Top 12 Apps Similar to Easter Cakes

My Food Intolerance List
Do you suffer from lactose,fructose,histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance?Or doyou even have several of them? No problem! With ALL i CAN EATyouhave all your food intolerances under control.ALL i CAN EAT adjusts to your individual intolerances andcalculatesyour compatibility for each food. The compatibilitiesare displayedin a simple traffic light system, ranging from green(very welltolerated) to yellow and orange up to red (bad idea toeat). If arecommendation does not apply to you, you can easilysave yourindividual tolerance for the food concerned.Search quickly for a specific food, browse certain categoriessuchas beverages, fruits, dairy products, etc. or filtercompatibilitesby color. In addition, ALL i CAN EAT does alsoprovide many detailssuch as the amounts of lactose, fructose,glucose, histamine,sorbitol, salicylic acid, amines, amino acids,etc. And in case youshould miss a food, you can add iteasily.You will never have to search various lists again or learnanynumbers by heart! With ALL i CAN EAT you manage all yourfoodintolerances in one place.
Lactose Intolerance
Apps Angel
Lactose Intolerance is an essential newappforyour health!This fantastic app will really help you spot andhandlelactoseintolerance in yourself and your family!Awesome ways to deal with it in kids and babies!Video recipes and tricks for delicious lactose free meals!Tons of signs, symptoms and solutions!Effective treatments and supplements!This Lactose Intolerance app is essential for anyone whowantstoeat well and feel good!So, what are you waiting for?Get your Lactose Intolerance app today!
Easter Cuisine: Recipes 1.0
The holiday of Easter is associatedwithvariousfood traditions that vary regionally. The preparationofthese foodsis among the Easter customs practiced.Preparing,coloring, anddecoratingEaster eggs is one populartradition.In Neapolitan cuisine, the main Easter dishes are thecasatielloortortano, a salty pie made with bread dough stuffedwithvarioustypes of salami and cheese, also used the day afterEasterforoutdoor lunches. Typical of Easter lunches and dinnersisthefellata, a banquet of salami and capocollo andsaltyricotta.Typical dishes are also lamb or goat baked withpotatoesand peas.Easter cake is the pastiera.In Russia, red eggs, kulich and paskha are Easter traditions.In Greece the traditional meal is mageiritsa, a heartystewofchopped lamb liver and wild greens seasonedwithegg-and-lemonsauce. Traditionally, Easter eggs, hard-boiledeggsdyed bright redto symbolize the spilt Blood of Christ andthepromise of eternallife, are cracked together to celebratetheopening of the Tomb ofChrist.In Ukraine there are several traditional foodsincludingpaska(bread) and cheesecake desserts.[1]Paretak is traditional Serbian Easter pastries.Here you can find such recipes of Easter Cuisine:Carrot Cake IIICreamy Au Gratin PotatoesSweet Dinner RollsGrandma's Green Bean CasseroleStrawberry Spinach Salad ISam's Famous Carrot CakeCrustless Spinach QuicheBeef Stroganoff IIIChicken Breasts PierreGarlic Prime RibSpinach and Strawberry SaladJudy's Strawberry Pretzel SaladHoney Glazed HamOven-Roasted AsparagusLamb Chops with Balsamic ReductionBacon Cheddar Deviled EggsBaked Salmon Fillets DijonCoconut Macaroons IIIStuffed Peppers My WayStrawberry Pie IIFresh Rhubarb PieGreen Beans with Cherry TomatoesTangy Honey Glazed HamSpinach and Orzo SaladCandied CarrotsLemon Pie BarsRhubarb and Strawberry PieEasier Chicken MarsalaLemon Blueberry BreadSalmon with DillSpanakopita (Greek Spinach Pie)Cinnamon Rolls IIDi's Delicious Deluxe Deviled EggsSausage Egg CasseroleNo-Cream Pasta PrimaveraCoconut Cream Cake IFeta Cheese and Bacon Stuffed BreastsCarrot Cupcakes with White Chocolate Cream Cheese IcingLasagna Alfredo Roll UpsCountry Breakfast CasseroleMarinated Ranch Broiled ChickenLemon Cake with Lemon Filling and Lemon Butter FrostingGreek Lemon Chicken SoupStrawberry ShortcakeJen's Heavenly Egg SaladEggs BenedictMini CheesecakesHam TetrazziniStrawberry Avocado SaladArtichoke BruschettaSour Cream Pound CakeRhubarb CrunchLemon Rosemary SalmonChocolate Peanut Butter CupsDeviled Eggs IICoconut Cream PieBaked Pineapple CasserolePeanut Butter Easter EggsRhubarb Bread IIncredibly Delicious Italian Cream CakeSpanakopita IISpring Strawberry Spinach SaladRita's Sweet Holiday Baked HamOven Roasted Red Potatoes and AsparagusStrawberry Cake IISausage Brunch CasseroleBreakfast Casserole IIIButtermilk Cinnamon RollsHam and Cheese QuicheBanana Coconut LoafGlazed Ham
Cozinha Livre 1.0
O Cozinha Livre | Lactose - Soja -Glútentrazreceitas, artigos e dicas para aqueles que possuemrestriçãooualergia alimentar (lactose, leite de vaca, soja eglúten) e paraosque optam por uma alimentação saudável.The Free Kitchen|Lactose- Soy - Gluten brings recipes, articles and tips forthosewho haverestrictions or food allergies (lactose, cow's milk,soyand gluten)and those who opt for a healthy diet.
Laktose Info 1.1
Carsten Gross
Laktose Info ist eine ganz simple App mitderSie den Laktoseanteil (pro 100g) von gängigen Lebensmittelnsehenkönnen.Dazu gibt es eine kleine Suchfunktion mit der Sie schnelldasentsprechende in der Liste finden.Wenn Sie ein Lebensmittel anklicken bekommen Sie auch eineInfowieviele Laktose-Tabletten Sie einnehmen "sollten".Gerechnet habe ich mit der allgemeinen Formel das 1000FCCEinheiten5gramm Laktose spalten.Eine Angabe habe ich für 3 verschiedenen Stärken.Laktose Info, Ist meine erste App im Store und daher leidernochnicht so ausgereift wie ich Sie Ihnen gerne bereitstellenwürde,aber ich freue mich über AnregungenundProblembeschreibungen.Ich werde die App stetig weiterentwickeln und hoffe das SieIhnensowie uns das Leben ein bisschen erleichtert.Lactose info is averysimple app with the lactose content (per 100g) can see fromcommonfoods.There is also a small search function allows you to quicklyfindthe corresponding in the list.If you click on a food you get is an info how manylactosetablets you are taking "should".Projected I have with the general formula split the 1000FCCunits5gramm lactose.A statement I have for three different strengths.Lactose info, Is my first app in the store and unfortunatelynotas mature as I you would like to provide you, but I look forwardtoyour suggestions and problem descriptions.I will continue to develop the app ever and I hope that you andusease your life a little bit.
¿Qué Puedo Comer? 5.4.1
Descárgate de forma gratuita la aplicaciónQuéPuedo Comer y encuentra información alergénica de más de20.000productos de 1900 marcas diferentes en cualquier momento yencualquier lugar. (Atención: La base de datos de estaaplicaciónestá realizada con productos comercializados enEspaña)Qué Puedo Comer te facilita una guía informativa de productos yunescáner de códigos de barras con el que podrás comprobar siunproducto es apto o no según tu perfil en el momento en el queestásrealizando la compra.Podrás encontrar productos sin gluten, sin leche, sin lactosa,sinhuevo, sin soja, sin cacahuete, sin frutos secos, sin pescado,sinmoluscos, sin crustáceos, sin apio, sin sésamo, sin mostaza,sinsulfitos, sin látex, sin fructosa y sin altramuces, además deotrosproductos aptos para vegetarianos y diabéticos. (*)Además, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la OMS de limitarelconsumo de azúcar, grasas saturadas y sal, no sólo parapersonascon colesterol, obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes,…sinoparatodos/as, Qué Puedo Comer ha incorporado a su base dedatosinformación nutricional. Además de poder establecer límitesdeconsumo, la aplicación ordena los productos en un rankingporcategorías, de manera que el usuario pueda conocerotrasalternativas a ese producto más saludables: con menos azúcar,sal ograsas.Encontrar productos en el buscador de alimentos de Qué PuedoComeres muy sencillo:1. Define tu perfil alérgico/intolerante alimentario así cómosideseas limitar azúcar, grasas saturadas y/o sal.2. Una vez creado tu perfil, busca productos a través delasdiferentes modalidades de búsqueda que te ofrece Qué PuedoComer:por marcas, por categorías y textual.3. Escanea el código de barras de los productos y recibeinformaciónalergénica y nutricional de acuerdo a tu perfil y en elmomentoexacto en el que estás realizando la compra.4. Completa nuestro buscador de alimentos mediante la opción“añadirproductos” que encontrarás en el menú principal.5. Valora y comenta los productos que sean de tu interés.6. Obtén información adicional sobre los puntos de ventadóndepodrás encontrar los productos seleccionados.7. Disfruta del contenido informativo y de laspromocionesdisponibles en la web, también en la aplicación:buscador derecetas, cupones descuento, sorteos, información sobrealergias eintolerancias, salud, etc.¿Tienes opiniones y sugerencias?En Qué Puedo Comer queremos mejorar cada día y por eso,cualquiercomentario acerca de nuestra app siempre es tenido encuenta.Trabajamos para lograr tu satisfacción.(*) Por el momento no disponemos de información alergénicasobreHistamina, proteína LTP, frutas y verduras. Esperamos ofrecerestainformación lo antes posible y así ayudar a un mayor númerodepersonas.Download theapplicationfor free and find I can eat Allergen information of over20,000different brands 1900 products anytime and anywhere. (Note:Thedatabase of this application is made with products marketedinSpain)I can eat an informative guide provides you with product andbarcodescanner with which you can check whether a product issuitable ornot according to your profile at the time you aremaking thepurchase.You can find gluten-free products, no milk, no lactose, noeggs,soy, no peanuts, no nuts, no fish, no shellfish, no shellfish,nocelery, no sesame, no mustard, no sulfites, latex, withoutfructosewithout lupins, and other products suitable for vegetariansanddiabetics. (*)In addition, following the WHO recommendations to limitconsumptionof sugar, saturated fat and salt, not only for peoplewith highcholesterol, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, ... but forall / as,I can eat it has added to its database nutritionalinformation. Inaddition to set consumption limits, the applicationsorts theproducts in a ranking by category, so that the user candiscussalternatives to the healthier product: less sugar, saltorfat.Find products in the search of food I can eat is very simple:1. Define your allergic / intolerant food and whether you wanttolimit sugar, saturated fat and / or salt profile.2. Once you create your profile, look for products throughdifferentsearch modes that offers What Can I Eat: by brand, bycategory andtextual.3. Scan the barcode of the products and receive allergenandnutritional information according to your profile and at theexactmoment you're making the purchase.4. Complete our food using the "add products" option you willfindin the main menu.5. Rate and comment on products that are of interest.6. Get additional information about the outlets where you willfindthe selected products.7. Enjoy the informative content and promotions available ontheweb, also in the application: recipe finder, discountcoupons,sweepstakes, information about allergies and intolerances,health,etc.Do you have opinions and suggestions?In I can eat to improve every day and therefore any commentaboutour app is always taken into account. We work to achieveyoursatisfaction.(*) We do not have information about Histamine Allergen,LTPprotein, fruits and vegetables. We hope to provide thisinformationas soon as possible and help more people.
Receitas e Coisas Sem Glúten 3.1
Lex Eximius
Gluten-free recipes and information about other application(CeliacDisease).
Laktosefreier Kaffee Finder 1.0.13
Finde Kaffee - überall wo du bist -ohneLaktoseDu trinkst gerne Milchkaffee, Cappuccino oder LatteMacchiato?Doch Laktose verträgst du nicht und musst deshalb oft aufdeinenKaffee unterwegs verzichten? Ab jetzt nicht mehr! Mit dieserAppfindest du ab sofort schnell und einfach die nächsteMöglichkeit,einen Kaffee mit laktosefreier Milch zu trinken. Undwenn du selbsteinen Tipp für die Kaffeeliebhaber-Community hast,kannst du direktein neues Café oder Restaurant eintragen. Ab jetztin jeder Stadt -egal ob München, Hamburg, Köln oder Berlin - wirzeigen Dir wo Dulaktosefreien Kaffee ganz in Deiner Nähe trinkenkannst.Infos/ Aktuelles:16.02.2016:Yeah! In Berlin Kreuzberg haben wir die aktuell höchsteCafè-DichteDeutschlands. Wenn du eine Berlin-Tour planst und dichnach demSeightseeing am Brandenburger Tor in einem Restaurant miteinemChai Latte erholen möchtest, solltest du dir diesenReiseführer zuden besten Cafès Berlins auf dein Smartphoneladen.05.02.2016Wir haben heute den beliebtesten Eintrag der Kategorie"Restaurant"ermittelt. Sieger ist das SouthEastO21 im GroßraumDresden. Dasbesondere ist, dass es dort neben gutem Kaffee mitlaktosefreierMilch auch vorbildliche Allergeninformationen auf derSpeisekartegibt, hier wird die LMIV vorbildlich umgesetzt! Das Menüist dazuauch noch ein Rezeptbuch. Du kannst die einzelnen SeitenderSpeisekarte heraustrennen und so die Rezepte mitnehmen undZuhauseselberkochen. Die VerträglichkeitsangabenbeiNahrungsmittelintoleranzen stehen direkt dabei. GelistetsindAngaben zu Fruktose, Histamin, Lactose, Sorbit und Gluten.01.02.2016Erst seit ein paar Tagen im Store und schon viele neueEinträgedurch euch, herzlichen Dank! Wenn ihr so weiter macht, sindwirbald nicht mehr nur MC Donald`s/ Mc Café, Nespresso-Bar,Starbucks,Vapiano und Burger King Finder. Unser Ziel war esimmer,Alternativen zu diesen Fast Food Restaurants zu bekommen. BeieinemTrip nach Erfurt viel dann die Entscheidung zu dieser App,denn einReiseführer mit Infos zu Cafès fehlte im Store. Die Stadtist vollmit tollen kleinen Cafès und am Ende saßen wir doch wiederbeiMcDonalds, nur weil wir nicht wussten wo es laktosefreie(Soja)Milch gibt. Dank unserer Finder-App und eurem Engagement mussdasaber bald niemandem mehr passieren.28.01.2016Ein Aufruf an euch alle: Teilt uns eure Ideen mit! Für waskönntedie Finder-App noch genutzt werden? Was sucht ihrregelmäßig?SlowFood, Soja-Milch, hefefreies Brot, fruktosearmeSchokolade,laktosefreie Desserts oder oder ... schreibt uns [email protected] coffee - whereveryouare - without lactoseYou like to drink macchiato latte, cappuccino or latte? Butyoucan not stand lactose and therefore often have to give upyourcoffee on the go? Not any more! With this app you can findnowquickly and easily take the next, a coffee with lactose-freemilkdrink. And if you have a tip for coffee lovers communityitself,you can just type a new cafe or restaurant Add. Now in everycity -whether Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and Berlin - we show youwhere youlactose-free drink coffee very close to you can.Information / updates:02.16.2016:Yeah! In Berlin Kreuzberg we have the current highest densityCafèGermany. If you are planning a tour of Berlin and want yourecoverafter Seightseeing at the Brandenburg Gate in a restaurantwith achai latte, you should upload to your smartphone this guideto thebest cafes of Berlin.02/05/2016We have now determined the top entry in the category"Restaurants".The winner is the SouthEastO21 in the Dresden area.The special isthat in addition to good coffee with lactose-freemilk is alsoexemplary allergen information on the menu there, herethe LMIVimplemented exemplary! The menu is in addition also still arecipebook. You can separate out the individual pages of the menuso takethe recipes and cook yourself at home. Thecompatibilityinformation for food intolerances are right there.Listed are havefructose, histamine, lactose, sorbitol andgluten.01/02/2016Only for a few days in the store and have many new itemsthroughyou, thank you! If you continue like this, we will soon nolongeronly MC Donald`s / Mc Café, Nespresso Bar, Starbucks, VapianoandBurger King Finder. Our goal has always been to obtainalternativesto these fast food restaurants. In a trip to Erfurtmuch then thedecision on this app, because a guide to cafes lackedthe store.The city is full of great little cafes and in the end wewere yetagain at McDonalds, just because we did not know wherethere arelactose-free (soy) milk. Our finder app and yourcommitment mustbut soon anyone happen.01/28/2016A call to all of you: Let us know your ideas! For what theFinderapp could be used? Why do you seek a regular basis? SlowFood, soymilk, yeast-free bread, fructose poor chocolate,lactose-freedesserts or ... or just write us [email protected]
Русская кухня: рецепты блюд 1.0
Русская кухня — традиционная кухнярусскогонарода. Её блюда и вкусовые акценты меняются в зависимостиотгеографического положения. Руская кухня вобрала в себяэлементыдревнеславянской кухни, а также блюда различных народов,населяющихРоссию.Отличительная особенность блюд русской крестьянской кухни—практически не встречается такой приём как жарка. Как правило,пищаготовилась в печи, поэтому очень широко используютсяварка,тушение, томление. Также для русской кухни характерназаготовкаовощей и плодов при помощи квашения, соления и мочения.Однако длясовременных вариантов русских блюд жарка являетсяравноправнымпроцессом приготовления наряду с остальными. Вчастности, жаркеподвергаются блины и оладьи, яйца, многие видымясных блюд.В приложении все рецепты русской кухни с фото.Ниже мы приводим список самых популярных блюд:Сырники из творогаКлассическая шарлоткаВинегретЗавтрак для ленивыхБорщ с карасямиСвинина с овощами, тушеная в сливкахКефирные оладьи с яблокамиБлины на кефиреШарлотка традиционнаяБорщ с курицейСельдь под шубой с яйцамиМясные котлетыЖаркое «Русское» в горшочкеОладьи на кислом молокеСвинина под соево-сметанным соусомШарлотка яблочная со сливочным масломВинегрет с соленым огурцомКоктейль «Пьяный банан»Окрошка кефирнаяРусское жаркое с говядинойЗапеканка из кабачков с фаршем и сметанойОмлет с водкой и лососемБыстрый кексУтка с яблокамиБанановые оладьи на кефиреПельмениПельмени сибирскиеРассольник с курицейМягкий манник с какаоМолочные коржикиКулич с изюмом и лимонной цедройИндейка в кляреПростой куриный бульонКуриный салат «Подсолнух»Крылышки ароматныеПасха варенаяХрустящие вафлиОпята в сметане с зеленьюЩи с грибами по‑монастырскиУха из свежей речной рыбыОладьи морковные на кефиреФаршированный молочный поросенокСалат оливье с мясом и свежими огурцамиУха из семгиКорзиночки с творогомСвекольник с перепелиными яйцамМорс клюквенныйСуп из белых сушеных грибовИмбирные пряникиКартофельная запеканка с фаршемФиле миньон с соусом бефстрогановСельдь под шубой с яблокамиДомашние пирожки с тремя начинкамиБыстрые оладьи на кефиреПирог «Прага» с морковьюПасхальный кулич на сметанеКуриный салат с ананасом, яблоками и кукурузойТворожная запеканка с изюмом и сметанойБлины константиновскиеМалиновый пирог из песочного тестаКуриное филе под шубой с картофелемНапиток ягодныйТворожная запеканка с яблоками и корицей на кефиреОладьи из кабачковВинегрет по‑русскиПасхаКапустный пирог на дрожжевом тестеЗапеканка с баклажанами и свининойСалат из говядины и красной фасолиПостные кислые щиСметанная шарлотка с яблоками и грецкими орехамиПунш со смородиной, клюквой, водкой и розовым виномКулич с цукатами и миндалемКуличТонкие блины из блинной мукиЩи боярскиеБаклажановая икра с чеснокомРассольник с грибамиТорт «Чародейка»Неженка из яблокБлины царскиеФиле судака в орехово-сырной панировкеСкумбрия маринованная по‑домашнемуЛегкий шоколадный бисквит (для торта «Прага»)Салат «Лакомка»Холодный свекольникСдобные «Улитки» с изюмомХолодный суп из щавеля с огурцами и яйцамиПеченочный паштет с укропомСолянка с семгойЛуковый пирог по‑русскиСельдь под шубой с сыромКурица с баклажанамиПасхальный кулич с кремомБлинчики на кефиреСалат из свежей моркови и свеклыЛегкий овощной салатРассольник с фасольюРаки по рецепту Вадима КалиничаОсетрина по‑русскиМанная каша на клюквенном сокеРоллы с сельдью под шубойЧетверговая (черная) сольПаштет по‑ливадийскиГорчица домашняяШарлотка из черного хлеба по старинному рецептуКартофельная запеканка с семгойКартофельная запеканка многослойнаяРусский овощной салат с горошкомУфимский кексОвсяные оладьи с лимонным сокомРусское жаркоеПростой мясной суп с приправой из томатов и чеснокаСалат с морковью по‑корейскиЗолотой пасхальный кулич с шафраном и мускатным орехомОкрошка на пивеЗолотистые пожарские котлетыКурица с ананасамиСалат с копчеными окорочкамиМорковникиRussian cuisine-traditional cuisine of the Russian people. Her dishes andtasteaccents vary depending on geographic location. Ruska cuisinehasabsorbed elements of ancient Slavic cuisine, and dishes ofvariouspeoples living in Russia.A distinctive feature of the Russian peasant cuisine dishes -almostdoes not occur such as frying technique. As a rule, the foodiscooked in the oven, so it is widely used boiling, stewing,vexation.Also for Russian cuisine is characterized by harvestingvegetablesand fruits using pickling, salting and urinating.However, modernversions of Russian cuisine is an equal fryingcooking process alongwith the rest. In particular, they areexposed to frying pancakesand hash browns, eggs, many types ofmeat dishes.The annex all the recipes of Russian cuisine with photos.Below is a list of the most popular dishes:Cheesecakes of cottage cheeseClassical CharlotteThe vinaigretteBreakfast for the lazyBorsch with carpPork with vegetables, stewed in creamKefir pancakes with applesPancakes on kefirCharlotte traditionalSoup with chickenHerring under a fur coat with eggsMeat pattiesRoast "Russian" in the potFritters with sour milkPork in soy cream sauceApple charlotte with butterVinaigrette with picklesCocktail "Drunk banana"Okroshka kefirRussian roast beefBaked zucchini with minced meat and sour creamOmelette with vodka and salmonQuick cupcakeDuck with applesBanana pancakes with kefirDumplingsSiberian dumplingsPickle chickenSoft manna cocoaMilk biscuitsCake with raisins and lemon zestBreaded turkeySimple chicken brothChicken salad "Sunflower"Wings fragrantEaster boiledCrispy wafersHoney mushrooms in sour cream with herbsCabbage soup with mushrooms in monasticFish soup from fresh river fishCarrot Fritters on kefirStuffed suckling pigSalad with meat and fresh cucumbersEar of salmonBaskets with cheeseBeetroot soup with quail eggsCranberrySoup of white dried mushroomsParliament cakePotato gratin with minced meatFilet mignon with sauce stroganoffHerring under a fur coat with applesHomemade pies with three toppingsQuick pancakes with kefirPie "Prague" with carrotsEaster cake with sour creamChicken salad with pineapple, apples and cornCottage cheese casserole with raisins and sour creamPancakes KonstantinovskyRaspberry pie pastryChicken under a fur coat with potatoesBerry DrinkCottage cheese casserole with apples and cinnamon kefirFritters of zucchiniVinaigrette in RussianEasterCabbage pie on a yeast doughCasserole with eggplant and porkSalad with beef and red beansMeatless sour soupSour cream apple pie with apples and walnutsStamp with a currant, cranberry, vodka and rose wineEaster cake with candied fruit and almondsKulichThin pancakes pancake flourSoup knightsAubergine caviar with garlicPickle mushroomsCake "Enchantress"Nezhenka applesPancakes royalPerch fillet in nut-cheese breadedMackerel marinated at homeEasy chocolate cake (cake "Prague")Salad "Gourmet"Cold beetrootButter "snail" with raisinsCold soup with sorrel with cucumbers and eggsLiver pate with dillSolyanka with salmonOnion pie in RussianHerring under a fur coat with cheeseChicken with EggplantEaster cake with creamPancakes on kefirSalad of fresh carrots and beetsLight vegetable saladPickle with beansCancers prescription Vadim KalinicSturgeon in RussianSemolina on cranberry juiceRolls with Dressed HerringChetvergova (black) saltPate in LivadiaMustard homeCharlotte Brown bread on an old recipePotato gratin with smoked salmonPotato gratin layeredRussian salad with peasUfa cupcakeOat pancakes with lemon juiceRussian hotSimple meat soup seasoned with tomatoes and garlicSalad with carrots in KoreanGolden Easter cake with saffron and nutmegOkroshka on beerGolden Pozharsky cutletsChicken with pineappleSalad with smoked chicken legsMorkovnikov
Рецепты всех блюд с фото 1.1
У нас собраны самые интересные блюдамира.Всекулинарные рецепты собираются из открытых источниковтолькосфотографиями и подробным описанием.Приготовление пищи, несмотря на кажущуюсяпростоту,являетсянастоящим искусством. Ведь любое блюдо должно бытьнетольковкусным и питательным, но и красивым, эстетичным.Именнопоэтомудалеко не все умеют хорошо готовить, соблюдая всеправилаитщательно следуя рецептуре. Но этому можнонаучиться.Особеннопросто обучиться секретам приготовления едысегодня, когдарецептыо кулинарях. ВЫ можете смотреть в огромномколичестве самыхвкусныеблюда различных стран..., выбрав именно то,что больше всегоподуше.В ней собраны простые, оригинальные, изысканныеитрадиционныерецепты блюд. Самые вкусные закуски, бутерброды,тосты,супы,борщи, салаты, паста, мясные блюда, шашлыки, курица,рыба,суши,соусы, консервация, блины, оладьи, пицца, пироги,кексы,куличи,хлеб, пирожки, булочки, печенье, торты,запеканки,пирожные,мороженое, конфеты, кофе, коктейли, напитки.выпечка –всё, чтобымогли радовать родных, близких, друзейисебягастрономическими.Выбрать необходимый рецепт с фото за считанные секундывампомогутудобный поиск и специальный фильтр.Особеннополюбившиесякулинарные рецепты вы сможете собрать всобственнуюкулинарнуюкнигу.Мы готовы выслушать любые ваши идеи ипожеланияотносительнодальнейшего развития приложения.Приятного аппетита!We collectedthemostinteresting dishes in the world. All recipes arecollectedfrompublic sources only with photos and detaileddescription.Cooking, despite its apparent simplicity, is a real art.Afterall,any dish should be not only delicious and nutritious, butalsoabeautiful, aesthetic. That is why not all know how tocookwell,observing all the rules and carefully follow the recipe.Butit canbe learned. Especially easy to learn the secrets ofcookingtoday,when recipes for cooking. You can watch a huge numberof themostdelicious dishes of different countries ..., choosingexactlywhatmost prefer.The book contains simple, original, deliciousandtraditionalrecipes. The most delicious snacks, sandwiches,toast,soup,borscht, salads, pasta, meat dishes, kebabs, chicken,fish,sushi,sauces, canned, pancakes, muffins, pizza, pies,muffins,cakes,bread, cakes, muffins, cookies , cakes, puddings,cakes, icecream,candy, coffee, cocktails, drinks. pastries -everything thatcouldplease the family, relatives, friends andyourselfculinary.Select the desired recipe with photos in a matter of secondsyouwillbe an easy search and a special filter. Especiallyfavoriterecipesyou can build in your own cookbook.We are ready to listen to any of your ideas and wishesforfurtherdevelopment of the application.Bon Appetit!
Recetas para alérgicos
Grupo ZAS recipes for allergy sufferers. No eggs, milk,glutenand more.
IntolerApp 1.54
Hola, somos Felipe y Raquel, padres de unniñoalérgico a varios alimentos, razón por la que decidimos crearestaapp, con la intención de dotar a los afectados de unaherramientaque facilite la vida de forma ágil y sencilla. La razónpor la quecobramos la aplicación es porque a nosotros nos suponeundesembolso económico y para poder seguir mejorando la app.IntolerApp nos indica si un producto de alimentación es apto onopara personas con alergia al HUEVO e intolerancia al GLUTENyLACTOSA, simplemente escaneando el código de barras delproductocon la cámara del móvil, así que si eres celiaco,intolerante a lalactosa o alérgico al huevo, estas es tuaplicación.Características:** Base de datos con más de 9500 productos.** La mayoría de productos de Hipercor, Mercadona,Carrefour,Alcampo, Eroski y Maxcoop...** Funcionamiento sin necesidad de conexión a internet encualquiermomento y en cualquier lugar.** Posibilidad de mejora de la aplicaciónmediantesugerencias.** Siempre informado de las últimas novedades mediante un sistemadenotificaciones push.** Enlaces e información de interés para las alergiaseintolerancias (Huevo, gluten, lactosa).** Aplicación para smartwatch o dispositivos con AndroidWear,puedes indicar tus intolerancias y dictando el código debarras delproducto la aplicación te dirá si es apta para ti o no, ytemostrará una ficha del producto.IntolerApp ha sido premio a la mejor App Sanitaria del año2012,otorgado por la Clínica San Francisco de León y ha sidoincluidaentre las 50 mejores App sanitarias de habla hispanaimpulsada porel observatorio Zeltia y realizado con la colaboraciónde laCátedra de Innovación, Salud y Comunicación de Zeltia ylaUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos, Red de Innovación y Wake AppHealth,contando con el asesoramiento de expertos provenientes tantodelámbito tecnológico y de la comunicación como de la profesiónmédicay sanitaria.****************************************PRÓXIMAMENTE****************************************Estamos trabajando muy duro para ampliar la base de datos connuevosproductos y además en un futuro próximo iremos incluyendonuevasintolerancias hasta cubrir las 14 intoleranciasalimenticiasprincipales.****************************************IMPORTANTE****************************************Los productos cambian y pueden pasar de no incluir huevo, glutenolactosa a incluirlo. Por lo que si eres celiaco, alérgico alhuevoo intolerante a la lactosa, utiliza la información de laaplicaciónbajo tu propia responsabilidad y si ves que algúnproducto muestrainformación incorrecta, háznoslo saber mediante unsugerencia ynuestros expertos valoraran y cambiaran la informacióndel productode inmediato.La aplicación es gratuita durante un periodo de prueba, unavezfinalizado este periodo para poder seguir usándola podráscomprarlaa través de la misma aplicación o si cuentas con un cupóndeoferta, introducirlo. Para cualquier duda [email protected] por ayudarnos a continuar con este proyecto.Hello, we are PhilipandRachel, parents of a child allergic to several foods, which iswhywe decided to create this app, with the intention of givingthoseaffected a tool that facilitates life quickly and simply.Thereason is because the application charge us supposed us afinancialoutlay and to further improve the app.IntolerApp indicates whether a food product is suitable ornotfor people with egg allergy and intolerance to gluten andlactose,simply scanning the barcode of the product with a cameraphone, soif you are celiac, lactose intolerant or allergic to eggs,this isyour application.Features:   ** Database with more than 9500 products.   ** Most products Hipercor, Mercadona,Carrefour,Auchan, Eroski and Maxcoop ...   ** Operation without internet anytimeandanywhere.   ** Possibility of improving implementationthroughsuggestions.   ** Stay informed of the latest developments viaapush notification system.   ** Links and information of interest forallergiesand intolerances (egg, gluten, lactose).   ** Application for smartwatch or deviceswithAndroid Wear, you can indicate your intolerances and dictatingtheproduct bar code application will tell you if is suitable foryouor not, and will show a product fiche.IntolerApp has been Award for Best Health App in 2012, awardedbythe San Francisco de León Clinic and has been listed among thetop50 Hispanic App sanitary driven Zeltia Observatory and withthecollaboration of the Department of Innovation, HealthandCommunication Zeltia and King Juan Carlos, Innovation NetworkandUniversity Health Wake App, with expert advice from boththetechnological field and communication and medical andhealthprofession.**************************************** COMING SOON****************************************We are working very hard to expand the database with newproductsand further in the near future we will be adding newintolerancesto cover the 14 major food intolerances.IMPORTANT ********************************************************************************Products change and can go from not include egg, gluten orlactoseto include it. So if you are celiac, allergic to eggs orlactoseintolerant, uses application information at your own riskand ifyou see any product displays incorrect information, pleaselet usknow by suggestion and our experts valued and changeinformationproduct immediately.The application is free for a trial period, once completedthisperiod to continue using'll buy it through the same applicationorif you have a coupon offer, enter it. For any [email protected] help us continue this project.