Top 23 Apps Similar to Ear Worthy

MusiLearner - ear training 1.0
Want to try and expand your practicalmusicalskills? Looking for ear training exercises on-the-go?MusiLearner helps you to learn and practice by numerousexercisesrelated to ear training and music theory.Several difficulty levels and settings make this app toyourideal musical companion. Whether in the train, at home sittingonthe sofa or on a holiday beach, with MusiLearner you have youreartraining teacher always there. And if you want to workundisturbedonce, just use your headphones.Features:From section ear training:- Melody dictation- Rhythm dictation- Chord dictation (with and without inversions)- Function dictation- Interval dictation- Scale dictationFrom section music theory:- Read intervals- Read chords- Read scalesFor each type of exercise you can previously definevarioussettings. For example, how many intervals you want topractice, howmuch time you have to answer, what intervals you wantto practice,if only perfect intervals, or both minor and major, andmuch more...Available languages: English and GermanNote:This is the first version that was released. If you finderrorsdespite careful examination, it would be great if you couldinformus before giving this app a negative rating. We always strivetooffer quality at a fair price, so it would be great if youwouldalso be fair to us giving us the opportunity tocorrecterrors.Improvements and other exercise ideas are always welcome. Pleaseusethe contact information shown below.We wish you much success and fun while practicing.
Amazing Slow Downer 2.7.6
Roni Music
Slow music down without changing pitch.
99M Player PRO 2.0.10
This is an app made for those who live through music and thinkaboutlistening to it on their Android device as an easy andpleasantexperience. Be always in control of all your songs, whatyou playand listen, and share it with your friends. Don't worryabout yourInternet connection! Just keep your favorite music onyour deviceand enjoy it wherever you go.Keep it easy, keep it on…The new 99M Player is even more awesome than before! How isthispossible? Thanks to our users feedback!Become part of our family and help improve 99M Player evenmore!What do we enjoy so far?- Simple and intuitive interface and navigation.- Identification icon next to currently/now playing track.- Music tracks sorted by name, album, artist, genre, year, folderorplaylist.- Rate songs with up to 5 stars.- Automatic or manual posting to Twitter or Facebook with whatyouare listening or rating.- Slide track changer.- Widget for Lock and Home Screen.- Lots of additional options with just a long press.- Currently playing songs queue with easy management.- Smart playlist creation with lots of different filters tochoosefrom.- Automatically updated lists when you delete or addmusicfiles.- Graphic 5 band Equalizer- Graphic Bass Boost and 3D Effect controls. (withheadphonesplugged in)- Simple visual help.- Search bar so you can find what you want to hear easily.- View information for each music track file.- Set your favorite song as your personal Ringtone.- Change between gorgeous and unique visual themes for theapp(In-App Purchase, more to come)
Quiztones Ear Training for EQ 1.0.0
Dan Comerchero
★ Based on the 5-star app previouslyonlyavailable for Mac & iOS - ★Quiztones is a frequency ear training app for amateurandprofessional audio engineers, producers, and musicians.Quiztones uses tones and frequency-altered noise and musicalloopsto train your ears and help develop more acute listeningandfrequency recognition skills.Quiztones will... • Sharpen your ears & frequencyrecognitionskills • Improve your mixing and EQ chops • Prevent noise and frequency buildup in your mixes&recordings • Eliminate the need to sweep for frequencies Quiztones cleverly uses quizzes to engage users intrainingexercises. Quizzes included in version 1:• Sine Waves• Pink Noise• Piano• Drums• Bass• Electric Guitar• Acoustic Guitar---** If you have any issues with Quiztones, please cancel yourorderwithin 15 minutes and shoot us in email with your devicedetails sowe can look into it! **Email us with any feedback/feature requests: [email protected]: over 30 quizzes, 1/3-octave EQ quizzes, source materialfromyour music library, gain quizzes and more, check out QuiztonesforMac & iOS at
Matter of Listen - PRO 1.01
Reactive Source
Herramienta para elentrenamientoauditivoespecializada para ingenieros de sonido(ingenieros degrabación,mezcla y mastering), músicos yprofesionales del audio.Con unaserie de retos que alteran laspropiedades y dimensionesdelsonido, el usuario tendrá que reconocery determinar cual delasposibles respuestas es la apropiada segúnelcambiocorrespondiente.En los últimos 50 años el avance de la tecnologíaenlareproducción, grabación y manipulación ha sidoexponencial.Cadavez menos ruido, mejores espacios acústicos, cadavezmasfidelidad, en resumen mas calidad en las señales de audio.Apesarde todo este avance siempre es crucial la habilidadconscientedela escucha, para poder medir, analizar y discernirentrelascualidades físicas de los sonidos musicales ylograrexpresarsemusicalmente.Adquirirá unas habilidades puntuales:* Afinara su oído mejorando su percepción musical* Mejorará enormemente sus habilidades dereconocimientodefrecuencias.* Sus mezclas sonaran mas despejadas ya que evitaráquelasfrecuencias de los sonidos se enmascaren.* No tendrá que hacer barridos frecuenciales paraidentificarlafrecuencias problemáticas o deseadas.* Mejorará enormemente sus habilidades de reconocimientodeladinámica (volumen) del sonido.***** USAR AUDIFONOS CON UNA RESPUESTAFRECUENCIALAMPLIA*****Existen 3 tipos de pruebas:1. Identificación de tonos fundamentales.2. Reconocimiento de aumento en banda de frecuenciasenmaterialsonoro.3. Reconocimiento de nivel de presión sonora (Volumen)(Pruebasdeganancia positiva y negativa).******* NO CONTIENE NINGÚN TIPO DE PUBLICIDAD, a diferenciadelaFREE*******Se cuenta con todos los niveles de dificultad en las 3tiposdepruebas.Material sonoro - versión PRO:* Ruido rosa.* Guitarra acústica.* Batería (Percusión).* Bajo.* Guitarra eléctrica.* Piano.* Voz.* Música - Drum&Bass.* Música - Orquestral.Una vez usado con frecuencia la aplicación empezaráaescucharcualquier material sonoro de una maneratotalmenteclara,percatándose con detalle del contenido frecuencialy surespectivadinámica. Pasara del concepto de "adivinar" y "moverlasperillashasta que suene bien" al concepto de "confianzayseguridad" en lasdecisiones que influyen en la manipulaciónelsonido.Auditorytrainingtoolspecialized for sound engineers (engineers recording,mixingandmastering), musicians and audio professionals. With aseriesofchallenges that alter the properties and dimensions ofsound,theuser has to recognize and determine which of thepossibleanswersis appropriate under the applicable change.In the last 50 years the advance of technology intheplayback,recording and handling has been exponential. Less andlessnoise,better acoustic spaces, increasingly loyalty, in shortmorequalityaudio signals. Despite all this progress isalwayscrucialconscious ability to listen, to measure, analyzeanddiscernbetween the physical qualities of musical soundsandachievemusical expression.Will acquire a specific skill:* Refine your ear improving their musical perception* Improve your skills greatly recognition frequencies.* His mixes sounded more clear as it will prevent thefrequenciesofthe sounds are masked.* No need to do frecuenciales scans to identify theproblemordesired frequencies.* Improve your skills greatly recognition dynamics (volume)ofthesound.***** USE HEADPHONES WITH A WIDE FREQUENCY RESPONSE *****There are 3 types of tests:1. Identification of fundamental tones.2. Recognition of increased frequency band program material.3. Recognition of sound pressure level (Volume) (Testingpositiveandnegative gain).******* NOT CONTAIN ANY ADVERTISING, unlike ******* FREEIt has all the difficulty levels in all 3 types of tests.Audio materials - PRO version:* Pink Noise.* Acoustic Guitar.* Battery (Percussion).* Low.* Electric Guitar.* Piano.* Voice.* Music - Drum & Bass.* Music - Orchestral.Once frequently used application will start to hearanysoundmaterial in a totally clear, realizing in detailthefrequencycontent and their respective dynamics. Pass the conceptof"guess"and "move the knobs until it sounds right" to the conceptof"trustand confidence" in the decisions thataffectsoundmanipulation.
Ear Worthy Free 1.07
Bit Byte Lab
Ear Worthy trains you to have perfect pitch. It is one ofthemostcomprehensive ear training apps on the Appstore to date.Itwilltrain you on an extensive variety of musicallisteningandidentification skills from notes and intervals toscalesandchords. The Ear Worthy includes high quality piano samplesandanintuitive user interface. The App has four mainfeatures,whichplay musical elements, and the user is given theopportunitytoidentify what is being played: 1. To identify notes –Randomnotesare played individually. 2. To identify intervals – 2Notesareplayed sequentially. 3. To identify scales – A set ofnotesareplayed sequentially, ascending and descending. 4.Toidentifychords – 3 to 5 notes are played simultaneously.Keywords:pitchear training listening notes intervals scales chordsmusictheory
Ear Training 1.0.56
Apps Musycom
For guitar players, singers or anyone playing piano or anymusicalinstrument.
StudioEars 2 Audio EQ Training 1.0.9
Sean K.
With StudioEars 2 you improve your Audio EngineeringMusicMixing& Mastering skills. Put your hands onto aMulti-BandEqualizerEQ Trainer and get Your Mix to match a TargetMix. Choosefrom avariety of sounds, take Frequency EQ Quiz Unitsand get adecentpractice in rhythm and harmonics. Sounds include avarietyfromPink Noise to real instruments. In BPMRecognition,RhythmicPatterns, Intervals, Chords and Scalesexercises you cantrain yourear to harmonize with some of the mostimportant aspectsof music.StudioEars 2 also comes with a few usefultools such as aBPMTapper, Metronome or Tone Generator. To keeptrack of youreartraining and audio engineering improvementsStudioEars 2alsoprovides a statistics section. Try before you buy!Start up to10Training Units for free. StudioEars 2 Overview:-FrequencyTraining in Hands-on Equalizer or EQ Quiz Trainer Mode-BPMRecognition - Rhythmic Pattern building -Harmonics:Intervals,Chords, Scales - Reverb and Compressor QuizTrainer -Tools: BPMTapper, Metronome, Tone Generator - Audio QuizStatistics
Volume Button Recorder PRO 5.0-VBRP
Press volume up or down to start/stop recording
Peekaboo Orchestra 1.1
Touch & Learn
★ WHO’S THAT HIDING…..? Bang... It’s a drum... PEEKABOO DRUM! ★ ★AFUN & EDUCATIONAL introduction to the Instruments &Soundsof the Orchestra ★ 16 Amazing Classical Musical InstrumentstoDiscover ★ Fun Nursery Rhymes & Musical TunesPeekabooOrchestra is beautiful interactive peekaboo game foryoungchildren. Can your child guess which instrument is hiding?BRIGHTCOLORS, FUN SOUNDS & NURSERY RHYMES and EXCITINGANIMATIONS. ★HEAR the sounds of the hidden classical instrument -can your childguess what it is? ★ TOUCH the screen to reveal whichinstrument ishiding. ★ A selection of NURSERY RHYMES played by eachinstrument.★ SIMPLE interface - so simple your child can play ontheir own. ★Learning that’s FUN Peekaboo Orchestra is designed forbabies,preschool and kindergarten children aged 12 months+, butloved bykids of all ages. LET’S PLAY PEEKABOO... Peekaboo Orchestraisstimulating, fun and educational. For younger kids and babiesitssimple mechanics help develop hand-eye coordination - agreatintroduction to basic computer skills. The Bright colors,excitingsounds and nursery rhymes will help stimulate earlysensoryperception. Older kids (preschool and kindergarten) willenjoylearning the names of the classical instruments andtheirassociated sounds. ORCHESTRAL/CLASSICAL INSTRUMENTS INCLUDE:PianoBassoon Xylophone Tuba Harp Clarinet Saxophone Cello FrenchHornOboe Trombone Violin Trumpet Flute Timpani Drum Double BassNURSERYRHYMES INCLUDE: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star The Grand OldDuke ofYork Jack & Jill Little Bo Peep Baa Baa Black SheepRecommendedage 12 months+. Kindergarten and Preschool. Loved bykids (andanimal lovers!) of all ages. More INSTRUMENTS and NURSERYRHYMEScoming soon... ABOUT US We are a newly formed company whosesolepurpose is providing QUALITY interactive children’s earlyyearssoftware. Primarily aimed at Babies, Preschool childrenandKindergarten kids. As parents ourselves we’ve struggled tofindsuitable teaching software. It is for this reason we created“Touch& Learn”. Our background is in both teaching(preschool,kindergarten and early years) and design. With over 30yearscombined experience we feel we have both the relevantexpertise andexperience to guide both parents and children throughthosechallenging early years of development. PLEASE, CONTACT US Ifyouhave any questions, queries, problems, suggestions or complaintsdonot hesitate to contact us. We will endeavour to address themwitha direct response or future software updates.
Chord Wheel 1.04
Be fluent in chord theory using "chord wheel."
Rainy Mood • Rain Sounds 2.5
The #1 rain sounds app. Rain makes everything better! Sleepbettertonight!
Hip Hop Mixtapes 4.7.8
This is Hip Hop MixtapesIf you love hip hop mixtapes then this is the only app you'llneed,no other hip hop mixtape app comes close.From old favourites to hot new mixtapes no other app has thismanyavailable mixtapes..The great content in this app is complimented with goodfeaturesthat add to the enjoyment of listening to your favouritemusic.Don't settle for less! here is what you get.Features:4x1 audio widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard)4x2 audio widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard)1x1 audio widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard)1x1 dice widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard) used to retrievearandomly selected mixtape4x2 new indy list widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard) providesalist of the newest indy mixtapes in the main app. Clicking onamixtape from the list will open the mixtape in the main app.4x2 new major list widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard) providesalist of the newest major mixtapes in the main app. Clicking onamixtape from the list will open the mixtape in the main app.4x2 random list widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard) providesalist of the random mixtapes. Clicking on a mixtape from thelistwill open the mixtape in the main app. Click on the dice icontogenerate a new random list.2x3 stack widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard) used todisplayyour downloaded content. Clicking on a mixtape from the listwillopen the mixtape in the main app2x2 slideshow widget(homescreen\lockscreen\keyguard) used todisplayrandom mixtapes. Clicking on a mixtape will open themixtape in themain appAll widgets are resizable.mp3 tag editor.notification controls with the ability to download thecurrentlyplaying song.Lock screen controls.musiXmatch floating lyricsand more....The album art in the above screenshots are blurred forlistingpurposes. All album art within the app appear withoutbeingblurred.*Not affliated with, endorsed or sponsored by datpiff,Livemixtapes,Crack Mixtapes, That Mixtape, Get Right Music,RapSearch or anyother company mentioned in this listing or in theapp.Legal Disclaimer:All texts, images and video and content are copyright totheirrespective owners and usage for this app falls within fairuseguidelines. As does the nominative use of logo's usedfordescriptive and identification purposes.Attribution:This app uses both modified and unmodified icons from the"materialdesign icons" the link in the followinglink"The throne was empty, so I sat down"
Ear Trainer 1.0
Ear trainer with musical program.Ear trainer withmusicalprogram.
Ear Trainer Version 1.15
Derek Kam
Ear Trainer is designed to aid an aspiring musician in learningtoread sheet music and pick notes out by ear. It features threemodesincluding a practice mode, reading quiz, and listening quiz.EarTrainer was conceptualized as part of Hawaii PacificUniversity'sCSCI 4702 Mobile Programming course as a solo project.Futureadditions -Rounds -Statistics and records -Chromatic ScalePleasesend any questions, comments or [email protected] Design, Programming and MaintenancebyDerek Kam.
Ear Training Basic 1.0.9
Apps Musycom
Music has rhythm and melody. Being abletolisten some music notes and knowing whats going on in termsofpitch and duration is an important ability for a musician.Eartraining helps you to read a sheet music without an instrumentandknowing how it sounds.If you are taking guitar lessons or piano lessons this appwillbe very useful for you. Playing piano music or guitar musicisbetter done when you have a clear idea about music notesdurationand pitch.Ear training is vital to understand music theory. How toplayguitar or how to play piano is not just a matter of movingyourfingers, it has a lot to do with listening and knowing what youarelistening to.Perfect pitch is not a requirement to enter a musicschoolbecause there will be ear training lessons. So this appissomething you must have if you are on singing lessons, tryingtolearn how to read music, studying music scales, playingviolinmusic or reading piano sheet music.This app is for those who want to develop a good musicalear.
Absolute Pitch 1.1.31
Perfect pitch training
Musical Dictation lite 3.0
Musical Dictation generates melodic dictations up to 16notes,withmusical notation, which are corrected by theapplicationitself.You can choose between Atonal dictations,selecting theintervalswith which you want to work or Tonaldictations (Major orNaturalMinor) in which the melodic dictationnotes, as well as thetype ofalteration (sharp or flat) are adjustedto the chosen key.Itssimple interface shows one or several staves,the musical notesandan audio player with Play, Pause and Stopcontrols tolisten,pause, and stop the melodic dictation. Theoperation is veryeasy.When you open the app or when pressing theNew dictationbutton,the staff appears with all the notes set in thechosentonic. Allthe Musical Dictation settings are establishedbypressing theSettings button. Now it’s your task to place thenotesin the rightpitch. Pressing the Play button, you listen tothemelodicdictation. You can move each note to its tonalstaffposition bydragging it vertically with your finger. You canlisten,pause orstop the dictation’s melody and make thenecessarycorrectionswhenever you want . Once satisfied with theresult,pressing theDone button, successes and errors are displayed.Withthe intervalsselection and the Difficulty control, you canstartwith simplermelodic dictations (semitone, tone, etc.) andgraduallyincreasethe complexity with greater melodic jumps betweennotes. Themain screen has three buttons: - New: It generates anewmelodicdictation. - Done: It evaluates the melodicdictation,showingsuccessful and failed notes. - Settings: It openstheSettingsscreen. In the settings screen you can customize: -Tone:Atonal,Major and Natural Minor. - Intervals: In AtonalDictationyou canselect the intervals you want to appear in thedictation.From asemitone to an octave. In the Tonal Dictation(Major orNaturalMinor) the intervals are adjusted to the chosenkey. -Tonic:Musical Dictation’s base note. - Octave: Octave inwhichthemelodic dictation begins. - Number of Notes: From 2 to16.-Instrument: 24 instruments. - Tempo: From 15 to 250BPM.-Difficulty: The greater the difficulty, the intervaljumpsaregreater and more unpredictable. - Note info: The name ofthenoteappears when selected on the staff. - Visual: It enhancesthenotethat is playing at every moment.
Earoid-Rhythm (ear training) 1.04
Make examples for ear training and play them.This version provides rhythm example only.two voices and harmony version will be coming soon.Melody version has been launched!!!You can download it through searching "Earoid'.
Absolute Pitch
★ ★ ★ ★ ★Absolute PitchMusic game geared toward music lovers, beginnersandprofessionals.► Have fun, playing and learning the musical notes!Challengeyour friends!With this super music game, you can sharpen your perceptionofmusical tones!Absolute Pitch has an intelligent game system that gives to theuseran amazing experience!► Game Modes☆Normal☆ ☆ Medium☆ ☆ ☆ Difficult☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Insane☆ ☆ ☆ Challenge your friends ☆ ☆ ☆☆ ☆ ☆ Share your score ☆ ☆☆☆ ☆ ☆ Be the best on the World Ranking! ☆ ☆ ☆★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Earoid-Melody (ear training) 1.17
Earoid has been made forpracticalear-trainning.It can make melody of 8 measures and play that.The melodies are made randomly through algorithms.Earoid-M version provides monophony melodies.You can contact with the developer through facebook
Note Trainer Learn to Sight Re 2.1.3
Big Box Labs
Learn music notes in a fun musical game for sight readingpianomusic
Dictation Music Player 1.0.4
It play music and display dictatedscaleonkeyboard.Display scale detection is not Perfect as inaccurate.You can peel description label tape on option menu.