Top 10 Apps Similar to iPieta Deutsch

iPieta Español 3.0.4
SÓLO 1 APLICACIÓN NECESITADA. SIACTUALIZAR,BORRAR TODAS LAS APPS DE IPIETA ANTERIOR!!! LEA ESTAAYUDACONCISA!!Localizada en español.Españolas oraciones y Biblia son precargados.El contenido de todos los idiomas son descargables dentro deestaaplicación.Datos• †: Oraciones• A-Ω: La Biblias: Nacar-Calunga; Jerusalem• Trad, Novus Ordo: Calendario litúrgico tradicional oNovusOrdo• V: Veritas o "Verdad" contiene muchos trabajosespirituales.- Un ⬇︎ indica que el trabajo debe ser descargado. Pulse laceldapara descargar el trabajo; Long-press la celda si deseaeliminar eltrabajo. Usted puede descargar TODAS las obras deVeritaspresionando mucho en la tabla de Veritas de raíz- Descargar todas las obras de Veritas para unalengualarga-presionando la celda de tabla la tabla raíz deVeritas• Marcadores: crear marcadores para oraciones, Biblia, yVeritastrabajaDatos en varios idiomasDeutsch, Inglés, Español, Français, Latina, Türkçe, etc.Pulse el botón arriba a la izquierda para Biblias, oraciones yobrasde Veritas en otros idiomas.Navegación• Indexado mesas: mesas de la mayoría tienen un índice de laderechaque desplaza la mesa para que los datos.• Izquierda o derecha golpe texto: ir a la página siguienteoanterior.Audio• ▶ : Audio está disponible para una oración cuando el títuloespreceder por ▶ .• Descargar, reproducir o eliminar audio: A largo pulse la celdadetabla.• Pausa o reanudar Audio: Pulse el menú de opciones o pulse(alargo) una celda de tabla.Buscar• 🔍 : Toque el icono para buscar texto para eldocumentoactual.- Toque en icono en Veritas para TODOS las obras; tambien enlastablas para todos de las biblias y oraciones.• A largo pulse el encabezado de tabla: Busca sólo esa secciónparaoraciones o trabajos individuales.• A largo pulse la celda de tabla de Veritas: que el trabajodebúsqueda.Menú de opciones• Versiones…: abrir el actual texto de la Biblia con unaversióndiferente de la Biblia.• Idiomas…: abrir la oración o el artículo Summa teológica conunidioma diferente.• Modo noche: cambiar a un fondo oscuro para condiciones depocaluz; o cambio de modo día.• Compartir: compartir el texto actual.• Ajustes: cambiar preferencias de color y preferenciasdecalendario.• Ayuda: volver a esta página de ayuda.APPLICATION NEED ONLY1.IF UPDATE, DELETE ALL PREVIOUS iPieta APPS !!! READ THISCONCISEHELP !!Located in Spanish.Spanish prayers and Bible are preloaded.The contents of all languages ​​are downloadable withinthisapplication.Data• †: Prayers• A-Ω: The Bible: Nacar-Calunga; Jerusalem• Trad, Novus Ordo: traditional liturgical calendar orNovusOrdo• V: Veritas or "Truth" contains many spiritual works.   - A ⬇︎ indicates that the job must bedownloaded.Click the cell to download the work; Long-press the cellto deletethe job. You can download all the works of Veritas pushinghard onthe table root Veritas   - Download all Veritas works for alanguagelong-pressing the root table cell table Veritas• Bookmarks: create bookmarks for prayers, Bible, andVeritasworksData in multiple languagesDeutsch, English, Spanish, French, Latin, Türkçe, etc.Press the top left for Bibles, prayer and works of Veritas inotherlanguages.Navigation• Indexed tables: tables most have a right index which movesthetable to that data.• Left or right stroke text: go to the next or previous page.Audio• ▶: Audio is available for a prayer when the title is precededby▶.• Download, play or delete audio: Long press the table cell.• Pause or resume Audio: Press the Options menu or press (long)atable cell.Search• 🔍: Tap the icon to search text for the current document.   - Tap icon Veritas for ALL works; also intablesfor all of the bibles and prayers.• Long press the table header: Search only that section forprayersor individual jobs.• A long press table cell Veritas: the job search.Options menu• Versions ...: open the current text of the Bible with adifferentversion of the Bible.• Languages ​​...: opening prayer or theological Summa articlewitha different language.• Night mode: switch to a dark background for low lightconditions;day or change mode.• Share: Share the current text.• Settings: change color preferences and schedulepreferences.• Help: return to this help page.
iPieta 3.9.1
Catholic Prayers, Bibles, and Spiritual Works
iPieta Français 2.0.4
SEULEMENT UNE APPLICATION EST NÉCESSAIRE.S'ILY A UNE MISE A NIVEAU, SUPPRIMER TOUS LES APPLICATIONSPRECEDENTESD'IPIETA !!! VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT CETTEAIDE!(Requiert Android OS 4.4 ou supérieure)Localisé en Français.Bible et prières Français sont préchargés.Contenu de toutes les langues sont téléchargeables danscetteapplication.Les données• †: Les prières• A-Ω: La Biblia Crampon• Trad, Novus Ordo: Traditionnel ou le calendrier liturgiquedeNovus Ordo• V: Veritas ou «Vérité» contient de nombreusesœuvresspirituelles.- ⬇︎ indique que le travail doit être téléchargé. Appuyez surlacellule pour télécharger l'œuvre; Appuyez longuement sur lacellulesi vous voulez supprimer l'œuvre. Vous pouvez téléchargerTOUTESles œuvres de Veritas en appuyant longuement sur la sourcedutableau de Veritas.- Télécharger toutes les œuvres de Veritas pour une langueenappuyant longuement sur la source du tableau de Veritas.• Les signets: Créez des signets pour les prières, la Bible etpourles œuvres de VeritasLes données dans plusieurs languesDeutsch, English, Español, Français, Latina, Türkçe, etc.Appuyez sur le bouton en haut à gauche pour avoir accès auxbibles,aux prières et aux œuvres de Veritas dans d'autreslangues.La navigation• Les tableaux indexés: La plupart des tableaux ont un index versladroite qui fait défiler les données de cet tableau.• Glissement vers la gauche ou vers la droite du texte: Passer àlapage suivante ou à la page précédente.L'audio• ▶ : Le son est disponible pour une prière lorsque le titreestprécédé de ▶ .• Télécharger, lire ou supprimer un audio: Appuyez longuement surlacellule du tableau..• Pause ou reprise audio: Appuyez sur le menu des options ouappuyezlonguement sur une cellule du tableau.Recherche• 🔍 : Appuyez sur l'icône pour rechercher le texte du documentencours.- Cliquer sur Veritas vas lancer la recherche sur TOUS lestravauxde Veritas; En cliquant sur la source de la prière et surlestableaux de la bible, cela vas lancer la recherche sur touteslesprières et les bibles; En cliquant sur le tableau sourcedeVeritas, cela vas lancer la recherche sur toutes lesdonnéestéléchargées.• En appuyant longuement cela vous dirigeras: Recherchez ceslivresdans l'en-tête. Recherche uniquement cette section pour lesprièresou les œuvres individuelles.• Appuyez longuement sur la cellule du tableau deVeritas:Recherchez ce travail.Les Options du Menu• Les Versions… : Ouvrez le texte biblique actuel avec uneversiondifférente de la Bible.• Les Langues… : Ouvrez la prière ou l'article du "SummaTheologica"avec une autre langue.• Mode Nuit: passer à un fond sombre pour les conditions defaibleéclairage; Ou changer le mode Jour.• Partager: Partager le texte actuel.• Paramètres: permet de modifier les préférences de couleur etlespréférences de calendrier.• Aide: Revenez à cette page d'aide.ONLY ONEAPPLICATIONREQUIRED. IF AN UPGRADE, DELETE ALL PREVIOUSAPPLICATIONS iPieta!!! PLEASE READ THIS HELP!(Requires Android OS 4.4 or higher)Localized in French.French Bible and prayers are preloaded.Content of all languages ​​are downloadable intheapplication.the data• †: Prayers• A-Ω: La Biblia Crampon• Trad, Novus Ordo: Traditional or the liturgical calendar oftheNovus Ordo• V: Veritas or "Truth" contains many spiritual works.   - ⬇︎ indicates that the job needs tobedownloaded. Press the cell to download the work; Press and holdthecell if you want to remove the work. You can download ALLVeritasworks by pressing and holding the source tableVeritas.   - Download all the works of Veritas for alanguageby pressing and holding the source table Veritas.• Bookmarks: Create bookmarks for prayers, the Bible and theworksof VeritasThe data in multiple languagesDeutsch, English, Spanish, French, Latina, Türkçe, etc.Press the top left button to access bible, prayers and Veritasworksin other languages.Navigation• Indexed arrays: Most tables have a right index that scrollsthedata in this table.• Drag to the left or right of the text: Skip to the nextorprevious page.The audio• ▶: Audio is available for a prayer when the title is precededby▶.• Download, read, or delete an audio: Hold down the tablecell..• Pause or resume audio: Press the Options menu or long press onatable cell.Research• 🔍: Press the icon to search the text of thecurrentdocument.   - Click Veritas'll start the search on ALLthework of Veritas; By clicking on the source of prayer and onthetables of the Bible, it'll start searching for all the prayersandBibles; By clicking on the source table Veritas, it'llstartsearching all the downloaded data.• A long press it dirigeras you: Look for these books in theheader.Search this section only for prayers or individualworks.• Hold down the table cell Veritas: Search this work.The Menu Options• The Versions ...: Open the current biblical text with adifferentversion of the Bible.• Languages ​​...: Open prayer or article of "Summa Theologica"withanother language.• Night mode: switch to a dark background for low lightconditions;Day or change the mode.• Share: Share the current text.• Settings: change the color preferences andschedulepreferences.• Help: Return to this help page.
Prayer book 5.07
Your prayer - always at hand
St. Josemaria 7.5.2
This application will help you liveyourChristian faith in your ordinary occupations and followapersonalized spiritual program with the hand ofSt.Josemaría.Available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, FrenchandItalianIncludes the following:• Books by St. Josemaria (The Way, Furrow, The Forge, FriendsofGod, Christ is Passing By, Conversations, Way of the Cross,lovethe Church and Holy Rosary). With a Chapter list andsearchcapability.• Novenas (Novena for Work, Novena for the Family, Novena Forthesick)• Missal with Latin translation (Initial rites, Creed,EucharisticPrayer, Communion rites, Conclusion rites)• New Testament with Latin translation• Listing of Piety Practices you want to live each day(Mass,prayer, spiritual reading, gospel, Angelus ... and practicesofpiety).• You can modify our Plan of Life, erase or add.• Download the monthly letter of the Prelate of Opus Dei(6languages).• Prayers to saints, blessed and people in the processofcanonization with their biographies.• Includes many prayers in Latin.• Available a selection of videos about St. Josemaria andgatheringswith him.• Prayer of the Holy Rosary with easy controls.• Way of the Cross with 14 stations and acceptance prayer ofdeath,illustrated with images and colorful images.• Adjust font size and style throughout the applicationtoaccommodate your visual preferences.The Studium Foundation who has the copyright rights of allSt.Josemaria’s writings granted EBS permission to include hiswritingsin this application.
Thomas Nanzer
"Das Gebet besteht nicht in dem Bemühen, Gott zuerreichen,sonderndarin, unsere Augen zu öffnen und zu erkennen,dass wirschon beiihm sind. " Suchen Sie ein modernes Gebetsbuchmiteinerumfangreichen und vielfältigen Sammlung an Gebeten? MitGebetefürAndroid erhalten Sie über 1000 Gebete für jedeGelegenheitundSituation. Die Gebets App bietet Ihnen: - über 1000deutscheGebetein 24 Kategorien! - beste LesbarkeitmitindividuellerSchriftgrössen-Wahl. - Einfache, moderneBedienung.Das Gebet stehtim Fokus. - elegante und einfach zubedienendeOberfläche fürAndroid 5.0 und neuer. - TabletUnterstützung. -speichern SieGebete als Favoriten ab. - neue bzw.nicht geleseneGebete werdenhervorgehoben. - versenden Sie dieGebete an IhreFreunde undFamilie! - Hochauflösende Grafiken.
Bible daily verses
Read your daily verse!• Daily Verse from the Bible.• Reading aloud through speech synthesis.• Works offline (without internet connection).• You can share via SMS, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc..• Widget (with adjustable transparency).• Multi language.
iPieta Türkçe 1.0.4
SADECE TEK BİR UYGULAMA YETERLİDİR.GÜNCELLEMEYAPACAĞINIZ ZAMAN LÜTFEN ÖNCEDEN YÜKLÜ TÜM iPIETAUYGULAMALARINISİLİN!!! LÜTFEN BU KISA VE ÖZ YARDIM METNİNİOKUYUN!İçerik• †: Dualar• A-Ω: Kutsal Kitap• Trad, Novus Ordo: Geleneksel ya da Novus Ordoliturjiktakvimi• V: Veritas ya da "Hakikat" ruhani eserler içerir:- Katolik Kilisesi Kateşizmi- Kateşizm Özet- Aziz Faustina'nın Günlüğü- ⬇︎ işareti Eserin indirilmesi gerektiğini belirtmektedir.Eseriindirmek için menüde üzerine dokunun; eseri silmek içinüzerinebasılı tutun. Ana Veritas Menüsüne basılı tuturak TÜMVeritaseserlerini indirebilirsiniz.- Bir dildeki tüm Veritas eserlerini indirmek için Menüdeüzerinebasılı tutun.• Yer İmleri: Dualar, Kutsal Kitap ve Veritas eserleri içinYerİmleri oluşturun.Farklı Dillerde İçerikDeutsch, English, Español, Français, Latina, Türkçe, vs.Diğer dillerde Kutsal Kitap, Dualar ve Veritas Eserleri içinyukarısol köşedeki tuşa dokunun.Gezinti• Dizinlenmiş Menüler: Menülerin sağında menüdekiiçeriğigezinebileceğiniz bir dizin vardır.• Metni Sola ya da Sağa kaydırma: Sonraki ya da öncekisayfayagider.Ses• ▶ : Başlıktan önce ▶ varsa, o dua için sesdosyasımevcuttur.• Ses Dosyasını İndirme, Oynatma ya da Silme: Menü üstünde uzunsürebasılı tutun.• Ses Dosyasını Duraklatma ya da Devam Ettirme: Seçeneklermenüsünedokunun yada menüde üzerine uzun süre basılı tutun.Arama• 🔍 : Güncel metinde arama yapmak için bu ikona dokunun.- Veritas Menüsünde bu tuşa dokunursanız TÜM VeritasEserlerindearama yapar; Ana Dua ve Kutsal Kitap Menüsünde bu tuşadokunursanıztüm dualarda ve Kutsal Kitap çevirilerinde arama yaparAna VeritasMenüsünde bu tuşa dokunursanız tüm indirilmiş içerikiçinde aramayapar.• Menü Başlığına Basılı Tutma: Bu başlıktaki kitaplar içindearamayapar. Arama sadece seçilen bölümün duaları ve eserleriiçindeyapılır.• Veritas menü başlığına basılı tutma: Seçilen eserdearamayapar.Seçenekler Menüsü• Çeviriler…: Mevcut Kutsal Kitap metnini farklı bir çeviriileaç.• Diller…: Duayı ya da Summa Theologiae maddesini farklı birdildeaç.• Gece Modu: Az ışık olan yerler için arka planı karartır; yadatekrar Gündüz Moduna alır.• Paylaş: Mevcut metni paylaşın.• Ayarlar: Renk ve takvim ayarlarını değistirin.• Yardım: Bu yardım sayfasını açar.JUST ONE APPLICATIONISENOUGH. UPDATE PLEASE MAKE TIME will be DELETED ALLPRE-LOADEDAPPLICATIONS ipıet !!! PLEASE READ THIS TEXT SHORT ANDSELFHELP!Content• †: Prayers• A-Ω Bible• Trader Novus Ordo: Traditional Novus Ordo orliturgicalcalendar• V: Veritas or "truth" spiritual works include:- Catechism of the Catholic Church- Catechism Summary- St. Faustina's Diary   - ⬇︎ mark indicates that the work shouldbereduced. To download Author, tap on the menu; Press and holdtodelete the work. You can download the Main Menu holddemetallationALL Veritas Veritas works.   - To download the Veritas works in a languageallhold on the menu.• Bookmarks: Prayers, create Bookmarks to the Bible andVeritasworks.Content in Different LanguagesDeutsch, İngilizce, Español, Français, Latina, Turkish, etc.Bible in other languages, prayers, and then tap the button intheleft corner up to Veritas works.Stroll• Indexed Menus: There is a directory that you can navigatethecontent on the right side of the Menu menu.• text scrolling left or right: go to the next orpreviouspage.Sound• ▶: If ▶ before the title, the audio file that are availabletopray.• Audio File Download, Play or Delete: Hold down on the menu.• Audio File Pause or Resume: Options for a long time to tapandhold on the menu or menu.Search• 🔍: Tap this icon to make a call in the current text.   - Veritas if you tap this button in the menuwillsearch in ALL Veritas Works; Prayer and Bible prayers in themainmenu at all and if you tap this button will search theBibletranslation in the main menu if you tap this button Veritaswillsearch in all downloaded content.• Menu Title to Hold Down: searches of books on this topic.Searchis done only in prayer and works of the selectedsection.• Press and hold down the menu title Veritas: searches theselectedwork.Options Menu• Translations ...: Open existing text with a differentBibletranslations.• Languages ​​...: Prayer, or open the item, Summa Theologiae inadifferent language.• Night Mode: dims the background for places with low light; orgetback to Day Mode.• Share: Share the existing text.• Settings: Change the color and calendar settings.• Help: Opens this help page.
Die Losungen 3.0.7
God's Word for every day
Liturgischer Kalender 2017 1.0
Diese App stellt den liturgischenKalenderfürdas Jahr 2017 zur Verfügung.Um die Bibelstellen angezeigt zu bekommen isteineInternetverbindungnötig.Die Bedienung und Menüführung ist sehr leicht, klicktmandengewünschten Monat an werden alle Tage desjeweiligenMonatsaufgelistet. Mit einem Klick auf einem Tag gelangtmanimBrowserfenster zur Webseite von,diedieentsprechenden liturgischen TagesdatenundBibelperikopenanzeigt.Die App ist als Ergebnis meiner Freizeitbeschäftigungzubetrachten,keineswegs verdiene ich Geld damit,habekeineUnterstützungsangebote dafür erhalten und lobendeWortestandenauch nicht in Relation mit der aktuellenDownloadzahlderletztjährigen App.Achtung: Ich biete keine Gewährleistung für dieangebotenenDaten.Soweit es mir möglich war, habe ich michsorgfältig ummöglichstgenaue Angaben bemüht. Trotzdem könnenbesondersTippfehler nichtausgeschlossen werden. Da alles vonMenschenhanderstellt wurde,seien mir auch menschliche Fehlergegönnt :). Bitteaber umschnelle Meldung dieser, ich werde nachMöglichkeitKorrekturenvornehmen.This appprovidestheliturgical calendar for 2017 is display To view the Scriptures is aninternetconnectionneeded.The operation and menu navigation is very easy, you clickthedesiredmonth to be listed all the days of each month. Clickingona tag youget in the browser window to the websiteofeucharistiefeier.deindicating the corresponding liturgicaldaysdata andBibelperikopen.The app is to be regarded as a result of my hobby, not Imakemoneywith it, did not receive any support services for itandgoodthings also were not in relation with the currentdownloadspeed oflast year's app.Warning: I offer no guarantee for the offered data. As farasIcould, I tried carefully to details aspossible.Nevertheless,especially typing errors can not be ruledout. Sinceeverything wascreated by human hands, human errors arealsoindulged me :).Please but to rapid reporting of this, I willmakecorrectionswhere possible.