Top 22 Apps Similar to IQRO Jilid 3

IQRO Jilid 2 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi IQRO Jilid 2.Iqro` adalah sebuah metode pembelajaran Al-Qur`anyang cepat karena tahapan-tahapannya yang berurutan dan mudahdifahamiJangan lupa kasih rate & review nya ya :)This applicationcontainsIQRO Volume 2.Iqro `is a method of learning the Qur` anfast because of its phases are sequential and easy in understand itDo not forget to rate & review his love ya :)
IQRO Jilid 1 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi IQRO Jilid 1.Iqro` adalah sebuah metode pembelajaran Al-Qur`anyang cepat karena tahapan-tahapannya yang berurutan dan mudahdifahamiJangan lupa kasih rate & review nya ya :)This applicationcontainsIQRO Volume 1.Iqro `is a method of learning the Qur` anfast because of its phases are sequential and easy in understand itDo not forget to rate & review his love ya :)
Iqro Lengkap 1.0
Cara cepat dan mudah menujubacaAlquranyangbaik,tartil dan tajwid yang benar.How to quicklyandeasilytothe Koran read good, tartil and correctrecitation.
Buku Iqro Lengkap 1 - 6 5.0
Buku Iqra Lengkap , dari Iqro 1 sampaidenganIqro 6, Belajar Mengaji Al Quran dengan metode IQRO- Penggunaan sangat simpel dan mudah- Tulisan Arab Sangat Jelas- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- teks dapat di zoomAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu,maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya,tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yg mengamalkannyaComplete Iqra book,fromIqro Iqro 1 to 6, learned reading the Quran with themethodIQRO- Usage is very simple and easy- Writing Arabic Very Clear- Application OFFLINE, can run without an internet connection- Application of light- text can be in the zoomLet's spread this appAnyone who teaches a science,then he will get the reward of those who practice it,without prejudice to reward those who practice it
Iqro digital 1.1
Rizky Studio
Metode cara membaca alquran dengan mudah,baik dan benarMethodsofhow to read the Quran with ease, good and true
Iqro Digital 1 - 6 1.2
Aplikasi Belajar Iqro lengkap Jilid 1Sampaidengan Jilid 6Iqra’, biasa diterjemahkan dengan “bacalah”, merupakankatapertama dari wahyu yang disampaikan Tuhan kepada Nabi Muhammadsaw.Tentu saja hal ini mengherankan bagi Nabi, karena beliauadalahseorang buta huruf. Apa yang harus dibaca?, “Ma aqra?”,demikianpertanyaan balik Nabi setelah berulang-ulang Jibrilmenyampaikanperintah tersebut. Kita juga tidak menemukan penjelasantentang apaobyek yang harus dibaca dari kata iqra’ ini, oleh sebabituterdapat berbagai macam pendapat para ahli tafsir.Kata iqra’ berasal dari kata qara’a, dalam kamus-kamus, katainimemiliki arti yang bermacam-macam, diantaranya adalahmembaca,menganalisa, mendalami, merenungkan,menyampaikan,menelitidan lainsebagainya. Dengan demikian perintah iqra’ atau “bacalah”ini tidakmengharuskan adanya suatu tulisan yang bisa dibaca, jugatidakmengharuskan adanya suatu ucapan yang bisadiperdengarkan.Pengertian ini sesuai dengan arti kata qara’a itusendiri yang padaawalnya memang mempunyai arti “menghimpun”.Al Qur’an sering menggunakan kata qara’a dalam berbagaiayatnya.Terkadang hal itu menyangkut “bacaan” yang bersumber dariTuhanatau kitab-kitab suci (misalnya :QS 17:45), namunkadang-kadangjuga menyangkut “bacaan” yang bersumber dari manusiaatau bukandari Tuhan (misalnya :QS 17:14). Dengan melihatbukti-bukti iniditambah lagi dengan tidak adanya penjelasan tentangapa saja obyekyang menyertainya, maka bisa dipahami apabila kataiqra’ dianggapmemiliki arti yang luas dan bersifat umum.Dapat ditarik kesimpulan, bahwa iqra’ yang berartimembaca,menganalisa, mendalami, merenungkan,menyampaikan,menelitidanlain-lain , mencakup obyek apa saja yang dapat dijangkau olehkatatersebut. Baik itu “membaca” ayat ayat yang bersumber dariTuhan(kitab suci) juga “membaca” hasil karya manusia sepertibuku-bukudan koran. Termasuk disini adalah meneliti, menganalisadanmerenungkan alam semesta, dinamika masyarakat dan diripribadi.Contoh seperti menikmati puisi atau membaca majalah,memecahkanmasalah kantor atau RT, mengajar atau mengerjakan PRadalahimplementasi dari pelaksanaan perintah iqra’ yangpalingsederhana.Dengan begitu luasnya cakupan kata iqra’, apakah dengandemikiansetiap nafas kita bisa dianggap sebagai melaksanakanperintahiqra’?, tentu saja tidak!. Karena kata iqra’ dikaitkandengankalimat “bi ismi Rabbika” (dengan nama Tuhanmu). Ini berartibahwamakna iqra’ bukan hanya sekedar asal membaca, ,tapi sekaligusjugamenuntut pelakunya agar pandai-pandai memilih obyek yangdibaca,diteliti, dianalisa dan di renungkan tersebut dapatmengantarkannyakepada “nama Allah” itu. Dengan kata lain dapatdikatakan bahwakita juga diwajibkan memilih obyek dari perintahiqra’ secara tepatserta harus tentang kebaikan dan hal-hal yangbermanfaat, bukantentang keburukan.Iqra’ adalah tuntunan pertama yang diberikan Allah swtkepadamanusia, satu-satunya mahluk yang dianugerahiNya potensikeilmuan,potensi yang tidak dimiliki oleh malaikat sekalipun.Semakin tinggi“pembacaan”, semakin terbuka rahasia-rahasia alam dansemakinberkembang pula ilmu pengetahuan. Tidak berlebihan jikadikatakanbahwa iqra’ merupakan syarat utama guna membangunperadaban. Iqra’bukan hanya ditujukan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw,tetapi juga untukseluruh umat manusia sepanjang masa. Karenarealisasi perintahiqra’ merupakan pintu gerbang menuju kepadakebahagiaan hidupdidunia dan akhirat.Application LearningIqrocomplete Volume 1 Up to Volume 6Iqra ', usually translated as "read", the first word oftherevelations of God to the Prophet Muhammad. Of course this isasurprise to the Prophet, because he was illiterate. What to read?,"Ma Aqra?", So the question behind the Prophet afterrepeatedGabriel delivered the order. We also did not find anexplanation ofwhat objects are to be read from the word iqra 'is,therefore,there are various opinions of the commentators.The word iqra 'comes from the word qara'a, in dictionaries,thisword has various meanings, which are read, analyze,explore,reflect, express, researching, and so forth. Thus commandiqra 'or"read" this does not require the existence of an articlethat canbe read, nor does it require the existence of a speech thatcan beheard. This understanding is in accordance with the meaningof theword itself qara'a initially indeed have meaning "raise".Qur'an often uses the word qara'a in various verses. Sometimesitinvolves "reading" that comes from God or sacred books (eg:Sura17:45), but sometimes also involves "reading" which is derivedfromhuman or not of God (eg: Sura 17:14) . By looking at thisevidencecoupled with the absence of any explanation of theaccompanyingobjects, it can be understood if the word iqra 'areconsidered tohave a broad meaning and a general nature.It can be concluded, that iqra 'which means to read,analyze,explore, reflect, express, researching and others, includesanyobject that can be reached by the word. Whether it is "read"versesthat comes from God (holy book) is also "read" man's worksuch asbooks and newspapers. Included here is to examine, analyzeandcontemplate the universe, society and personal dynamics.Examplessuch as enjoying a poem or reading a magazine, troubleshootofficeor RT, teaching or doing homework is the implementation ofthecommand execution iqra 'simplest.Given the breadth of coverage word iqra ', is thus everybreathwe can be regarded as carrying out orders iqra' ?, of coursenot !.Because the word iqra 'associated with the phrase "biSeismicrabbika" (the name of your Lord). This means that themeaning iqra'is not just home to read, but it also demands thattheperpetrators be very clever to choose the object is read,studied,analyzed and in the reflection can be delivered to the"name ofGod" it. In other words it can be said that we are alsorequired tochoose an object from the command iqra 'appropriatelyand should beof good and useful things, instead of evil.Iqra 'is first given guidance of Allah to man, the onlycreaturethat dianugerahiNya scientific potential, the potential ofwhich isnot owned by an angel. The higher the "readings", the moreopen thesecrets of nature and science is growing too. Noexaggeration tosay that iqra 'is a major requirement to buildcivilization. Iqra'is not only addressed to the Prophet Muhammad,but also for theentire human race of all time. Because realizationiqra command 'isthe gateway to the joys of living in the world andthehereafter.
Juz Amma-Iqro-Tajwid 1.2
Juz Amma (Juz 30) And Learn to Read the Koran and Tajweed
Iqro Lengkap (1-6) & Jelas 3.0
Belajar Buku Iqro Digital Lengkap (1-6)DanTulisan JelasMetode Belajar Membaca alquran dengan cara mudah baik danbenardengan mempelajari dan mengaji diawali dengan mengenaliqraterlebih dahulu.----------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi Bisa Dibaca Tanpa Menggunakan Koneksi Internet.- Aplikasi RINGAN- Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)Jangan Lupa Kasih Rate Dan Review Ya ^_^Digital learningIqroComplete Book (1-6) and Writing ClearLearning Reading the Quran easy way properly to learn andrecitebegins with knowing iqra first.-------------------------------------------------- -- Applications Can Read Without Using theInternetconnection.- Applications LIGHTWEIGHT- Inshallah Helpful :)Do not Forget Love Rate And Review Yes ^ _ ^
Iqro Droid 1.0
Fs Studio
Aplikasi Buku IQRA' Lengkap dan padatkhasterutama untuk anak-anak yang masih mengaji muqaddam..Mudah dan cepat difahami karena terdapat hanya didalam H/Pataugadget anda saja..Boleh dibuka dan dibaca dimana sahaja adik-adik sukadanbila-bila masa sahajayang difikirkan perlu..Buku IQRA' ini menggunakan Format PDF untuk membukanya..Andaperluaplikasi "Adobe reader atau polaris viewer" untukmendukungaplikasi ini.Adik-adik boleh mendapatkannya secara percuma sahaja diPlayStore dengan mengklik icon PDF Installer yang terdapatdalamaplikasi ini...Adik-adik akan dibawa terus ke pautan Play Store untuk memuatturunPerisian PDF ini...Pengajian adik-adik juga akan menjadi lebih mudah,lancardancepat dengan adanya aplikasi Buku Iqra'Lengkapini..INSYAALLAH..Sekian Selamat Beramal dan Wassalam..
Buku Iqra Lengkap 1-6 1.0
Buku Iqra lengkap dari Iqro 1 sampai Iqro 6- Simpel dan mudah- Tulisan Arab Yang Sangat Jelas- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- Teks dapat di warnaiMAN ARADADDUNYAA FA`ALAIHI BI`ILMII..WAMAN ARADALAAKHIRATIFA`ALAIHI BI `ILMII..WAMAN ARADA HUMAA FA`ALAIHI BI`ILMII.( Barangsiapa yg ingin bahagia di dunia harus dg ilmu,dan siapa yginginbahagia d akhirat juga dg ilmu,ingin bahagia dua-duanya makaharusdg ilmu )
Iqro 1 - 6 1.0
Iqro adalah cara belajar memahamihurufhijayyah sehingga dapat membaca Alquran dengan tartil dantajwidyang benar.Iqro is how to learntounderstand the letter hijayyah so it can read the Qur'anwithTajweed tartil and correct.
Iqro for Active Learning Metod 1.0
Application Study of complete Iqro volume1upto 6 volumes of Iqra ',usually translated as "read", is the first word oftheRevelationgiven by God to the Prophet Muhammad. Of course thisissurprisingfor a prophet, because he was an illiterate.What to read?, "Ma aqra?", thus turning the Prophetafterrepeatedquestions Gabriel delivered these commands. We alsodid notfind adescription of what the object should be read from thewordiqra 'is, therefore, there is a range of opinion ontheinterpretation ofexperts. The word iqra ' comes from thewordqara'a, indictionaries, this word has a meaning that isdiverse,includingreading, analyzing, studying, contemplating,researching,etc. Thusthe command iqra ' or "read" this does notrequire thepresence ofa text that can be read, nor do they requirethepresence of aspeech that can be heard. This sense correspond tothemeaning ofthe word qara'a itself which initially indeed hasthemeaning of"summons".The Qur'an often use the word qara'a in various verses.Sometimesitcomes to "readings" from God or the Holy Scriptures(forexample: QS17:45), but sometimes also concerns the"readings"sourced fromhuman or not of God (for example: QS 17:14).Bylooking at thisevidence coupled with the absence of anexplanationof what theaccompanying objects, then it can beunderstood whenthe word iqra 'is considered to have the sense of abroad andGeneral innature.Conclusion can be drawn that the iqra ' whichmeansreading,analyzing, studying, contemplating, researching,andothers,includes any object reachable by those words. Be it"toread"paragraph paragraph sourced from God (Scripture) also"read"humanworks such as books and newspapers. Included hereisexamine,analyze and ponder the universe, the dynamics ofsocietyand of theprivate self. Examples such as enjoying poetryorreadingmagazines, troubleshoot Office or RT, teaching orworkingonHOMEWORK is the implementation of a command execution iqra'thesimplest. With such breadth of coverage of the word iqra ',isthusevery breath we can be regarded as implementing orders iqra'?,ofcourse not!. Because the word iqra ' is associated withthephrase"bi ismi Rabbika" (with Your name).This means that the meaning of the iqra ' is not justtheoriginof reading, but at the same time also demanded theculpritsoclever-clever selecting objects that read, researched,analyzedanddelivered can be contemplated in the "name of God". Inotherwordswe can say that we are also required to choose an objectfromtheiqra ' appropriately and must be of good and usefulthings,notabout ugliness. Iqra ' is the first guidance given byGodAlmightyto mankind, the only beings that aredianugerahiNyascientificpotential, the potential of which is notowned by Angelthough. Thehigher the "readings", the more open thesecrets ofnature andscience is also growing. Is not an exaggerationto saythat theiqra ' is the main requirement to build civilization.Iqra' is notonly devoted to the Prophet Muhammad, but also forallmankind forall time. Since the realization of orders iqra ' isthegate to thehappiness of living in the world and thehereafter.
Sahih Al Bukhari Pro 2
Bangla Droid
Sahih Al Bukhari (bukhari english):We have made this application from the book of Sahih AlBukhari.The user can choose the volume, the book of that volume andthenthe individual hadith of that book. The user can also changethevolume by swapping from left to right or right to left. Theusercan make a list of favorite hadith as well as the user will beableto keep a bookmark in each book which will facilitate the usertoresume his/her reading. He/she will also be able to sharethehadith via facebook, email, twitter and other sharingsocialnetworks. There is also a facility to change the font colorand thefont style.Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds ofProphetMuhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports oftheProphet's (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. ImamBukharilived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's (saw) deathandworked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth.Bukhari (full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail binIbrahimbin al-Mughira al-Ja'fai) was born in 194 A.H. and died in256 A.H.His collection of hadeeth is considered second to none.Hiscriteria for acceptance into the collection were amongst themoststringent of all the scholars of ahadeeth.Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of whichhasseveral books. Each book contains many ahadeeth. The ahadeetharenumbered consecutively per volume. The books really only servetogroup ahadeeth together, but the volumes impose thenumbering.Volume 11. Revelation2. Belief3. Knowledge4. Ablution (Wudu')5. Bathing (Ghusl)6. Menstrual Periods7. Ablution with dust8. Prayer (Salat)9. Prayer Hall (Sutra)10. Times of the Prayer11. Call to Prayer12. Characteristics of PrayerVolume 213. Friday Prayer14. Fear Prayer15. The Two Festivals (Eids)16. Witr Prayer17. Dua' for Rain (Istisqaa)18. Eclipses19. Prostration20. Shortening Prayers21. Night Prayer (Tahajjud)22. Actions while Praying23. Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz)24. Tax (Zakat)25. Tax (Zakat ul Fitr)26. Pilgrimmage (Hajj)Volume 327. Minor Pilgrimmage28. Pilgrims Prevented29. Prilgrims Hunting Penalty30. Virtues of Madinah31. Fasting32. Ramadan Prayer33. Stay in Mosque (I'tikaf)34. Sales and Trade35. Paid in Advance36. Hiring37. Debt Transfer38. Business by Proxy39. Agriculture40. Distributing Water41. Loans, Bankruptcy42. Lost & Found43. Oppressions44. Partnership45. Mortgaging46. Freeing Slaves47. Gifts48. Witnesses49. Peacemaking50. ConditionsVolume 451. Wills52. Jihaad53. One-fifth of Booty54. Begining of Creation55. Prophets56. Merits of SunnahVolume 557. The Companions58. Merits of Al-Ansaar59. ExpeditionsVolume 660. Prophetic Commentary61. Virtues of the Qur'anVolume 762. Marriage63. Divorce64. Supporting Family65. Food, Meals66. Sacrifice on Birth67. Hunting, Slaughter68. Al-Adha Sacrifice69. Drinks70. Patients71. Medicine72. DressVolume 873. Good Manners74. Asking Permission75. Invocations76. Softening the Heart77. Divine Will (Qadar)78. Oaths and Vows79. Unfulfilled Oaths80. Inheritance Laws81. Punishment Laws82. Disbelievers (war)Volume 983. Blood Money84. Dealing with Apostates85. Under Duress86. Tricks87. Interpretations of Dreams88. End of the World89. Judgments90. Wishes91. Truthfull Word92. Holding Steadfast93. Oneness of Allahbukhari sharif, sahih-al bukhari.
Ыйык Куран 2.3.1
Kyrgyz tiline kotorulgan Kuran. Bul kitepte 114 sүrөө bar
Iqro Full 1.0
Metode cara belajar iqro dengan mudahdancepat.Method of learningIqroeasily and quickly.
MyQuran Al Quran Indonesia 5.2.57
Tulisan Arab Al Quran tidak diambildariinternet, sesuai versi cetak di Indonesia dan sudah diperiksa(TASHIH)Aplikasi Al Quran digital android terjemahan bahasaIndonesiaterbaik asli buatan anak bangsa.Fitur :✔ Text Al Quran android Digital offline tanpa internet 30 Juz114Surah secara gratis✔ Desain indah dan elegan✔ Menyimpan surah terakhir, Klik pada ayat ayat AlQurandanterjemahannya✔ Pencarian Terjemahan dalam ayat ayat Al Quranbahasaindonesia✔ Kumpulan Doa dalam Alquran gratis✔ Bookmark✔ Ayat Sajdah✔ Membaca dan mendengarkan audio murotal mp3➢ Penulisan alquran terjemahan indonesia dan Latin sesuaiversicetak danTASHIH➢ Audio murotal Qori AlQuran mp3➢ Terjemahan Indonesia TASHIH➢ Al Quran Tajwid berwarna TASHIH➢ Latin / Transliterasi TASHIH➢ Swipe dengan 2 jari untuk pindah halaman➢ Alquran Audio mp3 Player yang bagus➢ Bagikan ke Media Sosial, Facebook maupun Twitter➢ Copy Terjemahan, latin dan arab➢ FullScreen, Landscape dan Portrait➢ Tampilan per halaman✔ Tugas Khatam untuk Ramadhan dan Hafal untuk hafizh✔ Asmaul Husna 99 nama baik Allah✔ Alarm terintegrasi dengan Jadwal Waktu Sholat wajib 5 waktu✔ Makhraj disertai audio◀◀◀ Tolong sebarkan karena banyak aplikasi AlQuran androidyangberedar yang belum mendapatkan sertifikasi tashih.▶▶▶Dengan aplikasi Al Qur'anul Karim yang indah ini, kami harapkitadapat menerima manfaat yang besar agar semakin cinta kepadaKitabSuci umat IslamBaca Kitab suci umat Islam dalam terjemahan AlQuran BahasaIndonesiaini selalu.===========================================Aplikasi android terbaik dari the WALi studio adalah MyQurandanMuslim Daily.Hubungi : [email protected] website kami di
Belajar Iqro 1.0
Metode cara belajar iqro dengan mudahdancepatMethod of learning howtoeasily and quickly Iqro
Iqro Lengkap 1.0
Fs Studio
Dahulu pada waktu kecil kita mengajimambacaiqro yang mana iqro adalah tahapan dalam memahami membacaAlquran.Iqro digital android yaitu buku iqro yang bisa terinstaldihandphone yang berbasis android dari iqro 1 sampai iqro6lengkap.Buku iqro digital android ini ( 6 JILID ) bisa sobatdownloaddiplay store atau DISINISelamat belajar membaca iqro dimana dan kapan saja , sesibukapapunkita masih bisa membacanya karna iqro digital ini mudah danbisadibawa beserta handphone sobat.First on small timewerecite read something Iqro which Iqro was a stage inunderstandingthe reading of the Koran.Digital Iqro Iqro android is a book that can be installedinmobile phones based on Android from 1 to Iqro 6 Iqrocomplete.This android digital Iqro books (6 JILID) can matedownloaddiplay store or HERECongratulations to learn to read Iqro anytime and anywhere,nomatter how busy we are still able to read digital Iqro becauseitis easy and can be taken along with phone pal.
iIQRA : Now with 2 Reciters & 3ModesiIQRA : Now available in English, French &Malay(Bahasamalaysia)iIQRA is now Android 'Universal', means users purchase onlyoncebutgets ALL versions for the price of one purchase -smartphonesandtablets. Its "buy one, get ALL versions FREE".i-IQRA’ brings ‘Touch & Listen’ functionality tothepopular"IQRA’ : The Quick Method of Learning to ReadAl-Quran",originallydesigned to tackle the Al-Quran literacy inIndonesia.Optimizedfor iPad & iPhone, this app allows users toaddbookmarks andcreate notes anywhere throughout its pages,andprotect them withuser password. Up to 4 users can createUserID.In-app purchases available to unlock the rest of thepagesperbook.Default instructional languages are in English andMalay.Frenchand Dutch are currently under developement andInsyaAllahwould beavailable soon. Other languages are work inprogress.This book has been adopted by the Ministry ofEducationMalaysiaas a teaching guide for reading the Quran in allprimaryschools,certain secondary schools and institutionsthroughoutthecountry.Iqra’ method, known as ‘Talaqqie Musyafahah’emphasizestheteaching of reading the Al-Quran through phonicsmethod, ashowJibril had taught Prophet Muhamad (pbuh) to readtheAl-Quran.This method has been identified to be most effective,easyandpractical in helping learners of all ages readtheAl-Quransuccessfully in a short period of time, not onlyMalaysiaandIndonesia, but also in other ASEAN countries.Reciter 1: Pronunciations and recitations is providedbyUstazMohd Shukri Ali Al-Hafiz, the 2011 Quran Recitationchampionforthe Federal Territories (Kuala Lumpur area) inMalaysia.Reciter 2: 2nd Reciter Voice is provided byUstazAbdulHakeemMuhammad Al-Marawi. Ustaz AbdulHakeemStudiedUlumulwahyiWahifzittanziil at University Of Kubang BujukMalaysia(UKBM/MQKB)- Trengganu, Malaysia. Ustaz AbdulHakeem who isfromthePhilipines, is currently works at Masjid Sultan,Singapore.InsyaAllah we will be adding one more alternativevoice(youngmuslim’s voice) for the pronunciation and recitation inthenearfuture.Join Us on Facebook : IQRA : Touch, Listen & LearnIn-app purchases available for individual book purchaseorbundleset. Introductory offer pricing. Get know whileitlasts!Contact us via email [email protected] forbugs,featureenhancements requests.
Iqro For Android 1.0
Berkah Studio
Belajar iqro lengkapLearningIqrocomplete
IQRO Jilid 5 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi IQRO Jilid 5.Iqro` adalah sebuah metode pembelajaran Al-Qur`anyang cepat karena tahapan-tahapannya yang berurutan dan mudahdifahamiJangan lupa kasih rate & review nya ya :)This applicationcontainsIQRO Volume 5.Iqro `is a method of learning the Qur` anfast because of its phases are sequential and easy in understand itDo not forget to rate & review his love ya :)
Time 4 Dhikr 8.5
Time 4 Dhikr