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Di Zi Gui 2.1.0
Yuliang Shan
Features:* Pinyin support;* Real person reading;* Comments in Chinese;Many of you will probably wonder what this book is allabout.What is in this book that made it so important in ancientChina?Can it still be relevant today? If we teach this book today,whatcan it do for us and what kind of influence will it have onourpresent society?Di Zi Gui, in English, means standards for being a goodstudentand child. It is an ancient Chinese book handed down to usfromancient Chinese Saints and sages. The source for the outlineofthis book was selected from Analects of Confucius, Book 1,Chapter6, where Confucius said: ¨A good student and child mustfirst learnto be dutiful to his parents, and be respectful andloving to hissiblings. Next he must be cautious with all people,matters andthings in his daily life, and be a trustworthy person.He mustbelieve in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages andputtheir teachings into practice. Then he must learn to loveallequally and be close to and learn from people of virtueandcompassion. Only after all the above duties have beenaccomplished,if he has the time and energy, he should then furtherstudy andlearn literature and art to improve the quality of hiscultural andspiritual life.〃Since the main outline of this book is based on the teachingsofConfucius, let us find out who he is. Confucius was a greatChinesescholar, teacher and educator. He was born in Chinaabouttwenty-five hundred years ago, about the same time thatShakyamuniBuddha was born in India. Confucius deeply influencedChineseculture, and this influence extends throughout the worldeventoday. He believed that moral principles, virtues, anddisciplineshould be the very first lessons to be taught to a child,and thata child needs to practice them daily. Unlike modern dayparents whodisapprove of physical punishment, ancient Chineseparents actuallyencouraged and thanked the teacher when theirchildren werepunished for misbehaving. It was most important toancient Chineseparents that their children learned the moralprinciples andvirtues first, before any other subject, becausewithout moralprinciples and virtues as a foundation, the learningof all othersubjects would be futile.