Top 5 Apps Similar to Eleições 2014 IBOPE

Câmara Notícias 1.0
O aplicativo Câmara Notícias reúne informações sobre osdebates,votações e demais eventos da Câmara dos Deputados. Aquivocêencontra reportagens atualizadas em tempo real, com entrevistaseconteúdos multimídia.
Brazilian Politics - News 24h 2.3.4
Update You!
Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24hYou want to stay on top of everything that happens in Brazilpolicy?Download the Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h onyoursmartphone or tablet and follow all the latest developments intheworld of politics in Brazil: political decisions, the mainpoliticalactions repercussions, debates, opinions and allimportant eventsinvolving the president Dilma Rousseff and formerPresidentLula.Do not waste time and now download the app PoliticsBrazil-Impeachment - News 24h and is always updated with keyinformationof Brazil's policy!With the app Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h you can:- Translate news to the language of your device- Search news- Share news- Receive alerts for new news added- Receive content with the main news from the world ofBrazil'spolicyDo not be left out of political decisions, discussions ontheactions of political parties (PT, PMDB, PSDB, PSOL amongothers),impact on policy president strategy Dilma Roussef, scandalsofcorruption, rumors about former President Lula,demonstrationsagainst the Labour party (PT), policy experts ofopinions, debateson democracy, corruption and other politicalissues addressed bymajor Brazilian newspapers.If you are opposed or in favor of acting Dilma Roussef, Lula oranyrepresentative of the Labour Party, be sure to be informedaboutthe major policy events to form their own opinion.Download now Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h and nevermissa Brazil's policy new! You can also check the Update Youapps!about economy, health, jobs, science, technology,education,tourism and more! Just click on Update You! under thename of thisapp (Impeachment? News 24!) and you will see allapplications fromUpdate You team!The Update You! It is working to add new features to this appinorder to improve your user experience and let you evenmoresatisfied with our application. If you have any suggestion,pleasesend email to [email protected] and help us let ourappperfect for you! We will love to receive your message!The Politics Brazil -Impeachment - News 24h app is totallyfree.Please, help our team sharing this app with yourfriends.
Voto x Veto 4.1.1
Voto x Veto
Voto x Veto é o aplicativo maissimpleseprático para ajudar eleitores a decidirem seu voto naseleiçõesde2014.Vote e vete em propostas retiradas diretamente dosplanosdegovernos apresentados ao TSE e crie seu ranking comoscandidatosque mais se aproximam do perfil que você busca emumpresidente daRepública.O Voto x Veto também é ideal para avaliar candidatosdemaneiraimparcial, já que você avalia as propostas em um testecego,sósabendo quem é o dono dela após votar.O aplicativo também é ótimo para candidatos, já que ajudaatornaras campanhas mais baratas e com condições mais iguais.Nossoobjetivoé que todos tenham condições iguais de expor suasideiasindependentede recursos de campanha ou tempo de TV.Baixe o aplicativo e comece a escolher já o futuro doBrasil!- Sem necessidade de Login.- Com candidatos ao governo do Estado e a presidência.OBS: ALGUNS CANDIDATOS NÃO POSSUEM PLANOS CADASTRADOS NO TSE.X Veto vote isthemostsimple and practical to help voters decide their vote inthe2014election application.Vote and veto on proposals withdrawn directly fromthegovernmentsplans submitted to the TSE and create your rankingwiththecandidates that most closely match the profile you'relookingfor ina President.The Vow x Veto is also ideal to assesscandidatesimpartially,since you evaluate offers in a blind test,just knowingwho owns itafter voting.The app is also great for candidates, as it helps tomakecheaperand more equal footing campaigns. Our goal is foreveryoneto haveequal conditions to expose their ideas regardlessofcampaignresources or TV time.Download the app now and start choosing the future ofBrazil!- No need to Login.- With candidates for governor and the presidency.NOTE: SOME CANDIDATES HAVE NO PLANS ON REGISTERED TSE.
Aplicativo do Impeachment 1.0
Aplicativo do Impeachment traz oplacardavotação em tempo real, voto a voto para você.Preparado para você acompanhar tanto a votação na câmara quantoadoSenado Federal, caso esta última ocorra.Seja você a favor do Impeachment da presidente Dilmaoucontraele, acompanhe tudo através do Aplicativo doImpeachment!Aplicativo necessita de conexão com a internet paraaatualizaçãodos dados.Os votos dos deputados e senadores sãoautomaticamentecomputadospelo aplicativo e inseridos no placar. Ataxa deatualização podevariar de acordo com a sua conexão.Impeachmentapplicationbrings the score of the vote in real timevote to voteforyou.Ready for you to monitor both the vote in the chamber astheSenate,if the latter occurs.Whether you're in favor of Dilma president ofImpeachmentoragainst it, track it through the Impeachment App!Application requires internet connection to updatethedata.The votes of the deputies and senators are automaticallycomputedbythe application and entered on the scoreboard. Therefresh ratecanvary according to your connection.
Aníbal Fernández 1.1
Dogo Creativo
Aníbal Domingo Fernández (Quilmes,BuenosAires, Argentina, 9 de enero de 1957) es un político,contadorpúblico y abogado argentino afiliado al PartidoJusticialista.Recibido de contador público el 6 de marzo de 1982 enlaUniversidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora y de abogado el 19dediciembre de 2001 en la misma institución. Desde el 26 defebrerode 2015 se desempeña como Jefe de Gabinete de Ministros delaPresidencia de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Conanterioridadhabía sido designado Secretario General de laPresidencia.Previamente se desempeñaba en el senador nacional porla provinciade Buenos Aires, cargo para el que fuera electo en laseleccionesgenerales de octubre de ese año con 4.500.000 devotos.Anteriormente, desde el 8 de julio de 2009 hasta el 10 dediciembrede 2011 se desempeñó como Jefe de Gabinete del gobiernonacional dela República ArgentinaFernández ocupó los cargos de Secretario General delaPresidencia, Ministro de Interior, y Ministro deJusticia,Seguridad y Derechos Humanos entre 2002 y 2011, bajo lasórdenes de3 presidentes, Eduardo Duhalde, Néstor Kirchner yCristinaFernández de Kirchner. El 6 de noviembre de 2011 seconvirtió en lapersona que más tiempo permaneció en cargos de eserango en lahistoria argentina.El 16 de diciembre de 2014 se anunció que regresa a laSecretaríaGeneral de la Presidencia en reemplazo de Oscar Parrillipor sunombramiento al frente de la SIDE. El 26 de febrero de 2015fuenombrado nuevamente Jefe de Gabinete de Ministros de laNación.Aníbal DomingoFernandez(Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 9, 1957) is apolitical,public accountant and Argentine lawyer affiliatedwithJusticialista Party. CPA received the March 6, 1982 at theNationalUniversity of Lomas de Zamora and lawyer on December 19,2001 atthe same institution. From the February 26, 2015 he servesas Chiefof Cabinet of the Presidency of Cristina Fernandez deKirchner. Hehad previously been appointed Secretary General of thePresidency.Previously he worked in the national senator by theprovince ofBuenos Aires, a position for which he was elected in thegeneralelections of October of that year with 4,500,000 votes.Previously,since July 8, 2009 until December 10, 2011 he served asChief ofStaff of the National Government of ArgentinaFernandez held the positions of Secretary General ofthePresidency, Minister of Interior and Minister of Justice,Securityand Human Rights between 2002 and 2011, under the orders ofthreepresidents, Eduardo Duhalde, Kirchner and Cristina FernandezdeKirchner. On November 6, 2011 he became the person who moretimeremained in positions that range in Argentina's history.The December 16, 2014 it was announced that returns totheGeneral Secretariat of the Presidency, replacing Oscar Parrillionhis appointment as head of the SIDE. The February 26, 2015 hewasappointed Chief of Cabinet's Office again.