Top 16 Apps Similar to Barzellette Divertenti

Random Jokes 5.3
Raining Code
Hundreds of jokes and funny pictures! -Jokes for everybody.Youcanchoose a category or watch them all together. -Shareeasilyyourfavorite jokes and pictures in a tap with your friends!-Freeandlightweight. -A widget with a daily joke available forthehomescreen -Discover the most liked jokes -Easy to use and withagreatdesign. -An online section constantly updated. Discoverfunfacts,riddles or collections of funny pictures. Every monththereare newcategories to discover! Last, but not least, theopportunitytofilter the jokes removing the long ones, to remove theadultsonlyones and to save them as favorites :)
Barzellette 2.0 1.0
Questo è un grande archiviodibarzellette,troverai una nuova barzelletta ogni volta che accedialsito o cheaggiorni la pagina. Se vuoi puoi lasciarci untuocommento o unatua barzelletta, che pubblicheremo suquestosito.This is a largearchiveofjokes, there is a new joke every time you log in to thesite, ortoupdate the page. If you want you can leave a comment oryourownjoke, we will publish on this website.
Funny Videos 🤣🤣 2.1.0
Do you want to spend a good time with the best funny videosforwhatsapp? Do you like to watch amusing laughter videos?FunnyVideos is the best Android app (4.0+) to enjoy about all kindofhumor in your smartphone: videos divertidos de animales,funnybabies, horror sounds, scary moments, pranks, fear, childkaraoke,laughs, cats, dogs, karaoke, goats, fails, football,birthday funnyvideos and many others free videos! 😃😃 Tones ofhilarious videoschistosos to have fun in your free time... Have alook to ourspecial Baby Funny Videos category, they are so cute...enjoythem!! From kids playing with nursery rhymes in child karaoketobaby playing with animals.. If you like free funny videoseditionyou will love our photo and music videos. The best humour tolaughin your phone or with your friends, don't forget to shareourcontent on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Speciallyourcontent is selected to share funny videos for whatsapp. But thatisnot all, you will find free videos for wasap, updatedfrequently.We provide the best 2019 humour videos and of course, wewill bethe first including 2019 funny videos. We have somevariouscategories with all kind of laughing moments: ✔ Kids playingandbaby video in happy birthday song celebration. The best fallsof2019/2020. ✔ Best fails and free funny videos for whatsapp.✔Pranks y hilarious kidding. ✔ Funny babies dancing and singing.✔Horror sounds and terror videos. Famous clowns and their scares.✔Funny animals videos, that are so crazy (goats edition, dogsandcats videos, lovely kitten, goats Screaming, birds sounds). ✔Goofygirls... girls falling and compromising situations. ✔ Epicfailsand football failures for wasap, like crazy Abreu!! ✔Trendinglaughter babies videos. ✔ Funny happy birthday videos. ✔Mostpopular scary and fear humour, without doubt, the best 2020funnyvideos from internet. ✔ Have a look to the singer fails andlivefalls. The best mobile humour, if you like it, share ourfunnyvideos for whatsapp! Disclaimer: Funny Videos only playspublicvideos hosted on YouTube. There are not free videos todownload,you only can reproduce them inside the app.
Colmi e frasi divertenti 1.0
Colmi e frasi divertenticontieneunadivertentissima raccolta di frasi e colmi divertentidacondivideresu Facebook o via Email.Fai tap sullo schermo per passare da unafrase all'altra4 sezioni tutte da ridere:-Colmi-Nomi famosi-Vaccabolario-Frasi da non dire a letto
Jokes from A to Z 1.0
Top stories on the iPhone and now Android!!Huge collection of your favorite jokes. The programworkswithoutthe Internet. You will enjoy reading anywhere you wouldnotbe inthe subway, at home or on vacation.The database collected the best jokes of all directionsfromthebeloved Vovochka, New Russian and ending with anecdotesaboutthewife's mother and Stirlitz.Features:- 22 categories and over 2000 jokes for all tastes- Sending a favorite jokes to friends in social networks- System of bookmarks, now do not need to look whereyoustoppedreading last time
Pronto Carabinieri 2
Preparatevi a prendere in giro ivostriamicifingendo di chiamare i Carabinieri con questa esilaranteappperandroid.L’app è stata progettata in modo tale che sulvostrotelefonocomparirà la classica schermata "Tastierino", in modotaleda farsembrare il tutto ancor più vero!Alla chiamata risponderà un finto carabiniere perascoltarelevostre esigenze. A questo punto, non dovrete farealtrochepronunciare di voler denunciare qualcuno denunciareunafintarapina oppure una finta rissa.- Una volta aperta l app assicuratevi che il tastoSilenziososiadisattivato- Alzate il volume.Per favore non lasciate commenti negativi perproblemidiaudio,sicuramente la soluzione relativa al vostroproblemaèelencato nella nostra Descrizione ed nellenostreScreenshot.Per qualsiasi altro problema rivolgetevi allemaildisupporto.grazie********************************************************************************************************************Aggiunte Nuove DenunceAggiunta schermata menù**********************************************************Get ready to makefunofyour friends by pretending to call the police withthishilariousapp for Android.The app has been designed in such a way that the classicwillappearon your phone screen "Keypad", so as to make it lookevenmore real!The call answered by a fake policeman to listen to yourneeds.Atthis point, you'll just say that you want to exposesomeonetoreport a fake robbery or a fake fight.- Once you open the app make sure the Mute button is off- Turn up the volume.Please do not leave negative feedback for soundproblems,surelythe solution related to your problem is listed inourdescriptionand in our screenshot.If you have any problems, please contacttoemailsupporto.grazie************************************************** ********************************************************** ********New additions ComplaintsAdding menu screen************************************************** ********
Sms Pronti e Frasi d'Amore 2.4.3
Download the app phrases for your holidays, for a good morningandgood night.
Questa applicazione permette di simulareunachiamata ai carabinieri.Componi il 112 (per evitare errori durante lacomposizione,funzionano soltanto quei numeri) e risponderà unafinta forzadell'ordine che vi chiederà cos'è successo e farà fintadi mandarviuna pattuglia sul posto.Sembrerà tutto vero e i vostri amici sispaventerannomoltissimo!Un fantastico e divertente scherzo da fare a tutti!This application letsyousimulate a call to the police.Dial 112 (to avoid mistakes while dialing, only work thosenumbers)and answer a fake law enforcement agency that will ask youwhathappened and will pretend to send a patrol car on thespot.It will seem entirely true and your friends will be scaredit!A fantastic and fun joke to do at all!
Emergency Sirens Italian 1.1
With this app. you can have in yoursmartphonemajor Italian sirens. Police, ambulance, firefirefighters etc ..Your phone will turn 'in an emergencycenter.
Blagues - Drôles de blagues 2.0.2
Plus de 950 000 personnes rigolent tous les jours grâce à Drôlesdeblagues!Les meilleures blagues sélectionnées pour vous !Plus de 7 000 blagues sont disponibles et tous les jours,denouvelles blagues sont ajoutées par l'équipe éditoriale etlacommunauté des utilisateurs.Retrouvez, en un clin d’œil, les blagues les plus drôlespourvotre téléphone Android.LE PARTAGEOn ne vous laissera pas en rire seul, chaque blague peutêtrepartagée :- Par email- Sur Facebook- Sur Twitter- Par SMSLES ALERTESPour ne pas louper la blague du jour, abonnez-vous gratuitementauxalertes, nous vous préviendrons dès que la blague est publiée!Des centaines de blagues pour vous faire rire quelle que soitlasituation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez:- La blague du jour : une nouvelle blague chaquejour,sélectionnée par nos experts du rire.- Un dîner entre hommes ? Faites-vous plaisir avec les blaguessurles femmes !- Une amie blonde : tout est dans l’application pour lataquiner!- Bien sûr, quelques blagues coquines pour mettre un peu depimentdans vos soirées !- Une simple et soudaine envie de rire : dirigez-vous vers letop25.Sans oublier les classiques :- Toto- Monsieur et Madame- On ne dit pas- Un jour DieuEnfin, la rubrique « Favoris » vous permettrad’accéderrapidement à vos blagues préférées.Et si VOUS avez une blague ? Faites la connaître !Proposez-nous vos blagues et tentez d’apparaitre dans lasélectiondu jour.Over950000 people are laughing every day with Funny jokes!The best jokes selected for you!More than 7,000 jokes are available and every day new jokesareadded by the editorial team and the user community.Find in a glance, the funniest jokes to your Android phone.THE SHARINGWe will not let you alone laugh, every joke can be shared:- By email- On Facebook- On Twitter- By SMSALERTSNot to miss the joke of the day, subscribe to alerts free, wewillnotify you as soon as the joke is published!Hundreds of jokes to make you laugh no matter what thesituationin which you are:- The joke of the day: a new joke every day, selected byourexperts of laughter.- Dinner for men? Spoil yourself with the jokes about women!- A blonde friend, it's all in the application for the tease!- Of course, some naughty jokes to put a little spice toyourparties!- A simple and sudden urge to laugh, head to the top 25.Not forgetting the classics:- Toto- Sir and Madam- We do not say- One day GodFinally, the section "Favourites" will allow you toquicklyaccess your favorite jokes.And if YOU have a joke? Get to know it!Submit us your jokes and try to appear in the selection oftheday.
Siren Sounds and Ringtones 4.5
Siren Sounds EffectsThis app contains incredible police, ambulance, fire trucksirensand sound effects. 51 high quality sounds of emergencysirens, carhorns, car alarms, fire Engine, Ambulance, Alerts,Funny sirens,Police Sirens and tunes all in this app.* Press and hold on icon to set these sound effects asaringtone, notification or alarm.
My Talking Baby Music Star 230215
Sweet talking baby with many games!
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Les Histoires de Toto 2.2
Simon Marquis
Find all the stories Toto on your Android smartphone!
Blagues Sexy et Humour 1.0
Des milliers de blagues hilarantesquiviendront égayer votre journée !Humour Sexy est une application android qui a pour contenudescentaines de blagues sexites pour bien s'amuser entre copainsetcopines.Des fois vous vous trouvez face à des applications contenantesdesblagues mais ça reste des des blagues comme toutes les autresmaisavec cette application Humour Sexy vous allez vraimentbiens'amuser.Avec l'application Humour Sexy vous avez beaucoup de choix ,vouspouvez bien sur voir les blagues et également vous avez desbouttonspour ajouter les blagues préférées à votre panneauFavorits, vouspouvez également partagez celles que vous aimez tropsur Facebook ,via E-mail ou des textos.Vous disposez également du Menu contenant un tas de chosestelque le changement du background vous avez plein de choixalorsprofitez bien de toutes les fonctionnalités et vivez le jouraujour vive L'humour, vive l'humour Sexy ;) :DExemple :Ça se passe dans une boite de nuit. Un garçon et une filleserencontrent pour la première fois, et c'est le coup de foudre.Ilsdansent ensemble toute la nuit, et après une série de slows,ilsn'en peuvent plus et décident de faire l'amour dans lavoiture...La fille est allongée sur la banquette arrière, le garçonest surelle, et après quelques caresses, il tente de"s'introduire". Maisil sent une résistance... Changement deposition, il essaie encore,mais sent encore une résistance. Au boutd'un quart d'heure, il yarrive enfin, et ils font l'amour comme desbêêêêêêtes ! Justeaprès, le garçon lui dit :Excuse-moi, j'étais tellement excité... si j'avais su que tuétaisvierge, j'aurais pris mon temps- Ben oui, répond la fille, et si t'avais pris ton temps,j'auraissurtout enlevé mon collant...tu peux rigoler tous les jours grâce à Mort de rire!Les meilleures blagues sélectionnées pour vous !Plus de 200 blagues sont disponibles et tous les jours, denouvellesblagues sont ajoutées par l'équipe.Retrouvez, en un clin d’œil, les blagues les plus drôles pourvotretéléphone Android.LE PARTAGEOn ne vous laissera pas en rire seul, chaque blague peutêtrepartagée :- Par email- Sur Facebook- Sur Twitter- Par SMSLES ALERTESPour ne pas louper la blague du jour, abonnez-vous gratuitementauxalertes, nous vous préviendrons dès que la blague estpubliée!Des centaines de blagues pour vous faire rire quelle que soitlasituation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez:- La blague du jour : une nouvelle blague chaque jour,sélectionnéepar nos experts du rire.- Un dîner entre hommes ? Faites-vous plaisir avec les blaguessurles femmes !- Une amie blonde : tout est dans l’application pour lataquiner!- Une simple et soudaine envie de rire.Sans oublier les classiques :- Toto- Homme et Femme- Blonde- Humour Politique-Enfant-Divers et d'autres ....-Recherche de blague par catégorie préférée !Enfin, la rubrique « Favoris » vous permettra d’accéder rapidementàvos blagues préférées._______________________blagues marrantes , devinettes, comiquesMore than 10,000 jokes sorted in 57 categories :- Animals- At Work- Aviation- Bar- Blonds- Business- Camping- Celebrities- Children- Christmas- Clean- Comedian- Common- Computer- Doctor- Drunks- Dumb- Elderly- Farming- Festival- Food- Foreigners- Free- Funny- Gender- Golf- Instrument- Job/Office- Kids- Language- Legal- Life- Marriage- Medicine- Men- Military- Miscellaneous- Mixed- Mom/Dad- Nationality- Ouch- Police- Political- Practical- Real- Relationships- School- Science- Situations- Sports- Stats/Math- Travel- War- Women- Yo MamaSouriez !Des milliers de blagues hilarantes qui viendront égayervotrejournée ! Vous attendez le bus ?Vous faites la queue ? Vous n'avez rien à faire ? Il voussuffitd'utiliser cette appli pour vous remonter le moral ou offrirunefranche rigolade à votre pote.Thousands ofhilariousjokes that will brighten your day!Humor Sexy is an android application which has hundreds ofcontentsexites jokes to have fun with friends andgirlfriends.Sometimes you find yourself face contenantes applications jokesbutthat remains of jokes like any other but with thisapplicationHumor Sexy you will really have fun.Humor Sexy With the application you have many choices, you canofcourse also see the jokes and you have to add the Buttonspushinsfavorite jokes to your Favourites panel, you can also sharethoseyou love too much on Facebook, via E- email or textmessages.You also have menu containing a lot of things such aschangingthe background you have plenty to choose from so enjoy muchof thefunctionality and experience the day to day live Humor, longliveSexy humor;): DExample:It happens in a nightclub. A boy and a girl meet for thefirsttime, and it's love at first sight. They dance together allnight,and after a series of slow dances, they are tired and decidetomake love in the car ... The girl is lying on the back seat,theboy is on it, and after few hugs, it attempts to "enter". Butitfeels a resistance ... Change of position, it is still tryingbutstill feels resistance. After a quarter of an hour, itfinallyarrives, and they make love like bêêêêêêtes! Just after, theboysaid:Excuse me, I was so excited ... if I had known you were a virgin,Iwould have taken my time- Yeah, the girl responds, and if you had taken your time, Iwouldespecially ... off my stickyyou can laugh every day with Mort de rire!The best jokes selected for you!Over 200 jokes are available and every day new jokes are addedbythe team.Find in a glance, the funniest jokes to your Android phone.THE SHARINGWe will not let you alone laugh, every joke can be shared:- By email- On Facebook- On Twitter- By SMSALERTSTo not miss the joke of the day, subscribe to alerts for free,wewill notify you as soon as the joke is published!Hundreds of jokes to make you laugh no matter what the situationinwhich you are:- The joke of the day: a new joke every day, selected by ourexpertsof laughter.- A dinner for men? Spoil yourself with the jokes aboutwomen!- A blonde friend, it's all in the application for the tease!- A simple and sudden urge to laugh.Not forgetting the classics:- Toto- Man and woman- Blonde- Humor Policy-Child-Various And other ....-Search Favorite joke by category!Finally, the section "Favourites" will allow you to quicklyaccessyour favorite jokes._______________________funny jokes, riddles, comicMore than 10,000 jokes sorted in 57 categories:- Animals- At Work- Aviation- Bar- Blond- Business- Camping- Celebrities- Children- Christmas- Clean- Comedian- Common- Computer- Doctor- Drunks- Dumb- Elderly- Farming- Festival- Food- Foreigners- Free- Funny- Gender- Golf- Instrument- Job / Office- Kids- Language- Legal- Life- Wedding- Medicine- Men- Military- Miscellaneous- Mixed- Mom / Dad- Nationality- Ouch- Police- Political- Practical- Real- Relationships- School- Science- Situations- Sports- Stats / Math- Travel- War- Women- Yo MamaSmile!Thousands of hilarious jokes that will brighten your day! Youwaitfor the bus?You queue? You have nothing to do? Simply use this app to cheeryouor offer a good laugh at your friend.
Dowcipy XXL
Most likely the best app with the most jokes on android.