Top 7 Apps Similar to Gálago - Pedido eletrônico

Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO 1.04
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO-------------------- no permissions- no advertising- support the developer-------------------Have you just founded a company and want to equip your PointofSale or a mobile booth with a cash register that is nottoocumbersome in purchase and installation? This applicationworksperfectly both in restaurants and smaller shops and itgetspredominantly good feedback by the users. What is the reasonforthis? Just have a look at some simple functions of theapplicationand its advantages:Use of a device and equipment that you are familiar withThe Point of Sale application is being installed on yourtabletcomputer which is why you do not have to get used to anew,unfamiliar device. The further advantage: having aprinterconnected via Bluetooth, you can easily print out statisticsorbills. Thus, you are ready to start immediately without anynewinstallations or cable tangle.Top quality statistics for planning your assortmentofgoodsMany traditional cash registers only offer the function ofenteringa price and the category of the product. Our POS-Point ofSaleApplication offers the possibility to define and name thesingleproducts (respectively food and drinks): consequently, youreceivea survey of the ongoing sales when just clicking on thebutton„statistics“- thereupon you can discover bestsellers and youcanreorder and plan your assortment of goods better thanever!Additionally, you discover the most popular products at aglance!Both for a fixed and mobile sales booth the right intentionforsale and necessary storage can save you a lot ofmoney:insufficient storage as well as a too much storage can costyou alot.Clearly arranged allocation of 300 buttons possible
Havinginstalled the Point of Sale App, you can arrange up to 300buttonsand thus can make cashing even easier in case you do notwant tomake use of bar codes. Especially in the gastronomy, orderscaneasily and intuitively be entered, which leaves more time fortheguest and the service.A well-tried allocation –as shown in our product’s illustration-isthe one using colours: choose different colours for softdrinks,food, alcoholic drinks and hot drinks. Thus, the entering oftheorder must only be clicked, and you still have a clearlyarrangedsystem even when providing a great assortment.Using the screen size and clear arrangement of yourtablet
ThePoint of Sale App uses the full screen size of the tabletso thatthe usability is getting much more clearly arranged andoffers manypossibilities of combination. Just think of the menu ora pricelist which is available at each work station. Besides, itispossible to switch between this app and further applicationsonyour tablet. You can access product information orillustrationsanytime.Have a look at the Point of Sale App and test some of thefunctions.You will be enthusiastic on recognizing how a normaltablet can turninto a fully-fledged cash register. 
Please notice that this application is in process of developmentandis an offer free of charge. It practically offers all functionsof acash register. However, we cannot guarantee a legallycompliantaccount at the moment since this would require a fullpermission oftax authorities. The cash register application is atool whichoffers a survey and helps accounting- it cannot replacethe fulllegal documentation though. Please mind your taxcomputation andadhere to deadlines on your own responsibility. Theprogrammer of„cash register for free“assumes no liability.
Ordem de Entrega 1.1.6
Aplicativo para Clientes do SistemadeAutomação Comercial SIV da Empresa MMA Internet e Sistemas.MainsInformações em ClientsofCommercial Automation System SIV Company MMA and Internetsystems.Mains information in
Rensoftware News 1.1
Acompanhe as notícias do mundo daautomaçãocomercial. Se você é um empreendedor, não pode ficar defora dessa.Baixe já o Rensoftware News e fique atualizado.Follow the news fromtheworld of business automation. If you are an entrepreneur, cannotstay out of this. Download've Rensoftware News andstayupdated.
PocketGest Sales Force 2.9.98-78
App for sales and sales reps “on the go” Sell more withPocketGest.Optimized for tablets from 5” to 10”. It will help youautomate thesales teams and delivery floats. The app is veryintuitive and cancreate the documents you need (orders, deliverynotes, invoices…)furthermore it will manage the payments and trackyour products andseamlessly sync all this information with yourback office.PocketGest can integrate with any ERP in the market,and ispossible to do tailored adaptations specific for yourbusiness.FEATURES: • Secure access control by username/password. •Groupingof customers by routes. • Reports of items and customerdata. •Easy creation of orders, delivery notes and invoices. •Ordersuggestion based on historic. • Multiple rate cards anddiscountgroups. • Tracking by sets, caducity dates or serialnumbers. •Management of payments and pending receipts. • Printdocuments •Send and receive data and documents. • Open to tailoredsolutionsfor you BENEFITS • Improved information flow • Highercommercialproductivity • Remove duplication of tasks • Reducessharply theadmin work • Faster and error free deliveries • Reduceddeliverytime • Up to date information for the decision makers. •Increaseyour customer satisfaction
Automação de Vendas Pitoli Ud 4.8
Este aplicativo é para uso exclusivo do representantes comerciaisdaPitoli Ud. É necessário informar a senha para ativaçãofornecidapela empresa. ★ Funcionamento off-line; ★ Abertura ealteração declientes; ★ Histórico dos pedidos; ★ Envio da cópia dopedido pore-mail ou WhatsApp; ★ Cópia do pedido com foto doproduto; ★ Fotosdos produtos; ★ Envio da foto do produto por e-mailou WhatsApp; ★Leitura do código de barras com a câmera dodispositivo; ★ Preçomédio do item no pedido; ★ Controle do descontoflexível; ★ Permitelevantamento de estoque do cliente; ★ Sugestãode pedido; ★Recuperação de pedidos cancelados; ★ Cobranças vencidase a vencer;★ Boletim; ★ Conta corrente; Boas vendas!
Dual RCA 01.01.00040
O Dual RCA é a aplicação para automaçãodeforça de venda desenvolvida pela Dual Consultoria e Sistemasparaatender ás necessidades de seus clientes.Completamente integrado ao ERP Dual GCOM, o DUAL RCA propiciaamelhoria imediata da produtividade das equipes de vendasexternas(Representante Comercial Autônomo), oferecendo asseguintesfuncionalidades:• Digitação de Pedidos com envio imediato para empresa;• Gestão da Carteira de Clientes pelo Representantes(ClientesInadimplentes, Clientes sem Compra, etc);• Gestão de Pedidos por Status (Faturados, EmProcessamento,Cancelados e Devolvidos);• Gestão de Saldo Flex;• Prévia de Comissão por Pedido;• Completamente integrado às regras comerciais configuradas noERPDual GCOM.Disponível apenas para usuários do ERP Dual GCOM, daDualConsultoria e Sistemas ( Dual RCA istheapplication for sales force automation developed by DualConsultingand systems to meet the needs of its customers.Fully integrated with ERP Dual GCOM, DUAL RCA providesimmediateimprovement in productivity of foreign sales teams(AutonomousTrade Representative), offering the followingfeatures:• Order Typing with immediate shipment to the company;• the Client Portfolio Management by Representatives(DelinquentCustomers without Purchase Customers, etc);• Status for Order Management (Billed, In Process, andCancelledReturned);• Flex Balance Management;• Prior Commission on request;• Fully integrated with business rules configured in the ERPDualGCOM.Available only to users of the ERP GCOM Dual, Dual ConsultingandSystems (
EDM Softwares 29.0.0
EDM Softwares
A EDM atua no mercado de automação comercialhámais de 23 anos. É a pioneira na região Sul do Brasil,umareferência em tecnologia, segurança e eficiência no segmento.Aconsolidação e a tradição da EDM está relacionada à capacidadedeatualização constante de seus serviços, oferecendo sempreasmelhores soluções em sistemas de gerenciamento para seusclientes.O mundo evolui, se transforma e se moderniza a cada instante.Eisso está ocorrendo em uma velocidade nunca antesvivenciada.Diante de um cenário cada vez mais competitivo e cheiodeoportunidades de negócio, é fundamental uma empresa ter ocontroleabsoluto de todas as etapas e processos que envolvem asuaprodução.Por isso, a informatização dos processos para uma empresa–independentemente do seu tamanho – é um requisito básico paraelaprosperar e crescer. Com a EDM, você contará com umsistemainformatizado de alta tecnologia, prático e fácil deoperar.EDM operates inthecommercial automation market for over 23 years. It is thepioneerin southern Brazil, a reference in technology, safetyandefficiency in the segment. The consolidation and the EDMtraditionis related to the constant update capacity of itsservices, alwaysoffering the best solutions in management systemsfor itscustomers.The world evolves, transforms and modernizes every moment.Andthis is occurring at a speed never before experienced. Facedwith ascenario increasingly competitive and full ofbusinessopportunities, a company have absolute control of all thesteps andprocesses involved in its production is key.Therefore, the computerization of processes for a company-regardless of size - is a basic requirement for it to prosperandgrow. With EDM, you will have a computerized system forhigh-tech,practical and easy to operate.