Top 8 Apps Similar to iPieta Deutsch 3

Divine Office 1.3.62
Dear Divine Office Community,We have been a ministry dedicated to bringing the Liturgy oftheHours to everyone everywhere for many years. We grew out of anRCIACommittee to become facilitators of thousands of people whopraytogether. I have dedicated more than 10 years in God’s servicetothis work. In that zeal to serve and naivety we acquiredsomepermissions, but we are missing some key ones. We have beenasked,understandably so, to close off our ministry to new peoplewhile wego through the lengthy process of acquiring permissions.For thisreason, we are discounting this app for 3 days to allowourexisting community and friends access, but after that wewillremove it from sale. It will continue to function for as longas wepermitted, but until we receive all appropriate permissionsitwon’t be available again for sale.Dane FalknerGod servant and producer of Divine Office----The Best Catholic iPhone and iPad App! [ Reader'sChoiceAwards winner]. This app is an opportunity for you toparticipate inthe recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours: thepublic prayer of theChristian community.NOTE: This app is in English only.Hours included for each day are:* Invitatory* Office of Readings* Morning Prayer* Midmorning Prayer* Midday Prayer* Midafternoon Prayer* Evening Prayer* Night PrayerThis app will automatically update its content while youarerunning it with an Internet connection.This App is an audio and text version of the official setofdaily prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours of the RomanCatholicChurch (Breviary). It wirelessly downloads several days ofprayersat a time, without the need for synchronization or access toacomputer.For clergy required to pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily,orlaity who recite the daily prayers to maintain theirintimateconnection with God, The Divine Office App is designed tomakepraying more convenient, enjoyable, and simple enough foranyone touse. It automatically downloads the appropriate prayersfor eachoffice, every day of the year, including Solemnities,Feasts, andMemorials.The Divine Office App uses the current four-volume Liturgy oftheHours with a bias towards the USA calendar. This version istheofficial prayer book of the Catholic Church, however, itissuitable for those following Eastern Orthodox andAnglicantraditions.When St. Paul advises us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “praywithoutceasing,” he intends more than simply bowing our heads andspeakingto God on a regular basis. He means for us to adopt anongoingattitude of prayer that is a way of life and a constantintercessionfor the salvation of all mankind.As the mystical body of Christ prays in unison, it fulfillswhatPaul advises as Christian conduct, that believers at once prayforthe good of themselves, their neighbors, and the world. Inthisway, prayers become liturgy, a way to fulfill our divinecallingand a practical approach for addressing the suffering oftheworld.The English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours(FourVolumes) ©1974, International Commission on English in theLiturgyCorporation. All rights reserved. Used with permissionbySurgeworks, Inc for the Divine Office website, podcast, apps and all relatedmedia is ©2006-2011 Surgeworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reflections for Lent 2016 1.0
Aimer Media
** NEW for 2016 **** Includes full audio recordings of each day’s content,includingdaily introductions, Bible readings, reflections andcollects. **Reflections for Lent offers a simple way to make space forBiblestudy and reflection from Ash Wednesday (10 February 2016)toEaster Saturday (26 March 2015)."a classic: unpretentious, spiritual and thoughtful"ChurchTimesThis standalone app provides a chance to try the readingsfrombest-selling Reflections for Daily Prayer app but withoutrequiringa subscription.Each day (excluding Sundays) it provides daily Bible readings,areflection by a leading author, and a prayer for the day.This year's app features over 3 hours of audio, whichfeaturesbest-selling authors Paula Gooder, Andrew Davison, MartynPercy andSteven Croft reading their own reflections.Christians have used the season of penitence we call Lenttoprepare for Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection at Easter.InLent it is traditional to fast, pray and practice self-denial.Butkeeping Lent also involves taking up things that help us focusonGod.In particular, Christians are encouraged to set aside timeforreading and meditating on God's word. Reflections for Lent canhelpyou find a time and space to do this - on the move, at work orathome.For each of the forty days of Lent, the app gives you:- Audio recordings for each day, including introduction,dailyreading, daily reflection and daily collect- A reflection on a Bible reading- A Collect (prayer)- Option to read the day's reflection within a 'SimpleMorningPrayer' format- Full lectionary details for Morning Prayer fromCommonWorship- An introduction to Lent by Jane Williams- Tips on Morning Prayer from John Pritchard and on readingtheBible from Stephen Cottrell- An Order for Night Prayer (Compline)The daily reflections are written by leading authorsStevenCroft, Andrew Davison, Paula Gooder, Martyn Percy.Other features of this app:- Browse reflections by date, author and Bible reading- Bookmark your favourite daily entries for easy reference- See reflections for the week ahead- Follow Bible reference links to the online Oremus BibleBrowser(NRSV) - no need for a separate Bible appThe Reflections for Lent app is published by ChurchHousePublishing, the official publisher of the Church of England.Formore information visit of service can be found at course, the practice of daily prayer and Bible reading isonemany people aim to keep beyond Lent. If you enjoy usingthisReflections for Lent app, you can access same high-qualitycontentall year round with the Reflections for Daily Prayerapp.
iPieta Español 3.0.4
SÓLO 1 APLICACIÓN NECESITADA. SIACTUALIZAR,BORRAR TODAS LAS APPS DE IPIETA ANTERIOR!!! LEA ESTAAYUDACONCISA!!Localizada en español.Españolas oraciones y Biblia son precargados.El contenido de todos los idiomas son descargables dentro deestaaplicación.Datos• †: Oraciones• A-Ω: La Biblias: Nacar-Calunga; Jerusalem• Trad, Novus Ordo: Calendario litúrgico tradicional oNovusOrdo• V: Veritas o "Verdad" contiene muchos trabajosespirituales.- Un ⬇︎ indica que el trabajo debe ser descargado. Pulse laceldapara descargar el trabajo; Long-press la celda si deseaeliminar eltrabajo. Usted puede descargar TODAS las obras deVeritaspresionando mucho en la tabla de Veritas de raíz- Descargar todas las obras de Veritas para unalengualarga-presionando la celda de tabla la tabla raíz deVeritas• Marcadores: crear marcadores para oraciones, Biblia, yVeritastrabajaDatos en varios idiomasDeutsch, Inglés, Español, Français, Latina, Türkçe, etc.Pulse el botón arriba a la izquierda para Biblias, oraciones yobrasde Veritas en otros idiomas.Navegación• Indexado mesas: mesas de la mayoría tienen un índice de laderechaque desplaza la mesa para que los datos.• Izquierda o derecha golpe texto: ir a la página siguienteoanterior.Audio• ▶ : Audio está disponible para una oración cuando el títuloespreceder por ▶ .• Descargar, reproducir o eliminar audio: A largo pulse la celdadetabla.• Pausa o reanudar Audio: Pulse el menú de opciones o pulse(alargo) una celda de tabla.Buscar• 🔍 : Toque el icono para buscar texto para eldocumentoactual.- Toque en icono en Veritas para TODOS las obras; tambien enlastablas para todos de las biblias y oraciones.• A largo pulse el encabezado de tabla: Busca sólo esa secciónparaoraciones o trabajos individuales.• A largo pulse la celda de tabla de Veritas: que el trabajodebúsqueda.Menú de opciones• Versiones…: abrir el actual texto de la Biblia con unaversióndiferente de la Biblia.• Idiomas…: abrir la oración o el artículo Summa teológica conunidioma diferente.• Modo noche: cambiar a un fondo oscuro para condiciones depocaluz; o cambio de modo día.• Compartir: compartir el texto actual.• Ajustes: cambiar preferencias de color y preferenciasdecalendario.• Ayuda: volver a esta página de ayuda.APPLICATION NEED ONLY1.IF UPDATE, DELETE ALL PREVIOUS iPieta APPS !!! READ THISCONCISEHELP !!Located in Spanish.Spanish prayers and Bible are preloaded.The contents of all languages ​​are downloadable withinthisapplication.Data• †: Prayers• A-Ω: The Bible: Nacar-Calunga; Jerusalem• Trad, Novus Ordo: traditional liturgical calendar orNovusOrdo• V: Veritas or "Truth" contains many spiritual works.   - A ⬇︎ indicates that the job must bedownloaded.Click the cell to download the work; Long-press the cellto deletethe job. You can download all the works of Veritas pushinghard onthe table root Veritas   - Download all Veritas works for alanguagelong-pressing the root table cell table Veritas• Bookmarks: create bookmarks for prayers, Bible, andVeritasworksData in multiple languagesDeutsch, English, Spanish, French, Latin, Türkçe, etc.Press the top left for Bibles, prayer and works of Veritas inotherlanguages.Navigation• Indexed tables: tables most have a right index which movesthetable to that data.• Left or right stroke text: go to the next or previous page.Audio• ▶: Audio is available for a prayer when the title is precededby▶.• Download, play or delete audio: Long press the table cell.• Pause or resume Audio: Press the Options menu or press (long)atable cell.Search• 🔍: Tap the icon to search text for the current document.   - Tap icon Veritas for ALL works; also intablesfor all of the bibles and prayers.• Long press the table header: Search only that section forprayersor individual jobs.• A long press table cell Veritas: the job search.Options menu• Versions ...: open the current text of the Bible with adifferentversion of the Bible.• Languages ​​...: opening prayer or theological Summa articlewitha different language.• Night mode: switch to a dark background for low lightconditions;day or change mode.• Share: Share the current text.• Settings: change color preferences and schedulepreferences.• Help: return to this help page.
iPieta 3.9.1
Catholic Prayers, Bibles, and Spiritual Works
iPieta: Summa Theologica 2.1.5
The Summa Theologica (St. Thomas Aquinas)inboth English and Latin (except for the Supplement whichisEnglish-only)The data for this module is found in the V (Veritas) table.Allmodules are free. The app will take you to the store if youdon'thave the requested data on your device.
iPieta: Fathers 1 2.1.5
Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers of theChurchfrom Erdman's collection.The data for this module is found in the V (Veritas) table.Allmodules are free. The app will take you to the store if youdon'thave the requested data on your device.
iPieta: Fathers 2 1.1.5
St. Augustine and St. John Chrysostom oftheChurch from Erdman's collection.The data for this module is found in the V (Veritas) table.Allmodules are free. The app will take you to the store if youdon'thave the requested data on your device.
iPieta: Spiritual 2.1.5
Encyclicals and Council Documents andmanyspiritual works including: Imitation of Christ, the Dialogue,Introto Devout Life, St. Josemaria Escriva (©), St. John of theCross,St. Theresa of Avila, St. Louis de Montfort, St.Jean-MarieVianney, and Spiritual Combat.The data for this module is found in the V (Veritas) table.Allmodules are free. The app will take you to the store if youdon'thave the requested data on your device.