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Free Bird - Simple Debt Tracker
Free Bird, a simple loan tracker built to help you trackallyourdebts, interest and repayments effortlessly in your hand.Manyofus lose track of some of our debts with friends andfamily,whichis not a good thing and in some cases, it might leadtobitterexperiences. This simple utility app will help you trackandmanageyour debts, calculate accumulated interest and keep a noteofallrepayments. Your data would be saved securely on the cloudandcanbe retrieved even if you change or upgrade to a newAndroiddevice.All the needed features are available. • AutomaticBackup ofyourData on the cloud • 100% Safe & Secure • Reportgenerationofyour debts with your pals • Reminders about Payment Duedates•Interest Calculation made easy • Helps you with a plan togetdebtfree fast Simple to Use Trust us. FreeBird is very easytouse.When you lend/borrow money from your friend, All you have todois• Enter the name of the person or choose from yourcontacts•Choose whether you have given or taken and the dateofthetransaction • Enter the amount and interest rate (if any)•Enter adescription to help describe your loan and thecircumstance.• Andthat's it! Your loan is be saved and you canrelax. MainFeatures •We don’t distract you while you are cleaningup yourfinances withannoying ads. Not in the future also. • Addanunlimited number ofloans. All for free. • View the aggregatedloanssummary by user,with insight into the net due and paymentreminderamount. • Applyvarious filters to the existing loans tonarrow downto match yourinterest and order them according to yourpreference.• Quickly seethe all scheduled loans of future alongwith any loansyou'vemissed in Overdue section. • Have a glance atall the list ofyourpayees with a visual indicator depicting nettransaction typei.e.lent or owes or settled. Your privacy is theutmost priority tousand we take this very seriously. We will neversell your datawiththird-parties. If you have any questions,suggestions orfeedback,please email [email protected]. We are allears to get anyfeedbackon making this app work better for all ofus. A big thankyou forreading all of this :)
Ensabill - Financial Assistant 0.5.0
Ensabill's mission is to make finance easy and enjoyable.Whosaidhaving a personal financial assistant is only for therich?Itmight be used to be this way, but no more withEnsabill.Ensabillis a smart, simple, reliable, and efficient way tomanageyourmoney. With Ensabill, you can easily keep track ofyourspendings,set budgets, get advanced reports, and knoweverythinghappeningwith your finances with 24/7 notifications.Don’t worry wewon’tdisturb you at night unless something reallyserious happens!TRACKEVERYTHING With Ensabill, you can now trackeverythinghappening inyour bank account. How you're spending yourmoney andhow muchincome you're making. Not only that, but you canalso trackyourrecurring subscriptions. Nothing will go unnoticedfrom nowon!ALERT AND NOTIFICATIONS Like a normal assistant,Ensabill willkeepyou busy with notifications. Notifications willkeep youupdatedwith everything happening at any moment. Staynotifiedwhenever atransaction takes place. Get daily, weekly andmonthlyupdatesabout valuable reporting information. Know whenyou've goneoverbudget so you can fix and plan ahead. ADVANCEDREPORTS You cannowdump all these excel files. We know nothingbeatsvisualrepresentation and so we went on and re-dideverythingfromscratch. You can now check the previous history andcompare ittotoday, get a breakdown of your expenses and infoandstatisticsabout your general finances. EVERYTHING CATEGORIZEDWEKNOW,FINALLY right? Everything is categorized. And wesayeverything, weliterally mean everything. You need no moretomanually set them,we’ve taken all the hard work off of you.CONNECTTO ALL YOUR BANKACCOUNTS Do you own more than one bankaccount?We're know howpainful it is to keep track of one bankaccount, howabout two ormore? As such, with a seamless and easyprocess, youcan integratemultiple bank account into the app. Nowyou're able tokeep trackof all your accounts in only one place!SECURE ANDENCRYPTED Theprotection and safety of your data are ourhighestpriority. Itprecedes anything else. At Ensabill, allyourinformation isencrypted using the highest security measures intheIndustry. Allthe connections between your data, our servers,andbanks aresecured using TLS 256 encryption. Still here? What areyouwaitingfor! Download now and have your financial companion withyouat alltimes. Ensabill currently works only in the UnitedArabEmirates.More countries to come... ❤️ Help us make Ensabillbetter!Wehighly appreciate your reviews and comments. Download,addbillsand subscriptions, and feel free to leave your feedback.Ifyouhave any questions or comments, please contact us:✓Support:[email protected] ✓ Official Website:✓Telegram:✓Twitter:✓Facebook:
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