Top 19 Apps Similar to T-Tat (Click and Earn Money)

Earn Money In BD 1.6
It's an amazing app ever. Using this appyoucanearn money in Bangladesh. Only Bangladeshi people canearnnow.Others country will be available soon.How?- just press the button "Earn Points"- See a short video like 15 seconds video- After completed the video you get some points onyouraccount- If you have sufficient points then you can convert thispointsintoBDT money.- Then you can withdraw this money as FlexiLoad or you cansendtoyour BKash account- Enjoy the apps for earning money*********************Thanks*******************************
Earn Money - FREE 6.5
Vivek Kaushik
Welcome to the world of homebusinessowners.Join our team FREE and start making money by justsharingthisopportunity.You will earn money in just three steps:1. Create your login and confirm the mail.2. Refer this to your friends, relatives and in groups andearn10USD per person.3. Shop only thru your login id and start earning up to 30%onyourbuying.You can earn more, by joining the network,thru"MainBusiness".If you want to know more about the main business,use"OnlineChat".
Earn money - money easy 6.0.0
Earn money - Easy money is aguideforentrepreneurs 2.0, if you need Extra money, oryou'reunemployed,or simply you want to launch your company ontheInternet, anddon't know how to do that you should only installthisapp and getready to change your life.Only with a series of tips, guides, and steps tofollow,you'llget clear safe and profitable internet businessideas.The advantage main is that business on the internetcanbeautomated, here we will teach you to throw a virtualcompanyandturn it into a profitable business.For example some of them include, sellingphysicalproducts,info-products, systems affiliates, create a blog,writearticles,social media manager, advertising, webdevelopment,creator ofebook's, designer, among many examples morethan theywill beupdated, so you can always have themostup-to-dateinformation.You also grant a free ebook with the best opportunitiesofthe2016-2017 to work as a FreeLancer in internet.Remember that WINS money - money easy, is completely free,andyoucan share it by Whastapp and social networks with yourfriendsfromyour smatphones and Tablet.
Earn Buddy 2.5
In this type of online work, you need toclick& view the ads & get paid for clicking each &every ad.You can earn $200 to $400 or more if you work 15-30minutes dailyon legitimate PTC (get paid to click) sites.We are validating many such site and only trusted sites willbeavailable via app.Currently we are covering only PTC sites but we are validatingfewmore online/offline opportunities as well and we will providetheupdated version to existing users without any extra cost.Here are the exact steps you need to follow to earn fromthisprogram-Join some best & legitimate PTC sitesLogin to your account dailyView all your ads dailyWe have analyzed more than 50 PTC sites & after working onthesesites for months, we have selected only few of the PTC siteswhereyou can really earn some good income.Though many sites claim that you can earn huge money in shorttimebut remember that to really earn some decent money following3things are must:Dedication with consistencyPatienceReferrals​PTC sites are nothing but paid to click sites where you canjoin& get paid for viewing the ads. If you work 5-10 minutesoneach website daily then you can earn $200 monthly (Rs.10,000+)fromthe sites available with this app.
Learn and Earn Money Methods 6.0
You want to earn money in internet. Yeah this is true app. Youwilllearn new methods. Everyday we add new tutorials for makingmoney.This is daily blog it will help your wants. Example: Yandextoloka,, shortest url, mobile make money, or admob. You willlearnnew methods.Online survey sites. You will get moneywithpaypal,webmoney,eft,bank. You must read our instructions. YouwillEarn money. Make money tutorials. You will read all tutorials.Youwant money? Try this app. Note: We arent pay no one. Weteachmethods. This is making money methods in mobile. Mobile makemoney,android or ios.
Earn Money-Creative Ways 1.0
Opusys Cloud
Learn and understand creative waysofEarningpart time or full time earning .App explains all creative ways which are tested and proven,People from various walks of life have trusted andbenefitedwithsuch ideas and earning their pocket money orfulltimeearning.
How to earn money online 1.2
If you need Extra money, oryou'reunemployed,or simply you want to launch your company ontheInternet, anddon't know how to do that you should only installthisapp and getready to change your life.In only 5 steps and clear examples; you will learn theprocessoflaunching a business on the internet and how to earnmoneyonline.Business on the internet are becoming the mostprofitableand futuremoves towards that direction.How to earn money online, here you will find 5 stepsandformslegitimate make money online from the comfort of your homeorwhiletraveling. You need only a computer and the internet tobeginworkand generate income.For example some of them include, sellingphysicalproducts,info-products, systems affiliates, create a blog,writearticles,social media manager, advertising, webdevelopment,creator ofebook's, designer, among many examples morethan theywill beupdated, so you can always have themostup-to-dateinformation.We also grant you a guide of how to make moneytravelingtheworld, very interesting, if your passion is to travel,cantakeadvantage of while doing it.We know that there is much work and the economiciscomplicated,so we suggest you this App to help you get whatneedyou.Remember how to earn money online, it's completely free,andyoucan share it by Whastapp and social networks with yourfriendsfromyour smatphones and Tablet.
FortAdPays Earning 2.0
FortAdPays is quickly becoming one ofthemostsuccessful ad revenue sharing companies we’ve seen.Theyaregaining around 1000 new members a day which is is the markofavery successful business in this industry. They haveanactivefacebook group where you can ask questions and makefriendswithother members. This is something we always look for withadrevenuesharing companies, because we like transparency. If youarelookingfor a very successful ad revenue sharing business, thisisthe onefor you!What is Ad Revenue Sharing?Ad Revenue Sharing is a recently viral new way to makemoneyonline.You buy Fort Ad Pays ad packs, which cost $1 each. Bythetime yourad pack matures, you will have earned $2.20, which isa220% returnon your ad pack. This is a fabulous value! Each adpackyou buyearns you advertising credits, where you can advertiseyourbusinessor other share revenue referral link. The revenueyoureceive isearned when new members buy ad packs. This is similartoa pyramidscheme, which we don’t recommend. The differencewiththis is thatyou are paying for a service, and at the sametimeearningmoney.How to earn with Fort Ad Pays without spending money?Fort Ad Packs offers a paid to click plan, where you arepaidaround$0.01 for each ad you click. We don’t personally wasteourtime withthis because it’s so much more lucrative to earn 220%oneach $1 adpack.How to earn with Fort Ad Pays paid plan?The only thing required of you in order to earn is that youclick4ads a day. This is simple and easy and takes up about 2minutesofyour time per day.What payment processors does Fort Ad Pays accept?Fort Ads Pays accept Payza, Perfect Money, and 2Pay4You.How are my Fort Ad Pays earnings given to me?You will earn a percentage of your deposit each day, untilyoureachthe max of 220% on each ad pack. This earning will onlybegiven toyou daily if you have clicked your 4 ads a day. Ifyouforget toclick your ads, the earnings will stop for the dayandwill resumewhen you next click your ads.Your earnings are placed into two categories, arepurchasebalanceand a cash balance. This is split up 50/50. Thismeans that50% ofyour earnings will go directly into a repurchasebalancethat canonly be used for buying new ad packs. This isactually agreatbusiness policy because it forces members to keepbuying newad packsto ensure that everyone can continue earning.The other50% of yourearnings go directly into a cash balance, thatyou canuse to buymore ad packs or withdraw.Your earnings are paid to you at a rate of 2% a day untilyouhavereached the maximum earnings. This takes about 110 daystooccur.Once your ad pack expires you will need to repurchase anewad packif you want to continue earning.What is the best Fort Ad Pays strategy?We recommend a 100% repurchase strategy for 3 months. Thismeansthatyou should use 100% of your cash and repurchase balanceto buynew adpacks. This will help your packs increase and yourearningsas well.Once you have reached a period of about 2-3 monthsof100%repurchase, it is then safe to start taking weeklywithdrawelsandstill have enough money left over to continuegrowing youraccountto make the maximum amount of money.
Cash Junction - Earn Unlimited 1.9
Cash Junction is an Android Application andaunit of SG Appliances & Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Company.SGAppliances & Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Developed a Great AndroidAppfor User. Through which Anyone Can be a Millionaire ByJustInstalling Some Apps in Mobile, and Just Clicks on Ads andShoppingand earn and Just Refer Cash Junction to Your Friends andFamilyand Ask them to Complete the Challenge By installing 8-10Apps intheir Android phone, You will Get its payment instantlyasNetworking is the Best Way to do any Business, becausethroughNetworking anyone can earn unlimited. We have alsoimplementednetworking in our system too. You can Earn Up to 10Levels in CashJunction. Cash Junction Networking System is an AutoFillnetworking System. In This Auto Fill Networking System Onlyneed tojoin 5 people in your down line (Team) and just see themagic of AnAuto Fill Network System. A User can make his/her teamup to 10levels and get paid for every joining and get paid for yourteamwork also without any Investment.
Click Money 1.0
Hamza Zahid
Make Money by clicking ads
Earn Money Online 1.0
Fun World Dev
Earn Money Online is simple app thatletsyoulearn how to make money online. Earn real moneybycompletingsimple tasks inside the app. Looking for ways toearnmoney just bydownloading apps, watching videos or completingasurvey? Lookingfor a work from home option to make money?Earn Money Online app lets you do just that. With thismakemoneyapp, it is really easy to make free money. On this app, itiseasyto make money, and you get paid for completing simpleofferssuch asdownloading a free app, watching a videoadvertise,completing asurvey etc. This app also includes some highpayingoffers to earnmore cash.You can earn cash anytime and from anywhere, therearenocomplicated missions to visit places or wander around andbestofall it’s an easy, quick and fun way to make easy money!Makemoneyis the best rewards app!Download the App, sign in and MAKE FREE MONEY by:• Downloading free apps• Trying free games• Inviting friends and get at least 10% of theirearningsasbonus• Completing surveys• Free product trials• Watching videosand more...These features are included in a very user friendlyinterfacethatyou will absolutely enjoy. Now it’s very easy to makemoneyonline,just download our app and begin your journey in thecashworld!Earn cash with Earn Money Online app!
BitClix 1.5
Make money by visiting sites, clicking ads,andmany more with all-in-one mobile application packed withdifferentlegit PTC sites and faucet lists:PTC sites:BTC ClicksBTC VicRef BitBits For ClicksCoin AdderFree BitcoinClixSenseAdvercoinsFaucet lists:TakeFreeBitcoinClaimBTCFaucetGoFasterClickAquabitcoinXbitPrint MoneyTrust BTC FaucetMoon BitcoinBitcoinkerWith BitClix, you can now easily earn satoshis usingyoursmartphone, anytime, anywhere.
Adsplz - Earn Money Online 0.0.1
Adsplz is a Digital advertisingcompanyinAhmedabad India. Easy way to Earn money online &Advertiseyourbusiness online at a competitive price. Make moneyonline inIndia.Refer your friends and get a reward. Earn moneyonlinewithoutinvestment and make money from home
Captcha Type n Earn 1.11
CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whetheruseris a human or a computer.You've probably seen them in colorful images withdistortedtextat the bottom of Web registration forms.-- Work from home! Make your own hours and be yourownboss.-- Earn unlimited income with “Online Captcha Entry Work!"-- We are offering a real data entry job from home.-- The most remarkable thing about this work is anyone canmakemoney with it.-- It doesn't require any special skills, training, educationorprevious business experience.-- You only need internet connection and good typing speed.-- No Special education is required-- Flexibility in choosing your own working hours.-- Beneficial for students, house wives and everyone who wantstoearn from home.
Money Making Tricks 4.1
Grey Lab
Best Ways To Make Money Tricks
AdSense Course 1.0
The key to success with Adsense istheplacingof ads on pages that are receiving high traffic forhighdemandkeywords.The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the moreyouwillreceive per click from your site. Obviously, it does notpaytotarget low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pagesthatdonot receive hits.With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday,itis no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instanthit.For some who are just new to this market, it would be ablowtotheir pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhereinthelittle ads promoting other people’s services. But then,whentheyget the idea that they are actually earning more moneythatway,all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.Here's some of what you'll learn in this course:* 3 Reasons Why AdSense Is Essential For Content Sites* The Basics On How To Start Making Money With AdSense* 5 Ways To Improve Your AdSense Earnings* Monetizing Your Website With AdSense* How Do You Increase Your AdSense Earnings* What Is it That They Are Doing Wrong?* Using Other Peoples Info To Increase Your AdSense Cash* How To Avoid Getting Your AdSense Account Terminated
Videoz 2 Earn 1.14
*No restrictions, No agreement, No legal documentation ,NoTermination , No time limit, No Qcreport , No hard rules , No boundaries for earning because youcanearn as much as you can .*One time investment for lifetime earning ...*Get high Pay-out by just watching videos online .*just click on "Set To Play " and start video for 51 Secforqualify video..*Every day you will get 1600 videos...for Registration :Web Site : www.videoz2earn.comemail : [email protected]
jobs online 1.1
if you want to start your career orthinkingabout switching job in Pakistan for better careeropportunity thenour online jobs application is the right tool thatyou need. In ouronline jobs app we have tried to gather all topresources offeringgovt, private and semi private jobs in Pakistan .this applicationis very usefull for studend and make dollar andeuro . by usingthis applicaion . this is better way find online jobat any place .this app provide Sales And Marketing jobs, BusinessDevelopmentJobs , IT/Software Development Jobs ,Medical/HealthJobs,Accounting/Finance Jobs ,Trainee/Internship Jobs,CustomerSupport/Client Care Jobs ,Production/Operations Jobs,EngineeringJobs ,Security/Protective Services JobsBuildingConstruction/Skilled Trades Jobs , Project/ProgramManagement Jobs, Newspaper Jobs. this very use full for job finderto find theonline job in pakistan. this Application provide onlineJobs inLahore , Jobs in Karachi , Jobs in Islamabad , Jobs inRawalpindi ,Jobs in Faisalabad , Jobs in Multan , Jobs inGujranwala ,Jobs inQuetta, Jobs in Peshawar ,Jobs in Hyderabad ,Jobs in Sialkot.Thework from home is great satisfactory type of jobenvironment. Now aday people do not have to restrict themselves inselecting the workfrom home as an alternate source many even selectit as a maincourse of job and the reason is here you get goodintervals lot ofmind activity, you get to work on quality time, andthere are nosuch stipulated hours of work or any sort of officepoliticsinvolved.All suggestions, articles and tips come fromtheexperience of the 100,000+ entrepreneurs on our online jobsapps.Weunderstand that often what people want is simply to makemoney, andin this app we share many tips on how you can make moneybyworking, starting projects or businesses, or raising money foryourcarrer.this application is very usefull for job searcher andj0bfinder to find job ..You can win money online bythisapllication..The jobs from home are a search which isquiterelevant for the people who do not want to go out of home orwantto make an extra edge of income apart from their usual incomethatthey have. The jobs from home are many and all arequitequalitative in their rating. Most of the woks from home arequite ashort duration of time taking and so you may not feelthemonotonous of working and doing the same work every nowandthen.Find jobs using Indeed, the most comprehensive search engineforjobs.In a single search, Indeed offers free access to millionsofjobs from thousands of company websites and job boards. Fromsearchto apply, Indeed's Job Search app helps you through theentireprocess of finding a new job.World’s #1 Job Search- Join over 180 million job seekers each month who use Indeed- Find jobs in over 60 countries and 28 languages- Search the Indeed database of over 16 million jobs