Top 2 Apps Similar to Cung Hoàng Đạo Tổng Hợp

Gieo quẻ Cung Hoàng Đạo 2.0
Ứng dụng Gieo quẻ Cung Hoàng Đạo cungcấpchobạn những thông tin về tử vi, tình yêu, tiền bạc, maymắn,côngviệc hằng ngày của 12 cung hoàng đạo.Thông tin được tổng hợp từ nhiều nguồn tin uy tín và khoahọctrênthế giới để đảm bảo chính xác và khách quan nhất.Ứng dụng với giao diện đẹp mắt theo phong cách MaterialDesignvàcác chức năng dễ sử dụng, cập nhật liên tục.Các chức năng chính của ứng dụng:- Xem quẻ hằng ngày của 12 cung hoàng đạo.- Xem quẻ hằng tuần của 12 cung hoàng đạo.- Xem quẻ hằng tháng của 12 cung hoàng đạo.- Xem quẻ đầu năm của 12 con giáp.- Xem các thông tin về tính cách, tình cảm, sự nghiệp của12cungtrong cuộc sống.- Xem các bí mật thú vị và bất ngờ về các cung hoàng đạo.- Thông báo ngay khi có quẻ mới.- Bạn có thể bình luận và like quẻ.- Lưu quẻ vào Bookmark để xem lại cho tiện.- Chia sẻ thông tin lên Facebook, SMS, Email, Zalo ...Các Cung Hoàng Đạo: Bạch Dương (Dương Cưu), Kim Ngưu, SongTử,CựGiải, Sư Tử, Xử Nữ, Thiên Bình, Bọ Cạp (Hổ Cáp), Nhân Mã,MaKết,Bảo Bình, Song NgưCác Con Giáp: Tý, Sửu, Dần, Mão, Thìn, Tị, Ngọ, Mùi, Thân,Dậu,Tuất,HợiHi vọng các bạn có nhiều niềm vui khi sử dụng ứng dụngnày,hãyđánh giá 5 sao để ủng hộ nhé.Sowinghexagramapplications zodiac provide you with informationabouthoroscope,love, money, luck, the daily work of the 12 signs ofthezodiac.The information has been compiled from many sourcesandscientificreputation in the world to ensure the mostaccurateandobjective.Application with beautiful interface style MaterialDesignanduser-friendly functionality, updated constantly.The main functions of the app:- See daily hexagram 12 zodiac.- See weekly hexagram of 12 zodiac.- View monthly hexagram 12 zodiac.- View of the first hexagram 12 animal.- View information about the personality, emotional,career12provision in life.- See the interesting secrets and surprises of the zodiac.- Notice as soon as a new hexagram.- You can comment and like hexagram.- Save hexagram on reviews for this Bookmark.- Share information on Facebook, SMS, Email, Zalo ...The zodiac: Aries (Aries), Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra, Scorpius (Scorpio), Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,PiscesThe Zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Refugee,Horse,Hare,Monkey, Rooster, Dog, PigHope you have a lot of fun while using this app, pleaserate5stars to support offline.
Karakter & Ramalan Zodiak 2016 2.0
Zodiak (dari kata Yunani Zoodiacos Cyclosyangartinya Lingkaran Hewan) adalah sebuah sabuk khayal dilangitdengan lebar 18° yang berpusat pada lingkaran ekliptika,tetapiistilah ini dapat pula merujuk pada rasi-rasi bintang yangdilewatioleh sabuk tersebut, yang sekarang berjumlah 12.Lingkaran EkliptikaDi bola langit terdapat garis khayal yang disebutdenganlingkaran ekliptika. Jika diamati dari bumi, semua bendatatasurya(planet, Bulan dan Matahari) beredar dilangitmengelilingilingkaran ekliptika. Keistimewaan dari keduabelaszodiak dibandingrasi bintang lainnya adalah semuanya berada diwilayah langit yangmemotong lingkaran ekliptika. Jadi dapatdisimpulkan zodiak adalahsemua rasi bintang yang berada disepanjanglingkaran ekliptika.Rasi-rasi bintang tersebut adalah:Capricornus: Kambing laut, Matahari berada di depan rasiiniselama 21 Jan – 16 Feb (26 hari)Aquarius: Pembawa Air, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama16Feb – 11 Mar (24 hari)Pisces: Ikan, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 11 Mar –18Apr (38 hari)Aries: Domba, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 18 Apr –13Mei (25 hari)Taurus: Kerbau, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 13 Mei –22Jun (40 hari)Gemini: Si Kembar, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 22 Jun–21 Jul (29 hari)Cancer: Kepiting, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 21 Jul–10 Ags (20 hari)Leo: Singa, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 10 Ags – 16Sep(37 hari)Virgo: Gadis Perawan, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama16Sep – 31 Okt (45 hari)Libra: Timbangan, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama 31 Okt–23 Nov (23 hari)Scorpius: Kalajengking, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama23Nov – 29 Nov (6 hari)Ophiuchus: Pawang Ular, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama29Nov – 18 Des (19 hari)Sagitarius : Si Pemanah, Matahari berada di depan rasi ini selama18Des – 21 Jan (34 hari)Astrologi adalah ilmu yang menghubungkan antaragerakanbenda-benda tatasurya (planet, bulan dan matahari) dengannasibmanusia. Karena semua planet, matahari dan bulan beredardisepanjang lingkaran ekliptik, otomatis mereka semua juga beredardiantara zodiak. Ramaalan astrologi didasarkan padakedudukanbenda-benda tatasurya di dalam zodiak.Seseorang akan menyandang tanda zodiaknya berdasarkankedudukanmatahari di dalam zodiak pada tanggal kelahirannya.Misalnya, orangyang lahir awal desember akan berzodiak Sagittarius,Karena padatanggal tersebut Matahari berada di wilayah rasibintangSagittarius. Kedudukan Matahari sendiri dibedakan antarawaktutropikal dan waktu sideral yang menyebabkan terdapat duamacamzodiak, yaitu zodiak tropikal dan zodiak sideralZodiac (from theGreekword Zoodiacos Cyclos means Circle Animals) is a beltimaginary skywith a width of 18 ° centered on a circle of theecliptic, but theterm can also refer to the constellations arepassed by the belt,which now number 12.Circles the eclipticOn the celestial sphere there is an imaginary line calledtheecliptic circle. If observed from the earth, all solarsystemobjects (planets, the Moon and the Sun) circulating in theskyaround the ecliptic circle. The specialty of the twelve zodiacthanthe other constellations are all located in the region of theskythat cuts the ecliptic circle. So we can conclude alltheconstellations of the zodiac are located along the eclipticcircle.Constellations are:    Capricorn: goat sea, the Sun is infrontof this constellation for 21 Jan - 16 Feb (26 days)    Aquarius: the Water Bearer, the Sun isinfront of this constellation for 16 Feb - 11 Mar Airport(24days)    Pisces: Fish, Sun was in front ofthisconstellation for 11 Mar - 18 Apr (38 days)    Aries: The sheep, the Sun is in frontofthis constellation for 18 Apr - 13 of May (25 days)    Taurus: Buffalo, the Sun is in front ofthisconstellation for 13 May - 22 Jun (40 days)    Gemini: The Twins, the Sun is in frontofthis constellation for 22 Jun - 21 Jul (29 days)    Cancer: crab, the Sun is in front ofthisconstellation for 21 Aug - 10 Aug (20 days)    Leo: The Lion, the Sun is in front ofthisconstellation during 10 Aug - 16 Sep (37 days)    Virgo: The Virgin Girl, the Sun is infrontof this constellation for 16 Sep - 31 Oct (45 days)    Libra: Scales, the Sun is in front ofthisconstellation for 31 Oct - 23 Nov (23 days)    Scorpius: Scorpions, Sun was in frontofthis constellation for 23 Nov - 29 Nov (6 days)    Ophiuchus: Snake Charmer, the Sun isinfront of this constellation for 29 Nov - 18 DES (a 19 days)    Sagittarius: The Archer, the Sun is infrontof this constellation for 18 Dec - 21 Jan (34 days)Astrology is a science that connects between the movement ofthesolar system objects (planets, moon and sun) with humandestiny.Because of all the planets, sun and moon circulated alongtheecliptic circle, they all also automatically circulate amongthezodiac. Ramaalan astrology is based on the position of objectsinthe solar system in the zodiac.Someone will bear the sign of the zodiac is based on thepositionof the sun in the zodiac at the date of his birth. Forexample,people born in early December will be a Sagittarius,because on thatdate the Sun is in the constellation Sagittarius.The position ofthe Sun itself is divided between tropical andsideral time thatcauses the zodiac there are two kinds, namely thetropical zodiacand the zodiac sideral