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Sacred Learning 1..1
DOWNLOAD ENGLISH MP3 DIRECTLY TO YOUR PHONE.Shaykh Husain (may Allah preserve him) was born inChicago(USA)in 1972. After completing his primary education atschools inhishometown near Chicago, he joined the University ofChicago wherehestudied Biology, Arabic and Islamic Civilization. Itwasduringthis period that he began his study of sacredknowledge,studyingArabic grammar (nahw), Hanafi Fiqh and Usulal-Fiqh underulama(scholars) in Chicago. In 1994 Shaykh Husain alsobegantraining inIslamic spirituality under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad,aleading shaykhin this field.After obtaining his undergraduate degree, ShaykhHusainenrolledin the Pritzker School of Medicine at the UniversityofChicago.Along with his medical studies, he continued his studiesofsacredknowledge. In his final year he took leave frommedicalschool tofocus on his religious studies, traveling to SyriaandthenPakistan, where he studied a traditional curriculum foranumber ofyears under some of their greatest scholars.Throughout his years of study, Shaykh Husaincontinuedhistraining under Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db). He wasblessed withtheclose company of his Shaykh, learning the scienceofthepurification of the heart. The deep taqwa and firm adherencetothesunnah and Shariah that characterized his teacherwereeventuallytransferred to the student and Shaykh Husainwasformallyauthorized in this science by Shaykh Zulfiqar (db)inJuly2001.Shaykh Husain has completed medical school and iscurrentlyanAssistant Professor of Pathology at University ofChicago’sPrizkerSchool of Medicine and also practices SurgicalPathology attheUniversity of Chicago Medical Center. During hisfree time,heteaches and lectures across the United States onvarioussubjectsof Islamic knowledge, including purification ofthesoul.Shaykh Husain is presently engaged in editing andpublishingthetranslations of his teacher’s books into English. Inaddition,heis completing his own written works including thepopularseries,“Fundamentals of Classical Arabic” and a manual onHanafifiqhentitled, “The Stairs to Bliss.” [forthcoming]
Sanctifull 1.0.0
The Rabbinical Assembly is excitedtopresentSanctifull. Including Hebrew, English, Transliteration,andaudioexamples of the traditional blessings (from blessingsbeforeandafter food, seeing a rainbow, and many other experiences)andnewreadings (kavvanot) for each. We have also commissionedprayerstooffer in a variety of other sacred moments that call outforsacredconnection.If you have suggestions for additional readingsandkavvanot,please let us know: [email protected]: Rabbi Jan UhrbachAuthor Contributors:Rabbi David AckermanRabbi Bradley Shavit ArtsonRabbi Sharon BrousRabbi Menachem CreditorRabbi Paula DrillCantor Joanna DulkinRabbi Amy EilbergReb Mimi FeigelsonRabbi Shawn Fields-MeyerRabbi Jacob FineRabbi Felipe GoodmanRabbi Mark GreenspanRabbi Lilly KaufmanRabbi Debra Newman KaminRabbi Allan KenskyRabbi Naomi LevyRabbi Jack MolineRabbi Daniel NevinsRabbi David RosenRabbi Jim RosenRabbi Danya RuttenbergRabbi Rob ScheinbergRabbi Julie SchonfeldRabbi Gerald SkolnikRabbi Jonathan SlaterRabbi Marc SolowayRabbi Aaron WeiningerRabbi Stuart WeinblattRabbi David WolpeAudio Recordings:Etta AbramsonYossi Hoffman