Top 9 Apps Similar to Business Calculator

Business Calculator
This free and simple businesscalculatorallowsyou to do important business calculations quicklyand easilyon yourphone or tablet.This includes:Sales Tax/VAT - Add or remove tax, or calculate the amountoftaxapplied.Profit Margin - Calculate gross profit and profitmargin,mark-upand contribution margin revenue,Break-even - Calculate break-even point in units or revenue.Efficiency- Calculate staff efficiency.Equity and Assets - Calculate return on equity ratio andreturnonassets.This app also contains a number of other useful calculators:Science Calculators -includingMass/Density/Volume,Speed/Distance/Time,Force/Acceleration,Waves/Frequency andCharge/Current.Maths Calculators - including Volume and Area ofCircles,Spheres,Pyramids, Cones and Cuboids.Conversions Calculators - between Metric and Imperial (USandUK)for weight, distance, area, volume and temperature.The app is adapted for phones and tablets, bothportraitandlandscape.You can choose a number of different themes andfontstopersonalize the app. The app supports both metricandimperialmeasure, and either decimal points or decimalcommasasrequired.The app does not send or receive any informationaboutyourcalculations. Internet access is only used foradverts.Settingsinformation is only used to personalize the app toshow youtheappropriate currency and units.
Quick Business Calculator 1.55.0
Calculate gst, loan, markup, margin, profit, sales, vat
Free Business Calculator 1.0.39
Powerful business, financial and real estate calculatorincludesalgebraic, RPN input and over 400 free calculations. Createyourown, keep a history and share with others.This Lite version includes 5 templates plus optionally createoneof your own. The Pro version offers hundreds of add-ons pluscreatean unlimited number of templates.powerOne calculators have been:● "The créme de la créme of calculators" - AppAdvice● "Incredibly powerful tool for calculations of all kinds."-Smokin' Apps● "You need this calculator. It's miles better thanthecompetition." - Robert Burns● "…sets the benchmark for other calculators to reach." -FredSwan● "Not sure how I could do my job without powerOne." -ArvidMartin● "A legend. The best financial calculator app I have ever seen."-Worldwide Tech● "… powerOne shines." - Mac ObserverCALCULATEWhether mortgages and real estate, finance and investing,mathand science, health and fitness, conversions orconstruction,powerOne has you covered. There are hundreds ofspreadsheet-likecalculator templates pre-installed or in theLibrary, ready rightnow for all kinds of what-if scenario analysis.Five templatesincluded with this Lite version.And for those one-off calculations use powerOne'selegantalgebraic and RPN calculator. Perform calculations ineitherdecimal, scientific, engineering, fraction or feet-inchformat withfunctions that include powers, logs, trig and more.GRAPHSometimes a number isn't enough. Visually seeing data in theformof a function graph, bar chart or scatter plotenhancesunderstanding like a result never could. For instance, seea barchart of entered data in Summary Data or purchaseadditionaltemplates that include graphing via in app purchase.Zoom, pan,trace and analyze in the bundled and in app purchasetemplates, oradd to your own.CREATEpowerOne is easily customized. It includes a dynamic languagetocreate your own calculator templates. It can be as easy asenteringa formula similar to HP Solve or harness the completecapabilitiesof powerOne's simple scripting language. Hundreds ofexamples andinstructions included. Create one with this Liteedition; createhundreds with the Pro version.SHAREWhether colleague or client, powerOne makes it easy to sharetheresults and created templates, too. Just choose who to send itto.The results are in the mail.TRUSTAfter 15 years and almost 20 million softwarecalculatorsdistributed, Infinity Softworks has earned itsreputation for highquality apps. We'd love to hear from you,whether ideas, help orproblems, at [email protected] version of powerOne includes…* Full-featured algebraic and RPN calculator* Pre-installed calculator templates:- Currency Conversions- Date Conversions- Percent Change- Summary Data including sum, average, min and max- Tip* Access to hundreds in the Pro version* Create a single template (Create hundreds with theProversion)* Perform decimal, fraction or feet-inch math with hundredsoffunctions ranging from powers to trig. Access programmer'smath,complex numbers, matrices and more via in app purchase* Share results and templates by simply entering a recipient
Business Calculator 0.0.1
The more accurate an understanding of a company, the easieritbecomes for the owner to take smart decisions in operationsandinvestments. Business Calculator is a cost effective andselfcontained app for small and mid tier business owners to helpthemin understanding of their company by estimating the Net valueof afirm and calculating the business value as a function ofdifferentparameters. Features: - Elegant design, simple to use andsuitablefor different kinds of firms. - Intuitive interface. Theapprequires little or no training to use. Share and Save - Simplytape-mail to send your account book to team members instantly andgetfeedback from them. Alternatively, you can email the booktoyourself or print it. - Locally save the file, and re-use itwithminimal changes. This enables you to see and keep a track ofthefinancial progress over time. ******We also now have the abilitytouse the app on the computer. You can access the app onyourcomputer using any browser. The initial cost of the app is$1.99.The annual subscription cost is between $5-$8 depending uponyourusage rate. Once we receive your initial payments, we'll besharingwith you the app URL with generated code. You'll be able toaccessthe webapp, save, print, email and use all the features tillthenext 2 months after which we'll charge you for thefullsubscription for the entire year. Wish to share with you thatwenow allow the ability to gift our paid apps to friends. Youcanwrite to us about the email of your friends who should receivethegift codes for downloading the app on their device. You canmakethe payment of $0.99 using Donate buttonat The Donate button is at the bottom ofthepage. We accept credit card, debit card and Paypalpayments.*********
Business Calculator Pro 2.7
GK Apps
This app is the pro version of Business Calculator.Completelywithout advertisement! This app consists of a GrossProfitCalculator, Price Calculator, Operating MarginCalculator,Effective Interest Rate Calculator, Value Added TaxCalculator anda Break-Even Point Calculator. Gross ProfitCalculator: You areable to calculate the gross profit (absolutevalue and percentage)and markup (absolute value and percentage).Just enter the costprice and selling price of the product. PriceCalculator: You areable to calculate the price and markup. Justenter the cost andgross margin. Operating Margin Calculator: Youare able tocalculate the operating margin. Just enter the operatingincome andrevenue. Effective Interest Rate Calculator: You are abletocalculate the effective interest rate. Just enter thenominalinterest rate and the number of compounding periods peryear. ValueAdded Tax: You are able to calculate the VAT (valueadded tax) andthe price incl. VAT. Just enter the price without VATand the VATrate of your country. Break-Even Point: You are able tocalculatethe break-even point. Just enter fixed cost, variable costandprice of a unit.
Accounting calc / spreadsheet 4.5
Eric Joyé
Breakthrough application: Calculator or spreadsheet,youdecide...«It is a great android business app that enables youtotakeadvantage of both a calculator as well as aspreadsheet.»⛔Currency conversion is no longer available due totheterminationof Yahoo Finance's free service. █▒░ WHAT FOR ? • sumofmanynumbers (one per line) • recalculate after editing any itemofthevirtual tape (history) • on every row, add a tax(salestax,vat,iva) or a discount • as in a spreadsheet, use apreviousresult ina new formula (links) • ⛔ convert the totals in150currenciesusing updated exchange rate • share yourcalculations(native,Excel, PDF) or turn them into quotation orinvoice! This(free)version contains discreet advertising but isoperationalexceptsaving data, converting into quotation in PDFformatorimport/export to Excel (test only). █▒░ FOR WHOM?Salesprofessionals, (salesman, business manager anddealers):negotiateyour purchases or produce an estimate or aquotation.Businessleaders, chief executives, accountant or traders:as withaspreadsheet, simulate a cost price, or an estimatedbudget.Serviceproviders, craftspeople, self-employed or organizersofshows:instantly produce on the ground, estimates, quotationorinvoice.Individuals, active or retired: • you can add a longlistofnumbers (banks, salary, government, retirement, 401/kplanorincome tax) • manage your expenses or purchases duringthesalesperiod with multiple discounts (3 * 15 - 20% - 10% = 32.40)•checkprices or giving change while travelingabroad.Architects,landscaper, professionals of building or realestate(masons,painters or carpenters): perform easily fieldmeasurements(volumeand area calculations) Intendant, steward,paymaster, bursarorcommissary : with Calc 1, replace your desktopcalculator, manageastock or do an inventory. █▒░ CALC’1 → THREEVERSIONS: ╟──Free(this version) • Additions (Accounting) •modification ofhistory •use a result in an other row (links) • ⛔currencyconverter (150currencies) • adding discounts or taxes(salestax,vat, iva) manualor automatic • rounding value of thetotalincl. taxes • successivetaxes or discounts • can entervariableswith [M=] key • threecolumns : debit, credit and variables•powers, roots and fractionsin exponential notation • share copyinPDF format • offered : "Tipcalculation" • energy-saving (blackandwhite theme) • noconnection required • memory • demo ofspecificsfunctions ofMedium and Full versions with support of SouthEastAsia language,right to left (RTL) and localizedoriental-arabicdigits for PDFquotations. ─╫─ Medium (Businesscommercialcalculator) ♦ Allfeatures of the free version + nocontains ADS +save, backup andrestore calculations + import fromExcelspreadsheet 97 - 2003(xls) + ⛔ giving changemulti-currency.──╢Full (Calculatorquotation business) ♦ Allfeatures of mediumversion + sharequotations in PDF format + exportto Excelspreadsheet 97-2003(xls). █▒░ HELP WITH VIDEOS: •Adding:• Modification, debit,currency: •Parentheses andlinks: • Sub-total,discount, tax andcopy PDF: •Quotation:
Calculator quotation business 4.5
Eric Joyé
Be the most responsive ! Negotiate fares with your customers,inthefield, without any risk of error. Just before leaving,convertyourcalculations into quotation and send him it immediatelyviamail orBluetooth. Watching demo video is ESSENTIAL toacquiretotal controlof your calculator. Try the free/demo version:Calculator orspreadsheet? ⛔ Currency conversion is nolongeravailable due to thetermination of Yahoo Finance'sfreeservice.__________________________________________________HELPWITH VIDEOS: ♦ Adding : ♦Modification,debit,currency conversion : ♦Parentheses: ♦ Sub-total, discount, taxand copyPDF: ♦Quotation: EACHVERSION: __________________________________ ###Free version###(Calculator or spreadsheet ?) ♦ Demo of specificsfunctionsofMedium and Full versions ♦ Additions (Accounting) ♦Modifications♦⛔ Currency converter (150 currencies) ♦ Link aresult of a rowinother row ♦ Adding discounts or taxes ( VAT )manual or automatic♦Rounding value of the total incl. taxes ♦Successive discounts ♦Twocolumns : debit and credit ♦ Can entervariables with [M=] key♦Powers, roots and fractions in exponentialnotation ♦ Share copyinPDF format ♦ Sending, sharing or storingcalculations viaemail,skype, google drive (cloud) or Bluetooth ♦Offered :"Tipcalculation" ♦ Visible in daylight ♦ Right toleftandlocalized no indi-arabic digits support added for PDFquotations♦No connection required__________________________________ ###Medium### (Officecalculator) ♦ All features of the free version +nocontains ADS. +save, backup and restore calculus + import fromExcel97 - 2003(xls) + ⛔ givechangemulti-currency.__________________________________ ### Full###(This version) ♦All features of medium version + Sharequotationsin PDF format +Export to excel 97 –2003(xls)__________________________________________________SENSITIVEPERMISSIONS:♦READ_CALL_LOG:♦READ_YOUR_CONTACTto find the recipient of the PDF file♦FIND_ACCOUNT_ON_YOUR_DEVICE :to send a copy to the defaultsender(you) ♦ RETRIEVE_RUNNING_APPS :if you are running twoversions ofCalc'1
Business commercial calculator 4.2
Chief Executives, negotiators,artisans,merchants, managers, accountants, or individual consumers,you needcalculating or simulating easy and quickly in the officeoroutdoor? Calculator or spreadsheet? You decide... To takefulladvantage of the calculator, it is ESSENTIAL to watchthedemo video...Try the free/demo version : Calculator or spreadsheet?__________________________________________________HELP WITH VIDEOS :♦ Adding :♦ Modification, debit, currency conversion:♦ Parentheses :♦ Sub-total, discount, tax and copy PDF:♦ Quotation : OF EACH VERSION:__________________________________### Free version ### (Calculatororspreadsheet ?)♦ Demo of specifics functions of Medium andFullversions♦ Additions (Accounting)♦ Modifications♦ Currency converter (150 currencies)♦ Link a result of a row in other row♦ Adding discounts or taxes ( VAT ) manual or automatic♦ Rounding value of the total incl. taxes♦ Successive discounts♦ Two columns : debit and credit♦ Can enter variables with [M=] key♦ Powers, roots and fractions in exponential notation♦ Share copy in PDF format♦ Sending, sharing or storing calculations via email, skype,googledrive (cloud) or Bluetooth♦ Offered : "Tip calculation"♦ Visible in daylight♦ Right to left and localized no indi-arabic digitssupportadded for PDF quotations♦ no connection required__________________________________### Medium ### (this version)♦ All features of the free version+ no contains ADS.+ save, backup and restore calculus+ import from Excel 97 - 2003 (xls)+ give change multi-currency.__________________________________### Full ### (Calculator/quotation)♦ All features of medium version+ Share quotations in PDF format+ Export to excel 97 – 2003 (xls)_______________________________________SENSITIVE PERMISSIONS:♦ RETRIEVE_RUNNING_APPS : if you are running two versionsofCalc'1
Business Calculator 1.0
This free app is a calculator for businessadministrationandeconomics. Gross Profit: You are able to calculatethe grossprofit. Just enter the Cost of Goods Sold and Sales oftheproducts.Sales Price: You are able to calculate the SalesPrice.Just enterthe cost price, Value Added Tax and Margin. ValueAddedTax: Youare able to calculate the VAT (value added tax) andtheprice incl.VAT. Just enter the price without VAT and the VATrateof yourcountry. Break-Even Point: You are able to calculatethebreak-evenpoint. Just enter fixed expenses, variable expensesandprice. Bestfinancial math app for school and college! If you areastudent, itwill helps you to learn finance and economy!