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SmartWORKS 5.7.91
Archlogix is a leader in mobile workforce managementsolutionsthatleverage the power of GPS and software as a service.This freeappworks alongside the Archlogix system to provide userswith ahostof capabilities including: - Locating and trackingmobileworkersor vehicles in the field. - Capturing informationusingcustomforms through a mobile handset. - Dispatching workorders orotherinformation to field agents. - Improving fieldreporting anddatacapture. - Reducing fleet maintenance andoperation costs. Ifyouare not a current Archlogix subscriber, besure to learn moreaboutthe powerful capabilities of the Archlogixtool at our Website.
smartwork 3.21.0
Coworking spaces are a new workspace concept that is developing onaglobal scale with incredible dynamism – workspaces which owetheirsuccess to digital transformation and, above all, set thescene forthe next working generation. Coworking represents aparadigm shiftwhich is developing at an increasingly rapid rate.The real estateindustry cannot keep pace; instead of developingnew office blocks,solutions for the conversion of existingbuildings are needed inorder to meet new standards andrequirements. “The Smart Co-WorkingLobby”, details a module thatwill be at the core of the modernoffice block, as well assupporting the coworking philosopy inexisting buildings. The smartfunctions at the core of this conceptare provided by the smartworkapp and backend making co-workingsites and business centres intopay-as-you-go Office space. Workwherever you want, securely andprivately. Pop in for an hour ormake it your project base for amonth. Our automation lowers costsand ensures the same ease of useeverywhere.