Top 2 Apps Similar to İstanbul Tüp Bebek Merkezi

Gynecologist. Dr. Emine Özel 0.0.1
Sesame Works
With your questions with this applicationingynecology find the answers.- ABOUT -Open the About section gynecologist. Dr. Sure you can findgeneralinformation about private. In this section, resumecontainsinformation about clinical applications and articles.- CALCULATION -The calculation section can calculate when your baby willbeborn.- CURIOUS -You can get information about the questions and have beenwonderingsection, you can review the pregnancy week by weekpregnancyprocess title. In this section, complaints pregnancy,IVF,pregnancy, pap smear tests performed in pregnancy tests andnormal/ caesarean section contains information about the birth.- PREGNANCY and CHILDBIRTH -With Pregnancy and Childbirth section you can learn what you needtoknow during pregnancy. In this section, pre-pregnancycounseling,antenal maintenance, changes in the mother's body, shopchanges,diet & weight gain, early pregnancy bleeding,threatenedmiscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, molarpregnancy, furtherbleeding during pregnancy, screening tests &rsik detection,gastasyonel diabetes screening issues There areabout Learn on.- FAMILY PLANNING -You can get information about family planning andcontraceptivemethods section. In this section, birth control pills,birthcontrol ring, monthly injections, Implanon, RIA (Spiral),Mirana,emergency contraception methods, diaphragm, cervical cap,condom,tubal ligation, there is information about vasectomy.- INFERTILITY and IVF -With Infertility and IVF department can get knowledge abouttheproblem. In this section, vaccination (insemination) andprovidesinformation about in vitro fertilization.
Tüp Bebek & Dr. Fatih ÖĞÜÇ 2.1
Dr. Fatih ÖĞÜÇDünya Tüp BebekleriTüp Bebek Merkezi çocuk sahibi olmak isteyen hastalarımızınartıkyeni umudu olacak. Uygulamamızda güncel Tüp bebek tedavileriileilgili bilgileri bulabilirsiniz.Her türlü soru ve sorununuzubuuygulamada paylaşabilirsiniz. Uygulamamızı oluştururkenözellikledinamik ve interaktif olmasına önem verdik. Soru vepaylaşımlarınızen kısa sürede yanıtlanacaktır. Çağdaş toplumun enönemlisorunlarından biri haline gelen çocuk sahibi olma zorluğunuaşarkenmerkezimiz herzaman gerçekçi, çözüm odaklı, samimi vepaylaşımcıtarzı ile yanınızda olacaktır. Sevgi vesaygılarımızla.Dr. Fatih ÖĞÜÇWorld Tube BabiesIVF Center of our patients who want to have children will nolongerbe new hope. Practice your information in ourbulabilirsiniz.htypes of questions and problems related to thecurrent IVFtreatments can share this application. We giveparticular attentionto creating our application is dynamic andinteractive. Questionswill be answered as soon as possible andshares. We have become oneof the most important problems ofcontemporary society whilenegotiating the challenges of having achild center alwaysrealistic, solution-oriented, it will be therewith a friendly andcollaborative style. With love andrespect.