Top 4 Apps Similar to Compatibility Test

Relationship Match 3.1
Bede Products
Compatibility psychological preferences match for you againstyourpartner
Soulmate 0.3
Jimmy Sáenz
¿Olvidaste cuántos años/meses cumplísenturelación amorosa? ¿no recordás eventos importantes?¿tunovio(a)semolestó con vos por eso? Soulmate podría ser tusalvación. EstaAppte permitirá guardar algunos de los datos másimportantesrelativosa tu noviazgo o matrimonio.Forgot how manyyears/months you live up to your romantic relationship? Arenotyouremember important events? Your boyfriend (a) why botherwithyou?Soulmate could be your salvation. This App will allow youtosavesome of the most important data on your datingormarriage.
Relationship Analyzer 2.0
AppTimesThree presents: TheRelationshipAnalyzer!You want to know, how the future looks in yourromanticpartnership?Ask the free Relationship Analyzer, if you are going tostaytogether forever, of if your partner is going to cheat on youinthe next months. Or maybe you will get engaged or get a child?Whoknows?Or will you get engaged and even marry?Dont take the output seriously! This app is justforentertainment!
Soulmate Numerology 1.1
Unlike the olden days, choosing a spouse or a life partnerhasbecome simple, thanks to the advancements made by themodernscience. But to find the most suitable and compatible partnerisstill a far cry! Not going into the complexities of the humanmindand its craving for an ideal soulmate in life, we present hereanNumerology App which will help our readers to choose therightpartner. Using the methods that are unique, simple andinvented bythe author after analysing hundreds of cases, this Appwill helppeople who are in search of ideal marital or conjugal orloverelations, ensuring compatibility and long lastingrelationship.Marriages may be made in Heaven, but they should notlead us tohell! Well, go ahead with our Soulmate App and enjoy itsheavenlybliss!