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Healing Oasis
Healing Oasis
Healing Oasis publishes digital and printmediaincluding articles, magazines and books, as well as videosand DVDs.Healing Oasis publishes and manages web properties as wellasproducing and distributing physical products worldwide.Health products include herbal and nutritionalsupplements,energetic solutions and environmental health equipmentto optimizeair, water and light for better human health andperformance.Our focus is on whole person healing of body, mind andspiritthrough innovative technologies to achieve energeticcoherence inbio-communication.We use a proprietary system of Biofield Analysis withrelatedhardware and database software.Our method of accelerated self-healing has resulted indocumentedcases of healing in conditions that otherwise do notheal.Multiple cases of blindness have been restored to functionlevelsof vision in wet macular degeneration, as documented byHarvardtrained retinal specialists.We have also had multiple cases of spontaneous remission ofarange of other chronic degenerative diseases includingcancer,mitral valve prolapse, and scoliosis to name a few.Our philosophy is that your body is always doing the best itcanto heal itself and develop according to your spiritualneeds.We read your responses to environmental stimuli to readyouractive stress patterns in real time.Layers of cause and effect sequences are identified withintheactive stress patterns.These causal chains are cleared sequentially to formulateaunique healing support protocol for you one step at a time, asyouaccelerate your ability to maintain health andprogressivelyunravel incomplete healing processes from thepast.Therapeutic stimuli that abolish your unique causalstresspatterns are adjusted as you make progress.This is typically needed on a monthly basis.Digital systems for remote bio-communication are now inuse,allowing scaling of this level of personal informationandcommunication based accelerated self-healing.The non-local empathic human-based systems we have developedoverthe last 30 years provide the benefits of redundancy, aclinicallyproven backup system, and the means of refining theprocess whencalled for by the challenges of any particularcase.Healing Oasis remedies, health products, services, educationandtraining programs are all centered around this processofaccelerated self-healing.Because of the unique healing responses observed when a stateofenergetic coherence is produced in the human bio-field, wehavealso developed a new integrative model forunderstanding,facilitating and teaching our methods.This contextual model is the Clinical Theory of Everything.The Clinical Theory may be the first science-based modelthatattempts to integrate a functional and structural explanationofexistence at every level of spatial and temporal scale.From quantum dynamics to cosmology, and from the bioenergeticsofterrain to a working model of consciousness and the immortalspiritbody, we draw on numerous other existing models andtheories, bothnew and old, and from many cultures.We invite you to explore the many links, websites, videosandother freely available resources which we have organized for youinthis app.There are also links to books, DVDs, courses andremediesavailable for sale in various venues.Be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you will notmissout on new opportunities and resources as they becomeavailable.We truly look forward to working with you and getting to knowyouas you get involved in this mission to fundamentally change howtheworld understands and treats health, disease, life,consciousness,and spirituality.Please do let us know your unique needs at every step alongtheway.We are doing this for you... and together we can make the worldamuch better place for ourselves and for all futuregenerations.Blessings on your journey!Glendalf, Wizard of WellnessRev. Dr. Glen Swartwout