Top 19 Apps Similar to Learn Russian WordPower

Innovative Language Learning 3.1.1
Learn Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese &MoreLanguages
Learn Russian - 11,000 Words 7.3.2
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Russian. Speak Russian 7.10.0
ATi Studios
Learn Russian with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the Russian language quickly and effectively.Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core Russian words,formsentences, learn to speak Russian phrases and take partinconversations. Fun Russian lessons improve your vocabulary,grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method.Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional witha tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts toyourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Russian language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Russian language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofRussian grammar lessons and at the end of a fullsemester’slanguage course you could barely translate a sentence orsay“Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional way to learnalanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Russian phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Russian pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Russian words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Russian clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningRussian. Mondly teaches you Russian vocabulary by offeringyou corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Russian. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreRussianvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakRussianclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Russian verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Russian is different frompersonto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Russian lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Learn Russian Words Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Russian travel phrases,slang,business language...
Learn and play Russian words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
Learn Russian Phrasebook 3.9.5
Learn Russian the easy way. 200+ essential phrases. Qualityaudio,FREE download
Rosyjski - Ucz się języka 9.0.18
Learning Russian language free - Russian course of
Russian Alphabet 1.11
DG Software
Learn the Russian alphabet with this simple app. Tryalsoad-freeversion: the Russian alphabet -Talking pronunciationof lettersby nativespeaker -Talking examples by native speaker-Flash cards
Easy Russian 2.0
Easy Russian is a free Russian learning application.
Russian in a Month Free 1.27
Our application is a great chance to learnthebasis of the foreign language fast and effectively.Unique study method. No more grinding repetitivewordstranslation that will slip your mind soon.You're supposed to figure out the meaning like children learntospeak. They link what they hear with what they see and learnthemeaning of each word or phrase comparing the differencesbetweenactions or things.Nail down the knowledge that you grasp with the help ofwritingtasks.The full version offers:- 50 lessons with increasing difficulty levels- 3200 words and phrases voiced by male and femalenativenarrators- over 2600 colorful imagesThere is a free version to try before you buy. It contains3lessons: from the beginning, middle and the end of the course.Theyare given to show the method and the course level that weofferAbout 5 million people all over the world have already chosenourapplication as a fair companion. Give it a try too!**Check out FAQ if you encounter anyissues: **
Voice to text messenger FREE 1.17
Sensation! Throw out your keyboard - use your voice!
Learn Russian - Fabulo 1.2.8
Learn Russian by recognizing words and pictures, andcompletingsentences.
Learn Russian - 50 languages 14.0
Learn Russian fast and easy using your native language!
Nemo Russian 1.5.0
Nemo Apps LLC
Speak the most useful words in Russian immediately and confidently
Learn Dutch - Speak Dutch
ATi Studios
Learn Dutch in a fun and effective way. Start learning Dutch now!
Rosyjski - Ucz się i rozmawiaj 2.03
Fasoft LTD
Program do skutecznego porozumiewaniasięwjęzyku rosyjskim. Przeznaczony jest zarównodlaosóbpoczątkujących, jak i tych, którzy pragnąwzbogacićzasóbsłownictwa. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono w nimnanajważniejsząsprawność językową - umiejętnośćprowadzeniaswobodnych rozmów wjęzyku rosyjskim. Zastosowana wprogramieinnowacyjna metodakomunikacji pozwala szybko pozbyć siębariery wmówieniu i sprawniewyrażać w codziennych sytuacjach.Program przeznaczony jest przede wszystkimdlaosóbzainteresowanych czynnym opanowaniem językarosyjskiego.Wszystkiesłowa, zwroty i dialogi nagrane zostałyprzezprofesjonalnychlektorów rosyjskich. Logiczny podział na 127tematówi kategoriiwraz z szybkim systemem wyszukiwaniapozwalabłyskawicznie odnaleźćkażde potrzebne słowo lub zwrot.Program doskonale sprawdza się również wrolielektronicznego,mówiącego tłumacza podczas wyjazdów zagranicę.Dzięki niemu złatwością porozumiesz się we wszystkichtypowychsytuacjach - wsklepie, w banku, w hotelu, na lotnisku...Bezproblemu kupiszbilet w kasie, złożysz zamówienie wrestauracji,zapytasz o drogęlub też umówisz się na spotkanie.Program stanowi doskonałą propozycję dla osóbprzygotowującychsiędo egzaminów ustnych z języka rosyjskiego orazwyjeżdżającychzagranicę w celach turystycznych, do pracy lub nastudia.W programie między innymi:- nagrania z udziałem rodowitych Rosjan- 127 grup tematycznych i kategorii- praktyczne rozmówki, konwersacje i dialogi- słownik rosyjsko-polski, polsko-rosyjski- nauka prawidłowej wymowy- tworzenie własnych dialogów i scenek sytuacyjnych- innowacyjny system zapamiętywania wyrażeń- szybkie wyszukiwanie słów i zwrotów- uproszczony zapis wymowy- przykłady użycia słów w zdaniach- kurs konwersacyjny języka rosyjskiego- zintegrowany odtwarzacz słów i zwrotówDIALOGI:Na granicy, Odprawa pasażerów, Podróż pociągiem, Ulekarza,Wrecepcji hotelowej, W restauracji, Zwiedzanie, Wmieście,Pierwszerozmowy, W sklepie, Dojazd do centrum, Pozamiastem,Wymiana walut,Na poczcie, Szukanie pracy, Pytanie o czas,Wypadeksamochodowy,Informacja turystyczna, Wynajem samochodu.GRUPY TEMATCZNE:Zakwaterowanie, Pytanie o drogę, Gastronomia, Zdrowie,Zakupy,Czaswolny, Pierwsze spotkania, Podróż, Liczby/Czas,Miejscapubliczne,Praca/Nauka, Środowisko. Kategoria ogólnaBezpłatna wersja programu zawiera 800 słów i zwrotów,natomiastwpełnej wersji dostępnych jest ponad 4000 słów, zwrotówizdań.A programtoeffectivelycommunicate in Russian. It is suitable forbothbeginners and thosewho want to enrich vocabulary.Particularattention has been paidto the efficiency of the mostimportantlanguage - the ability toconduct free conversations inRussian.Used in the innovativemethod of communication allows you toquicklyget rid of thebarriers in speaking and efficiently expressineverydaysituations.The program is designed primarily for those interestedinactivemastery of the Russian language. All words, phrasesanddialoguesare recorded by professional native speakers ofRussian.Logicaldivision by 127 subjects and categories with a quicksearchsystemallows you to quickly find any word or phrase youneed.Program also excels in the role ofelectronic,speakinginterpreter during trips abroad. It allowseasycommunication amongall typical situations - in the store, atthebank, at the hotel,at the airport ... No problem, buy a ticketatthe counter, youorder at a restaurant, ask for directions, oryougo out for ameeting.The program is an excellent proposition for thosepreparingfororal exams in Russian and traveling abroad as atourist, to workorto study.The program includes:- Recordings with native Russians- 127 focus groups and categories- Practical phrasebook, conversations and dialogues- Dictionary Russian-Polish, Polish-Russian- Learn the correct pronunciation- Create their own situational dialogues and scenes- An innovative system for memorizing phrases- Quick search words and phrases- Simplified record pronunciation- Examples of the use of words in sentences- Conversational Russian language course- Integrated player words and phrasesAsking for:At the border, check passengers by train, At the doctor's,thehotelreception, the restaurant, walking in the city,thefirstconversation in the shop, drive to the center, outsidethecity,Currency Exchange, the post office, job search, questionoftimeCar accident, Tourist information, Rent a Car.GROUP TEMATCZNE:Accommodation, question of the way, Gastronomy,Health,Shopping,Leisure, first meetings, Travel, Numbers / Time,PublicPlaces,Work / Science, Environment. General CategoryFree version contains 800 words and phrases, whilethefullversion is available to more than 4,000 words,phrasesandsentences.
Learn Czech. Speak Czech
ATi Studios
Learn Czech with free lessons daily. LetMondlyteach you the Czech language quickly and effectively. Injustminutes you’ll start memorizing core Czech words, formsentences,learn to speak Czech phrases and take part inconversations. FunCzech lessons improve your vocabulary, grammarand pronunciationlike no other language learning method. Beginneror advancedlearner, traveler or business professional with a tightschedule?The app works great and dynamically adjusts to yourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own Czech language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the Czech language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofCzech grammar lessons and at the end of a full semester’slanguagecourse you could barely translate a sentence or say“Hello!” to aforeigner. That’s the traditional way to learn alanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn Czech phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright Czech pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your Czech words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak Czech clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningCzech. Mondly teaches you Czech vocabulary by offering youcorewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational Czech. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreCzechvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakCzechclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the Czech verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning Czech is different from persontoperson. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these Czech lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
Russian lessons (free & fun) 1.3
Want to learn Russian? There isaneffective,convenient and fun way! Get this Russian learningtoolfor free.Improve your vocabulary. Get rid of spelling errorsinyour Russian.Are you beginner? Or you have advanced level? It doesnotmatter.This is vocabulary tool and it will be useful forallstudents(elementary Russian , intermediate Russian ,advancedRussian )level.Learning process includes 4 steps for each lesson:1) Review Russian words. Try to memorise them.2) Play puzzle word game. That will help you torememberwordsbetter. (this step is a part of learningprocess)3) Pass the test. (Type a word and check if you are right)4) Swap languages.Remembering Russian words is a hardest part oflanguagelearning.This vocabulary trainer will help you. It isreally funto useembedded puzzle exercise.Learn Russian words in an easy way. Forget aboutcramming,writingwords on a paper, putting words lists everywhere.Thisprogramprovides an easy way of Russian words memorisation anditwill fixyour spelling.Use it day over day and you will get amazingresult.Yourvocabulary will rise to 3000 words + in a month. Finallyyouwillmake less grammar errors.Features:1) The set of lessons for different levels of ability.2) The progress of your learning Russian remains. You'llknowwhatlesson you have already passed.3) The ability to set a reminder4) Supports 26 languages5) And more!