Top 2 Apps Similar to iCert 1Z0-055 Practice Exam

Flash for Oracle 11g SQL 2.3.0
Need help memorizing all of the SQL queriesanddatabase objects in 11g?Use Transcender Flash to study for the Oracle1Z0-051certification exam!Study for certifications, wherever you go, withTranscenderFlash!Feature list:- Hundreds of questions covering all exam objectives- Simple and intuitive flash card interface- Easy self-grading- Answer history tracking and reporting- Customizable based on your reading preferences**There is a one-time activation after purchase that requiresahigh-speed connection to receive the full bank of questions.Here are just some customer testimonials forTranscenderproducts:“Transcender picks up where even the best books leaveoff–andthen blows them away. I found the simulations to begreatpreparation for the real thing. I also found youranswerexplanations to be better written than any that I have foundinthose $50 books. When people ask me what I did to pass the test,Itell them, 'I got the Transcender.'” - L.C."Thanks for a terrific product. Without a doubt, yourexamsimulations have made the difference for me inobtainingcertification. Not only did the simulations prepare me fortheactual test, but they also significantly strengthened some ofmyweaker areas by letting me know where I was weak and thenprovidingthe appropriate references for further study. Now it's onto mynext exam....but not without the Transcender simulations!"-J.F."I just passed my fifth exam. I give a big credittoTranscender's products. Without Transcender I would haveprobablyfailed each and every exam. Transcender gives me thatconfidence bypassing the real exam on the first shot. You guys passthe happycustomer exam. Now you earned a Loyal Customer. Thankyou!!!!" -J.G.
iCert 1Z0-047 Practice Exam 3.3
iCert™ Practice Examfor Oracle Exam #1Z0-047Oracle Database SQL Expert***This FREE app includes 10 sample questions from this exam,withadditional questions available for purchase in-app for about$10per test.***Questions? Problems? Please contact [email protected] and wewillbe glad to assist.***iCert is PROUD to have brought you this exclusive,high-qualityexam content you will not find anywhere else forOracle's latestversion of the SQL exam, towards your OCA / OCPcertification(Google Play screen shots may show a different exam --you aredownloading 1Z0-047).iCert is the gold standard for mobile practicecertificationexams. You may find our practice exams on iPhone,Android,BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 7, and we cover many popularexamsfrom Microsoft, Cisco, and other vendors.iCert's exam content is developed by real-world IT experts,andour staff is highly trained and highly certified. Our app designissimple, and we focus on bringing you quality content that willgiveyou a realistic assessment of whether you are prepared to passacertification exam, as well as help you to learn some of thethingsyou may have missed in your studies.Feature List:- FREE app includes one sample test and additional tests(s)arealso available for purchase within all our apps- Choose to take a short test, a full exam, or allavailablequestions- Explanations are given for all questions and answers at theendof the exam- End-of-exam scoring includes a breakdown by section topointout your strong and weak points- Study Mode allows you to re-take only the questionsyoumissed- A feedback button is available for you to ask us if youstilldon't understand a question (for free!) or think you've foundaninaccuracy- All items are reviewed by real-world Subject Matter Expertsforboth relevancy and accuracyiCert and NRC are not affiliated with and are not endorsed byanyexam vendors such as Oracle, and trademarks (such as Oracle,OCP,etc.) are property of their respective owners. Any use of suchmarkshere is done so nominatively and should not suggest anyaffiliationbetween iCert/NRC and mark owners. Copyright (C) 2011,and allcontent created by, New Rich Communicatoins Corp. ("NRC").Allrights reserved. "iCert" and the iCert logo are trademarks ofNRC.NRC provides this app to you with no warranty of any kind,includingfitness for a purpose, and any damages arising from theuse of thisapp shall be limited to the cost paid for the app.Visit us on the Web: App Development by: Oracle, OCP, SQL, Database, Expert, OCA