Top 25 Apps Similar to Internet Speed Optimizer 2017

Aceleración Wifi 3G/4G (prank) 2.2
La velocidad de Internet está determinada,nosepuede cambiar, pero hay otros factores que puedencambiar.Si experimenta velocidades lentas de Internet con la redWiFi,"Aceleración de Internet" puede ayudarle.Si tiene una conexión WiFi o de datos móviles (3G, 4G,Wifi),realizamos una serie de tareas automatizadas paraacelerarlavelocidad de Internet." Aceleración de Internet" Aumenta su rendimiento deAndroidmediantela liberación de los recursos de la CPU, losarchivos decaché, y elrendimiento de Internet mejorado en 4G, 3G,Wifi.La aplicación Internet Accelerator analiza las propiedades deredyajusta la configuración de la red telefónica parasuconfiguraciónóptima para aumentar drásticamente la velocidaddeInternet hasta 5veces más rápido.★★★★★★★★★★Caracteristicas ★★★★★★★★★★★ Optimizar la velocidad de Internet y ajustaautomáticamentelaconfiguración de red para proporcionarunrendimientosuperior.☆ Soporte para Wifi y 3G / 4G para Internet dealtavelocidadexcepcional.★Muy fácil de usar con un simple botón de empuje depulsosdevelocidad a Internet☆ Apoyo de una gran colección de dispositivos y versionesdeAndroid(casi todas las versiones y los dispositivosAndroidsoncompatibles).★ Internet Accelerator es una aplicación de bichos nobienoptimizadoque gestiona la velocidad de Internet sinrealmenteconsumir una grancantidad de memoria RAM.☆ Acelerador de Internet es gratuito y es simplementegenial.Encomparación con su rendimiento increíblemente rápido yunaampliagama de funcionalidad y compatibilidad de losdispositivos,es undesperdicio no aprovechar.★ La aplicación se actualiza periódicamenteconnuevascaracterísticas y correcciones de errores para mantenerelmejorentre sus competidores.☆ Acelerador de Internet está muy bien diseñado y seponderamuyligero para permitir que todos los usuarios deAndroidparadescargar y permitirá utilizarlo sin realmenteconsumirmayorcantidad de datos y recursos materiales.☆☆ Internet Accelerator es una aplicación "BROMA" puro,loquesignifica que la aplicación no cambia o no aumenta suvelocidaddeInternet, pero le da la ilusión de hacer y que eselobjetivoaplicación principal ☆☆☆☆ Esta aplicación es sólo para fines de entretenimiento. Estaesunaaplicación de broma que no aumenta la velocidad deInternet.Norecopilamos ninguna información. ☆☆Wifi 3G/4GSimplemente comience " Aceleración de Internet " y deje quehagasumagiaInternetspeedisdetermined, you can not change, but there are otherfactorsthatcan change.If you experience slow Internet speeds withWiFi,"AcceleratingInternet" network can help.If you have a WiFi or mobile data connection (3G,4G,Wifi)connection, we perform a series of automated toolstoacceleratethe speed of Internet tasks."Accelerating Internet" Android Increases performancebyreleasingresources CPU, cache files, and Internetperformanceimproved in4G, 3G, Wifi.The Internet Accelerator application analyzes networkpropertiesandadjusts settings for optimal telephone networksettingstodramatically increase Internet speed up to 5 timesfaster.Features ★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ Optimize Internet speed and automatically adjuststhenetworksettings to provide superior performance.☆ Support for Wifi and 3G / 4G high-speedInternetexceptional.★ Very easy to use with a simple push buttonpulsespeedInternet☆ support a large collection of devices and versionsofAndroid(almost all Android versions and devicesaresupported).★ Internet Accelerator is not well optimized applicationbugsthatmanages Internet speed without actually consume a lotofRAM.☆ Internet Accelerator is free and is just great.Comparedwithincredibly fast performance and a wide range offunctionalityanddevice compatibility, it is a waste not to takeadvantage.★ The application is updated regularly with new featuresandbugfixes to keep the best among its competitors.☆ Internet Accelerator is very well designed and verylightweightedto allow all users to download Android and allowusewithoutactually consuming more data and materialresources.☆☆ Internet Accelerator is a "JOKE" pure application whichmeansthatthe application does not change or does not increaseyourInternetspeed, but it gives the illusion of doing and that isthemain targetapplication ☆☆☆☆ This application is for entertainment purposes only. Thisisaprank application that does not increase the speed ofInternet.Wedo not collect any information. ☆☆Wifi 3G / 4GSimply start "Accelerating Internet" and let it do its magic
Internet Speed Booster Prank 1.0
This is internet speed boosterprankapplicationto make fun with your friends,internet speedboosterprank looks likea real internet booster for smart phone'sinternetspeed.How to use this free Internet speed booster?1- Click on "Check" button2- See how internet speed booster increases Speed.Disclaimer: internet Speed Booster is a prank application
Internet booster Simulator 1.1
Internet booster Simulator a great waytoprankyour friends!
Internet Speed Booster Prank 1.2
H.A.K.O apps
Slow connection slows downyourInternetenjoyment? Increase your Internet speed and increaseyourInternetconnection up to 5x thanks to the InternetSpeedBooster.This is exactly when our Internet Speed BoosterapplicationforAndroid shows all its capabilities and can surpriseyou.In fact,Internet Speed Booster effectively optimizesyourInternetspeed and makes it 5x faster than what is actuallyprovidedby youroperator.Internet Speed Booster is the easy and powerful way to speedupyourInternet connection. With Internet Speed ​​Booster youcanspeed upyour internet connection.The Internet Speed Booster Android is very easy to use,itoptimizesyour Internet speed and automatically adjustsnetworksettings toprovide you with superior performance.Internet Speed Booster is a well-optimized bug-freeapplicationthathandles your Internet Speed ​​without reallyconsuming a lotof RAM,it supports Wi-Fi and 3G / 4G networks forexceptionalInternetspeed. The application is regularly updated with new featuresandbugfixes,Internet Speed Booster supports almost all versionsofAndroiddevices,The Internet Speed Booster also requires the InternetaccessrightNETWORK which is very necessary to analyze your datatrafficandoptimize your Internet settings in order to choose thealgorithmtouse.If you think your internet speed is not good enough, all youneedtodo, to improve your Internet connection speed,simplyinstallInternet Speed Booster on your Android device .Internet Speed Booster is a pure application PRANK, whichmeansthatthe application does not increase your Internet speedfast,but onlygives you the illusion of doing so.In other words,Internet Speed Booster was developedforentertainmentonly and has nothing to do with othersimilarapplications like speedbooster or other Internetconnectionaccelerators.Please leave positive comments and thank you.
Speed Up Internet 3G/4G Prank 1.0
How to Speed Up Your Internet??Download Speed Up Internet 3G/4G Prank so you can Upgrade from3Gto4G and enjoy Fast Internet Connection.Increase Your Internet Speed By changing 3G to 4G/LTEinoneclick.**********************************And after all it's just a prank my friend as it saysinthetitle.....
Internet Speed Booster Prank 1.2
Internet Speed Booster is theprankapplicationwhich speeds up your Internet connection in justaClick easily.Internet Speed Booster increase your slowNetworkspeed if youexperiencing with mobile network Wi-Fi, 4G, or3G ,this is the bestInternet Speed Booster application foryou.Internet Speed Boosteris just for entertainment purposetoentertain your friends.Features:• Internet Speed Booster• Speed up internet Connection• Optimized for speed free WiFi prankly• 3G/4G Speed Booster• Wifi Speed Booster• Fast Internet Speed Booster• Fast Internet Booster
2G 3G 4G Signals Booster Prank 96.0
2G 3G 4G Signal Booster Prank is the 2G3G4GWIFI signal boosting simulator app for android device.This app is a simulation of network signal booster andinternetspeedbooster or signal Optimizer.This is a prank app.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Highlights Of 2g 3g 4g signal booster :-1.User Friendly And Neat UI2.Gorgeous Interface And High Performance App3.Simple To Use4.Fastest And Smartest App*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Features of 2g 3g 4g signal master:Are you looking for best entertainment and prank app?Congratulations you have come to right app.How to use this 3g 4g wifi network speedconnectionprankapp?1. Run the app2. Click optimize button3. Wait while 'phone signal booster' will simulate scanorboostingprocessYou can show friends that you really boostednetworkGPRSsignalsIt didn't really increase network SIGNALSstrengthorcoverage*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*This app is just a simulator of real SIGNAL SPEED MASTER.It shows how booster can work and strength the receptionoftargetnetwork range.It is not a real signal booster!This app shows how it reconnect the mobile withthefastestcell tower available on the place,but it didn'treconnectthe cellsignal just simulates how itreconnects thecellphonesignals.It shows simulation of finding best signalcarrierReceptionfrom cell tower,clean signal interference,changesettingsof packetdata.It shows the simulation of improvement oflowsignallatency.If you do a speedtest after optimizing using this app.,therewon'tbeincrease or decrease in cell signals strength because it isaprankapp.You can show friends that you really boosted networkCDMA,GPRSsignalsIt didn't really increase network and net signalstrengthorcoverage.You can use it to make prank!This app is for free!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Try it and feel the fun using fresh network signalspeedmasterprankapp!Download 2g 3g 4g internet signal boosterPrankforfree!
مقوى شبكة النت Prank 3G 1.3
هذا التطبيق يعمل على تقوية و تسريعشبكةالهاتفمن خلال قفل و فتح الشبكة و معالجة الشحنات الهوائية فإذاكانتشبكةجوالك بطيئة و يوجد بها عطل أو تقطيع كل ما عليك فعله هوالضغطعلى زرالتقويةكلمات دالة:نقوية الشبكةتسريع النت3G boostboosterهذا التطبيق مزحةThis applicationworkstostrengthen and speed up the telephone network through thelockandopen the network and address air cargo If your mobilenetworkisslow and there is the failing or cutting all you have todoispress the button RelayKeywords:Myeloid NetworkSpeed ​​up the net3G boostboosterThis application is a joke
Internet Speed Booster Prank 1.1
Internet speed booster -prank isanexcellentfree application that gives an impression optimizeyourInternetconnection.If your friend experience slow Internet speeds with theWi-Finetworkfunction then install this app on your friend'smobile.Then makeyour friend simple and very useful to prank your friend.Features:- free prank app to speed internet connection tofoolyourfriends- internet speed booster -prank- high speed inter prank- no harmful- easy to use- heart touching graphics- amazing simulationNOTE: Internet Speed Booster is a not a real app. This prankappforentertainment purpose.
تقوية إشارة الويفي wifi 1.0
هل مللت من تطبيقات تسريع الوي في وفيالاخيرتجدها مجرد خدعه؟هل تريد تطبيق تزيد به قوة الويفي في هاتفك لالفعل وليس مزحه؟انت في المكان المناسب مع تطبيق تسريع وتقوية الويفي النتيجةمضمونة100/100 يعمل على تسريع وتقوية الواي فاي لديك بنسبة 200% حيثيجلب لكاقصى قوة لدى الواي فاي في هاتفك.دعك الان من كل هذه العناوين الخادعة والكاذبه مثل :★ تسريع الانترنت والهاتف 3G★ تسريع الانترنت وتقوية الشبكة★ تسريع الويفي _ Wifi Speed★ كشف كلمة السر Prank - wifi★ تحويل الهاتف 3G إلى 4G★ تفعيل prank 4G★ كشف كلمة سر الويفي Prank★ تسريع الأنترنت وتنظيف الهاتف★ برنامج سرقة كود الويفي Prank★ كاشف كلمة سر الويفيسيتم تحديث التطبيق باستمرار ان شاء الله, فقط نرجو التقييمالايجابيواعطاء 5 **** نجووم كاملة وذلك للمزيد من العملوالاستمرارية, نتمنىصادقين ان نكون توفقنا في عملنا, بالتوفيقللجميع.Tired ofapplicationsaccelerate the Wii in the latter can be found in ahoax?Do you want to increase the application of force by Aloeva inyourphone to act and no joke?You are in the right place with the application to accelerateandstrengthen Aloeva 100/100 guaranteed result works to accelerateandstrengthen Wi-Fi have increased by 200% as the maximum forcebringsyou to the Wi-Fi on your phone.Now, let alone all of these false and deceptive titlessuchas:★ speed up Internet and phone 3G★ Internet acceleration and network optimization★ accelerate Aloeva _ Wifi Speed★ detect password Prank - wifi★ conversion 3G phone to 4G★ activate prank 4G★ detect password Aloeva Prank★ Internet acceleration and cleaning Phone★ theft Aloeva Prank On program★ detector password AloevaThe application will be updated constantly, God willing, wehopeonly positive feedback and give 5 **** Njuom complete andthatfurther work and continuity, we wish to be honest Tovguena inourwork, good luck to all.
WiFi Booster Prank 1.0
jeef aaron
WiFi Booster Prank is an Internetspeedboosterapp that helps you speed up your Internet connection upto5xFaster!WiFi Booster Prank uses complex algorithms tooptimizeyourInternet Speed by acting on you WiFi settings andoptimizingsomesensitive DATA.Also, and apart from using Internet Speed Booster, youshouldknowthat other outside factors out of your ISP control mayaffectyourInternet Speed.In addition, unlike a lot of misleading DATA ispretending,yourInternet Speed can not be increased and could justvarybetweensome realistic limits (ups and downs) depending on yourrealDATAplan.Actually, In most conditions, your Internet Speedcannotbechanged as your Internet speed rate is provided byyourInternetServices Provider called ISP and fixed as per yourDATAplancontract.However and even though there parameters that cannotbechangedlike the distance between your device and the 3G/4Gantenna,thedistance between your Router and Your ISP DSLAM, thereareotherparameters that if configured correctly, may increaseyourinternetspeed up to 5x Faster.That's exactly when our Internet Speed BoostergenuineAndroidapplication shows all its capabilities and may blowyourmind.Here is the usefulness of our WiFi Booster Prankandroidapp,which by the way works on both WiFi and 3G/4Gnetworks.The app is coded in a manner that it helps fullyoptimizeyourInternet settings so it may boost your internet speedup to5xFaster!Guidelines and instructions of use:1. Enable your WiFi/3G/4G on your device.2. Open our speed booster and click onenableInternetBoosting.3. Wait while the app optimizing many aspectsyourinternetsettings.4. When the boosting process is done, please leave the app opensoitcan still work in the background and optimizesyourInternetspeed.5. Internet Speed Booster (WiFi booster Prank) app maynotworkproperly if other similar applications are installedonyourdevices such as DU Speed Booster, Ccleaner, CleanMaster,Internetspeed meter, and other Internet speed test apps, asit maycreateincompatibilities issues.6. While the app is open and running and Internet boosterisenabled,you may notice an increase in your internet speed asshownin thegraphs inside the app.7. You can also perform an Internet speed test onyourPhone/Tabletto measure your Internet Speed so you can noticehowpowerful ourInternet Speed Booster is.Benefits of WiFI Booster Prank:1. Light weight app.2. Wide compatibility with most actual devices(phonesandtablets).3. Highly optimized code to reduce RAM consumption.4. Increases your Internet speed up to 5x faster.5. The app is FREE and offer equal services as paidInternetboostingapps.6. Please check this page regularly as the app is updatedonaregular basis.DISCLAIMER AND DECLINE OF RESPONSIBILITY:WiFi Booster Prank is a pure prank app as it'sclearlymentionedin its name as well as in this description and doNOTactuallyincrease your Internet Speed. It only gives youtheillusion to doso and it's the main purpose of the app.In other words, WiFi Booster Prank was developed forFUNandEntertainment purposes ONLY so you may make use of it toamazeyourfamily and impress your friends by giving them theillusionthatyour Internet Speed is way better than their.If you liked using our prank app, Please take a moment torate"5*Stars" on the PlayStore!Enjoy using WiFi Booster Prank and have fun!
Internet 4G Wifi SpeedUp Joke 3.0
now you can prank all your friend with thenewapp Internet 4G Wifi SpeedUp JokeHOW TO USE WIFI BOOSTERClick the "BOOST" button.How to speed up!WIFI Booster to improve your Internet speed forbetterconditions.WIFI increase in speed signal Internet Booster PowerWIFIimproves.It will improve the stability of our signals with AppBoosterWIFI.note: this is a prank app just for fun and make jokes
تفعيل خدمة الأنترنت joke 4G 1.8
تعاني من مشكل أنترنت ضعيف ؟ اليك الحلمعهذاالتطبيق الخرافي سوف تلاحظ فرق كبير في تسريع الأنترنت حيتسوفيمكنكمن تفعيل خدمة 4G و التحويل من 3G الى 4G في ظرف لا يتجاوز24ساعةفقط يجب عليك التباع الخطوات بعناية :كيف أفعل خدمة 4G ؟1- حمل هذا التطبيق من متجر غوغل بلاي2- أدخل رقم البطاقة التي تود تفعيل خدمة 4G فيها3- قم باختيار خدمة 4G/LTE4- انتضر حتى يقوم التطبيق من فحص شبكة الاتصال الخاصة بك ويتأكدأنالخدمة متوفرة في بلدك5- قم بملاحظة سرعة الأنترنت على هاتفك التي سوف تزداد الى10مراتأكتر.***********************************************************************************من مميزات التطبيق :- حجم صغير و سهل التحميل- تفعيل خدمة 4G- تحويل 3G الى 4G-تسريع الأنترنت********************************************************************************ملاحضة :هذا التطبيق يبقى فقط مزحة لتوهم بها أصدقائك و عائلتكبأنكتمتلكاتصال أنترنت أسرع منهمVersion Française :Souffre tu du problème de l'Internet faible? Voicilasolutionavec cette application magic tu va remarquerezunegrandedifférence dans l'accélération Internet elle va activer la4Get laconversion de la 3G au service 4G dans une affaire de pasplusde24 heures seulement, vous devez suivres les étapes avecsoin:Comment dois-je faire le service 4G?1. télécharger l'application depuis le Google Play Store2. Insérez votre num que vous souhaitez activer le service4G.3. Sélectionnez le / Service LTE 4G4. patientez jusqu'à ce que l'application vérifie votreréseauetfaire en sorte que le service est disponible dansvotrepays5. puis en observe la vitesse de l'Internet sur votretéléphone,quisera porté à 10 fois plus.***********************************************************************************Caractéristiques de l'application:- Petite taille pour un telechargement facile- L'activation du service 4G- Convertir 3G à 4G-internet rapide********************************************************************************observation :Cette application reste qu' une blague juste pour les amisetlafamille pour leurs faire croire que vous possédezd'uneconnexionInternet plus rapide qu'a eux*******************************************************************************Version anglaise:Do you suffer from the problem of the weak Internet?Here'sthesolution with this magic application you will noticeabigdifference in internet acceleration it will activate4Gandconversion from 3G to 4G service in a matter of no morethan24hours only you need to follow the steps carefully :How do I get 4G service?1. Download the app from the Google Play Store2. Insert your number which you want to activatethe4Gservice.3. Select the / LTE 4G Service4. Wait until the application checks your network andmaketheservice available in your country5. Then observe the speed of the Internet on your phone,whichwillbe increased to 10 times more.***********************************************************************************Characteristics of the application:- Small size for easy download- Activation of the 4G service- Convert 3G to 4G-internet fast********************************************************************************observation: This application remains only a joke just forfriendsandfamily to make them believe that you ownfasterInternetconnectionSuffers from theproblemofInternet weak? Here's the solution with this applicationKharafiwillnotice a big difference in Internet accelerationsaluting youwill beable to activate the 4G and conversion from 3Gto 4Gservice in amatter of no more than 24 hours only, you mustAltbasteps carefully:How do I do 4G service?1. download the application from the Google Play store2. Insert the card you wish to activate the service 4G No.3. Select the 4G / LTE Service4. The Antdhar until the application from your networkcheckingandmaking sure that the service is available in yourcountry5. then observing the speed of the Internet on your phone,whichwillbe increased to 10 times Aktar.***********************************************************************************Features of the application:- Small size and easy loading- 4G service activation- Convert 3G to 4G-Internet acceleration********************************************************************************Mlahoudh:This application remains only a joke just to thefriendsandfamily that you own them faster Internet connectionVersion Française:Souffre tu du problème de l'Internet faible? Voicilasolutionavec cette application magic tu va remarquerezunegrandedifférence dans l'accélération Internet elle va activer la4Get laconversion de la 3G au service 4G dans une affaire de pasplusde24 heures seulement, vous devez suivres les étapes avecsoin:Comment dois-je faire le service 4G?1. télécharger l'application depuis le Google Play Store2. Insérez votre num que vous souhaitez activer le service4G.3. Sélectionnez le / Service LTE 4G4. patientez jusqu'à ce que l'application vérifie votreréseauetfaire en sorte que le service est disponible dansvotrepays5. puis en observe la vitesse de l'Internet sur votretéléphone,quisera porté à 10 fois plus.***********************************************************************************Caractéristiques de l'application:- Petite taille pour un telechargement facile- L'activation du service 4G- Convertir 3G à 4G-internet rapide********************************************************************************observation:Cette application reste qu 'une blague juste pour les amisetlafamille pour leurs faire croire que vous possédezd'uneconnexionInternet plus rapide qu'a eux*******************************************************************************Version anglaise:Do you suffer from the problem of the weak Internet?Here'sthesolution with this magic application you will noticeabigdifference in internet acceleration it will activate4Gandconversion from 3G to 4G service in a matter of no morethan24hours only you need to follow the steps carefully:How do I get 4G service?1. Download the app from the Google Play Store2. Insert your number which you want to activatethe4Gservice.3. Select the / LTE 4G Service4. Wait until the application checks your network andmaketheservice available in your country5. Then observe the speed of the Internet on your phone,whichwillbe increased to 10 times more.***********************************************************************************Characteristics of the application:- Small size for easy download- Activation of the 4G service- Convert 3G to 4G-internet fast********************************************************************************observation:This application remains only a joke just for friendsandfamilyto make them believe that you own fasterInternetconnection
Speed up internet (prank) 2.0
Everyone knows that you are a specialistinITand you know everything about mobile phones? Fool yourfriendsthatyou can even increase internet speed! This internetbooster isatool for making jokes. You can prove that you are arealhacker!Internet booster is a simulator of makinginternetfaster.
Internet Booster Prank FREE 0.0.3
Bart Studio
Strong stability signals forhighspeedinternet.This is a prank app!
2G 3G 4G Speed Booster Prank 5.0
2g 3g 4g signal booster prankgiveanimpression that it will boost up yout 3g networksignals.If your friend has a 2g, 3g or 4g internet and you want tomakefunof him, then install thisapplicatoin in your friends mobile and give him an impressionthatitboost up your 3g signal.Prank your friends and tell them this is aneweffectiveapplication will help to improve GSM, 3G, 4G andLTEsignals on your mobile phone/tablet.Features:The signal booster prankShow impression ofthefollwingfeatures:- it show that it improve GSM, 3G, 4G, LTE signal ,Actuallyitis a fun and joke.- improve speed of downloading and datatransmission.(tellthisfeature to your friends and makefun.- get the strongest signal from the base mobiletower.(Allfeatures are prank. Just showing you that in how manyways youcanmake joke of your friends)- if the signal is low because of poor coverageinthesurrounding area, you will need signal improvement.(Aprankfeature).Instruction: .Its our responsibility to make the best possible userexperienceforour users.1 . Run the app2 . Click SCAN button3 . Wait while 'phone signal booster' will simulate scanorboostingprocessYou can show friends that you really boostednetworkGPRSsignalsIt didn't really increase network SIGNALSstrengthorcoverageNote:This is a prank application and does not boost up 3g signals.Itonlyfor fun and entertainment purpose.Download signal booster prank and enjoy.
تضخيم اشارة الواي فاي 1.0
اليكم الان احدث طرق تضخيم اشارة الواي فايوالحصور على انترنت اقوى و اسرعهذا التطبيق مزود بأحدث تكنولوجيا الاتصالات و الانترنت في العالممقدماليكم باللغة العربيةهذا التطبيق يقوم بتضخيم و تقوية و تكثيف الاشارات التي تخرج منجهازالانترنت اللاسلكي و يقوم بجعل الهاتف اقوي جهاز استقبال لأكبركميةمن الاشاراتوذلك لتسريع الانترنتلا تنسوا التقييم و عطاء التطبيق 5 نجوم و ابداء الاراء في حالاعحابكمبهYou are now thenewestways to amplify the signal Wi-Fi, and the restrictions ontheInternet stronger and fasterThis application is equipped with the latestcommunicationstechnology and the Internet provider in the world toyou inArabicThis application is exaggerating and strengthen and intensifythesignals coming out of the Internet and the wireless devicebymaking the phone more powerful receiver for the largest amountofsignalsSo as to speed up the InternetDo not forget the evaluation and tender application and 5starsWrite a review in case it Aahapkm
4G Signal Booster :Prank 1.1
4g signal booster prank give an impressionthatit will boost up your 3g network signals to 4g signals. 4gsignalbooster -prank is a simulated 4g signal booster. Boost up2g,3g,and4g signal as a simulation not real.This is not a real 3g signal booster, 4g signal booster.This is only for entertainment purpose.Note: 4g signal booster is a prank app. This is not realapp.
Internet Speed Booster Prank 1.0
Love to Live
Internet Speed Booster is anexcellentandroidapplication to boost your Internet speed.Internet speed booster is a prank to make fun with friends.Internet Speed Booster Prank is showing that itsmoothsyourinternet.But this prank app and just for the entertainment purpose.Internet Speed Booster Prank is fun base mobile applicationanditonly contains the animation which just shows that itboostingyourinternet but this is prank
2G to 3G to 4G Converter Prank 1.0
Stack 4 Apps
Are you planning to jump on latest superfast4Ginternet?4G internet is super fast internet which boostyourinternetnetwork.Some devices support 4G internet and some are not.We provided 2G to 3G to 4G Converter Prank app to 3g to4gnetworkconverter.It is the latest 4G Converter and SIM Info Prank2G to 3G Converter Prank will provide you fast internetonyourdevice.Some devices is not supported 4G so it convert 2g to 3g and 3gto4GLTE.Features:Easy to use.Attractive Layout.2g to 3 g converter3g to 4g converterFast and attractive ScreenThis is prank app just for the fun purposes.
VPN WiFi internet prank 2017 1.2
Enjoy and learn with this app and followourtips here we teach you so you can lament a VPN joke inadditionthis app does not need to be connected to aninternetnetwork.What is a VPN prank?A VPN prank (Virtual Private Network) allows you to create asecureprank prank connection to another network over the Internet.Whenyou connect any device to a prank joke VPN, it acts as if itwereon the same network as the VPN and all data traffic issentsecurely through the VPN.In addition the VPN is a private and virtual network as itsnamesays, so all the traffic passing through that network issecuredand protected from unwanted joking eyes. This can be veryusefulwhen we connect to a public or joke Wi-Fi network.This means that you can use the Internet as if you were presentinthe region that has the VPN network. For example, if you wanttoenter to look at the catalog of an exclusive service of aspecificcountry, with a VPN you can do it, because once That youenter withthe masked connection, that service will only see thatyou areconnecting from that country, prank joke although in fact itis notso.
WIFI Password Hacker PRANK 2.0
WIFI Password Hacker is a PRANK appthatallowsyou to retrieve the list of all neighbouringwirelessnetworks andsimulate wifi password hacking operation oftheselected wirelessnetwork nearby your device.WIFI Password Hacker is also a free simulated tool thatisdesignedfor fun purposes in order to prank your friendsabouthacking anddecrypting their wireless password and findingsecurityholes intheir Wi-Fi network.① WI-FI Key Finder Features :★ Find all available WI-FI Wireless networks(includingsecuredand public ones) nearby your device.★ Show the wireless key and wifi SSDI of the hijackedorhackednetwork on fullscreen (to simplify sharing itwithyourfriends)★ Copy the wireless key to the Clipboard to facilitateusingitanywhere else like sharing it via SMS messages, andsocialnetworkssuch as Twitter, Facebook, Whats App etc.★ Security Types Supported in the app :- WEP- WPA2★ Pretend and simulate Wi-Fi key unlocker.② DISCLAIMER :WIFI Password Hacker is a PRANK tool that aims togeneraterandompasswords to fool and dupe your friends It does notprovideanytrue Wifi Hacker functionality.
2G to 3G to 4G Converter Prank 1.4
The 2G to 3G to 4G converter are usedtoconvert your data in 2G or 4G connection in your smart phone.This application are provide to fast network in yoursmartdevice.This 2G to 3G to 4G application are prank application.we are provide to many different different facility.This application have many features are available.**Select network connection type as you want.**This application provide 2G to 3G.**It also provide 2G to 4G network connection.**it can be apply a 3G to 4G.**It is very easy to used.**This application are working very smoothly.**This application have no need to connect the internet.**It is fully free downloaded from android market.Thank You...
3G Speed Booster Prank 1.1
3g speed booster prank give animpressionthatit will boost up your 2g network signals to 3gsignals. 3gspeedbooster -prank is a simulated 3g speed booster.Boost up 2gand 3gsignal as a simulation not real.This is not a real 3g speed booster. This is onlyforentertainmentpurpose.Note: 3g speed booster is a prank app. This is not real app.
Wifi Signal Booster Prank 1.0
Stack 4 Apps
WiFi Signal Booster does notenhanceyourinternet speed. Your internet speed is always dependentonyourprovider.This is prank app to show your friends and family showthemthelatest app and surprise them.WiFi internet booster show the beautiful fully advanceanimationforthe wifi boosting which makes the internet speedbooster toaattractive application.This is prank app and do not took it serious So Installfastwifibooster just for the fun with your belongings.