Top 2 Apps Similar to m-Safe Pro

Secret Video Recorder 1.0
36 Green Apps
Have you ever encountered a situationwhereinyou missed to take the video of an important deal, that maybeafinancial, legal, or an important agreement. Also, you wanttohavethe video for your reference and more importantly you donotwantthe others to know about it, our App would assist youachievethis.How to Use:1. Install the app on your phone.2. Activate the app by setting up the correct schedulethatyouwant the app to take the video.3. The videos would be in your phone itself.Features:Open the App and select the features that you want theapptoRecord the video right away or you want a scheduled it.The whole process can be controlled by a single button,veryeasyto switch between normal recording andscheduledrecordingmodes.Videos can be saved, played, and shared.The app can work in complete stealth mode, if you switchonthesame.One important feature is, you can hide the important videos.How to Hide:1. Long click on any of the video that you want to hide,apopupwill appear that asks your confirmation for the same.2. Once you hit Ok, the video would be taken off thenormallistand would be put in the hidden list.How to view Hidden files:1. When you are in the List of videos screen, and hit4timescontinuously on the top header text ‘Records List’ , youwillbetaken to the Hidden list.How to Unhide a hidden file:1. Long click on any of the video that you want to unhide,apopupwill appear that asks your confirmation for the same.2. Once you hit Ok, the video would be taken off thehiddenlistand would be put back to the normal list.Stealth Activation:1. Open the app and hit 4 times continuously on thetopheadertext Spy Video Recorder , the Stealth popup will openup.2. Inside the popup, you would see the Stealth options,SelectON,and provide a Stealth Key.3. The Key should be a 4 digit key starting with a‘*’,Example:*12344. Hit on OK.5. Check the App screen, the App icon should disappear,andnowthe App is in Stealth Mode.6. Any time, you want to open the App, Go to the Dial PadandDialthe Stealth Key that you already saved (starting with *).TheAppopens. Also, if you don’t want the App to be in Stealthmode,switchOff the Stealth Key by hitting the header text 4times.Notes:---------1. The Video Recording does not work on certain handsetsandcanresult in inferior quality recordings. We suggest that youtrythefree version before purchasing the paid app.
m-Safe 1.3
m-Safe is android tool app is answertothefollowing questions.Q. How to find your phone if it is missing nearbyandunfortunately on silent mode?Q. How to take backup of contacts or delete all contactsincaseof phone lost/stolen?Q. How to get some one's contact number if you forgotyourphoneat home?Q. How to delete a file, take backup of a file, delete afolderorformat SD card in case phone lost/stolen/missing?Q. How to get SMS backup in case phone lost/stolen/missing?Q. How to save message to secret/private inbox?Q. How to get location of your phone(if possible)?Q. How to change profile mode to silent, vibrate ornormalmodewithout touching your phone?Q. How to save battery when it goes below a certain level?Q. How to change profile modes automatically whengoinginmeeting, lectures, prayers?Q. How to on/off mobile data without touching your phone?Q. How to inform your loved ones in case of emergency?Q. How to hide caller details like name and numberwhencallcomes?Q. How to auto silent your phone when getting callsfromunknownnumbers?m-Safe provides many feature like REMOTE ACCESS, MYEVENTS,CALLRECORDER, SECRET INBOX which enables you to answertheabovequestions.REMOTE ACCESS :- It makes you enable to performmanyoperationsremotely on the other phone like find your phone,changeprofileand many more...How it works?It works in two ways1) Via internet, both phone must haveworkinginternetconnection2) Via SMS, SMS will be chargeable as per tariff plan.Example to find your phone which is missing near by :-Via Interneta) Enter email id registered in missing phoneb) Enter password of missing phonec) Select the operation code WRU stands for Where Are YouandhitexecuteVia SMS,a) Write sms in this way :- passwordOperationCode (e.g.12345WRU)b) Send it to the your mobile phone.MY EVENTS :- where you can set your events which willhappenatspecified time.E.g. set your phone to silent/vibrate/normal mode, TurnofWIFI(after leaving office) and many more.PANIC SITUATION :-In case of emergency hit panic situation, turn on locationifitsoff and then hit START PANIC. It will send sms to yourcareoffnumbers set by you with your approximatelocation(ifavailable)OTHER SILENT FEATURES :-1. Safe gallery to save images and videos.2. Torch3. Block list4. Call RecorderYou need not to have separate app for theabovesilentfeatures.Note :- Call recorder may not work in all devices, weareworkinghard towards same.