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Mobile OMT Spine
High quality videos(50),audio/writteninstructions, clinical evidence summaries with PUBMedlinks.Developer website for details.-Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy-Manual Therapy-Chiropractor-OsteopathicMOBILE OMT for the SPINE is a powerful clinical referenceandteaching tool for any student, clinician or educator involvedinthe practice or the teaching of manipulative/manual therapyformusculoskeletal disorders. A comprehensive mobilecompanionproviding manipulative techniques for the cervical,thoracic, andlumbar spine presented in the context of best currentevidence foruse in treating spine disorders. Step by step writteninstructions,high-quality video demonstration with audio,indications for use,and evidence to support each technique.Summaries of the most recent clinical researchinvolvingmanipulative therapy are provided for each spine region(cervical,lumbar, and thoracic) with links to PUBmed abstracts ofrelevantclinical studies. Additionally a brief summary of thehistory ofmanipulative therapy is presented, as well as definitionsofterminology.OMT Spine Features:•Instructions for 50 orthopaedic manipulative techniques forthespine•High-quality video demonstration for each technique•Each video includes two angles of the technique beingperformed.Therefore, there’s no guessing the important or evensubtle detailsof the techniques performance (pause, rewind, forwardwithin thevideo)•Each video includes corresponding audio instructions thatdescribethe technique as it’s being performed•Each technique includes common diagnoses or “indications” forwhichthe technique is typically performed•Techniques include high-velocity thrust jointmanipulations,non-thrust joint mobilizations, muscle stretchingand“contract-relax” stretching techniques•Summaries of the current state of the research on OMT forregionsof the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar)•Links to PUBmed abstracts of research on OMT for spinedisorders(internet connection required)•Easily email PUBmed abstracts of the pertinent studies toyourselfor colleagues from within the app•Historical overview of manipulative therapyIf you treat patients that have musculoskeletal disorderswithmanual therapy management strategies, then this app is theperfectcompanion for you and your practice!TARGET:-Osteopathic physicians-Physical Therapists / Physiotherapists-Chiropractors-Clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal conditions-Medical students, interns, residents, fellows in any ofthesedisciplines-Educators/Academicians in any of these disciplines-Anyone interested in manipulative/manual therapyComplete the series with the MOBILE OMT – LOWER EXTREMITYandMOBILE – OMT UPPER EXTREMITY apps!* Note: Need internet connection to access PUBMed linksfromwithin the app. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the size oftheapp is significant due to the large number and quality ofvideosembedded native in this app.Note:*Required 1-time download of videos after purchase*Final app size = 160MB*If OS 2.2 or higher can save to SD card
Manual Therapy 1.0
- Evidence based Manual Therapy approaches - ManualTherapyConferences Calendar - Human Anatomy - OrthopedicPhysicalExamination Tests - Soft Tissue Techniques - Maitland®Concept -Mulligan® Concept - Cyriax® Concept - Live Discussion Room
Бест Клиник 1.5.2
AppMaker LLC.
Многопрофильный медицинский центр"Бест-клиник"включает в себя три клиники, для удобства нашихклиентоврасположенные в разных районах Москвы - Ленинградское ш.д.116, Ул.Нижняя Красносельская, д.15/17, Ул. Новочеремушкинская,д. 34к.2.Установив наше приложение, вы cможете ознакомится с услугамииакциями в наших клиниках, написать или позвонить нам,посмотретьмаршрут до наших филиалов. Также вы можете записаться наприём илиузнать цену. Наши клиники оказывают полный спектрмедицинских услуг- от косметологии, до хирургии.В приложении имеется список актуальных акций, и вы всегдасможетевыбрать требуемую услугу по привлекательной цене. "Бест Клиник:Общая медицинаобщая терапия, кардиология,гастроэнтерология,неврология,эндокринология, дерматология,венерология, урология,андрология,колопроктология, гинекология,ведение беременности,маммология,психотерапия, оториноларингология,ортопедияДиагностикаУЗИ, эндоскопия, лабораторная диагностика,функциональнаядиагностикаХирургиясосудистая хирургия, травматология,эндоскопическаяхирургия,пластическая хирургия, амбулаторныехирургическиеоперацииВосстановительная медицинамануальная терапия, лечебныймассаж,иглорефлексотерапия,косметология, гирудотерапия,озонотерапияСтоматологияпротезирование, удаление зубов, отбеливаниезубов,металлокерамика,имплантация зубов, виниры, базоваястоматология,рентгенологическаядиагностикаMultidisciplinarymedicalcenter "Best hospitals" includes three clinics, for theconvenienceof our customers located in different districts ofMoscow -Leningrad sh. d.116 str. Lower Krasnoselskaya, 15/17Street.Novocheryomushkinskaya, d. 34 k.2. By installing our application, you cmozhete acquaintedwiththe services and promotions in our clinics, write or call us toseethe route of our branches. You can also make an appointment orfindout the price. Our clinics provide a full range of medicalservices- from cosmetics to surgery. The annex contains a list of current shares, and youcanalways choose the desired service at an attractive price." Best Clinics: General Medicine general therapy, cardiology, gastroenterology,neurology,endocrinology, dermatology, venereology, urology,andrology,proctology, gynecology, pregnancy, mammalogy,therapy,otolaryngology, orthopedics Diagnostics Ultrasound, endoscopy, laboratory diagnostics,functionaldiagnostics Surgery vascular surgery, traumatology, endoscopic surgery,plasticsurgery, outpatient surgery Regenerative medicine chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture,cosmetology,hirudotherapy, ozone Stomatology prosthetics, extractions, teeth whitening, metal,dentalimplants, veneers, basic dentistry, X-ray diagnostics