Top 10 Apps Similar to Hotel Mercaderes Sevilla

Sevilla en tus manos 0.0.6
En tus manos
Combina la libertad de viajar aturitmosacándole el máximo partido a tu viaje. En tus manosmilesdepropuesta para saber qué hacer, qué ver y cómo moverteporlaciudad.En esta aplicación encontrarás:- Los lugares más emblemáticos que todovisitantedeseaconocer.- Los rincones con encanto que no todo el mundoconocedeSevilla.- Información básica que facilita tu estancia o te saca dealgúnqueotro apuro: embajada, Wifi, transporte, mapas,policía,asistenciasanitaria, el tiempo, etc.- Te localiza los restaurantes, servicios básicos o puntosdeinterésque están a tu alrededor.- Te guía para llegar a ellos sin perderte y ahorrandotiempo.- Programa la visita a tu medida seleccionandotuslugaresfavoritos.- Aprovéchate de las ofertas que ofrecen los restaurantesycomerciosde la ciudad por tener descargada esta aplicación.El equipo de Sevilla en tus manos desea mimarte parahacerfácil,provechosa e inolvidable tu estancia.Antes de cada viaje a Slla revisa la aplicaciónparadescargartelas actualizaciones periódicas que realizamospensandoen ti y tucomodidad.Combine thefreedomtotravel at your own pace making the most of your trip. Inyourhandsthousands proposal for what to do, what to see and howtogetaround the city.In this application you will find:- The most emblematic places that every visitorwantstoknow.- The charming corners that not everyone knows of Seville.- Basic information that facilitates your stay or yououtofoccasional trouble: embassy, ​​access, transport,maps,police,health care, time, etc.- I located the restaurants, basic services or pointsofinterestaround you.- Guides you to reach them without getting lostandsavingtime.- Schedule your visit as selecting your favorite places.- Take advantage of the deals offered by restaurants and shopsinthecity have downloaded this application.The team of Sevilla want to pamper yourself in your handstomakeyour stay easy, profitable and unforgettable.Before each trip to SLLA reviews the applicationtodownloadregular updates that we made thinking of you andyourcomfort.
Ver Sevilla 3.2
Ver Sevilla es una guía turística quetepermitemostrar más de 200 lugares y monumentos de la ciudaddeSevilla (NOoficial), así como eventos próximos.Descubre lugares y monumentos destacados que puedesencontrarenla ciudad a pie de calle y desde tu dispositivomóvil.Establece el radio de búsqueda de lugares según tu ubicaciónencadamomento, y la temática de lugares que deseasvisualizar.Generarutas hacia destinos concretos desde cualquierlugar.A partir de la versión 3.0 está disponible laconsultadeactividades y de eventos que se pueden realizar.Consulta posibles actividades a realizar, así comofestividadesyeventos próximos más destacados para disfrutar almáximo delaciudad.See Sevilla is acityguidethat lets you display more than 200 sites and monumentsofthe cityof Seville (NOT official), as well as upcoming events.Discover places and outstanding monuments that you can findinthecity at street level and from your mobile device.Set the search radius points based on your location atalltimes,places and topics you want to display. Generates routestospecificdestinations from anywhere.From version 3.0 the consultation activities and eventsthatcanbe made available.Check possible activities to perform as well asfestivitiesandhighlights to make the most of the city upcomingevents.
Sevilla Guide 1.0
Sevilla City Guide searches and navigatesnearby businesses around your location.This app finds restaurants, Banks, ATMs, Bus stops, Hospitalsetcnear your current location.*Auto detect user location by GPS.*Now works even without GPS , by detecting the mobiletowerlocation.*30 categories which covers almost all businesses.*Address, Phone, Website option for each businesses.*One touch directions for each item though google maps.If your need is to find local business , you are at therightplace .Sevilla city guide is one of the best local businessdirectoryavailable in play store .
Seville Travel Guide 5.2.2
The Seville City Guide from tripwolfcontainseverything you could possibly need for your trip: theSevilleoffline map, the hotspots of the city selected by theexperiencedtravel authors at Fodor’s Travel and MARCO POLO,includingattractions, restaurants etc. and the possibility to booktours andhotels directly in the Seville app. Over 10 milliontravelers arealready using tripwolf to get the best travelexperience out there- here is an overview of what you’ll get in theSeville CityGuide:AT A GLANCE✓ Free preview of the Seville Travel Guide withthepossibility to upgrade✓ The Seville guide is available in 5 LANGUAGES:Italian,Spanish, German, French and English.✓ Download the app offline and use the Seville map,travelguide and trip planner without an internet connection✓ Find the best attractions, restaurants, hotels etc.withcontent from Fodor’s Travel and MARCO POLO✓ Sync your Seville Travel Guide with your other devicesaswell (iOS and Android)✓ Book your Seville tours directly in the app and skipallthe lines———IN DETAILSeville OFFLINE TRAVEL GUIDEWith the City Maps Seville App you’ll find your way through thecityboth online and offline. Enable the subway and otherpublictransport options on your Seville offline map and plan theperfectcity trip. You’ll of course find an overview of all themetro linesin the travel guide itself, too.The Seville City Guide is your personal travel buddy! Createyourown Seville trip with the attractions, restaurants, bars,museums,hotels etc. you are most interested in and look at the mapto seewhere they’re located. The Seville Travel Guide containspremiumcontent from Fodor’s Travel and MARCO POLO, hotels frombooking.comas well as sightseeing tips from Yelp, FoursquareandWikipedia.OFFLINE MAPS SevilleThanks to the Seville City Guide you won’t get lost! Findalladdresses and places on the Seville offline map and let it showyouthe way.Use the whole Seville City Guide offline and don’t let roamingcostsruin your trip! Seville offline city maps, Sevilleattractions,hotels, restaurants, clubs, museums etc. included. Tobook hotels,flights and tours it’s necessary to have an activeinternetconnection.CREATE YOUR OWN Seville TRIPWith the help of our Seville trip planner you can create yourownSeville trip. Add the most interesting attractions,restaurants,shops, hotels and museums to your Seville guide and seethemdirectly on your offline map.Seville GUIDE: NEAR ME NOWFilter the attractions, hotels, restaurants nearby directly onthemap which are nearby to use your time as efficientlyaspossible.FIND THE BEST DEALSIf you’d like to book your trip in the Seville Travel GuideAppon-the-go, you can find the best deals directly there! Bookhotelsand tour tickets for the most important attractions as wellasflight tickets directly in the Seville City Guide. Like that,youcan find the best tour deals for sights such as SevilleCathedral,Alcázar, Giralda.AVAILABLE IN 5 LANGUAGESThe Seville Travel Guide is available in 5 LANGUAGES:Italian,Spanish, German, French and English.QUALITY OF THE MAP AND CONTENTThe Seville offline map is provided by OpenStreetMap andiscontinuously updated. The content from all other sources arebeingchecked regularly as well as new attractions etc. arebeingadded.You have more Spain trips planned? Check out our Spain TravelGuideto get more tips!tripwolf is a small team of travel lovers based in Vienna. Weoffermobile travel guides with offline maps and planner for over600destinations.
Street Museum AR Sevilla 4.0
Conoce la Sevilla de leyenda, depersonajes,deacontecimientos históricos y disfruta de susmonumentos,iglesias yconventos, museos, servicios turísticos,cultura ycostumbresmientras visitas las ciudad o planificas tuviaje encasa.Street Museum AR Sevilla te permite visitar la ciudaden3Denfocando con tu móvil nuestros mapas turísticos descargablesenlaweb y acceder a un mundo de información que te va aofrecerotravisión de la ciudad: sus lugares, acontecimientoshistóricos,suspersonajes, leyendas y forma de vida a través delarealidadaumentada.Nuestra app te permite:• Acceder a información nada convencional de cadalugardeSevilla: leyendas, acontecimientos históricos,sucesos,personajeshistóricos, películas, etc...• Ver monumentos en realidad aumentada llenosdeinformaciónescaneando nuestros mapas repartidos por toda laciudaden losprincipales hoteles, o descargándotelos de nuestraweb.• Conocer el pasado y el presente de la ciudaddemanerainteractiva.• Acceder a la gastronomía, cruceros fluviales,espectáculosdeflamenco, visitas a otras ciudades cercanas,autobuses turísticosybaños árabes, para poder organizarte tu viajeyreservarentradas.Antes de venir actualiza tu aplicación y enbrevedispondrásde:• Rutas turísticas por la ciudad que te permitirán"escanearlacalle" y ver información interactiva a tu alcance paraconocerquépasó en ese lugar , en aquel año y poder revivir laactualidad ylahistoria de la ciudad.• Información contextualizada relativas a serviciosturísticoscomogastronomía, flamenco, buses turísticos, etc... consólo verlacalle a través de tu móvil o tablet.Nuestras intención es permitirte organizarte tu visitayhacerlamás agradable.Sevilla knowthelegend,characters, historical events and enjoy itsmonuments,churches andconvents, museums, tourist services, cultureandcustoms whilevisiting the city or planning your trip home.Street Museum AR Sevilla allows you to visit 3D cityfocusingwithyour mobile our downloadable tourist maps on the webandaccess aworld of information that will provide another visionofthe city:their places, historical events, characters, legendsandway of lifethrough augmented reality.Our app allows you to:• Access information unconventional each placeSevilla:legends,historical events, events, historical figures,movies,etc...• See monuments augmented reality full of informationscanningourmaps scattered throughout the city in majorhotels,ordescargándotelos our website.• To know the past and present of the city interactively.• Access gastronomy, river cruises, flamenco, visits toothernearbycities, tourist buses and hamam, to organize your tripandbooktickets.Before coming update your application andofferscomplimentarysoon:• Tourist routes around the city that allow you to"scanthestreet" and see interactive information at your fingertipstoknowwhat happened in that place, in that year and to revivetodayandthe history of the city.• contextualized information on tourist services suchasgastronomy,flamenco, tourist buses, etc ... just see thestreetthrough yourmobile or tablet.Our intention is to let you organize your visit and makeitmoreenjoyable.
Sevilla Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help youexploreSeville.
Sevilla Provincia Guía Oficial 120
Sevilla es conocida no sólo por su clima,nosólo por sus tradiciones y su gente, sino también por suricopatrimonio cultural y natural. Hay tantas cosas que ver enlaprovincia de Sevilla que resulta verdaderamentedifícilenumerarlas. Con esta guía te ayudamos a que lasdescubras.Características:➢ Más de 150 rincones directamente recomendados porlosviajeros.➢Categorías Qué ver, Dónde comer, Dónde dormir.➢ Más de 200 fotografías compartidas por otros viajeros.➢ Contenido y mapas descargables offline, para que puedasdisfrutasde tu guía sin conexión.Seville is known notonlyfor its climate, not only for its traditions and its people,butalso for its rich cultural and natural heritage. There are somanythings to see in the Sevilla that is truly difficult tolist.This guide will help you to discover.Features:➢ Over 150 corners travelers recommend directly.➢Categorías What to see, where to eat, Where to sleep.➢ More than 200 photographs shared by other travelers.➢ Content and downloadable maps offline, so you can enjoy yourguideoffline.
Seville Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Seville travel guide is a complete and up to date city guide.Itworks offline, you don't need an internet connection.Bookmarkinteresting places in the sightseeing section with allthemonuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlife ofSeville!Bars, pubs & discos in Seville. Use the detailedoffline map ofSeville to simply find out where you are and seewhat's around. Thecomplete background information can be aninteresting read at homeor on the road to your next adventure.Useful when you are there: -Currency converter. - Phrasebook forSpanish. - Weather forecast(updated when online). - Directions onhow to get to a place bypublic transport. - Book hotels and toursin Seville directly fromthe app (when online). About TriposoFounded by and for travelers,Triposo delivers up-to-dateinformation, detailed maps andintelligent recommendations for morethan 40,000 destinations in200 countries around the world. To makeour guides we use thecontent that is freely available. Open contentsites likeWikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap areamong the bestresources for any traveler. Whether you are a planneror prefer togo with the flow, Triposo helps you discover theunexpected andexperience travel in a new way. If you see anyproblem with theapp, please write us an email [email protected] so we canfigure out what's wrong and fix it.Thanks!
Sevilla Industrial 1.1
El proceso de industrialización quedesdeelsiglo XIX tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Sevilla noshadejadonumerosos vestigios materiales y espacios, connotablesedificiosque son muestra de ese pasado industrial quepropició elaumento dela población, la generación de miles deempleos y latransformaciónde la ciudad.Hoy, toda esa herencia forma parte de nuestra historiaynuestropatrimonio cultural, pudiendo encontrar losdiferentestestimoniosde ese pasado industrial en numerosos rinconesdeSevilla.A través de esta aplicación, el usuario podrá conocer mejorcadaunode esos edificios y espacios, algunos rehabilitados yconnuevosusos, otros aún en espera de una nueva ocupacióneintegración en eldesarrollo urbano.La aplicación ofrece abundante información textualeimágenessobre cada uno de los bienes y cinco rutas por laciudad.Incluyeun mapa de recursos y un localizador que indica, pormediode latecnología GPS, cómo llegar a cada uno de lospuntosdeinterés.Theindustrializationprocess since the nineteenth century took placeinthe city ofSeville has left many traces, and spaces, withnotablebuildingsare proof of this industrial past which led totheincrease inpopulation, generating thousands of jobs andthetransformation ofthe city.Today, all that heritage is part of our history andourheritage,can find the different testimonies of the industrialpastin manycorners of Seville.Through this application, users can learn more about eachofthesebuildings and spaces, some rehabilitated and new uses,othersarestill waiting for a new occupation and integrationinurbandevelopment.The application offers extensive textual information andimagesoneach of the goods and five routes in the city. Includesaresourcemap and a locator that indicates, by means ofGPStechnology, how toget to each of the points of interest.
Sevilla - Travel Guide minube 120
With minube, you will take with you thebesttravel guide of Sevilla, created with the experiences ofothertravelers. Discover the most interesting places to visit,where toeat and to sleep, with the best pictures and the directionof eachplace.Moreover, you can add to this guide the "Essentials", where youwillfind the experiences of expert travelers aboutdifferenttopics.With the new minube guide, your trip will be more completethanever.Features:- Over 60 places recommended by real travelers.- Categories: What to See, Where to Eat, Where to Stay.- Over 200 photos from real travelers who’ve beentherebefore.- All content and maps available for download offline so youcanexplore Sevilla without roaming charges.