Top 23 Games Similar to El Maestro Lógico 1

Logical test - IQ 11.17
Evaluate your logic and your intelligence with varied tests
Brain It On! - Physics Puzzles 1.6.293
Deceptively challenging physics puzzles for your brain
Mind Games 3.4.8
Exercise Your Brain! A great collection of mind and braintraininggames.
Logic games
Logic games - has the best logic puzzles to activate your brain
Frog - Logic Puzzles
Logic puzzles to activate your brain and increase your IQ
Prison Escape Puzzle Adventure 13.5
Solve puzzles to escape, find a way out, escape room jail game,roomscape game.
Matches Puzzle Game 1.31
Bojan Klabjan
1000+ puzzles with matches in 10+ episodes in differentshapes,sizesand design.
Maze! 3.0.9
Play Giants and Random Mazes!
Mind Games: Adult puzzle games 0.9.9
Mind Games old school puzzle. Ultimate hardcore and uniqueadultriddles game.
Brain Games 3.0.7
To test your mind or use it so it doesn't rust.
Magic Cube 2D
Logic puzzles - best puzzles like rubik's cube in 2D
100 Gates 1.32
100 Gates
Escape and advance to the next room of the castle by solvingthepuzzle!
∞ Infinity Loop
Simple, relaxing, endless game. Peopleloveit!∞ Infinity Loop is the most trending game in 2017. It canbeconsidered a puzzle game about creating intricate loopingpatternsor just the application of using a simple concept:"connectingmultiple things" and make fun out of it.Some people say this game is a good puzzle game but with a greatzenmode. The goal is to clear your mind, remove the stress fromyourdaily life without any pressure or tension to solvethelevels.If you are looking for a stress relief or a relaxing gametype,enjoy the loop!FAQHow to Play Infinity Loop?Connect all the lines and corners to make perfect connections. Itislike killing the chaos and reaching perfection. Watch the videotooverview how it works. Check on youtube as well where severalpeoplepost the solutions. Nonetheless, we suggest you to try tofindyourself how the game works and what are you supposed todo.How to Play the Infinity Dark Mode?The goal of the dark mode is to make disconnections, breaking italland not leaving a single piece connected.How many levels the game has?Infinite.How can I save my game progress?Make sure you connect the app with Google Play Games on thesettingspanel (the button is in the bottom of the gameplay). Thisway yourprogress won't be lost. If you face further issues reachus bye-mail.Do I need to pay anything to play Infinity Loop?No. The original game is 100% free. There is no need to payanythingfor the original game. The game is free for unlimitedlevels. Onlyif you opt for the secondary game, called "blackmode", you may needto pay a coffee for it after level 100.I don't feel the game is challenging. Why?The challenge for us would be making the game withincreasingdifficulty after a certain level while at the same timerelaxingand allowing infinity levels. So how could level 100.000 bemoredifficult than level 10.000? It is hard. So as we cannot havethebest in all worlds, we have opted to make it relaxingfornow.Note: This game is also available on Android Wear andAndroidWatches. And it's very fun as well!Concept and Development: Jonas Lekevicius, BalysValentukevicius& the WebAvenue LTD TeamDesign & Logo Copyright: Alice Gmyrko & the WebAvenueLTDTeam
Logic Checker 1.5
This application will check your mindonlogicalthinking. It's not like any IQ test(it's not only logicbutintuitionas well).- Forget about your knowledge- You have only facts- Make a consequenceTake into account most of the questions are stupidandtrickywithout any sense.Here you have to determine the formal correctness ofalogicalconclusion based on a specific statement (or seriesofstatements).The reality does not play any role in this case (itisa bit harderto pass the test, because the content is absurd,butperfectlylogical).Your task - to check your ability to separate rightfromwronglogical consequences.Improve your logic because it's one of the most valuabletraitsofcharacter! Hope this test will help you.Have fun.
You Must Escape
Mobest Media
Start the epic room escaping adventure... because - You MustEscape!
Brain Games 8.1
Train your brain and have fun with these great games
Lazors 2.4.2
Lazors - Move blocks, reflect the laser, hit all targets!
Crystalux puzzle game
Crystalux - show your friends and loved ones who is the smartestofthem all.
Skills - Logic Brain Games 5.3.1
App Holdings
Brain training game to improve your memory, attention,accuracy,logic, skills💪
Maestro di Logica 1 1.0.26
Weez Beez
MAESTRO di LOGICAMaestro di Logica – E' divertente FALLIRE :)Maestro di Logica è un nuovo gioco di puzzle con una serie dipuzzlecreativi e soluzioni assurde a cui tu non avresti maipensato! Ognipuzzle è unico e spinge il vostro pensiero creativoal limite.Segui le istruzioni, risolvi gli enigmi, raggiungi tuttiicheckpoint. Prova diversi modi per risolvere i problemi.Padroneggia il gioco, poi ridi mentre i tuoi amici e latuafamiglia si spremono le meningi con questi apparentementesemplicipuzzle.Rigioca gli stessi livelli per aumentare il tuo punteggioinclassifica. Troverai 100 livelli unici, dove potrai utilizzareletue abilità di cervello, memoria e creatività.Questo gioco contiene umorismo e divertimento. Non tutti ipuzzlesono progettati in modo serio, alcuni sono fattiperl'intrattenimento. Questo gioco può essere giocato dai 7 ai77anni. Questo gioco divertente Maestro di Logica è oradisponibilesu iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch ed è gratuito.Maestro di Logica è uno dei migliori puzzle game sul mercato.Caratteristiche- Gameplay semplice, ma una sfida perpadroneggiarepienamente- 18 posti di controllo, ognuna con 5-7 livelli.- Totale 100 enigmi e un gameplay coinvolgente.- Classifiche globali- Sblocca nuovi set di problemi completando i livelli.- Grafica accattivante e un gameplay colorato- Sistema di suggerimenti che vi guiderà attraverso il puzzle- Separa i punteggi del livello, Punteggio Globale, Ricompenseda1-3 Stelle- Semplici comandi: Tocco o Drag & Drop- Condividi i tuoi punteggi con i tuoi amici tramite il tuoaccountFacebook o Twitter.- Aumenta la difficoltà- Aggiornamenti gratuiti con nuovi puzzle- Condividi i tuoi puzzle con i tuoi amici- Divertimento per tutte le etàParole chiave:Iq, prova, cervello, problema, puzzle, oggetti nascosti,logica,creatività, memoria, umore, divertimento,intrattenimentoCORRI CONTRO IL TEMPO - Quando hai risolto una serie dipuzzle,si raggiunge un checkpoint. Si consiglia di ripetere glistessilivelli e cercare di finire in un tempo più breve perottenere ilpunteggio più alto.FACILE DA IMPARARE - Mai giocato a Maestro di Logicaprima?Nessun problema! Il nostro primo set di problemi è untutorialinterattivo che vi porta rapidamente attraverso le basi peresserepronti per il gioco.SUONO RIMASTERIZZATO ED OTTIMA GRAFICA - Rifatevi gli occhi eleorecchie con l'alta definizione grafica per i RetinaDisplay,ottimizzato per iPhone e iPad.PIATTAFORME SUPPORTATE - iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch,Android,Amazon e piattaforme web HTML5.CONDIVISIONE PUNTEGGI - È possibile condividere i punteggi chesisono guadagnati con i vostri amici tramite il vostroaccountFacebook o Twitter.MASTER LOGICMaster of Logic - It 's funny FAIL :)Master of Logic is a new puzzle game with a series of puzzlesandcreative solutions absurd that you would never have thoughtofthat! Each puzzle is unique and pushes your creative thinkingtothe limit.Follow the instructions, solve the puzzles, you reach allthecheckpoints. Try different ways to solve problems.Master the game, then laugh as your friends and your familywillsqueeze your brains with these seemingly simple puzzles.Replay the same level to increase your score on theleaderboard.You will find 100 unique levels, where you can use yourskills tothe brain, memory and creativity.This game contains humor and fun. Not all puzzles are designedsoserious, some are made for entertainment. This game can beplayedfrom 7 to 77 years. This fun game Master of Logic is nowavailableon the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and it's free.Master of Logic is one of the best puzzle game on the market.Features- Simple gameplay, but a challenge to master fully- 18 checkpoints, each with 5-7 levels.- Total 100 puzzles and addictive gameplay.- Global Leaderboards- Unlock new set of problems by completing levels.- Attractive graphics and gameplay colored- System of tips that will guide you through the puzzle- Separate the scores level, the Global Score, 1-3StarsAwards- Simple controls: Touch or drag & drop- Share your scores with your friends via your Facebook orTwitteraccount.- Increase the difficulty- Free updates with new puzzles- Share your puzzle with your friends- Fun for all agesKeywords:Iq test, brain, problem, puzzle, hidden object,logic,creativity, memory, mood, fun, entertainmentRACE AGAINST TIME - When you have solved a series of puzzles,youwill reach a checkpoint. It is recommended to repeat the sameleveland try to finish in a shorter time to get the highestscore.EASY TO LEARN - Ever played Master of Logic before? Noproblem!Our first set of problems is an interactive tutorial thatleads youthrough the basics to get ready for the game.REMASTERED SOUND AND GREAT GRAPHICS - feast your eyes andearswith high definition graphics for Retina Display optimizedforiPhone and iPad.SUPPORTED PLATFORMS - iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android,andAmazon HTML5 web platforms.SHARING SCORING - You can share your scores that you haveearnedwith your friends via your Facebook or Twitter account.
Cryptica 1.8
These mysterious crypts were createdthousandsof years ago to protect the temple relics,Only the wisest were meant to solve these riddles and revealtherelics, but they have all failed!Beaten by their own creation the relics were buried forever.Can you succeed where all wise man have failed?- HD version is included- 120 puzzles in 4 levels of difficulty- 4 ancient RELICS to achieve- 24 rare coins to collectThis addictive unique puzzle game will keep you challenged foralong time...Report bugs \ Suggest Features: [email protected] us on Twitter: our Blog: http://www.pixishare.orgLIKE US AND JOIN THE DISCUSSIONS:** Rate this game if you like it :) ****** REVIEWS **** - "Never have I found a game this difficultbutat the same time so enjoyable" - "Cryptica is one of the simplestandmost elegant puzzle games out there" - "This is one game that you will be playing foralong time""Mysterious & Retro Puzzle Game With Hand CraftedLevelsWaits Your Challenging!" -
Maestro di Logica 2 1.0.10
Weez Beez
Sei alla ricerca di un giocobrillante,creativo e allo stesso tempo insolito? Da oggi puoitrasformarti inuna geniale mente logica, rispondendo correttamentealle piùinusuali e insidiose domande che tu abbia mai visto!Il gioco contiene quesiti brillanti che richiedono l’utilizzodimemoria, logica, attenzione e capacità di pensare in modinonconvenzionali.“Maestro di Logica” è la seconda versione di un puzzlegamebrillante e insolito che mette alla prova l’attenzione elacapacità di pensare fuori dagli schemi.Le novità di questa versione.-----------------------------------------FUORI DAGLI SCHEMI: Insoliti quesiti al contempo brillantieinsidiosi, che divengono più e più complessi con l’avanzaredelgioco.SUPERBO MA ECCENTRICO: Divertimento e risate assicurati, coniquesiti di logica più folli che si siano mai visti.DOMANDE INSIDIOSE: L’aumento del livello di difficoltà implicalanecessità di prestare attenzione ed usare la propria mentecreativae la propria arguzia per venire a capo degli insoliti edeccentriciquesiti.SE L’ARGUZIA NON BASTA: Puoi sempre utilizzarequalchesuggerimento per risolvere tutti i quesiti insidiosi.ANCORA PIÙ SUGGERIMENTI: Se una domanda è troppo strana ononconvenzionale per i tuoi gusti, le soluzioni video verranno intuosoccorso.QUESITI BRILLANTI: Trasformati in una mente geniale e risolvi120quesiti creativi ed insoliti divisi in ben 30 vivacilivelli.TIENI TRACCIA DEI PUNTEGGI: Tramite Google Play e scopri chi èilmaestro di logica più brillante e arguto.SFOGGIA LA TUA ARGUZIA: Sbloccando traguardi eccezionali.DIVENTA UNA MENTE GENIALE: Scegli tra 3 livelli di difficoltàdegliinsidiosi quesiti.CITAZIONI DI EINSTEIN: Impossibile superare un smile livellodifollia :)Come si gioca:--------------------------------------------Ogni livello è composto dalle 4 alle 5 domande consecutive. Perognirisposta errata dovrai ricominciare dall’inizio. Completandounlivello sbloccherai il successivo. I tuoi punteggisarannoarchiviati sui server di Google Play, consentendoti dicompeterecon i tuoi rivali o i tuoi amici e scoprire chi diventeràilmaestro di logica definitivo.Sono presenti numerosi traguardi, quali la raccolta di stelle oilcompletamento dei livelli, all’interno del gioco. Ogni traguardotipermette di ottenere punti extra.IMPOSSIBILE trovare un gioco più folle di questo!Puoi inviarci i tuoi feedback o consigliall’[email protected] su Facebook: ti piace l’app, scrivi una recensione. Grazie mille!Divertiti!Are you looking forabrilliant game, creative and unusual at the same time? Now youcanturn into a brilliant logical mind, correctly answering themostunusual and insidious questions that you've ever seen!The game contains brilliant questions that require the useofmemory, logic, attention and ability to think inunconventionalways."Master of Logic" is the second version of a brilliant andunusualpuzzle game that tests your attention and the ability tothinkoutside the box.New in this version.-----------------------------------------OUTSIDE THE BOX: Unusual questions at the same time brilliantandinsidious, which become more and more complex with thegameprogresses.SUPERB BUT ECCENTRIC: Fun and laughter insured, with thequestionsof logic and crazier than you have ever seen.Tricky questions: Increasing the difficulty level implies theneedto pay attention and use their creative mind and his wit to getontop of the unusual and eccentric questions.SE wit NOT ENOUGH: You can always use some suggestions tosolveany tricky questions.EVEN MORE ADVICE: If a question is too weird or unconventionalforyour tastes, video solutions will come to your rescue.QUESTIONS BRILLIANT: Turn yourself into a brilliant mind andsolve120 questions creative and unusual split in 30vibrantlevels.KEEP TRACK OF SCORING: via Google Play and find out who isthemaster of logic most brilliant and witty.RAISES YOUR wit: Unlocking exceptional goals.BECOME A BRILLIANT MIND: Choose between 3 difficulty levelsoftricky questions.QUOTES OF EINSTEIN: Can not exceed a level of insanitysmile:)How to play:--------------------------------------------Each level consists of 4 to 5 consecutive questions. For everywronganswer you will need to start over. Completing a level willunlockthe next. Your scores will be stored on the servers ofGoogle Play,allowing you to compete with your rivals or yourfriends and findout who will become the master of logicdefinitive.There are several goals, such as the collection of stars orthecompletion of the levels, within the game. Each milestoneallowsyou to get extra points.IMPOSSIBLE to find a game crazier than this!You can send us your feedback or advice at [email protected] us on Facebook: you like the app, write a review. Thanks a lot!Have fun!
Logica 0.9.0
Complete and interact with the tilebasedcontraption to light up all lightbulbs in each level.Play 50 levels with:-switches-wire-lasers-NOT gates-pistons-blocks-weight detectors-timers-portals-and other elements