Top 5 Apps Similar to IASLC Staging Atlas - Spanish

TNM Cancer Staging 1.0.0
TNM Cancer Staging App is a simple to use mobile app developedtostage down staging of cancer. TNM Cancer StagingfeaturesProspective search that includes Alphabetical Search andSystemSearch. Interactive Search is another great feature thatprovesvery helpful in staging cancer disease by tapping on absenceorpresence of related symptoms that in turn derives stagingvalues.The app also features universal search that can be used tosearchthe indexes and lists. Users can also create and manage easytoaccess bookmarks for any page.
OncoTools 1.6
OncoTools is an application thatfacilitatesthetasks of coding for histologies, topographies andcalculationsstagesaccording to the type of cancer and theinterancionalclassificationICD-O-3. Additionally you can view andsearch therelationshipbetween cancers, histology and topography aswell ascalculations ofBMI and Body Surface. It can be used inofflinemode.The information sources used are: Cancer Staging Manual Sixth edition ISBN: 0-387-95271-3Developed by:Comisión Honoraria de Lucha Contra el Cáncer - Uruguay Indice Masa CorporalBMI Body Mass IndexASC Area Superficie CorporalBSA Body Surface AreaThat isanapplicationOncotools Facilitates the tasks of codingforhistologies,topographies and calculations stages según the typeofcancer andthe interancional classification ICD-O-3.Additionallyyou can viewand search the relationship BetweenCancers, histologyandtopography as well as calculations of BMI andBody Surface. Itcanbe used in offline mode.The information sources used are: Cancer Staging Manual Sixth edition ISBN: 0-387-95271-3Developed by:Honorary Commission for the Fight Against Cancer - Uruguay Body Mass IndexBMI Body Mass IndexASC Body Surface AreaBSA Body Surface Area
My TNM Be 1.0.3
The application MY TNM Be is intended tohelpyou determine the stage of digestive neuroendocrine tumors(dNETs)of your patients. This is a calculator using the ENETS(EuropeanNeuroendocrine Tumor Society) and the UICC (InternationalUnionAgainst Cancer) TNM classifications.This application consists of 3 sections:- The section TNM determines the stage of a dNET based onaquestionnaire that you fill out with the characteristics ofthetumor. The TNM stage is determined simultaneously according totheENETS classification and to the UICC (International UnionAgainstCancer) classification.- The WHO 2010 section presents the classification of theWHO(World Health Organization) published in 2010 and itsevolutionover previous versions.- The Grade section enables to determine the histologicalgradeof a dNET according to the ENETS from the values of themitoticindex and Ki67.Pre-registration on the following website is requested inorderto receive personal access codes that allow you to connect totheapplication.Using the application MY TNM is reserved exclusively forBelgiandoctors in a strictly professional context to determine thedNETstage (pancreas, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon/rectum) of their patients.Once the application is installed on your mobile device, itisunder your sole responsibility to enter the various parameterstoobtain the tumor stage of your patient, merely for yourguidance.The result of this calculation is based entirely on theinformationyou have voluntarily provided.In all cases, you are personally responsible for theconsequencesof the results provided by the application only asindicative, andyou are fully responsible for your therapeuticchoice. All recordsof patients with dNETs should be discussed in amultidisciplinarymeeting (MOC : multidisciplinary oncologicalconsult) as required bythe sick funds (RIZIV/INAMI)..This application uses the ENETS classification published in2006and 2007, the 7th edition of the UICC classification and theWHOclassification published in 2010. In case of one ormoreclassification modifications, this application could no longerbeused to determine the stage of the dNETs of your patients.No one but you is permitted to use the application. It isnotallowed to transfer the application to a third for anyreasonwhatsoever.
IASLC Staging Atlas -Spanish 1.3
Presents IASLC-recommended changes forlungcancer staging in the UICC and AJCC 7th edition of TNM.Especiallyvaluable to oncologists, surgeons, radiologists,scientists, andpathologists working in the field of thoraciconcology. IncludesIASLC-original illustrations, beautifullyrendered specifically forthe iPad and smartphone media. Interactivestaging tool foron-the-spot verification of 7th edition TNMclassificationvariables.
Manual of Clinical Oncology 2.7.55
** The Essential Resource for the Care of Oncology Patients **