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厚黑学(簡繁體) 1.1
厚黑学的发源起始于李宗吾先生,而其影响则应《厚黑学》而来。他在厚黑学一书中,宣扬脸皮要厚如城墙,心要黑如煤炭,这样才能成为“英雄豪杰”。他列举了曹操、刘备、孙权、司马懿、项羽、刘邦等人物为例,试图证实其厚黑学而列举当中各人之厚薄与黑白如何影响他们的成败。虽然有人撰写“薄白学”来反击厚黑学,但厚黑学一书一直受到民间重视,辗转相传,以厚黑学命名的相关中文书籍多达200本以上,几乎成为现代显学中的一种。厚黑学从某个角度反映了中华民族黑暗自私的一面,然而也反映了中国人的处世之道。厚黑學的發源起始于李宗吾先生,而其影響則應《厚黑學》而來。他在厚黑學一書中,宣揚臉皮要厚如城牆,心要黑如煤炭,這樣才能成為“英雄豪傑”。他列舉了曹操、劉備、孫權、司馬懿、項羽、劉邦等人物為例,試圖證實其厚黑學而列舉當中各人之厚薄與黑白如何影響他們的成敗。雖然有人撰寫“薄白學”來反擊厚黑學,但厚黑學一書一直受到民間重視,輾轉相傳,以厚黑學命名的相關中文書籍多達200本以上,幾乎成為現代顯學中的一種。厚黑學從某個角度反映了中華民族黑暗自私的一面,然而也反映了中國人的處世之道。Thick black schoolstartsat Mr. Li Zongwu of origin, and its impact should be "thickblackschool" from. His thick black school a book to promote thickskin,such as walls, heart to black as coal, so as to become"heroes." Hecited Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Sima Yi, Xiang Yu,Liu Bang andother characters, for example, trying to confirm theirthick blackschool and enumerated among the thickness of the blackand whitehow each affects their success or failure. Although somepeoplewrite "thin white school" to counter the thick black school,but athick black book has been civil attention, according to legendwasremoved to thick black school named after the relevantChinesebooks up to 200 or more, almost in one of the modern schooloflearning. Thick black school from a certain angle reflectsthenation dark selfish side, but also reflects the Chinesepeople'slife skills.Thick black school starts at Mr. Li Zongwu of origin, and itsimpactshould be "thick black school" from. His thick black schoola bookto promote thick skin, such as walls, heart to black ascoal, so asto become "heroes." He cited Cao Cao, Liu Bei, SunQuan, Sima Yi,Xiang Yu, Liu Bang and other characters, forexample, trying toconfirm their thick black school and enumeratedamong the thicknessof the black and white how each affects theirsuccess or failure.Although some people write "thin white school"to counter the thickblack school, but a thick black book has beencivil attention,according to legend was removed to thick blackschool named afterthe relevant Chinese books up to 200 or more,almost in one of themodern school of learning. Thick black schoolfrom a certain anglereflects the nation dark selfish side, butalso reflects the Chinesepeople's life skills.
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