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Where the Hunt 1.12
Smart Designs
“Where the Hunt” is the first ever,allinclusive, cooperative hunting app that is designed by huntersforhunters. The precious time we have to spend in the woodsneverseems to be enough, so in order to enhance your time and makethemost of your hunt, we designed “Where the Hunt”. It will helpyoumaximize the use of your time by not only eliminatingunforeseenproblems, but, enhance your ability to hunt where youneed to be!All of this while increasing your safety and overallawareness inthe woods! When you download this app, the ability toaccess andshare information with other hunters is invaluable inalmost allhunting scenarios! Remember,the more people that areusing it, themore helpful it can be! Here are some of the manypotential uses ofthis app:Public Land Hunting? You have been in your stand for nearlyanhour and the sun has just peaked over the horizon, it isofficiallyshooting light. You hear the distinctive sound of thecrunching ofleaves. You think to yourself, is this that wall hangerbuck youhave trail camera pictures of? NO!! It is another hunterstumblingin on your location. Why you ask? Well, he did not knowanyone wasthere! Check in on “Where the Hunt” so others know yourlocationand keep them from walking up on your hunting spot in themiddle ofyour hunt!Know before you go! Ever drive an hour to some publichuntingground only to find the parking lot looks like a pickuptruckconvention? Then, as you are racing down the highway in theotherdirection trying to salvage a morning hunt, you think toyourself,“I knew I should have gone to that other spot!” With“Where theHunt” you will know before you go and avoid the crowdedareas andbe able to maximize your hunt on land without all thepressure!Or before you pack all your gear and quietly walk all thewayback to the stand on the South 40, only to find someone hasalreadybeat you to it! With “Where the Hunt” you can see if yourhuntingspot is occupied before you even step out of the truck andmakeadjustments accordingly!Private Land Hunting? Do you belong to a Hunting Club or sharealease? Use “Where the Hunt” to know where others are huntingonyour Property or Lease and they will know where you are! Plus,youhave the added safety factor of knowing where others are inyourhunting area.Safety! You never know when something can happen while you areinthe woods. Your loved ones will know your exact location to gettoyou in case of emergency. Have your loved ones download thisapp,show them where your marker will be and in case of anemergencythey'll have an additional tool to help them locate you.Check-in on“Where the Hunt” it could just save your life!!!Scouting! Can’t hunt until this weekend? Well with “WheretheHunt” you can see who is hunting where all week long, so youcandecide what is the best location for you during your upcominghunt!And, let’s be honest, it is just fun to spy onpeoplesometimes!Duck Hunting on a River or Lake? Ever get all set up in thedarkof night only to discover in the daylight that there is a groupsetup way to close? They start sky blasting your ducks, andhavingthem flare off? Not with “Where the Hunt” users can avoidotherhunters by simply Checking in!Apps are a super helpful tool while out in the fieldandsometimes are just a nice way to keep your life organizedandstress free. Where the Hunt will help you to make good,wellinformed decisions on, not only your hunting, butEVERYBODY'Shunting. Be sure to promote “Where the Hunt” because themorepeople using it, the more useful of a tool it can be! A$0.99investment can aid you in having the hunt of a lifetime!For those concerned with Privacy, please note that yourGPScoordinates never leave your phone. All the handling ofGPScoordinates is done with 128 bit encryption and only theencrypteddata ever leaves your phone.