Top 1 Apps Similar to Islamic Practice

Islamic Thinking 1.3
Usamah Khan
A huge compendium of Islamicquotes,wisdom& positive messages that can be received as apushnotificationto kick-start your day. A great short meaningfulstorycollectionand a large image gallery. And for the firsttime,everythingorganised into convenient categories for you to findjustwhatyou're looking for, to save & share with your friendsatthetouch of a button. Collated over a period of 6 years it'soneofthe most comprehensive collections around. With newquotes&stories added regularly the app stays fresh &alwayshassomething to offer.As-Salāmu `Alaykum, I am very pleased to announce the launchofourIslamicThinking App available to download now for bothiOSandAndroid platform. The app which has taken around a yeartodevelopwas a concept thought of many years back but due to alackoffunding was not able to be developed until now.If you have followed any of our social media profiles forthelastsix years you will see that our aim is to teach andinspirethroughshort sharp poignant quotes, short meaningfulstories (akaStorytime)and lovely images. The app brings all theseelementstogether andallows you to easily save and share yourfavouritequotes, stories& images.KEY FEATURES:NOTIFICATIONS: The app will send your phone arandompositivequote through the notification bar at the top ofyourscreen. Youcan have as little as one notification a week and uptoas many asthree notifications a day to liven your spirits andboostyour day.The notification can be shared and saved directlyfromthenotification screen.QUOTES CATEGORIES: Have you ever wanted to find aspecificquotefor a specific occasion? Maybe you want to sendsomeone a niceDuaor are you someone who likes to share a positivemessageonFacebook or whatsapp everyday? All our quotes aresortedbycategory for the first time so you can find easily whatyouarelooking for.STORYTIME: All other favourite Storytime stories savedinoneplace for you to read and share with your friendsandfamily.IMAGES: Beautiful images of the Haramayn plusotherbeautifulmasjids from around the world for you to view andsharewith yourfriends and family.RANDOM QUOTES DAILY: A random 8 quotes are displayed ontheapphome timeline everyday for you to pick one to favouriteandsharewith your friend and family.VIDEOS: Links to videos from our YouTube page which hasallourStorytime stories and much more.SEARCH BAR: Search for a quote via a keyword or phraseandallquotes with such words will be displayed.Contact Info:Join us on Facebook where we have over 5 million fans: us on Twitter where we have over 1millionfollowers: you have any feedback or questions please email us at:[email protected]