Top 1 Apps Similar to 新移民生活情報誌 創刊號

新移民全球新聞網 1.0.2
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新移民全球新聞APP,搭載新移民普遍使用之智慧型手機,提升本網站之黏著度及新聞傳播廣度,善用網路特性,結合目前最夯之趨勢行銷工具,與移民署共同打造新移民新聞總入口網的目標!多語言APP提供就業輔導之選單,並利用APP之推播功能,提供更快速、更方便求職入口點,在許多研究資料中顯示,新移民利用行動裝置閱報的機率相當高,而新移民可以利用慧型手機養成每日隨時上網看新聞的最佳首選;新移民專屬之APP,除了提供每日新移民相關新聞外,也提供許多生活相關資訊,如本案與1111人力銀行合作,將新移民專屬求職內容,內嵌在APP介面,提高新移民的使用率,藉此提昇本APP之效益Newcomers global newsAPP,equipped with the widespread use of new immigrantssmartphones,enhancing the degree of adhesion of the Website andthe breadth ofnews dissemination, use the network feature,combined with the trendof marketing tools most ram, and worktogether to build newimmigrants Immigration Agency News The totalportal target!Multi-language menu APP provides employment counseling, andtheuse of push APP function, providing faster, more conveniententrypoint for job seekers in many research data shows thattheprobability of new immigrants read the newspaper's use ofmobiledevices is very high, and the new immigrants can Hui phoneuse todevelop the best choice anytime day watching the news;'snewimmigrants exclusive APP, in addition to providing newimmigrantsdaily news, but also provides a number of life-relatedinformation,such as the 1111 Job Bank in cooperation with the case,the newimmigrants exclusive job content, embedded in APPinterface,improved utilization of new immigrants, in order toenhance theeffectiveness of the APP