Top 20 Games Similar to Battle of Crete

Glory of Generals: Pacific-WW2 1.3.12
Experiencing Pacific War, beacon of World War 2 and makingmilitaryachievement
World Conqueror 1945 1.5.0
new style strategy game on the background of WWⅡ
1941: World War Strategy 2.1.2
1941 is a strategic board game similar to Axis & Allies®.Localplay only.
World Conqueror 3-WW2 Strategy 1.8.0
Experiencing great world war 2 turn base strategy game.
Eastern Front: Conflict-series
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Eastern Front is a huge turnbasedstrategy game set on the Russian Front in World War II.You are in command of the German WWII armed forces -generals,tanks, infantry and air force units - and the object ofthe game isto conquer the Soviet Union as quickly aspossible.This is a huge game, and if you haven't played games fromtheConflict-series, you may want to start with Operation BarbarossaorD-Day before taking on the Eastern Front. If you want to testthegame mechanics of Conflict-Series, a LITE version ofOperationBarbarossa is available for free.What's different in Eastern Front compared toOperationBarbarossa:+ Scaled up: Larger map, more units, more panzers & WaffenSS,more cities... Now you can finally outmanoeuvre more thanjustcouple of units to form über-encirclements.+ Tactical Areas/MPs: Some hexagons are connected togetherformingslowly evolving Tactical Areas, and you can move betweensuchhexagons using Tactical MPs instead of regular MPs. This opensup acompletely new tactical dimension.+ Economy & Production: You decide how to use theindustrialresources that you capture: Build railway networks,produce RailMPs, manufacture minefields, fuel, etc.+ Railway Network: To navigate the huge game area efficientlyyouneed to plan where to build railway network.+ Generals: Generals support the closest units in battle at thecostof 1 MP, while the front line units located too far awayfromGenerals might lose 1 MP.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent balances between strategic goalsandsmaller tasks like encircling nearby units.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefense performance, extra MPs, damage resistance, etc.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Change difficulty level, hexagon size,Animationspeed, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) and cities(Round,Shield, Square, block of hourses), decide what is drawn onthe map,and much more.+ Inexpensive: The entire WWII eastern front for the price ofacoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Kursk: The Biggest Tank Battle
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Kursk - The Biggest Tank Battle isaturn based strategy game set on the Eastern Front during theSecondWorld War.Historical background: In 1943 Germans hoped to shorten theRussianfront by eliminating the Kursk Salient, which had beencreated inthe aftermath of the Battle of Stalingrad. Wehrmacht,focusingmajority of their elite divisions on the Eastern Front onthisrelatively small area, envisioned Panzer spearheadsbreakingthrough northern and southern flanks of the salient toencircle theRed Army forces. However, the Soviets had excellentintelligence ofthe German plan, called Operation Citadel. This, andGerman delaysin waiting for new weapons, the Tiger heavy tank andthe Panthermedium tank, gave the Red Army time to construct aseries ofdefensive lines and gather large reserve forces. Thishugeconcentration of armed forces on both sides led into thebiggesttank battle of history on the outskirts of Prokhorovka on 12July1943. The question "could German Army have succeeded inthisoffensive", was kind of left unanswered, as Allied landinginSicily and the Soviet offensives elsewhere on the EasternFrontpressured Hitler to abort the Operation Citadel only after10days.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setupondivisional level.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefense performance, extra move points, damage resistance,abilityto hold their ground after a lost battle, etc.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.No risk: If you want to test the mechanics of this WW2 game,thereis a free 15-turn version available for freeat your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
1941 Frozen Front Premium 1.12.4
Lead German forces on the rise towards the East ordefendmotherRussia on the Soviet side. Choose the right tactic ofwarfareandearn your stripes as an ingenious Commander at theFROZENFRONT!PLAY WITHOUT ADS! Experience mind-blowing World War 2battlesinthe brilliant new military STRATEGY-sim byHandyGames™!MISSIONBRIEFING FIGHT through the bone-chilling cold ofthe 1941EasternFront! COMBAT enemy positions with tanks andinfantry!SHOOThostile headquarters with mighty bomber wings!EMPLACEyourartillery in rough terrain! SUPPLY your army withgoodsandammunition! DEFEND yourself against superior numbersofenemies!FEATURES ✔ Turn-based strategy action in WW2 ✔Thrillingcampaignsand challenging missions ✔ Hot-Hand multiplayerbattles✔Historical German and Soviet units ✔ Repairs,camouflageandfortification of units during the battles ✔Infantry,artillery,tanks and warplanes for both fractions ✔ Hexgrid for thebestoverview possible ✔ Detailed graphics andsuper-realisticsounds ✔Full tablet support Supports Google Playgame servicesAudiopowered by Dolby on supporteddevicesLanguages:EN/DU/FR/DE/IT/JA/KO/PT/RU/ZH-CN/ES/SV/ZH-TW/TRThank youforplaying 1941 Frozen Front! © HandyGames 2019
Assault Wave 1.7.3
Real time single/multiplayer tacticalactionwith easy Drag & Target & Drop controls yet plenty ofgameplay depth!Operation Cobra, 1944: Germans are desperately trying to stoptheUS advance, which side will you take?* Mobile Tech Review - 4.5/5“The multiplayer component truly shines. Play this game withafriend and watch it come alive.”* - 8/10“Assault Wave is a good, fast and fun game that contains alltheelements required for being a good strategy.”* Pocket Gamer / Bronze Award“The simplicity of Assault Wave makes for somefranticencounters”*“Overall this is a good fun game with which you can kill agreatdeal of spare time”*“All iPad gamers should watch for this game.”* 148Apps"The whole look of Assault Wave exudes a gutsy feeling thatisreminiscent of war themed comic books of years gone by."Features• US and Germany as first playable nations• Single Player Campaigns and Battles• Rookie and Veteran difficulty levels• Multiplayer 1 vs 1: On Same Device & Online• 16 Unique Battle Maps• Unlock new Units and Commands• Online Multiplayer leaderboard• Achievements
Sea Overlord 4.0.0
Sea Overlord is a naval strategy game
Wargame: Korsun 1944 4
Classic hex and counter wargame of the Korsun-Cherkassy pocket 1944
Crete 1941
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Crete 1941 is a turn basedstrategygame set on the Mediterranean Theater during the SecondWorldWar.You are in command of the German forces taking part in anairborneinvasion of Crete -- Operation Mercury -- the first mainlyairborneinvasion in military history. Thanks to their code breakingeffortsBritish knew about the German airborne plan, but eliteGermanparatroopers managed to capture the island in spite of theoddsbeing against them.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagonsizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: The classic strategy game campaign for a cupofcoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII strategy game, a free 15-turnversionis also available from the app store.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Demyansk Pocket 1942
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Demyansk Pocket 1942 is a turnbasedstrategy game set on the Eastern Front during the SecondWorld War.Historical background: During the attacks of the winter of1941-1942the Soviet Red Army managed to encircle 100,000 Germansoldiersholding the front line in Demyansk, located half-waybetween Moscowand Leningrad. After receiving reinforcements,Wehrmacht unleashedan offensive from Staraya Russa. The purposewas not to evacuate theencircled units, but to re-open a landconnection to theout-of-supply forces in a hope to continuecontrolling the area in apreparation for the future campaigns.Meanwhile, the encircledunits, inadequacy supplied by Luftwaffe,engaged in a cutthroatbattle for the life or death. One of theencircled German units wasthe 3rd SS Division Totenkopf, whichearned its elite status in thefierce battles leading the defenseof the pocket - a process inwhich the unit suffered 80%casualties. However, the German victoryin Demyansk in 1942 pavedway for a major German miscalculation ayear later, when 300,000German soldiers were encircled inStalingrad in 1943, and based onthe experiences from Demyansk thecommanders were ordered to waitfor the help instead of breakingout.Game: You take the command of both the encircled units andthefresh divisions attempting to re-establish a land routefromStaraya Russa to Demyansk as quickly as possible. To have achanceto seize the top spot in the Hall of Fame you need to leadunitsthrough the Red Army rifle divisions as quickly as possible -andmaintain the newly opened route for 9 consecutive turns. Allthiswhile fiercely defending the cut-off Demyansk area withpoorlysupplied Wehrmacht and auxiliary units.Objective: The game is over after you re-establish aconnectionbetween the cities of Staraya Russa and Demyansk - andmaintainthat connection for 9 consecutive turns.Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain color themes,changedifficulty level, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL)andcities (Round, Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on themap,change font and hexagon sizes.In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely a good idea to usebrute forcewhen it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offits supplylines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: Demyansk Pocket 1942 works,tryout the free 10-turn version at your fellow strategy gamers in saving the German troopsfromthe encirclement!Check out all the campaigns in the Conflicts strategygameseries: has offered highly rated Android-onlystrategygames since 2011. The campaigns are based on thetime-tested gamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiastsare familiar withfrom both the classic PC war games and legendarytabletop boardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Battle of Moscow 1941
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Battle of Moscow 1941 is aturnbased strategy game set on the European theater during theSecondWorld War.Re-live the classic strategy game campaign in whichWehrmacht'sPanzer Armies pushed through the Red Army defense linestowards theSoviet Capital - while fighting both the elements (mud,extremecold, rivers) and the counterattacks by Siberian andT-34units.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historicalsetup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game'ssmartAI technology, each game provides a unique wargamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn thebraggingrights on the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the lookofthe gaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagon sizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: The German drive to Moscow for the price ofacoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII game, a free 15-turn versionisalso available at your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Fall of Stalingrad (Conflicts)
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Fall of Stalingrad is a turnbasedstrategy game set on the European Eastern Front during theSecondWorld War.You are in command of the Axis forces when the Red ArmylaunchesOperation Uranus - The encirclement of the German 6th Armylocatedin the Stalingrad Area. The object of the game is to holdthecollapsing front line and gather enough troops for acounter-striketo free the 6th Army, and then using the freed forcescontrol theentire area of the map. Failing that, your score will bethe numberof turns you managed to hold on before collapsing tozeroVPs.FEATURES:+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Change difficulty level, choose icon setforunits (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, or Square),decidewhat is drawn on the map, change font and hexagonsizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Good AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towardsthetarget, the AI opponent understand encircling, smallertasks,etc.+ Inexpensive: The classic strategy game campaign for a cupofcoffee!In order to be a victorious general, you must learn tocoordinateyour attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units givesupport toan attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order togain localsuperiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to usebruteforce when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut offitssupply lines instead.If you want to test this WWII strategy game, a free 20-turnversionis also available from the app store.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Ardennes Offensive 1944
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Ardennes Offensive 1944 is aturnbased strategy game set on the Western Front during theSecondWorld War, essentially offering the German side of the BattleofBulge.The historical battle took place in December 1944 inArdennes,Belgium, where American forces fought against a largeGermanoffensive. It was the largest land battle of World War II inwhichthe United States directly participated.In the game, you are in control of the German armed forces andyourmain task is to reach Brussels, which would open to you a routetothe strategic port city of Antwerp. This would essentiallysplitthe Allies in two, hopefully causing enough political tensionstoforce the Allies to sign a peace treaty.The game is over if:+ Germans reach over 180 Victory Points, or+ Germans control less than 10 Victory Points.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your skills against others fighting fortheHall of Fame top spots.+ Challenging: Crush the enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various settings are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Two Icon Sets: Real or NATO-styled units.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup,anduses the names and locations of the divisions that sawcombatduring the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely a goodideato use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemyandcut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: Ardennes Offensive 1944 works,tryout the free 15-turn version your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course of WorldWarII history.Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Iwo Jima 1945
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: Iwo Jima 1945 is a turnbasedstrategy game which takes place on the Pacific Theater duringtheSecond World War.You are in the command of the American Marine force taskedtoseize the tiny island of Iwo Jima as quickly as possible.A free 15-turn version of Iwo Jima 1945 is availableat: Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the mapforany physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones toHDtablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon andfontsizes.In order to be a victorious general in this strategy game, youmustlearn to coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, asadjacentunits give support to an attacking unit, keep your units ingroupsin order to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarelythe bestidea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle theenemyand cut off its supply lines instead.Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course oftheSecond World War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
D-Day 1944 (Conflict-series)
Joni Nuutinen
Conflicts: D-Day is a highly rated turnbasedstrategy game set on the Western Front during the SecondWorldWar.General Eisenhower has stepped down and you are in the commandofthe Allied invasion force - tank, airborne, infantry and airforceunits - and the object of the game is to break out from theD-Daybeachheads and liberate as much of German-occupied Franceaspossible, as quickly as possible. To have a chance to seize thetopspot in the Hall of Fame you need to skillfully encircleGermanunits commanded by Erwin Rommel, while battling both theregularWehrmacht divisions and the feared Panzer VI (Tiger I)tankunits.FEATURES:+ Long-lasting: Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smartAItechnology, each game provides a unique war gamingexperience.+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills againstothersfighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off,continuelater.+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the braggingrightson the forum.+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look ofthegaming experience: Switch between terrain themes, changedifficultylevel, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) andcities (Round,Shield, or Square), decide what is drawn on the map,change fontand hexagon sizes.+ Experienced units learn new skills, like improved attackordefence performance, ability to cross rivers without losingextramove points.+ A wide variety of units under your command: Sherman M4tanks,American/British/Canadian infantry divisions, paratroopers,specialunits like US Army Rangers and Royal Marines CommandoBrigade, Crabmine cleaner tanks and air force units. Meanwhile, theGermanWehrmacht starts with coastal fortifications, and weakerostbattalions and static infantry units, but as the days pass,isreinforced with regular infantry, Waffen SS andPanzerdivisions.+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup ofthereal 1944 Normandy landings - including the divisions thatsawcombat during the D-Day and the following Normandy CampaigninWorld War II.In order to be a victorious general, it is essential that youlearnto coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacentunitsgive support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groupsinorder to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely thebestidea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle theenemyand cut off its supply lines instead.To get a sense of how Conflicts: D-Day works, try out thefree15-turn version -- your fellow strategy gamers in turning the tide of theSecondWorld War!Conflict-Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategygamessince 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-testedgamingelements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiarwithfrom both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletopboardgames. I also want to thank the fans for all the wellthought-outsuggestions over the years which have allowed thesecampaigns toimprove at a much higher rate than what any indiedeveloper coulddream of. if you have feedback about theConflict-Series please useemail, this way we can have aconstructive back and forthconversion without all the limits of thestore's comment system. Inaddition, because I have huge number ofprojects on multiplestores, it’s just not very sensible to spendhandful of hours eachday going through hundreds of pages spread allover the Internet tosee if somebody has posted a question somewhere-- just send me anemail and I will answer to it as soon as I'monline. Thanks forunderstanding!
Empires and Allies 1.104.1382488.production
Join your friends, form alliances, buildyourarmy and prepare for battle.Welcome to Empires & Allies, the criticallyacclaimedmodern-military strategy game that puts the weapons oftoday’sarmies at your fingertips, in a battle for control oftheglobe.FEATURES:-DEPLOY THE WEAPONS OF MODERN WAR from tactical nukes andhellfiremissiles to orbital strikes.-BUILD IN THE WAR FACTORY and craft all-new weapons plus epicioncannons, stealth generators, air-med dronehives, andmore....-BATTLE IN ALLIANCE WARS with up to 100 other players asyouralliance fights for control of the globe.-DESIGN YOUR PERFECT ARMY from the arsenals of today’smilitarieswith battle-hardened tanks, spider drones, helicopters,andmore.-DYNAMIC BATTLEFIELDS deliver increasingly difficult scenariosthatemulate the unpredictability of warfare.- SAVE THE WORLD from the GRA, an evil terrorist organization,anddefend your territories from other playersADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES:- Use of this application is governed by the Zynga Terms ofService.These Terms are available through the License Agreementfield below,and at For specific information about how Zynga collects andusespersonal or other data, please read our privacy policyat Zynga’s Privacy Policy isalsoavailable through the Privacy Policy field below.- This game does permit a user to connect to social networks,suchas Facebook, and as such players may come into contact withotherpeople when playing this game.- Terms of Service for Social Networks you connect to in thisgamemay also apply to you.- You will be given the opportunity to participate inspecialoffers, events, and programs from Zynga Inc. anditspartners.- Must be 13+ to play.
Guns'n'Glory WW2 1.4.13
Enter the battle and lead your troops to glory!
1942 Pacific Front Premium 1.7.3
Experience World War 2 battles in this new military game!