Top 21 Apps Similar to iFotoMultas

Fotodetección Medellín 4.2.4
You will receive an alert on your phone, when a photodetectionisgenerated.
Speed radar detector 1.5.0
Warning system Free completely free fixedandmobile radars free, the best radar detector premiumWe have created a free radar detector with all the options fortheuser.No more warning fines thanks to free fixed and mobile radars,thebest copilot to drive without fear of fines, radar warningnotifiesyou:Speed camerasmobile radarscontrolled traffic lightsDanger zonesYou can view the camera location on a mapWhat differentiates us from other radar applications:you can use google maps and see him radars noticesoption controls speed display on a map within the appfully configurable from the distances to sounds warningradar warning voicesimple design horizontally and vertically android 5The audio warning system for ideal speaker or Bluetooth willnotdistract you while driving.Fully configurable, you can select if you want to just notifyyouabout the fixed and mobile radars or if you want to do it onlyoneof them, also set sound emitted by the application whenyouapproach a speed control or the warning distance the same(default1000m)the database of fixed and mobile radars is in continuousgrowththanks to contributions from users, you can bring your datasendingan email to [email protected] not forget toattachlatitude and longitude, soon we will include a system toprovidedirectly from the application.
Tránsito DF
Consulta el reglamento de tránsito del DFyÁrea Metropolitana (publicado en 2007 y vigente hasta diciembredel2015) y el nuevo reglamento del DF publicado en Agosto del2015(entra en vigor a partir del 2016). Cualquiera se puedeseleccionaren la pantalla de configuración.También se pueden buscar infracciones, consultar losdepósitosvehiculares y calcular multas. Incluye una sección deconsejos paravarios tipos de usuarios: peatones, ciclistas yautomovilistas.El código de esta aplicación es abierto, si deseascolaborarpuedes hacerlo aquí: the rules oftheroad in Mexico City and Metropolitan Area (published in 2007andvalid until December 2015) and the new regulation of theDFpublished in August 2015 (comes into force from 2016). Anyonecanbe selected in the configuration screen.You can also search infractions, consult the vehicle tanksandcalculate fines. It includes a section of tips for various typesofusers: pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.The code of this application is open, if you want to work candoso here:
Mis Infracciones 1.0
Busca si tu auto tiene infraccionessegúnlaplaca (sólo México DF).Search if yourcarisspeeding by board (only Mexico DF).
CamSam - Speed Camera Alerts 3.7.6
CamSam - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Reglamento Transito DF 1.3.2
Apps crusade
Nuevo reglamento de tránsito COMPLETO deCDMXque entrará en vigor el 15 de diciembre de 2015Además de poder consultar las multasNew trafficregulationsFULL CDMX to come into force on December 15, 2015In addition to consulting fines
Metro de Medellín (Oficial) 2.1.13
Vive esta una nueva experiencia digital de movilidad en elsistemaMetro
Speed Camera Radar 3.1.43
Road Soft
This application is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase of hazards previously detected by other users. Thelatestversion supports all the countries of the world! ⌚ Good news!Application supports smartwatches on Android WearOS ⌚GETTINGSTARTED 1. If you just installed the app you will need to gotomenu "Update databased" to download and install the latestdatabaseof speed camera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetection mode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightofthe screen. 3. The application notifies only the dangers thatarealong your route. 4. You can call main setting, swiping fromtheleft edge of the screen to the right. 5. You can calldangersfilter that you want to discover swiping from the right edgeof thescreen to the left. 6. To add a new danger, tap on the SPEEDat thebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove currentPOI================= Starting with app version 2.0 user can sign-ininapp's community (using your Google Account). Registered usershavemore permissions to manage POI objects (danger) on the map,forinstance, user can explicitly delete irrelevant POI fromcommondatabase. ================= The workflow of the applicationdiffersfrom the hardware radar detector. Hardware radar detector -is apassive receiver that does not block the signal to which it isset,but simply notify the driver of the presence in the field oftheradar radio interference. This application works differently,ituses a database of hazards previously detected by other users.Forexample, if the application is informed about mobile ambush,itmeans that at this point can probably be mobile ambush. Anyusercan add new hazard to shared database. Also user can influenceonrating of hazard (when user get danger alert he can definewhetherdanger exists or not in fact). The application plays thesound andshows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard. Ifyou areconnected to the internet you will be able to monitor thetrafficjams. There is a feature update the database of the hazards.Theapplication may run in the background (even when the screenisoff), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".★★★Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (no need Internet torenderdata) ★ Night mode for Map is supported (enabled in settings)★Night mode adjustment on screen ★ 3D tilt on map support(3Dbuildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotation map along the way★Dashboard with current speed ★ 260 000 active hazards POIsaroundthe world (check your country in FREE version of this APP atfirst)★ Daily database updates! ★ Support voice alerts ★ Supportofworking in background or with other Navigation APPs ★ You canaddtheir own POI to shareddatabase=================================================================Becareful on the road and good luck! ==================
Rutas Metro Medellin 1.7.3
Medellin and all the metropolitan area areinthe midst of a process of growing in infrastructure andinnovation, which has been awarded several times . The metro systemhas notbeen left behind and is also in a process that includes gofurtherand be an integrated transport system that extends fromtrain tobike through buses, feeders and trams ( currentconstruction ) ,given this change that goes in accelerated manner ,we see the needto make a tool for that both tourists like asresidents canorientate themselves and have useful knowledge toaccess to thismedium, which is gradually taken all the metropolitanarea.The Integrated Transport Aburrá Valley System( SITVA by itsacronymin Spanish ) grows constantly with new routes, new transportmeansand interconnections between them, facts that the user ​​knowsbutnot to depth; how you can access certain routes?, prices,stationsand other services that are part of this system.Given these reasons a useful tool, portable, accessible,andintuitive is desired for users of the metro system to know thefulloperation of the main transport service from our city alsocaneasily locate themselves within the system, be aware ofthestations near their current location or know the costs oftheirtickets.Main features:Lists of stations, lines and feeder routes .Google map with stations and lines.Current position of the user and stations that are within agivenrange .Metro system information as tariffs and schematic maps .Schematic Maps feeder routes ( Cuencas ) .Relationship between stations and lines, besides stations andfeederroutes.Future projections :Show the whole SITVA information that may be relevant totheuser.Set path between two different points on the map which includesthenearest stations and each journey performed within theintegratedservice.Option for making complaints and opinions, both the developerteamand the Metro system.Present the information in a more fluid anduser-friendlymanner.
InfoAuto 1.3.11
Rafael C.
App for your car in Mexico
Mis Multas - Colombia 1.3
Cuantas veces se ha enterado de que tiene una infracciónvigentemeses después de realizada? Muchas veces nunca lleganlasnotificaciones físicas de las infracciones de tránsito. Useestaaplicación para consultar periódicamente el estado de susmultas ysanciones por infracciones de tránsito en Colombiadirectamentedesde su celular. La consulta se hace directamente enla página delSIMIT. Digite su tipo y número de documento deidentidad, llene lainformación de seguridad y haga click en elbotón CONSULTAR paraver el detalle de sus infracciones de tránsitoreportadas por estaentidad.
Multas de Tránsito Rosario 1.9.1
"Traffic Fines Rosario" lets see all Minutes automotiveinfringement
BA Denuncia Vial 3.0.8
La propuesta “Denuncia vial” permite a los vecinosagilizarlasdenuncias de ciertas infracciones de tránsito, queresultanmuyfrecuentes, afectan a la buena convivencia y quepuedanserfácilmente acompañadas por evidencia fotográfica.Basándose enlaley 451 los vecinos de la Ciudad de Buenos Airespodránregistrarfotográficamente ciertas infracciones y enviarlas atravésde estaapp. Una vez ingresadas serán analizadas y sobreaquellasválidasse labrarán las multas correspondientes. Esteproyecto searticulacon los controles continuos que realizan losagentes detránsito enpuntos críticos, las cámaras de seguridad vialy losmóviles. Lasinfracciones que pueden denunciarse por esta víason:*Estacionamiento en cordón amarillo * Obstruye rampa/espacioreservado * Estaciona obstruyendo senda peatonal*Estacionaobstruyendo ochava * Estaciona sobre la sendapeatonal*Estacionamiento para bicicletas * Estaciona sobre espaciosverdes*Estaciona en doble o triple fila * Estaciona obstruyendociclovía
El Trafico SV 1.0.8
Cámaras en vivo para ver el estado del tráfico en El Salvador(livestreaming).También incorporamos un completo reporte escrito con fotografíasdeltráfico en tiempo real.Llega más rápido a tus cámaras utilizando la opción de“cámarasfavoritas”Te invitamos a que visites nuestro sitio web: http://eltraficosv.comLiveCamsto see the traffic in El Salvador (live streaming).Also we include a full written report with photographs ofreal-timetraffic.Is faster to your camera using the option "favorite cameras"We invite you to visit our website:
Hoy no Circulas 1.7
Una simple aplicación con widget que te recuerda los días en losquetu coche no circula en el programa del DF y Estado de México"Hoy noCircula". Funciona automáticamente e incluye un calendarioconrecordatorios sobre los meses de verificación, asícomonotificaciones opcionales para que nunca olvides cuándonociruclas.
Motive Driver (ex KeepTruckin) 60.0
Motive Driver App does it all. ELD compliance, safetydashcam,inspections, etc.
Busca Multas Chile 2.0
Busca Multas Chile fue creado para verificar si tu auto omototienemultas para el proceso de permiso de circulación del añoLosDatosentregados son obtenidos desde el Servicio RegistroCivileIdentificación (esta no es la aplicación oficial deSRCeI,soloocupa la funcionalidad) Se pueden ver los detalles delasmultasLicencias: Car vector and Road to the City
Metrorutas Medellin cloud app
Al ingresar a la aplicación el sistema te ubicará en el punto queteencuentres y pondrá allí un marcador verde, buscará la estacióndelmetro de Medellín más cercana en un radio de un kilometro. Sielsistema no encuentra una estación cercana en un kilometro tieneslaopción de buscar con referencia en los barrios de medellínparaencontrar una cercana.
Red Transporte DF 3.2.60
Navmii GPS World (Navfree) 3.7.22
Navmii is a free navigation and traffic appfordrivers.Navmii combines FREE voice-guided navigation, livetrafficinformation, local search, points of interest and driverscores.Offline maps stored locally, for use without aninternetconnection. Over 24 million drivers use Navmii and our mapsareavailable for more than 150 countries.• Real voice-guided navigation• Real-time traffic and road information• Works with GPS only – internet not needed• Offline and Online Address search• Driver Scoring• Local Place search (powered by TripAdvisor, FoursquareandWhat3Words)• Fast routing• Automatic rerouting• Search using Postcode/ City/ Street/ Points of interest• Heads-Up Display (HUD) – upgrade• Community map reporting• HD accurate maps• + Much, much moreWe have thousands of 5-STAR REVIEWS:- why buy a satnav when navmii does it all- unbeatable value and functionality- love, love this app!Navmii features on-board OpenStreetMap (OSM) maps, which arestoredon your device and therefore you don’t need no dataconnection(unless of course you use the connected services). UseNavmiiabroad to avoid high roaming costs!We're always eager to hear about your experience of usingNavmii.You can contact us anytime by email, on Twitter or Facebookusingthe details below:- Twitter: @NavmiiSupport- Email: [email protected] Facebook: continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.
Xperia Edition 5.7.1
On-board navigation by GarminPlease note :- Xperia Edition runs EXCLUSIVELY on selected SONYXperiadevices- The software requires additional data (maps, voices) viaWiFiafter installation!Garmin brings its award winning experience frompersonalnavigation devices to transform your SONY Xperia deviceinto afully functioning mobile navigation system.Xperia Edition is an on-board solution, meaning no datatransfer,waiting time or roaming charges occur when using the mapdisplay,voice announcements or route calculation. The system filesaresaved directly to your device so you can navigate anywhereinEurope incl. Russia OR North America OR Australia ORSouthernAfrica OR Brazil/Argentina without worrying about cellularcoverageor excessive data charges.You can make free use of the Xperia Edition with all optionsactivewithin a 30 days trial phase and later decide whether youwant toextend this phase by another 30 days via a Googlesubscription forthe 30-DAYs-ALL-IN package or purchase one of thetwo lifetimeoptions EFFICIENCY or EXCELLENCE available. Even afterending ofthe trial phase the pedestrian navigation functionalwaysremains.Features included in the EFFICIENCY, EXCELLENCEand30-DAYs-ALL-IN:• Supports 18 different languages• Europe (incl. Russia), OR North America, OR Australia, ORSouthernAfrica, OR Brasil/Argentina maps• Turn-by-turn voice guidance• Intelligent address search• Reality Scanner• Point of Interest search• Local Search (a)• Car & Pedestrian mode• Navigate to contacts• Take me home function• Route Planning• Clever Parking• Live Weather (a)Features additionally included in the EXCELLENCE lifetimepackageand the 30-DAYs-ALL-IN option:• Reality View Pro - Photo realistic display of motorwayjunctionsand exits• 3D map view – Bird-view-like map display• Speed Assistant – Display of current speed limit and warningwhenexceeding• Radar Info - Fix installed speed & red light cameras• Lane Assistant Pro - Display of the best lane to takewhenapproaching a junction• Text-to-Speech - Spoken Street Names• MyRoutes - Multiple route calculation• Enables pedestrian navigation on SONY SmartWatch 2.Requiresadditional installation of the free extension NAVIGONSmartwatchConnect, available here in Google PlayOptional extensions for the EXCELLENCE package, included inthe30-DAYs-ALL-IN option:• Traffic Live (a) - Real time traffic updates. Avoid trafficjams,roadworks, road closures and more. Automaticre-routingpossible• Mobile Alert Live (a) - Receive real time information ondangerspots in your country (Europe and North America only!). Youcanalso report such spots to help other drivers• Mobile Alert Live Premium (a) - As Mobile Alert Live, butworkingPan-European wide (Europe only!), providing informationlevel ofreliability, time passed since last report and the numberofreporters travelling in your direction• FreshMaps - Regularly map updates (b)• Panorama View 3D - View the landscape in 3D with mountainsandvalleys• Urban Guidance - Use also public transport to navigate inmanyurban areas (a)• NAVIGON cockpit - Gauges and displays showing variousphysicalparameters(a) Live service. A data connection is required(b) Garmin warrants at least a 24 month support for thisserviceafter purchaseNotes:- On first startup a short data connection (ca. 25kB) ismandatoryto register your product. During trial phase and forsubscriptionproducts a short data connection is required at everystart. Pleaseensure data connection is available- NAVIGON is an on-board solution. Hence all map material,voicesand system files are saved on the phone. With all mapsinstalledthe app requires approx. 3.4GB of memory. Please ensureyou havesufficient mass-storage memory available- The map material must be downloaded via WiFi. Please ensureareliable connection is available. Time of download dependsonnetwork and number of selected maps