Top 20 Apps Similar to Gynecologist. Dr. Emine Özel

Obstetrics and GynaecologyLite 1.1
This is the Lite version.ESSENTIAL for anyone sitting an Obstetric and Gynaecology orGUMexams!One 2 One Medicine’s revolutionary “Obstetric andGynaecologyComplete Revision Aid” is built for medical studentsstudying forobstetrics, gynaecology and genitourinary medicine. Ithas beendesigned to cover all areas that students need to focus onfortheir examinations.13 core subjects are each broken down into OSCE stations, MCQs,SBAsand EMQs.OBSAntenatal medicineMaternal MedicineLabour and deliveryPostnatal medicineGYNAEEarly PregnancyMenstrual disordersPelvic PainSubfertiltiyMenopauseGynae and BreastUrogynaecologyGUMSTIsContraceptionUsers receive a full break down and graphical feedback ofresultsafter each session, allowing the tracking of improvementandhighlighting weaker areas that need more revision.FEATURES include:- OSCEPractical, clinical, communication and history OSCE stations.OSCE "Rainbow Bar" - 'in OSCE' timings are broken down, sothatusers know exactly how long to spend on each section of theirOSCEexam. Progress is tracked on the Rainbow BarGraphical feedback on last 4 OSCE attempts. Giving users theabilityto review their progress.- MCQ + SBA + EMQIn-depth questions and answers provided- ‘Starring’ QuestionsAny Question or OSCE that users wish to review again quickly canbe‘Starred’. This will add the question to the bank of‘Starred’questions, which can be accessed through the ‘Star’ tab atthebottom of each page.- 'Exam mode' which runs consecutive, random OSCE stationsorSBA/EMQ/MCQ. Results are cumulated at the end of the exam.- Full control over pass rate and test duration.Authored by one of the leading O+G consultants in aLondonteaching hospital:Mr Rajesh Varma – MA (Cantab.) PhD MRCOG MBBS (Hons.)Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistAnd co-authorDr Kate Spacey – MBBS - Foundation Year 1
Pregnancy ++ 3.7.3
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1 PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for everyweekofpregnancy? Join more than 10 million users who alreadyusethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy++ App can also be personalizedfordads,grandparents and other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage ofbeingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: App is not intended for medical use, or to replacetheadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & ParentingLtddisclaims anyliability for the decisions you make based onthisinformation, whichis provided to you on a generalinformationbasis only and not as asubstitute for personalizedmedical advice.If you have any concernsabout your pregnancy,consult with yourdoctor or midwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you ahealthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Gynecology Glossary 1.1
Gynecology is the branchofmedicinespecializing in the disorders of the femalereproductivesystem.Modern gynecology deals with menstrualdisorders,menopause,infectious disease and development of thereproductiveorgans,disturbances of the sex hormones, benign andmalignanttumorformation, and the prescription of contraceptivedevices.This Glossary provides you a comprehensive listof300+terminologies related to Gynecology withitsshortdescription/meaning, which guides you tounderstandwomen’sfertility related disorders.FEATURES:- No Internet connectivity required- Search through our database in alphabetical order- Search keyword using title and application content- Add term to your favorite list- Share the term to your friends and family throughemail,FaceBookand twitter- Change the font size for better reading experience- View history- Random display of terms
iMamma: Bimbo e Gravidanza 6.2.6
The app for the whole family: pregnancy, weaning, baby,activitycalendar.
Ovia Pregnancy & Baby Tracker 6.3.0
Ovia Health
Watch your baby grow, countdown pregnancy steps until your duedateand labor.
Ovia: Fertility, Cycle, Health 6.3.0
Ovia Health
Period, ovulation & fertility, & menopause trackerwithmenstrual cycle calendar
Gynecology and Obstetrics 2.8.02
** Practical Point-of-Care Recommendations for OB/GYN DiagnosisandTreatment **
Pregnancy calculator 1.11
Pregnancy information
Pill Reminder 4.0.4
PillReminder reminds you to takeyourcontraception (pill/patch/ring) at the desired time everyday,stopping reminders automatically on the pause period(contraceptiontype specific) and rescheduling automatically whenthe next periodstarts. Plan ahead using the calendar if you want tobe reminded oncertain days sooner or later to take the preventionor whether youwant to skip the next pause period.Now you can plan in advance the following:- Skipping contraception pause- Delaying contraception notification- Changing contraceptive- Starting new contraception cycleAll these things will be displayed in the calendar.Features:- Configurable daily reminder time with timezone supportandon/off switch- Different pill/patch/ring type templates- NuvaRing and Ortho Evra support- Custom pill/patch/ring type support- Manage contraception packs (includes reminder to buy some)- Snooze reminders- Change contraception type preserving the history- Custom notification message- Configurable automatic snooze interval- Log: shows you when and what contraception you have taken- Google Backup Service- Possibility to take the contraception sooner (within theactualday)- Possibility to snooze the contraception in advance (displaysinthe calendar view- within the actual day or future days)- Calendar displays if you have taken, forgotten or delayedthecontraception- Take notes in the calendar and add a reminder time- Plan ahead to skip a contraception pause from thecalendarview- Supports portrait and landscape mode- Themes- Create your own themes (integrated custom theme creation)- 3 Widgets- Includes a Dashclock extension ( Android Lollipop Support (including head-up notification)- Backup & restore settings- Password protectionPermission description:- VIBRATE => for notification- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED => to schedule notifications- WAKE_LOCK => for notification- MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS => for notification- DISABLE_KEYGUARD => disable lockscreen duringnotification(configurable)- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settings- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE => backup & restore settingsFound issues to be fixed soon:- NoneIf someone has problems with the timezone contact me via mailforbetter support/troubleshooting.Attention for devices with root rights (ex. Cyanogenmodandother): This app must be installed in the internal memory ofthedevice, to be able to function correctly.Attention for Sony devices with Stamina mode: You must addtheapp to the whitelist of the stamina mode.Advice: In the mutual interest I would be very grateful ifyoucontact me, before you give me a negative feedback, so that ihavethe opportunity to correct the problem. I am at yourdisposal.([email protected])Please send any question, request or bug report to [email protected](birth control pill, contraceptive pill, anti pregnancypill,pilule)
SMARTfiches Gynécologie Free 1.07
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1ère encyclopédie médicalenumériquedestinée aux professionnels et étudiants de santé. Lacollectionest conforme aux dernières recommandations des sociétéssavantes,avec une iconographie riche et de nombreux tableaux desynthèse.**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Gynécologie**Item 183/10 - Accueil d’un sujet victime deviolencessexuellesItem 15/21 - Examen prénuptialItem 16/22 - Grossesse normaleItem 17/23 - Principales complications de la grossesseItem 18/24 - Grossesse extra-utérineItem 196/25 - Douleur abdominale aiguë chez une femmeenceinteItem 20/26 - Prévention des risques fœtaux : infection,médicaments,toxiques, irradiationItem /27 - Connaître les particularités de l’infection urinaireaucours de la grossesseItem /28 - Connaître les risques professionnels pour lamaternité,liés au travail de la mèreItem 21/29 - Prématurité et retard de croissance intra-utérin:facteurs de risque et préventionItem 22/30 - Accouchement, délivrance et suites decouchesnormalesItem 24/32 - Allaitement maternelItem 25/33 - Suites de couches pathologiques : pathologiematernelledans les 40 joursItem 26/34 - Anomalies du cycle menstruel. MétrorragiesItem 27/35 - ContraceptionItem 28/36 - Interruption volontaire de grossesseItem 29/37 - Stérilité du coupleItem 30/38 - Assistance médicale à la procréationItem 292/39 - Algies pelviennes chez la femmeItem 296/40 - AménorrhéeItem 243/41 - Hémorragie génitale chez la femmeItem 342/42 - Tuméfaction pelvienne chez la femmeItem 19/67 - Troubles psychiques de la grossesse etdupost-partumItem /88 - Infections génitales de la femme. LeucorrhéesItem 55/120 - MénopauseItem 95/158 - Infections sexuellement transmissiblesItem 110/252 - Nutrition et grossesseItem 147/297 - (1/3) Tumeurs du col utérinItem 147/297 - (2/3) Tumeur du corps utérinItem 147/297 - (3/3) Fibromes utérinsItem 153/303 - (1/2) Tumeurs de l'ovaireItem 153/303 - (2/2) Cancer de l'ovaireItem 159/309 - Tumeurs du seinItem 17/339 - Prise en charge d’une patiente atteintedepré-éclampsieItem 342/42 - Tuméfaction pelvienne chez la femmeAprès l’inscription gratuite, les applications sontconsultablessans connexion internet et peuvent être utiliséespartout, tout letemps.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNiPlus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.La fonction SWIPE vous permet de naviguer facilementdansl’application en 1 glissement de doigt.L’activation des notifications PUSH vous permettra derecevoirles dernières actualités, mises à jour et alertessanitaires.Tirez pleinement profit des performances de votre smartphoneouvotre tablette avec la version payante de SMARTfiches Médecine:sans publicité, profitez d'un espace optimum pour consulterlesitems, tableaux et illustrations en bénéficiant d'unenavigationtoujours plus fluide.Messieurs, vous pourrez enfin tout savoir sur les femmes.Mesdames, la grossesse n'est pas une maladie.Un problème de connexion ? A la recherche du maild'activation?Avant de mettre une évaluation négative sur votre plateformedetéléchargement contactez nous à [email protected] nous ferons un plaisir de vous trouver une solution.Vous pourrez ainsi tester l'application et lui donnerl'évaluationqu'elle mérite.La majorité des utilisateurs qui ont expérimenté unedesapplications SMARTfiches Médecine mette 4 ou 5 étoiles.Donnez lui sa chance.SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicine is the first digital medical encyclopediaforprofessionals and students of health. The collection is inlinewith the latest recommendations of learned societies, with arichiconography and many summary tables.The program ** in SMARTfiches Gynecology **Item 183/10 - Home of a subject victim of sexual violenceItem 15/21 - premarital examinationItem 16/22 - Normal PregnancyItem 17/23 - Major complications of pregnancyItem 18/24 - Ectopic PregnancyItem 196/25 - acute abdominal pain in pregnant womenItem 20/26 - Prevention of fetal risks: infection, drugs,toxic,irradiationItem / 27 - Know the features of urinary infectionduringpregnancyItem / 28 - Know the occupational hazards formaternity,work-related maternalItem 21/29 - Prematurity and delayed intrauterine growth:riskfactors and preventionItem 22/30 - Childbirth, delivery suites and normal layersItem 24/32 - BreastfeedingItem 25/33 - Follow pathological layers: maternal conditionwithin40 daysItem 26/34 - Disorders of the menstrual cycle. BleedingItem 27/35 - ContraceptionItem 28/36 - Termination of PregnancyItem 29/37 - Infertility coupleItem 30/38 - Assisted Human ReproductionItem 292/39 - Aching in the female pelvicItem 296/40 - AmenorrheaItem 243/41 - genital bleeding in womenItem 342/42 - Swelling in the female pelvicItem 19/67 - Psychiatric disorders in pregnancy andpostpartumItem / 88 - Genital infections in women. LeucorrhéesItem 55/120 - MenopauseItem 95/158 - Sexually Transmitted InfectionsItem 110/252 - Nutrition and pregnancyItem 147/297 - (1/3) cervical tumorsItem 147/297 - (2/3) Cancer of the uterine bodyItem 147/297 - (3/3) Uterine FibroidsItem 153/303 - (1/2) ovarian tumorsItem 153/303 - (2/2) Ovarian CancerItem 159/309 - breast tumorsItem 17/339 - Management of a patient with preeclampsiaItem 342/42 - Swelling in the female pelvicAfter free registration, applications can be viewed withoutaninternet connection and can be used anywhere, anytime.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newprogramEcniOver 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.The SWIPE feature allows you to easily navigate throughtheapplication in one swipe of the finger.Activation of PUSH notifications you will receive thelatestnews, updates and alerts.Get the most performance from your smartphone or tablet withthepaid version of SMARTfiches Medicine: commercial-free, enjoyanoptimum space to view the items, paintings andillustrationsenjoying a more seamless navigation.Gentlemen, you can finally know everything about women.Ladies, pregnancy is not a disease.A connection problem? Seeking activation mail?Before placing a negative feedback on your [email protected] will be pleased to find a solution.You can test the application and give the evaluationitdeserves.The majority of users who have experienced one of theapplicationsSMARTfiches Medicine put 4 or 5 stars. Give him a chance.SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Kindara Fertility & Ovulation 7.4.2
Kindara, Inc.
The fertility health tracker and ovulation calendar you’vebeenlooking for!
Medical Formulas 3.0.1
Sanapps Dev
Use intuitively the validated scores and formulas formedicalpractice.
Contraceptive ring
Contraceptive ring is an applicationdesignedfor women who use the vaginal ring (NuvaRing) and want totakecomplete control.It is configurable for reminding you when you have to take theringin, and when you have to take it out, you can also configure ittolet you know that you have to buy the next ring, and you canevensee when will your next periods be with a comfortable andintuitivecalendar.Languages: English, Italiano, Español, Deutsch,Français,Portuguêscontact with us in: [email protected] us in Twitter: @contraceptiverg
OB Wheel: Pregnancy calculator
Pregnancy due date calculator. Created by a board-certifiedObGyndoctor.
Contraceptive Ring 2.2.8
With Contraceptive Ring, no longer needtoremember when putting, remove or buy the ring (Nuvaring)!You will have a useful calendar to see the period of the ring,when to add and when to take it off.Also you have the ability to set notifications for:- Start Ring- End Ring- Purchase RingEverything is very simple, just choose the starting day andifyou want , manage notifications settings .Now it will be impossible to forget it !Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese,French,GermanTo improve translations or add new ones, please contact me!
GynaeUpdates 1.1
Aims to bring for the benefit of practicing Gynecologists thelatestinfo.
Obstetrics (+ Pregnancy Wheel) 3.01
Obstetrics is an OB reference applicationforpregnant women, physicians, medical students, midwives, andnurses.It contains a pregnancy wheel (OB wheel) to calculateestimated duedate, gestational age, dates of conception, end of the1sttrimester, and end of the 2nd trimester by last menstrual periodorultrasound. After calculating this information, theapplicationprovides recommended screening tests for thatgestational age.This application also contains recommendations for theinitialprenatal visit, routine prenatal visits, prenatal tests(withrecommended screening dates), and common triage workups(includinglabor check, preterm labor, hypertension, decreased fetalmovement,vaginal bleeding, spontaneous rupture of membranes, andnausea andvomiting). Finally, it contains a step-by-step guide forfetalheart rate interpretation. All information is taken fromcurrentrecommendations by the CDC, ACOG, USPSTF, FDA, and theAMA.Features include:- Pregnancy wheel (OB wheel) with recommended screening testsforthe calculated gestational age- Initial prenatal visit recommendations- Routine prenatal visit recommendations- Common triage work-ups (including labor check, pretermlabor,hypertension, decreased fetal movement, vaginalbleeding,spontaneous rupture of membranes, and nausea andvomiting)If you would like to see more features added, please e-mailorcall us. We will try to add your recommendations to ournextrelease!Check out our other application, titled “Medical Doctor:MedicalReference Tool” for a more comprehensive medical referencetool,including “Obstetrics: OB Wheel + Medical Reference Tool” andmuchmore.Keywords (no spaces, 100 character limit): ob, wheel, gyn,obgyn,pregnancy, pregnant, due, date, weeks, baby, pocket, guide,student,nurse, doctor, PA, when
Pregnancy Planning Plus
Thomas Vienne
Find out major dates for apregnancy.Thisapplication has mainly been realized to help midwivesintheirday-to-day work by providing them with a quick access tomaindatesof a pregnancy.Pregnancy Planning will allow you to know:- the dates for the maternity leave according to the numberofkidsand type of pregnancy,- dates for required scans,- the age of the embryo giving its craniocaudal length andthatwillautomatically compute the pregnancy start date,- mandatory and recommanded blood results.Dates have been validated by a midwife.Do not hesitate to give a note and a feeback. Theapplicationwillevolve consequently.
My Pregnancy Follow-up Plus
♥ My Pregnancy Follow-up will beyourday-to-day companion during all your pregnancy. It will helpyouwith the dates for the ultrasounds, doctor appointments,maternityleave duration, etc.♥ Detailed medical checks:- 3 ultrasounds- monthly doctor appointment, blood test and urinalysis- 6th month blood test- vaginal swab- folic acid prescription- dates for declaration to Social Security (applicable forFranceonly)- maternity leave duration (applicable for France only)♥ For every check, you have the ability to set the date atwhichyou did it. This allows you to have a quick outlook ofyourpregnancy, and to see what you need to do! There is alsoadescription of the purpose of the check. For everydoctorappointment, the app will explain the goal of theappointment, andwhat the doctor will check.♥ A widget placed on your desktop will indicate the progressofyour pregnancy, and of your friends! You can save an*unlimited*number of pregnancy dates in the app.♥ Get notifications on top of your screen when you need todosomething about your pregnancy! Set the time and the number ofdaysin advance for the reminders, and you're all set! Never forgetanytest for you or your wife!♥ The app also shows advices about:- mother's food diet- allowed / forbidden drugs- hygiene- a glossary for the most common words used during thepregnancy♥ The app shows the progress of your pregnancy by showingtheaverage size and weight for a child of the same age. It willalsocount down the remaining days for you!♥ ♥ Become a fan of our Facebook page! ♥ ♥ application is intended for the french medicalsystem.Please check with your doctor in all cases.This app was made with instructions from a doctor.The app uses the following permissions:- automatic launch at boot time: for notifications andreminders(don't worry about CPU usage: the actual launch of the appisdelayed so that it will only start when the CPU isnotoverloaded)- Internet access: for crash and bug fixes. Your personal dataisthe most important to our eyes. We will NEVER send, share, sellorgive for any reason what was collected. The collected dataincludesyour device name, screen resolution, OS version, etc. Theyare ONEHUNDRED PERCENT anonymous. We do respect your private data.Pleasenote that if you don't agree with this, you are not allowedto usethis app.This app was tested on android versions from 1.5 to 4.0,onphones and tablets.The weight follow-up graph requires Android 2.0+. Trying to loaditon android 1.5-1.6 will cause a crash.This app includes an optimized UI for Honeycomb and ICS IceCreamSandwich tablets.