Top 3 Apps Similar to Bingo

nuoviaMigos LightChat
Light chat, permette a tutti gli utentidipoterchattare e lasciare messaggi utilizzando ilnuovosistemafirebaseLight chat,allowsallusers to be able to chat and leave messages using thenewsystemFirebase
Firebase Chat Demo 1.0.6
Marco Van
This application allows you to send and receive messagesinreal-time using Firebase services. This application implementspushnotification thanks to Firebase Cloud Messaging service. Youcansign up using your Email or you can sign in using yourGoogleaccount. You can find Firebase Chat Demo source codeat
Shout Out 1.1
Shout out is an anonymous social app.Youareable to shout out what you feel anonymously for everyone tosee.(This application was an introduction to Firebase)