Top 21 Apps Similar to MasMetroMX

Metro MX 1.50
ideas Happy
La App Móvil más completa para usar en elMetrode la Ciudad de México; incluye Linea 12 y sus 195 estacionesdesdeTlahuac a Mixcoac.Metro MX incluye funciones de Trazado de Ruta dondeconoceráscuales son tus tiempos de viaje; Localización deEstacionescercanas donde sabrás a que distancia se encuentran;Consulta deMapas donde se incluyen mapas de Metrobus, Tren Ligero,Pumabus,Tren Ligero y Ecobici; Información a través de RedesSociales, Guíaturística y Reportes.Y lo mejor de todo es gratuita.Visita el grupo en Facebook-> en Twitter: @masmetromx
Red Transporte DF 3.2.60
Mexico City Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Mexico Cityoffline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Mexico City underground.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that youneed.Isn't it?
Metro DF 0.91
¿Quieres navegar en el metro de la CiudaddeMéxico? Esta es la app más simple y poderosa.+Ganadora del concurso "Ciudad Móvil 2011" como lamejoraplicación para Android.+Desarrollada en conjunto con el Sistema de TransporteColectivoMetro+Planea tu ruta con prioridad de tiempo, distanciaotransbordos+No necesita conexión de datos para trabajar(completamenteoffline)+Explora la red del metro+Calcula el tiempo que tardarás en llegar a tu destino+Muestra las vías principales de la Ciudad de México enelmapa+Muestra a detalle los transbordes y estaciones a recorrerWant to surf on thesubwayin Mexico City? This is the most simple and powerful app.+ Winner of the contest "Mobile City 2011" as thebestapplication for Android.+ Developed in conjunction with the Metro PublicTransportSystem+ Plan your route with priority of time, distance ortransfers+ No data connection required to work (completely offline)+ Explore the Underground network+ Calculate the time it will take to reach your destination+ Displays the main streets of Mexico City on the map+ Shows in detail the Interagency Transfers and seasons go
Metro y Metrobus CDMX 4.1.2-g
MoviliXa SAS
Known public transport systems Mexico City as the subway.
Subway:Mexico City 13
Activate the new line 12 fromapksettings:DThis apk will be your better guide to use theMexicoCitySubway.It will let you search routes between 2 stations anddisplayallthe path.Contains a map with all the stations and lines forMexicoCitySubwayIt is a complete guide to travel into Metro DF.And its Free!!!!!
Cyber Metro DF 1.1
You can use this application in order tofindthe shortest route between 2 stations in the subway systemfromMexico City (Metro DF). You can see the traced route on a mapor alist. Also you can search a station by name.Features:* To zoom* To search stations* To look the searched stations on the map* It does not consume a lot of resources* You needn't a network connectionThis application was developed by:* Torres Robledo Daniel - Developer* López Ordaz Raúl - Developer
Metro Metrobus Turibus Sub. 1.21
Mister apps
Aplicación que muestra los medios detransportemás utilizados en la ciudad de México, como son elmetro, metrobus,tren suburbano y tren ligero, ademas de ecobici,pumabus, circuitosde turibus y trolebus.Podras consultar los mapas generales y por línea, ubicacióndeestaciones en mapa, tarifas de servicio, horarios deservicio,entre otros, consulta de distancia entre la estación y tuubicaciónal dar clic en el icono de ubicación de la estación,ademas incluyemapas en alta resolución de los circuitos delturibus, einformación del medio de transporte trolebus.Puedes instalar la aplicación en la memoria externa detudispositivoApplication shows themostused means of transport in the city of Mexico, such as theMetro,Metrobus, commuter rail and light rail, plus Ecobici,pumabus,turibus circuits and trolleybus.Podras consulting and general maps, location map ofstations,service fee, service schedules, among others, querydistancebetween the station and your location by clicking on theiconlocation of the station, also includes maps high resolutionturibuscircuits, and information trolleybus transport medium.You can install the application on your externalmemorydevice
metroDF Realidad Aumentada 1.2
¡El Metro del D.F. en Realidad Aumentada!Descubre la mejor y más divertida forma de ubicarlasestacionesdel metro de la Ciudad de México.Observa el mapa de la red via offline o utilizalaprimeraaplicación con Realidad Aumentada del Metro del D.F.paralocalizarla posición de las estaciones más cercanas a ti einclusoutilízalacomo guía turística al ver los sitios de interésmáscercanos acada estación.Igualmente obtén el listado por cada línea, visualiza enunmapalas estaciones y llega a ellas mediante rutas a pieyenautomóvil.No esperes más y ¡descárgala ya!The Metro delDFAugmentedReality!Discover the best and most fun way to locate stationsMexicoCityMetro.Look at the map of the network via offline or usesthefirstAugmented Reality application with the Metro del DF tolocatetheposition of the stations closest to you and even use it asatourguide to see the sites closest to each season interest.Also get the list for each line, a map displayed onthestationsand reach them by walking and by car.Go ahead and Download it now!
Simple Metro DF (Mexico Metro) 1.0
Español ***Llega a su destinación fácilmente y rápido con unaaltaresoluciónmapa del Metro!English ***Get to your destination easily and faster with a highresolutionmapof the Metro!Metro DF/Mexico Metro/Sistema de Transporte Colectivo/MexicoDFMetro MapaCredito a Fluence para el mapa:
Mexico City Metro Map 1.0
Transopolis 2
Mexico City Metro Map: A very simpleshowcaseof Mexico City Metro stations and connection. Aside frominfo ontransportation you can also find recommendations forrestaurants,popular tourist, sites, as well as some interestingfacts aboutMexico City.
Metroruta CDMX 1.0
mandros labs
App para ayudar al viajero chilango enlareddel metro de la Ciudad de México. Permite verlaslíneas/estacionesen un mapa, encontrar estaciones cercanasycalcular la ruta entredos estaciones.Funcionalidades- Ver mapa interactivo con líneas y estaciones- Ver líneas de metro y navegar las estaciones de cada línea- Buscar estación por nombre- Calcular ruta más corta entre dos estaciones (conalgoritmodeDijkstra, una implementación externa)- Buscar estaciones cercanas (lineal entre dos puntos)App to helpthetravelerChilango network of Mexico City Metro. Lets see thelines/stations on a map, find nearby stations and calculatetheroutebetween two stations.features- View interactive map lines and stations- View and navigate subway lines stations each line- Search station name- Calculate shortest route between two stations(withDijkstraalgorithm, an external implementation)- Find nearby stations (line between two points)
Metro MX Mexico, Montorrey 1.3
Display Mexico City, Montorrey yGuadalajarasubway maps in one click without internet access.Here are the main features of the mrt map:- One click: Fullscreen metro map- Double click: Simple zoom- Slide one finger: Moving on the map- Slide two fingers: Full zoom- User Location with nearest mrt station
Mexico City Subway 1.0
NoWay Apps
A map of the Mexico City subway.A great way to travel in Mexico City City.
Rutas DF Free 1.1
¡¡Esta aplicación te va a encantar!!¡¡La app más completa, fácil y efectiva para viajar enMetro,Metrobús, Tren Ligero y Suburbano de la Ciudad de México!!> ¿Te has subido al Metro, Metrobús, Tren ligero oTrenSuburbano y nunca sabes en qué estación vas?> ¿Estás atrapado entre la gente y no sabes en quéestaciónbajar?> ¿No tienes idea de cómo llegar de una estación a otra,dóndetransbordar o en qué dirección debes ir?“Nosotros creemos que nada de lo anterior deberíaseguirsucediéndole a la gente y es por eso que hemos creadoespecialmenteesta app para ti.”Rutas DF es la única aplicación en su tipo que te muestra enunmapa todas las líneas y estaciones del Metro, Metrobús, TrenLigeroy Tren Suburbano junto con tu posición actual para que sepasentodo momento en cuál estación estás y ¡¡hacia dónde teestásmoviendo!!Podrás buscar y encontrar estaciones fácilmente y sabercómollegar de una estación a otra. ¡¡No importa si te subes alTrenLigero y quieres bajar en alguna estación del Metrobús!!Todo esto y más en una app simple de usar, confiable yaltamenterequerida por todos nosotros que viajamos a diario entransportepúblico.¡¡Rutas DF es la aplicación que siempre has querido tener!!¡¡CON RUTAS DF NUNCA HABÍA SIDO TAN FÁCIL SABER EN QUEESTACIÓNVAS Y EN CÚAL TE DEBES BAJAR!!This applicationyou'lllove!The most complete, easy and effective app for travel onMetro,Metrobus, Light Rail and Suburban Mexico City!> Have you jumped on the Metro, Metrobus, Light RailandCommuter Rail and you never know what station you go?> Are you caught in the crowd and do not know what seasonitdown?> You have no idea how to get from one station to another,wheretranship or what direction you should go?"We believe that none of this should keep happening to peopleandthat's why we've created this app especially for you."City Sightseeing is the only application of its kind thatshowsyou on a map all the lines and stations of the Metro,Metrobus,Commuter Rail and Light Rail along with your currentposition soyou always know which station you're on and whereyou'removing!You can easily search and find stations and know how to getfromone station to another. No matter if you get on the light railandget off at any station you want Metrobus!All this and more in a simple app to use, reliable andhighlyrequired by all of us who travel daily on publictransport.City Sightseeing is the application you've always wanted!DF ROUTES WITH NEVER BEEN SO EASY TO KNOW WHAT SEASON TE VASANDMUST DOWNLOAD!
Rutas DF 1.1
¡¡Esta aplicación te va a encantar!!¡¡La app más completa, fácil y efectiva para viajar enMetro,Metrobús, Tren Ligero y Suburbano de la Ciudad de México!!> ¿Te has subido al Metro, Metrobús, Tren ligero oTrenSuburbano y nunca sabes en qué estación vas?> ¿Estás atrapado entre la gente y no sabes en quéestaciónbajar?> ¿No tienes idea de cómo llegar de una estación a otra,dóndetransbordar o en qué dirección debes ir?“Nosotros creemos que nada de lo anterior deberíaseguirsucediéndole a la gente y es por eso que hemos creadoespecialmenteesta app para ti.”Rutas DF es la única aplicación en su tipo que te muestra enunmapa todas las líneas y estaciones del Metro, Metrobús, TrenLigeroy Tren Suburbano junto con tu posición actual para que sepasentodo momento en cuál estación estás y ¡¡hacia dónde teestásmoviendo!!Podrás buscar y encontrar estaciones fácilmente y sabercómollegar de una estación a otra. ¡¡No importa si te subes alTrenLigero y quieres bajar en alguna estación del Metrobús!!Todo esto y más en una app simple de usar, confiable yaltamenterequerida por todos nosotros que viajamos a diario entransportepúblico.¡¡Rutas DF es la aplicación que siempre has querido tener!!¡¡CON RUTAS DF NUNCA HABÍA SIDO TAN FÁCIL SABER EN QUEESTACIÓNVAS Y EN CÚAL TE DEBES BAJAR!!This applicationyou'lllove!The most complete, easy and effective app for travel onMetro,Metrobus, Light Rail and Suburban Mexico City!> Have you jumped on the Metro, Metrobus, Light RailandCommuter Rail and you never know what station you go?> Are you caught in the crowd and do not know what seasonitdown?> You have no idea how to get from one station to another,wheretranship or what direction you should go?"We believe that none of this should keep happening to peopleandthat's why we've created this app especially for you."City Sightseeing is the only application of its kind thatshowsyou on a map all the lines and stations of the Metro,Metrobus,Commuter Rail and Light Rail along with your currentposition soyou always know which station you're on and whereyou'removing!You can easily search and find stations and know how to getfromone station to another. No matter if you get on the light railandget off at any station you want Metrobus!All this and more in a simple app to use, reliable andhighlyrequired by all of us who travel daily on publictransport.City Sightseeing is the application you've always wanted!DF ROUTES WITH NEVER BEEN SO EASY TO KNOW WHAT SEASON TE VASANDMUST DOWNLOAD!
TransportApp México 1.4
Erik Dan
TransportApp - Mexico Public Transport - Metro, Metrobus,Pumabus,Train ....
Metrô-DF 1.0.22
O aplicativo Metrô-DF disponibiliza umconjuntode informações úteis para os usuários da rede metroviáriada capitalfederal, disponível inicialmente em português, em breveterá umaatualização para inglês e espanhol.O aplicativo também tem um mapa que mostra todas as linhas,comoos que existem nas estações e vagões do metrô, para ficarmaisfácil de visualizar os trajetos.Conectado à rede de dados, o aplicativo pode tambémfornecerinformações em tempo real de como está a operação de cadauma daslinhas.O usuário pode, ainda, simula o caminho mais rápido entreduasestações do Metrô-DF pór meio do Simulador de Viagem,umafuncionalidade do aplicativo que permite o cálculo do tempodeviagem entre as estações.Endereços, mapas, horários de funcionamento das estações,tempoestimado para a viagem, valor das tarifas e condiçõesoperacionaissão algumas das outras novidades que a população podeacessar pelosmartphone.O novo aplicativo tem como objetivo auxiliar as pessoas duranteodeslocamento para o trabalho e a escola, para os passeios a lazereaos polos de esporte, recreação e cultura.O interessado poderá fazer o download do aplicativo METRÔ-DFnaslojas de apps para Android e para o sistema iOS da Apple apartirde maio.Principais funcionalidades:Simulador de viagemSimula passo-a-passo o caminho mais rápido entre duas estações.Mapa da RedeMapa visual com as duas linhas do Metrô-DF.Linhas e EstaçõesMostra todas as linhas e estações, seus horários defuncionamento,localização, acessos.InformaçõesTarifas e telefones úteis.Situação atualApresenta em tempo real o status operacional de todas as linhasThe Metro-DFapplicationprovides a set of useful information for users of thesubwaynetwork of the federal capital, initially available inPortuguese,will soon have an update for English and Spanish.The application also has a map showing all the lines, suchasthat in stations and subway cars, to make it easier tovisualizethe paths.Connected to the data network, the application can alsoprovidereal-time as is the operation of each of the lines.You can also simulates the fastest route between two stationsofthe Metro-DF put through the Travel Simulator, anapplicationfeature that allows the calculation of travel timebetweenstations.Addresses, maps, hours of operation of the stations,estimatedtime for the trip, amount of fees and operating conditionsare someof the other news that people can access by smartphone.The new app aims to help people during commuting to workandschool, for the rides leisure and sports centers, recreationandculture.The interested can download the METRO-DF application in theappstores for Android and Apple's iOS system from May.Key features:Travel simulatorSimulates step-by-step the fastest route between two stations.Network MapVisual map with the two lines of the Metro-DF.Lines and StationsShows all lines and stations, their opening hours,location,access.InformationPrices and useful telephone numbers.Actual situationDisplays real-time operational status of all lines
ally mobility app
ally combines all your transportinformationtogether one app, allowing you to save time and money bycomparingthe price and length of travel for various modes oftransportationlike walking, by car, the subway, public buses,train, ferry, bike,cab, Uber, and many more! We give you a clearand easy overview ofall the available transportation options to getyou to yourdestination as smoothly and smartly as possible!Never get lost again - ally will navigate cities’ complextransportsystems for you. All you have to do is sit back and enjoytheride!FEATURES- Departures monitor - Check the exact departure times forvarioustransportation options near you, including walking, by car,thesubway, public buses, train, ferry, bike, cab, Uber, andmanymore!- Route Search - the fastest way to get from A to B, includingtimeof departure. Compare price and length of travel fordifferentoptions! Find the best bus or train connections in yourcity, pullout your Uber app, or just call a regular cab.- Plan your journey in advance - choose a departure or arrivaltimeahead of time and see the best commuting options for you.CITIES IN GERMANYAachen, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Brunswick,Bonn,Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Dresden, Essen, Frankfurt amMain,Göttingen, Halle, Hamm, Hanover, Hildesheim, Karlsruhe,Köln,Leverkusen, Mainz, Magdeburg, München, Münster,Oldenburg,Osnabrück, Paderborn, Potsdam, Solingen, Stuttgart,WuppertalSUPPORTAnd if you have any problems, feedback or ideas for ally, justdropus an email at [email protected]!
Transit: Real-Time Transit App 5.11.3
Transit is your real-time urbantravelcompanion. Navigate your city’s public transit system withaccuratereal-time predictions, simple trip planning,step-by-stepnavigation, service disruption notifications, anddeparture andstop reminders... all presented in a clear, boldinterface. Publictransport not cooperating? Easily request an Uber,reserve acar2go, or grab the closest bike share.Over 125 supported cities including NYC, Chicago, Washington DC,LA,SF, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and many more across NorthAmerica& Europe. Check below for a partial list.👉Google Play Picks👈📰 'Killer App' - WSJ📰⏰“You won't realize how much time you can save planning untilyouuse this app” - LA Times⏰🏆"MBTA has a favorite transit app — and it's called Transit"-Boston Globe🏆🗽NYC MTA App Quest Award Winner🗽🚆Elected Official App of Toronto Transit Commission—TTC/blogTO🚆KEY FEATURES- Know when your next subway or bus is arriving withreal-timepredictions- Plan A-to-B trips with ease.- See exactly where your bus or train is on the mapinreal-time.- Get push notifications if service disruptions will affectyourcommute (in select cities).- Launch GO for step-by-step navigation when you’re on anunfamiliarroute.- Receive departure alarms and stop notifications as well aspromptsto pick up the pace in GO.- View schedules and route itineraries. Even offline.- Locate bike share stations, see the number of bikes available,payfor passes, and unlock bikes (in select cities).- Check ETAs for the closest Uber and request a ride.- Find nearby car share vehicles and book one.- Support for all transportation modes: bus / metro / subway /lightrail / streetcar / train / Uber / bike share / car2go /ferryHere is a partial list of supported agencies and cities(full list:⚾USA⚾Atlanta: MARTA*, CCT, GRTAAustin: Capital Metro*, B-cycleBaltimore: MTA*Boston: MBTA*, HubwayChicago: CTA*, Metra*, PACE, NICTD, DivvyCincinnati: Metro*, TANKCleveland: RTA*Columbus: COTA*, CoGoDallas: DART, Fort Worth TDenver: RTD*, B-cycleHampton Roads: HRTHartford (and CT): CTTransit, CTFastrak*Honolulu: TheBus*Houston: METRO*Las Vegas: RTC*Los Angeles: LA Metro*, Metrolink, OCTA*, LADOT*, Omnitrans,RTA,Burbank Bus, Foothill*, Big Blue Bus*, Glendale Beeline*Louisville: TARC*Madison: Metro*, B-cycleMiami: MDT*, BCT, Palm Tran*, Tri-Rail, Citi BikeMilwaukee: MCTS*, Bublr BikesMinneapolis: Metro Transit*, MVTA, Plymouth*, SouthWest*,U.Minnesota*, Nice RideNYC Metro: New York MTA*, Metro-North (MNR)*, Long Island RailRoad(LIRR)*, NJ Transit (NJT)*, PATH, SI Ferry, NICE*, Bee-Line,RITram, NY Waterway, SIR* Citi BikeOrlando: Lynx*Philadelphia: SEPTA*, PATCO, IndegoPhoenix: Valley Metro*Pittsburgh: Port Authority (PAAC)*Portland: TriMet*SLC: UTA*, GREENbikeSan Diego: MTS*, NCTD*SF Bay Area: SF BART*, SF MUNI*, Caltrain*, AC Transit*,VTA*,County Connection*, SamTrans, Bay Area Bike ShareSeattle: Metro Transit*, City of Seattle*, Sound Transit*,PierceTransit, ProntoSt. Louis*Tampa Bay: HART*, PSTAWashington DC: WMATA (DC Metro & Bus)*, DC Circulator*,RideOn*, Arlington (ART)*, Fairfax Connector, VRE*, DASH, CapitalBikeShare+20 more cities!🍁CANADA🍁CalgaryEdmonton: ETS*HalifaxLondon: LTCMontréal: STM, RTL, STL*, AMT*, MRC, CIT, BixiOttawa: OC Transpo*, STOQuébec: RTC*Saskatoon*Toronto (GTA): TTC*, GO Transit, York (YRT/VIVA)*, Guelph,HSR*,Grand River (GRT), Brampton (BT), MiWay, Burlington,Oakville,Durham (DRT), Toronto Bike ShareVancouver: TransLink*, SkyTrain*Victoria: BC TransitWindsorWinnipeg*+ 10 more cities!⛵EUROPE⛵London*Paris*Marseille*Milan*Rome*Berlin*+many more!🏄Australia🏄Melbourne*Sydney*+ more!*includes real-time info(eg bus time & subway time inNYC,bus tracker & train tracker in Chicago, NextBus inBoston,etc)
Mexico City Subway Map 1.0
Transopolis 2
Mexico City Subway Map: A very simpleshowcaseof Mexico City Subway stations and connection. Aside frominfo ontransportation you can also find recommendations forrestaurants,popular tourist, sites, as well as some interestingfacts aboutMexico City Subway.