Top 15 Apps Similar to Hypnosis for Money Attraction

Spirit Transformation Hypnosis 1.0.6
Revitalize your body and soul andbecomemoreenergized. Let go of negativity and find a deeperconnectiontoyourself. You can experience soul transformation todaywith“SoulTransformations Hypnosis and Subliminal” fromhypnotistRachaelMeddows.This app will fill you with positive energy and helpyoutoconnect you to a deeper part of your true self.It’s an enjoyable experience for hypnosis fans ofalllevels,whether you’re new to hypnosis or use it daily. All youhaveto dois sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds ofyourapp.This relaxing hypnosis app features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracksfromworld-renownedhypnotherapist Rachael Meddows* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of onceyouhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight differentsoothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance yourhypnosisexperience* Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio andbackgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listentothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleepaftercompletinghypnosis
* An in-app store with multiple applications forpurchase,fromhealing to love to weight loss
Attract Money Today Hypnosis 1.0.4
Do you wish you had more money andfinancialsuccess? Have you tried everything and feel like thingsjust arenot clicking? Time to increase your bank account! Find outhow withthis hypnosis and meditation app from certifiedhypnotherapist andworld-renowned life coach, Amy Applebaum.You deserve to have money and live comfortably, and hypnosisandmeditation can help!With this unique hypnosis app from Amy Applebaum(world-renownedlife and business coach, NLP trainer, Hypnotherapistand Time-lineTherapist), remove limiting beliefs and negativethinking, andreplace them with positive thinking and actions forsuccesstoday.“Attracting Money (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation)” iscompletelycustomizable with the following features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedcertified hypnotherapist Amy Applebaum
* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience* Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings: 
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished 
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis
* An in-app store with multiple applications for purchase,fromanxiety help to weight loss and healthy living
Attract Love Hypnosis 2.54
Attain the deep and gratifying love you have always desired*
Break Bad Habits Hypnosis 2.57
You won’t have to try to quit bad habits — it justhappensnaturally!*
Law of Attraction Hypnosis - Secret Vision Board 2.43
◎ A single audio session of 30 minutes a day that is effective*injust 1–3 weeks ◎ Hypnosis audio carefully read by thesoothingvoice of a certified hypnotherapist ◎ Peaceful backgroundmusic andnature sounds to help you relax ◎ Hypnotic Booster withbinauralbeats to induce your brainwave frequency into an optimalstate forreceiving hypnotic suggestions ◎ Separate volume controlsforVoice, Background, and Hypnotic Booster ◎ Awaken at End featurecanbe disabled at bedtime for a relaxing, restful sleep ◎Repeatsessions or loop while you sleep ◎ Continue listening tobackgroundsounds after the session ends THE BEST HYPNOSIS APPAVAILABLE TOUSE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Law of Attraction Hypnosis isfree to tryand effective* with the default settings. A one-timein-apppurchase is required only if you wish to change thedefaultsettings. (Each of our free hypnosis apps includes its ownin-apppurchase; in-app purchases cannot be shared among separateapps.)INTERACT WITH US Surf City Apps offers a range of hypnosisapps tohelp you enjoy a healthier, happier, and more abundant life.Tellus how you use our apps to improve CONTACTSUPPORT TERMS &CONDITIONS*DISCLAIMER Resultsnot clinically proven. The content and servicesprovided by thisApplication are for educational purposes only andare not intendedto be a substitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis, ortreatment. Never rely on information on thisApplication in placeof seeking professional medical advice. Consultyour doctor beforeusing this Application if you suffer from a heartcondition, mooddisorder, epilepsy, or a psychiatric or neurologicalcondition.
Personal Development Hypnosis 1.2
What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Ifyouwere to spend a little bit of time and effort working onimprovingyourself each day, can you imagine the benefits andpositive changesyou would see in yourself over time? Change startswith the mind."Those who cannot change their minds, cannot changeanything".We have carefully crafted this special self help hypnosisprogramto tackle many of the common areas that one may be lookingtoimprove. If you lack confidence or motivation in any area ofyourlife; if you feel that your valuable time is getting harderandharder to manage; if you are having a hard time reachingcertaingoals or believing that they can be reached, we invite youto comeon in and see how Mindifi's Personal Development Hypnosisandmeditation guide can be of good use to you.Audios in this program include:1). Claim Your Unlimited Potential (Free on us!)2). Achieve Goals3). Time Management4). Self Confidence5). Happiness6). Release Anger7). End Self Sabotage8). Overcome Fear9). Memory Enhancement10). Motivation11). Seize your momentWith over 100,000 new satisfied Mindifi listeners downloadingourhypnosis apps each month, don't take our word for it! See whatourusers are saying!"Ever since I've been doing this every night it makes lifesomuch better and enjoyable!" -Katyyisawesome27"Listen 2 to 3 times a day! Will purchase more!" -KLSKDS"Very relaxing my kids don't drive me crazy anymore it'sweird?Almost scary but I love it". -Mrs. Cheek"It put me in such a deep sleep n I woke up feeling somuchlighter n made me smile a lot, BRILLIANT!!!" -Trance state"Would absolutely recommend this... One of the bestmeditationhypnosis app out there.." -Salima123"Awesome , I start my day with it feeling positive andrelaxed.The voice & music are very calming , a great way to putallstress aside" - Kfc13"I am extremely happy with this app; from the mannerofpresentation to the final results it delivers! I can truly saythatsince using this I have noticed a decrease in fears, doubtsandhesitations; my mind is far more positive and with 'attitudeofgratitude'; things just naturally come true... LOA works morethanever in my life!!! I love it and I just hope that everyone hasaspositive results as I do! I am finally completely happy andstillbuilding on it!!! <3 Thank you, Mindifi!!" -PandoraWIld"I really like this app. It's so easy to listen to andveryrelaxing. The mans voice is lovely"- Blingbabe66"Love it. Does what I wanted it to accomplish. Take me awayfromstress and allows me to focus only on what I need and is bestforme. I feel so much more relaxed and centered"- sambaqueen02"My wife and I are 100% satisfied with these hypnosis apps.Ican't say enough about how effective they really are. Topqualityrecordings/production. The hypnotherapist's voice is niceandneutral with very intuitive instruction. Thank You Mindifi!!!-GreenWorldAlaskaI have been looking for something just like this! It is greatIfeel my tension melting and my energy level is back up!Worth giving it a try:)" -Kali_chaos"I've really enjoyed all the sessions. The cost is well worthit.My natural curiosity for life has definitely increased."-Netman67"Love, love love it,Those are some of the best hypno/audio thatIhave heard so far!Your body truly belong to you...those audioarethere to remind you.You can achieve ANYTHING that you want,thereare really no limits! Thank you, Mindifi for reminding meofthat!"- NurseNickyTo Your Growth!-Mindifi"Free Your Mind"
Discover Your Passion Hypnosis 1.0.4
Have you ever wondered what it is thatyou’retruly passionate about? Do you feel like you’re meant foradifferent, more exciting path in life? Discover your truepassionand get the courage to follow with this hypnosis andmeditation appfrom certified hypnotherapist and world-renowned lifecoach, AmyApplebaum.“Discover Your Passion (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation)”willhelp you discover and hone in on your passions in life. Findyourtrue direction in life and live your life’s passion today,becausewhen you’re pursuing something you love, you will ultimatelybemore successful.With this unique hypnosis app from Amy Applebaum(world-renownedlife and business coach, NLP trainer, Hypnotherapistand Time-lineTherapist), positive suggestions and binaural beatswill bereceived by your mind, silencing your inner critic andgiving youthe courage and self-confidence to pursue what youlove.“Discover Your Passion (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation)”iscompletely customizable with the following features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedcertified hypnotherapist Amy Applebaum
* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience* Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings: 
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished 
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis
* An in-app store with multiple applications for purchase,fromanxiety help to weight loss and healthy living
End Procrastination Hypnosis 2.57
Enjoy guilt-free time knowing that you’ve achieved what youintendedto!*
Fears & Phobias Hypnosis 2.53
Enjoy a freer, more vibrant, more joyful life by letting go ofthepast*
Confidence Hypnosis! ⚡️💯 2.4.0
Need to build your confidence? This app can help you achieve that!
Automatic Motivation Hypnosis 1.0
About Automatic Motivation Hypnosis ForSelfImprovementThis powerful boost motivation hypnosis audio is createdbyElizabeth Harford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 andcertifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists"in2001.Perhaps you have been suffering from procrastination. Or isitfear of failure, or even fear of success?Perhaps just plain laziness! You could be going through aperiodof low self-esteem, or you could just have so many things onyourplate right now that you simply don't know where to begin.You might even feel that it just seems easier to do nothingthanto actually get started. You don't have the motivation togetstarted.You are aware of the fact that you need motivation.How to get motivation?At times you may be able to visualize what great thingsyourfuture holds as soon as you get motivated and thatmotivatesyou.But the motivation, if it comes at all, never lasts.You fall back into your old habits. Then you feel guiltyaboutthat, which only adds to the problem! Where will it allend?Wouldn't it be nice to wake up one day feeling goodaboutyesterday's accomplishments and actually looking forward tothechallenges of today?Well, you can, and as easily as flipping a switch to turn onalight!Now you can boost motivation easily.It really is that simple, because that's all hypnosis does.Itsimply flips a few subconscious switches that are alreadythere,just not turned on, (or off!), yet! And all you have to do islayback and allow yourself to be taken there, to a place where youaremotivated toward life and feel great.You're just an hour away from feeling and seeing the futurewiththe new, productive you in it!With The Automatic Motivation Hypnosis App for selfimprovement,you will find a new energy flowing through yourbody.You'll see yourself progressing rapidly into someonepositive,confident, and successful! Stop procrastinating and getmoving.Your future is waiting.Hypnosis simply works, and this app will make it work for you!Itis very relaxing, and yet uplifting at the same time. And itcantake a problem you previously thought was insurmountable, andmakeovercoming it as easy as flipping a switch!This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but youcannow get it for free.Download Automatic Motivation Hypnosis App today.****************************************What Is Hypnosis In General****************************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowingthesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while inhypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can beeliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and morebeneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientistssaythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that beingourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconsciousmind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it.Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new,positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life andproven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whateverthey aretrying to change or challenge in life.Try the Automatic Motivation Hypnosis App today. Start yourdaywith full of motivation.
Hypno Spiral 1.4.7
Alex March
Drift into a nice hypnotic trance with this this free app forselfhypnosis
Anxiety Free Hypnosis 1.0.4
Is anxiety holding you back from your goalsorpersonal relationships? Are you tired of fearing failureandworrying all of the time? Now you can live anxiety-free withthishypnosis and meditation app from certified hypnotherapistandworld-renowned life coach, Amy Applebaum.

"Be Anxiety Free (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation)” will helpyoudeal with stress and anxiety in a healthy way that will leaveyourelaxed and refreshed.You can create inner calm and peace whenever you’d like.Don’tlet anxiety stand in your way; you can be anxiety free andlife theway you want today with hypnosis and mediation.

With this unique hypnosis app from AmyApplebaum(world-renowned life and business coach, NLPtrainer,Hypnotherapist and Time-line Therapist), release fromstress andtension and learn how to deeply relax your body and mindduringtimes of anxiety.“Be Anxiety Free (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation)” iscompletelycustomizable with the following features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedcertified hypnotherapist Amy Applebaum
* High quality, state of the art recordings 
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience*Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished 
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis 
*In-app store with multiple applications forpurchase,from anxiety help to weight loss and healthy living
Anger Management Hypnosis App 1.0
About Anger Management Fix HypnosisThe Anger Management Fix Hypnosis is created byElizabethHarford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 andcertifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists"in2001.Everyone has gotten angry at some time in their life. Whetheritis something someone said, a look they gave, or a negativeaction.It happens. But, different people handle thesesituationsdifferently. Some are very calm and just blow it off anddon't goaround that person anymore. Some cry. And some blow up ifyou justlook at them the wrong way! One little glance or word cantriggersomeone with a bad temper. This can lead to violence. Italso cancause others to feel fear and/or panic. You can never knowwhat toexpect.An anger problem could have been present since childhood. Itcanbe from jealousy, insecurity or losses. Maybe you feel likeafailure, or as if you never get a break. Maybe it seems thatnomatter how hard you work you can never get ahead, and the richjustkeep getting richer. The anger builds up inside you and youtake itout on everyone.Hurting especially the ones you love the most. You do notrealizewhat you are doing to those that love you. The hurt youcause cancreate lifetime scars, not only on the outside, butinside aswell.The angry person knows it is wrong.They can't stand it and they don't want to be like that. Theymayapologize over and over, but they always do it again.It is a habit that has been there for probably a very, verylongtime. They want to change but usually don't know how.This is where Hypnosis comes into the picture. This is adeeprooted issue that started way back when. This person knowstheywant to change deep inside, but does not know how to begin.Counseling may help, but that little bit of doubt could stillbethere. Hypnosis sets the mind to take action.It puts that positive thought in place deep and secure. Youlearnto change your way of thinking, and to be in total control ofyourlife. You'll have better self-esteem and confidence.You make the change yourself with hypnosis.You feel great and reap the rewards.You will be changing every aspect of your life andsurroundingsto the way you like them.You will take charge of your life.You will become that loving, caring, mature person that youknowyou are. Letting the world see the real you.This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but youcannow get it for free.Download Anger Management Fix Hypnosis App today.***********************************What Is Hypnosis In General***********************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowingthesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while inhypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can beeliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and morebeneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientistssaythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that beingourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconsciousmind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it.Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new,positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life andproven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whateverthey aretrying to change or challenge in life.Download the Anger Management Fix Hypnosis App today!
Hypnosis Simulator 1.0
This Hypnosis simulator isharmlessandsafe endless rotation of a colorful hypnotic circleforrelaxing.This Hypnosis application will hypnotize youusingeffectiveanimated optical eye illusion along withhypnosisbackground music.Hypnosis is used for many purposes inmedical fortreatingpsychological or physical problems. Hypnosis isa state ofinnerabsorption, concentration and focusedattention.With Hypnosis Simulator you will feel that muchbetter,likeafter real hypnosis sessions. Only thing you have to dois torelaxand breathe deeply and not thinking about anything. Trythisandyou will see how, in a very short time, you will feelsomuchbetter and so much relaxed.Please Attention! You are using Hypnosis Simulator onyourownresponsibility. Effect of hypnosis is not yetscientificallyprovenand we are not responsible for the things thatcan happen toyouafter using this app.Disclaimer:All the graphics, sounds and images are used justforreferencepurpose. Let us know if you found anything orcomplaints.Send uspositive feedbackThanks