been easier. Traductor de ingles a español sininternet.Exercises, vocabulary and business english make this appspecial -ingles aprender. Play and Learn English from SpanishLanguage.Learn Spoken English in Spanish.
Wlingua - Learn English 5.2.15
Complete English Course - Learn English with us
English Verbs Reference 1.59
Free English Verbs Reference application!
Aprender Inglés Curso 9.11
Learn English Fast With The Best English Course.
English exercises 1.4.7
Wide variety of english exercises with different levelsofdifficulty.
English Conversation Practice 1.3.9
Practice having an English conversation to improve your English
Curso de inglés gratis 1.0
Do you speak English?¡Aprende inglés gratis con el mejor curso on-line!¿Te cuesta aprender inglés?Descarga esta aplicación y disfruta cómodamente en tuteléfonodelmás práctico, fácil y eficaz curso de inglés.Hoy en día, el idioma inglés es considerado el másimportanteanivel mundial, y el más aprendido como segunda lengua.Es elidiomaindiscutido de los negocios y el más utilizadoenInternet.Muchas lenguas han adoptado palabras, modismos y frasesdeestalengua. El inglés está en todas partes, es elprincipalelemento decomunicación entre culturas muy diversas entresí.Hoy es esencial capacitarse en inglés no sóloporcuestioneslaborales (es casi imprescindible para cualquiertrabajo)sinotambién para comunicarse, estudiar, viajar, verpelículas,videos yhacer negocios.El inglés es el idioma más importante y necesariodelaactualidad. ¡No te quedes afuera!Apréndelo ya con esta app gratuita.Descárgalo ahora y estudia cómodamente en tu Android. Ylomejorde todo: completamente gratis!Una lección cada día y verás como tu inglésmejora.Comienzaahora!Do you speak Inglés?Learn English free with the best course online!Is it hard to learn English?Download this application and enjoy comfortably in yourphonemoreconvenient, easy and effective English course.Today, the English language is considered the mostimportantinthe world, and the most learned as a second language. Itistheundisputed language of business and the most usedontheInternet.Many languages ​​have adopted words, idioms and phrasesofthelanguage. English is everywhere, is the mainelementofcommunication between diverse cultures together.Today trained in English is essential not only forlaborissues(it is almost essential for any work) but alsotocommunicate,study, travel, movies, videos and do business.English is the most important and necessary language today.Donotstay outside!Learn it now with this free app.Download it now and study comfortably in your Android. Andbestofall, completely free!One lesson each day and see how your Englishimproves.Startsnow!
Learn English with Phrases
Learn English and other languages with common phrases used inthelanguage
Memrise: Learn New Languages, Grammar & Vocabulary 2023.2.6.0
Google Play I/O Award Winner for Best Appof2017Learn how to speak like a native and unlock your foreignlanguagelearning superpowers with Memrise! Speak fluent Spanish,French,Japanese or Chinese and improve your grammar with easybeginner andintermediate language lessons using a fun, innovativeapproach fromthe free language learning app.Study new words, vocabulary and grammar with easy beginnerandintermediate reading and writing lessons alongside over 15millionpeople worldwide.Reading, writing and speaking fluent Spanish, Japanese,Chinese,Italian, French, German, Korean and other languages is easywithMemrise! Learn languages the fun way with next-generationmobilelearning, a rich variety of vocabulary and memory games,over30,000 easy-to-understand native speaker videos andinteractivechatbots.Reading, writing and engaging in fluent, daily conversation isoutof this world fun with Memrise!Foreign Language Learning: Top 5 Reasons to Download MemriseBeginner and intermediate Spanish, French, Japanese,Chinese,Italian and many other speaking, reading and writingforeignlanguage courses expertly created by a dedicated teamoflinguistsStudy French, Spanish, Japanese (full and no script), andothervocabulary with content designed to push the boundaries oflearningtechnologyStudy and learn languages with chatbots – hone a natural flowforfluent, daily conversationLearn a foreign language with native speaker videos – noactors,just real people!Vocabulary, memory and other fun language games help you learnandpractice your skills, including Difficult Words, SpeedReview,Listening Skills and Classic ReviewStudy new words, beginner, intermediate and advancedvocabulary,pronunciation and practical grammar for dailyconversation in yourfavorite languages including Japanese, Chinese,Korean andItalian!Study beginner Italian vocabulary for free before you fly toRomeand eat a pistachio gelato. Is Korean BBQ your favorite meal?Learnhow to order like a native speaker the next time you’re inSeoul.Check out our intermediate reading lessons and learn how tospeakfluent German before donning the lederhosen forOktoberfest.Working your way through an official Memrise course?Record andcompare your pronunciation to that of a nativespeaker.Memrise, the award-winning free language learning app:Google Play I/O Award Winner for Best App of 2017Editor’s ChoiceTop DeveloperBest of 2016 - Self ImprovementBest AppsFlirt in a foreign language with perfect pronunciation frommemory,or impress locals with your advanced Chinese grammarknowledge thenext time you're on vacation. Got a free minute? Whynot setyourself a challenge and learn two new words a day - you'llbeamazed by how quickly you can pick it up! Whether it's readinginSpanish, challenging your memory skills with German articlesorsimply being curious about Japanese, Memrise offers a uniqueandinteractive approach to the world of language learning.Learn useful, real-life foreign language skills on the go.Withpronunciation guides, beginner and intermediate courses,grammarskills and rich content, Memrise offers everything you needto havea compelling conversation in any foreign language! Downloadtodayand start a conversation with the world around you.
Learn English - 11,000 Words 7.3.2
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.