Top 2 Games Similar to Angry Awaam

Takedown: Neptune Spear 1.0
Takedown: Operation Neptune Spear Newgameenables you to lead the commando raid that took down OsamabinLaden! Available on iTunes and Android MarketNow you can lead the team of U.S. commandos whose mission istotakedown Osama Bin Laden! Designed with guidance from areal-lifeU.S. Navy SEAL Team Six veteran, Game profits shared withNavy SEALFoundation. Optional limited edition replica assaultriflestylusThe game Takedown: Operation Neptune Spear is based ontheclandestine raid in which U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six commandoskilledal-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the Sept.11thterror attacks.A SEAL Team Six veteran provided real-world specialoperationsexpertise in the design of Takedown, which plays out in areplicaof the terrorist mastermind's Pakistan lair that was thefocalpoint of the actual Operation Neptune Spear.In honor of real-life Navy SEAL heroes and their families,thegame-makers will donate 10% of game profits to the NavySEALFoundationTakedown game play elements include:· Primary goal of identifying and eliminating theterroristleader· Secondary goal of locating and collecting enemyintel,including computers, journals and maps.· Navigating the hostile compound and eliminating enemyfightersand suicide bombers, while avoiding unarmed civilians.· Choice of three levels of game play: recruit(easiest),veteran, and SEAL Team Six.· Multiple SEAL weapon options: pistol, assaultrifle,shotgun.· Option of two challenging routes to your target.· Must clear compound before time expires. Race against theclockto clear the compound and eliminate the terrorist leader· Randomized game play- no two missions are exactly thesame.Game players have the option of separately purchasing alimitededition gun stylus – a prized addition to any wargamer'scollection.
Snow Bros 2.1.4
Platum Inc
Resurrection of arcade’s masterpiece game!! SnowBros !!!