Top 21 Games Similar to Comuniame

Manage your team from your mobile!comunio, the online football manager game, lets you take controlofyour own football team. The game is based on the real worldresultsof your favorite football league, including- premier league- 1. Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga- Primera Division and Segunda Divisionand more!Play against your friends, family and co-workers in yourownmini-league and show them who has the most knowledgeaboutfootball.Some games can be played outside the football world: Formula 1andWintersports.
Comuniapp 3.6.1
The most complete app to manage your soccer teams.
Bemanager - Fantasy Football 2.73.0
You're the manager! Manage your soccer team and compete againstyourfriends
Compete against your friends with the official LALIGA soccermanagergame.
Carrusel de Picas 1.3.1
La mejor APP para seguir la jornada de liga y de tu comunidadytener las picas notificadas al instante en tu terminal.Se acabó estar pendiente de cuando salen los puntos quemandoelF5.Siga cada jornada con el horario de los partidos, resultadosyeventos ( goles, tarjetas, asistencias... ) y disfrute delasnotificaciones instantáneas de puntos.Y en próximas actualizaciones de Carrusel de Picas:- Partidos con eventos en directos.- Canales de emisión.¡Suerte en la jornada!Twitter: comunio,comuniazo,as,nomaskeine,futmondo,comuniameBest APPtofollow the day of league and your community and have thepikesnotified instantly on your terminal.No more to be aware of when they leave the burning pointsF5.Follow each day with the schedule of fixtures, results andevents(goals, cards, attendances ...) and enjoy instantnotifications ofpoints.And in future updates of Carousel of Spades:                    -Matcheswith events direct.                    -Broadcastchannels.Good luck in the day!Twitter: COMUNIO comuniazo, as, nomaskeine, futmondo, comuniame
futmondo - soccer manager 8.4.3
Mondo Core
Build your dreamteam and beat your friends!
BeManager 1.4.9
BeSoccer Apps
Welcome to BeManager, the new free onlinegamethat allows you to manage the team of your dreams and sign thebestplayers from all the leagues around the word!Challenge other managers and make sure you win week by week.Sell your players at the right moment to increaseyourbudget.It's time to show off your skills as a football manager!Will you make it to the top and become a legendwithinBeManager?-Manage your lineup.-Make precise changes and check what changes your opponentsmakeeach week.-Participate in the chat with other managers in your league.-Follow each match directly and check the points yourplayersget.BeManager is a multiplayer game, free and online
Score! Hero 2.75
BE THE HERO! Pass, Shoot & Score your way to legendary status!
Golden Manager - Football Game 1.13.3
Kerad Games
Join the best soccer management game everwithmore than 5 MILLION DOWNLOADS!Make yourself become the best soccer coach in this FREE toplaygame. Sign REAL PLAYERS, choose the best tactics, train yoursquadand play live matches against other users.Will you win the treble: the League, the GM Cup and theMastersLeague?Golden Manager is the most fun football management game ever,withphotos and names of real players. Sign pro footballers suchasCristiano Ronaldo, Leo Messi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Kevin deBruyneor Claudio Bravo for your dream team. And the best thing isthat itis completely free to download. This is a free to playgame.HIGHLIGHTS- NEW FEATURE 2016/2017: FRIENDS LEAGUES. Create a PrivateLeagueand play football vs your friends in Golden Manager. Who willbethe best manager?- Live football matches against other players around the world.Showthem that you are the best trainer.- Premier League included! Sign real pro players withFIFProlicensing from FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, ManchesterUnited,Manchester City, Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea and manyothers, foryour dream team.- Friends Leagues: create a league and play vs friends.- Multiplatform game: you can play from your phone or fromFacebook.This is a social game!- Team training sessions: train their attacking, passinganddefending skills.- Choose the match tactics, team intensity and makevitalsubstitutions.- Competitions for 2017: the League, the GM Cup, the MastersLeague,the Challenge League and Kerad Tourney.- World tours against authentic National Teams.- Real sponsors to help your club’s finances: NikeandCoca-Cola.REAL PLAYERSWould you be able to train the best players in the world? InGoldenManager you have all the top players from the best squads intheworld, even from the Premier League: FC Barcelona, RealMadrid,Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester City, ManchesterUnited andmany more. Sign pro footballers such as Messi, CristianoRonaldo,Pogba, Neymar, Diego Costa, Kevin de Bruyne or ClaudioBravo foryour dream team! Build your own personalized line-up bysigningyour favorite goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders andstrikers,free kick and penalty specialists.LIVE SOCCER MATCHESPlay live soccer matches in this free to play game againstothermanagers from around the world! Golden Manager is the bestfootballmanagement game ever that allows you to play against otherusersand with pro real players. Feel like Guardiola, Mourinho,LuisEnrique or Zidane by making changes during the match, alteringthementality and the tactics of your squad and by trainingyourauthentic FIFA players! Decide your team roles: penalty,freekicks, captain...PLAY VS FRIENDSYou and 5 friends can play together in the same League. 10matchesper season, a great Ingots reward for the winner and anexclusivetrophy. Have fun with the exclusive Golden Manager FriendsLeagues!You can also create a Public Friends League and play withmanagersfrom all around the world. Create the best soccer tacticsanddefeat your friends. Be the winner!MANAGE YOUR CLUBEvery winner should have full control the club’s financesandincrease the profits. Set your ticket prices for home matches,buyand sell players in the direct transfer market or throughliveauctions and sign contracts with your real sponsors such asNikeand Coke!LALIGA 2016-2017 KITSGive your club its own identity. Personalize your players bylettingthem wear the kits of your favorite Spanish La Liga teams.Chooseshirts from a wide variety such as FC Barcelona, RealMadrid,Sevilla, Valencia...An active connection to the Internet is necessary to playGoldenManagerPrivacy Policy: of Service:
NetLiga 3.0
El Objetivo de NetLiga es conseguirlamáximapuntuación posible cada jornada de la liga. Todaslasjornadastienes que alinear tu equipo pensando en eseobjetivo.Puedes ircambiando sin problemas tu alineación hasta quese guardenpor elsistema.Cada jornada podrás ver en el contador cuanto tiempo tequedaparapreparar tu alineación. Una vez el contador llegue a 0(ysalga elmensaje de confirmación en noticias), el sistemaguardarálasalineaciones de todos los equipos y serán esos datoslos queuse parael cálculo de jornada. Si después de que se hayaalineadouna jornadahaces cambios, no se reflejarán para la jornadaque yaha sidoalineada.Cálculo de jornada. Una vez se ha alineado la jornada, enlavidareal se irán disputando los partidos, y, al díasiguiente,NetLigairá cargando los puntos de los jugadores que hanjugadobasándose enel sistema de puntuación netliga. Una vezesténcargados todos lospuntos de la jornada, se calculará y:Se darán todos los ingresos/cobros para cada equipoSe computarán los puntosSe harán todos los cálculos pertinentes de todos los modosdejuego(Torneos, Ligas Pro, etc)Valor de Mercado de los jugadores:El valor de mercado de los jugadores se calcula como el delabolsa,dependiendo del interés que demuestren los usuarios ensuspujas. Noinfluye de manera directa que el jugador reciba mejoresopeorespuntuaciones.Resumen de los sistemas de juego:Liga básica:En ellas podrás jugar con tus amigos o con otros usuarios.Enestasligas habrá un mercado común donde diariamenteiránsaliendojugadores y todos los usuarios de la liga podrán pujarporestosjugadores de forma secreta. Cuando las pujas caduquenelusuarioque más haya pujado pagará el jugador y lo incluiráensuplantilla. En este tipo de ligas el mismo jugadorsolopodrápertenecer a un equipo.Liga PRO:Convierte tu liga en una liga mucho más real y completayaqueincluye diferentes mejoras como: construcción ygestióndelestadio, patrocinadores, personal (entrenador,psicólogo,directorde marketing, etc). La gestión económica de lasligas PROes muchomás compleja que las básicas, haciéndola másdifícilycompetitiva.Liga General:A diferencia de las ligas básicas, el mercado de laLigageneralpuedes comprar (mientras tu economía te lo permita) alosjugadoresque prefieras intentado buscar el mejor 11 cadajornada.La ligageneral está dividida en divisiones estructuradasdeformapiramidal, donde cada liga tiene dos divisionesinferiores.Sóloexiste 1 grupo de primera División, 2 de segunda,cuatrodetercera, etc. Cada liga está compuesta por 25 usuariosquecompitenentre sí.Torneos:El sistema de torneos es similar al de las LigasGenerales,tendrásque confeccionar cada jornada el mejor onceposible. Estesistemafunciona mediante eliminatoria directa, seclasifica eljugador quemás puntos haya obtenido, en caso de empatese clasificael quetenga menor valor de equipo.The objective NetLigaistoget the highest possible score each round of the league.Allsessionshave to align your team thinking about that goal. Youcango smoothlychanging your alignment until saved by the system.Each day will see on the counter how long you have lefttoprepareyour alignment. Once the counter reaches 0 (and exittheconfirmationmessage news), the system will save the alignmentsofall equipmentand will use these data that for calculating day.Ifafter it haslined up a day make changes will not be reflectedtothe day that hasalready been aligned.Calculation of time. Once you have aligned the day, inreallifethey will go disputing parties, and the next day,NetLigachargingpoints will players who have played based on thesystemnetligascore. Once you are loaded all points of the day, andshallbecalculated:    all income / charges foreachteamwill    Points are calculated    all calculations of allgamemodes(Tournaments, Leagues Pro, etc) will beMarket value of players:The market value of the players is calculated as thebag,dependingon the interest shown by users in their bids.Notdirectlyinfluence the player receives better or worsescores.Summary of gaming systems: Basic League:In them you can play with your friends or with other users.Intheseleagues will be a common market where players willemergedaily andall users of the league will bid for theseplayerssecretly. Whenbids expire the user who will pay the player'sbidand include it inyour template. In this type of leagues thesameplayer can onlybelong to one team.PRO League:Turn your league in a much more real and complete leagueasitincludes various improvements such as constructionandstadiummanagement, sponsors, staff (trainer, psychologist,directorofmarketing, etc). The economic management of PRO league ismuchmorecomplex than the basic, making it moredifficultandcompetitive.League General:Unlike the basic leagues, the league overall market canbuy(whileyour economy will forbid) to players who prefer tried tofindthebest 11 every day. The overall league is dividedintopyramidalstructured divisions, each league has two lowerdivisions.There isonly one group of first Division 2 second, fourthird, etc.Eachleague consists of 25 competing users.tournaments:The tournament system is similar to the General League, youhavetomake every day the best eleven possible. This systemworksbyknockout, the player with the most points obtained in theeventofa tie is classified is classified which haslessvalueequipment.
Dream League Soccer
FIFPro™ Licensed Soccer
Fluid Soccer 2.5.2
"Fluid Soccer is like the perfect blend ofNewStar Soccer, Score Great Goals and Flick Kick" - T3"Fluid Soccer’s mechanics are unlike anything I’veseenbefore...this game might be a wish come true for you." -PocketTactics"Fluid Soccer is bl***y brilliant" - Simon Read, creator ofNewStar SoccerFrom the team behind console smash hits LMA Manager andClubFootball comes FLUID SOCCER, an addictive strategy game thatputsreal-time tactical decision making at your fingertips. FluidSoccerplaces you at the heart of the action, letting you call theshotsand test your strategic know-how in a series of highpressureon-field situations where only you can decide the best wayto beatthe defence and carry your team to victory.Developed in close collaboration with award-winningexpertcommentators Andy Gray and Richard Keys, Fluid Soccermergescomplex tactical scenarios with a beautifully simple controlsystemthat allows you to easily direct your whole team's actionsbydrawing runs and passes. Use real world techniques to score inaseries of challenging set piece scenarios. Can you turnchancesinto goals and ultimately lift the cup? Andy Gray andRichard Keysare on hand to appraise your performance, and you canalways AskAndy for in depth advice, or practice your skills inTheAcademy.Each level of Fluid Soccer has been intricately designedbyreal-world experts to recreate the pivotal moment of a match-throw-ins, corners and free kicks that set the stageforsensational goals. You have complete tactical freedom to winthematch- string together passes, out-pace defenders, set uppinpointcrosses - if you can do it on the field you can do it inFluidSoccer.Fluid Soccer is THE soccer game this season that putstacticaldecision making at your fingertips.**** Features ****- Play through challenging cups with dozens of objectivestocomplete.- Designed by real-world tactical experts forfullauthenticity- Highly intuitive drawing-based controls enable you tocontrolcomplex scenarios- 3D view for precision goal shooting- Full hint system to help you beat the trickier challenges- Commentary by the Sony Award-winning team of Andy Gray andRichardKeys- Unlock dozens of challenges with more being added infutureupdatesCopyright 2013 Fluid Games Ltd and Gray Cooper Media Ltd.Published by AppyNation and Gray Cooper MediaLIKE US: US: US: US:
ComuManager Ultimate 2.5.2
Comumanager Ultimate is the best app withthemost advanced design to control your teams like never beforedone!Features list:- Manage multiple accounts.- View all news from your community- Write news- See the transfer market- Make Bids- Edit Bids- Remove Bidding- Accept Offers- Reject Offers- Selling Players- History Offers accepted, rejected, expired, canceled.- View / change your alignment- Post your lineup- Change your tactics- Player stats (photo, name, club, total points, marketvalue,position, state)- See your opponents team and aligned- See the penalized players, injured, doubtful, yellow, red,notsummoned, etc.- See the Dream Team of the day- View points of the day- See the classification of the last day- See the complete ranking- Watch the money from your opponents and your maximum bid- See the results of La Liga Live- View ranking of La Liga Live- Translated into Castilian and EnglishAnd others that you will discover within the application!
Ultimate Soccer - Football 1.1.15
Mouse Games
Ultimate Soccer is the most immersive and realistic 3Dfootballsimulation game.
Super Soccer Champs FREE 1.17.0
Super Soccer Champs : The ultimate in FREE Retro styleFootballPlay!
Head Soccer La Liga 2017 6.2.6
HEAD SOCCER LA LIGA is the official gameforSpanish League Soccer for 2016-2017 season! Choose yourfavouritesoccer player among the official LaLiga squads, unleashyourpowerful shots and take your football club to the top of theworldrankings! Score thousand of goals using the big head ofyourfootballer and become the ultimate champion and the hero ofyourdream team!Download now for free and enjoy playing football with all thesoccerclubs and superstars from LaLiga!Start as a newbie and level up through all categories:rookie,professional, champion, all-star… and finally reach the topof theworld and be a soccer legend. Impress the FIFA and the fansbyscoring incredible goals in the best official soccerstadiums:Bernabéu, Camp Nou, Calderón, Mestalla, San Mamés, Riazor,LaRosaleda… What is your favourite soccer club? Select afootballteam from the dream league and play as a mini footballerwith abobble head. Goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, forwards...onlyHead Soccer LaLiga 2017 has all the official football playersfromLaLiga!Join millions of players in this exciting soccer game andenjoyplaying with all your favourite footballers: CristianoRonaldo,Messi, Aduriz, Neymar, Fernando Torres, Orellana… Now youjust needto choose your big-headed soccer player, get out on thefield, showoff your skills and win tournaments!Only the best players are able to take on this challenge! Showoffyour ball skills and beat each round as though it were a final!Tryto survive in the most astonishing soccer matches jumping ashighas you can, kicking stronger and sprinting faster than allyourrivals. Score amazing goals in every clash and win all thecups,leagues and tournaments to be the hero your fans arelookingfor.Do you think you've got what it takes to be a CHAMPION?DownloadHead Soccer LaLiga now!== GAME FEATURES ==OFFICIAL LICENSES FROM LALIGAPlay football in real stadiums with all your idols. The onlysoccergame with the original clubs and squads from the SpanishLeagueSoccer for 2016-2017 season!TRAIN AND IMPROVEEvolve your soccer players and their skills: SPEED to movequicklydown the field, SHOT to make it unstoppable, JUMP to leaphigher ineach attack and defense, SPRINT to overtake your rivals,POWER UPto reduce the time between special shots… Level up and betheultimate score hero!AMAZING SPECIAL SHOTSDefeat all the opponents using the shocking special kicks:DragonBall, Orange Machine, Falling Star… And more! Each withstunninglight and sound effects! Ultimate extreme football!DIVISIONSCreate your player and compete at the highest level. Choosefromthree categories: bronze, silver, and gold. Each category ismadeup of various divisions. Win matches to ascend in the divisionsandreach the Gold category!Win bonuses as you defeat opponents and beat your friends intheRanking. Victories will earn you rewards that you can use tolevelup your player.REACH THE GOLD DIVISIONGAME MODESTry the CUP, where champions are remembered! Go down inhistorythrough all of the rounds and enjoy playing in the FinalCup!Start a FRIENDLY match and play soccer against any clubyouwant!Consistency is key to success in the LEAGUE! You must face allofthe teams and gain points match by match to ranked at the topbythe end of the season.How many rounds could you survive in the SURVIVAL mode?Make your own huge head football player with theamazingEDITOR!BEAT YOUR FRIENDSSync your progress with Google Play Games and Facebook,overcomeyour friends and share your achievements: How many goalscould youscore?Even Luis Figo has fun playing Head Soccer LaLiga, check itout: in the Dream League, reach the Gold Division, play HeadSoccerLaLiga 2017!Visit us at:http://laliga.es
Real Football 2013 1.6.8b
The newest edition of the freefootballsimulation is back to score another win for the franchisewith awhole new set of moves.Take part in the most immersive free football simulation andshowthat you are the best on the pitch. Reinforce your teamofchampions by developing your club’s facilities, hiring newstaffmembers, dealing with sponsors and more.Join world football champions like our cover athlete, Falcao, onthepitch. YOU ARE FOOTBALL, YOU ARE REAL FOOTBALL!LEAD YOUR CLUB TO THE TOPTake control of your team on the field during league games orcupgames. Starting with a rookie team, you’ll need to improveyourplayers’ abilities to reach the top league and compete againstthebest teams in the world for the championship and the cup.REALISM PUSHED FURTHERFor the first time in Real Football games, see names andportraitsof over 3,000 top Euro and international champions thanksto theofficial FIFPro licence. Updates for the application willkeep yourgame up to date with the most recent player transfers androsterchanges.DEVELOP YOUR CLUBThe best teams in the world have the most modern facilities.It'stime to be a good fantasy manager. Get your players in shapebydeveloping your training grounds to increase yourplayers’physical, technical and tactical skills as a real manager.Earnmore money and attract fans by expanding your stadium, fillingitwith shops and signing big-name sponsors.THE MOST IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCESmooth and realistic graphics make every player come to life onyourscreen during games. Witness over 700 motion-captureanimations asyou take on an improved AI for a TV-like experienceof games withspectacular effects and cutscenes. It's just likewatching realsports!RF13 is a free simulation sport game in which you'll be abletowin a league or cup championship, play with world champions, beamanager of a fantasy team, and more. We're bringing you areal,free fantasy simulation and a comprehensive manager game, allinone soccer package.Whether you like soccer simulations, fantasy manager gamesoryou're simply a fan of the sport, this free game is for you.----Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like usonFacebook at to get moreinfoabout all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Certain apps allow you to purchase virtual items within theappand may contain third party advertisements that may redirect youtoa third party site.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
Professional Soccer (Football)
Enjoy this soccer game with amazing graphics and game play...
World Soccer League
The road to Real Soccer Stardom.
Score! World Goals 2.75
First Touch
#1 Sports Game in Italy!Top 10 Sports Game in over 50 Countries including UK,Japan,Netherlands, Turkey, Spain, Germany & France!Have you got what it takes to score the match winninggoal?Recreate your favourite goals in this unique football basedpuzzlegame. Football fan or not, this app will keep you entertainedforhours!Score! now features official goal packs from Chelsea FCandLiverpool FC!Score! World Goals is truly international in scope andcomespacked with thrilling gameplay. Recreate over 1,000 goals fromallover the world, including domestic leagues, European cupsandInternational tournaments. Amateur, Pro & Bonus modes willkeepyou endlessly engrossed.* Includes Tablet Support! ******************************************SUPER INTUITIVE GAMEPLAYScore! World Goals features a huge range of challenges to taxthemost skilled football player. Players can pass, cross andshootusing the intuitive swipe mechanics whilst controlsenablesensational top-corner shots. Smart defensiveartificialintelligence will react to shots and passes, making youfeel likeyou’re part of the action.AMAZING GRAPHICS AND SOUNDScore! World Goals features an ultra-realistic graphics enginewhichcombines with retina displays to make an even moreeye-popping,console-like experience than ever seen before. Over500motion-captured animations guarantee unparalleled levelsofauthenticity, whilst captivating audio and authentic commentaryputyou right in the heart of the action.A STREAM OF NEW AND UPDATED CONTENTScore! World Goals will stay fresh and exciting with newlevelsbeing updated regularly. There’s also a Goal of the Daycompetitiongiving you reason to come back each and every day!*****************************************Exclusive soundtrack provided by Dance à la Plage.We hope you enjoy playing Score! this title wouldn’t bepossiblewithout valued fan feedback. Follow us on Facebook andTwitter andlet us know what you think.This game requires an Internet connection to downloadinitialcontent.PLEASE NOTE: This game is free to play, but additionalcontentand in-game items may be purchased for real money.Credits can be earned during gameplay or gained bywatchingvideos, but can also be bought in packs ranging from $1.99-$38.99.This app contains third party advertising. Advertisingisdisabled if you purchase in game currency from the shop.VISIT US: firsttouchgames.comLIKE US: US: @firsttouchgamesWATCH US:
Kickbase - Fantasy Soccer 3.7.5
Kickbase GmbH
Official Bundesliga Soccer Fantasy Manager! Build your lineup&soccer formation