Top 18 Games Similar to 卡卡們大亂鬥-七星覺醒

真命天女 - 2016真人美女國戰卡牌 3.7.1
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龍族撲克 2.1.3
斬魄之靈-斬魄刀!卍解! 1.0.3
2016年全新即時卡牌策略手遊巨作《斬魄之靈》火爆來襲!100%高度劇情還原!無論是熟悉的屍魂界,還是熟悉的虛圈,死神的世界等你來主宰!最新穎的卡牌玩法!掌中微操,指尖大招!最多元的卡牌養成!首創[符文洗煉]系統,卡牌的成長方向由你說了算!快來成為死神代理吧!【精緻細膩卡牌畫風】無論是威武帥氣的黑崎一護,還是單純可愛的井上織姬,在《斬魄之靈》中都被完美還原!每張卡牌形象全部由頂級美術親自操刀,100%還原角色本身,讓你重溫經典動漫巨作。【最in卡牌遊戲玩法】即時戰鬥模式讓你玩轉《斬魄之靈》,卡牌大招完全由玩家自由掌控。免疫、加血,控制?全部由你說了算!不同的技能釋放順序,往往能改變一場戰鬥的結果。以弱勝強,以少勝多,盡顯策略之風!【多元卡牌養成系統】《斬魄之靈》首創符文養成系統,符文洗煉、裝備、技能、戰甲系統、連攜夥伴5大養成路線打造最强王者!憑藉獨到的眼光,你可以養成完全不一樣的卡牌,成就專屬至高榮譽!每一張卡牌都有專屬於自己的特點,每一次的收集都能使你怦然心動!【超多組合任君選擇】數百張精美卡牌,近千種技能搭配,多元化的卡牌組合讓你根據對手的陣容特點,有針對性地配寘陣容戰勝對方。沒有最好的陣容,只有更好的陣容。也許你可以發現一個新的超級組合,引領風騷,但也需要提防別人後來居上!【戰鬥特效華麗奪目】戰鬥特效哪家强?打開手機找死神!《斬魄之靈》中每張卡牌的技能特效都是獨一無二的,全面展現卡牌的技能。氣勢磅礴的戰鬥畫面,美輪美奐的特效展示;熟悉的月牙天沖,雙天歸盾,雷王拳,惡魔左臂,光之雨,五大必殺技的絢麗特效絕對秒殺市面同類卡牌對戰畫面。【眾多福利為你集結】1.遊戲內為所有玩家都準備了豐厚的獎勵!代表遊戲中卡牌品階巔峰的紅卡友哈巴赫來就送!對,你沒有看錯,來就送!2.遊戲還為玩家準備了包括卡牌經驗、遊戲金幣、符文經驗、寶物經驗等在內的福利副本,每天都有免費福利任你刷!3.每日登錄,開服7日福利,豪禮拿到手軟,頂級神卡[山本總隊長],[藍染惣右介],經典人物等你來拿!4.開服活動、成就、每日福利、vip福利、線上獎勵、活躍獎勵等眾多系統,只為你打造一個輕鬆遊戲環境,屌絲一樣可以成為死神!【聯繫我們】「斬魄之靈」的粉絲專區-想收到最新消息,請到我們的Facebook點讚,或是加入死神代理們的交友區官方Facebook粉絲團: newreal-timestrategy card hand tour masterpiece "cut soul Spirit" hotstrikes!100% reduction of the height of the story! Whether familiarSoulSociety, or a familiar virtual ring, death in the world waitingforyou to dominate! The most innovative card play!Micromanagementhands, fingers big move! Most diverse card develop!First [Runepurification of] system, the growth direction of thecard you'retalking! Come and become agents of death it![Delicate] card styleWhether it is mighty handsome Kurosaki Ichigo, or simplylovelyOrihime Inoue, in "cut the soul of the spirit" are inperfectreduction! Each card brand image all personally penned bytop art,100% reduction of the role itself, so you can relive theclassicanimation masterpiece.[Card game played in most]Real-time combat mode lets you Fun "cut soul Spirit" card bigmovecompletely freely controlled by the player. Immunization,blood,control? All the final say to you! Different skills torelease theorder, often a battle to change the results. David andGoliath, towin with fewer, filling the air Strategies![Multiple System] to develop card"Cut the soul of the spirit" to develop the first rune system,thepurification runes, equipment, skills, armor, but evencarryingfive partners to develop routes to create the most powerfulking!With a unique vision, you can develop a completely differentcards,the highest honor the achievements Exclusive! Each card has apostof their own characteristics, each collection can makeyoureyebrows![] Over many combinations to choose fromHundreds of beautiful cards, nearly a thousand kinds of skillsmix,diversified portfolio allows you cards based on thecharacteristicsof the opponent's lineup, targeted to configurelineup victory overthe other. Not the best line-up, only betterlineup. Maybe you canfind a new super combination, pioneering, butalso need to bewareof the others come from behind![Fight] gorgeous eye-catching special effectsWhich strong fighting effects? Open the phone looking fordeath!"Cut the soul of the spirit" in each card special effectsskillsare unique, the full card skills. Magnificent battlescreen,magnificent special effects display; the familiar crescentUranus,double days go shield, Lei Wang Quan, the devil left arm, alightrain, the effects of the five absolute spike gorgeousnirvanamarket similar cards Battle screen.[Build] a number of benefits for you1. Inside games prepared a rich reward for all the players!Onbehalf of the game card product order peak red card to sendfriendsHaba He! Yes, you read right to send!2. The game also prepared a welfare card including a copy oftheexperience, the game coins, Rune experience, experience andothertreasures, including the players, complimentary daily Amenityanyof you brush!3. Daily Log, open service on the 7th welfare, House ceremony togetsoft, the top card of God [Yamamoto commander], [Sōsuke Aizen],andother classic characters for you to come!4. open service activities, achievements, daily welfare,vipwelfare, online incentives, rewards and many other activesystems,only for you to create a relaxed gaming environment, as theCockwire can become death!【contact us】"Spirit soul cut" fan zone - the latest news, please go toourFacebook thumbs up or join their friends Agent death zoneThe official Facebook fan group:
時空召喚——5V5實時MOBA競技手遊 2.0.2
地表最強5v5實時MOBA電競手遊超威來襲!海量英雄策略搭配,隨時隨地秒進遊戲即刻開黑連殺超神,盡享極致競技快感!經典5v5大地圖,三路推塔,讓打野、補刀、Gank、超神、插眼更暢快,極致還原MOBA核心體驗!即刻召喚好友掌上開黑,策略團戰收割戰場登頂最強王者!遊戲特色: 隨時MOBA開黑 指尖疾速Gank 實時公平競技 風騷走位carry全場 海量英雄組合 策略團戰登頂王者 5v5大地圖 極限操作收割戰場=======================客服信箱:[email protected]客服電話:0222190701(上午9時~下午21時)Face Book粉絲團: 隨時MOBA開黑 指尖疾速Gank——掌上moba競技,隨時隨地手機開黑,秒進遊戲快速開局,讓戰鬥無需等待。怒氣大招一指超神輕鬆五連殺,疾速gank盡享極致純粹moba競技快感! 實時公平競技 風騷走位carry全場¬——无锁定舒暢自在的自由操作不受系統鎖定、屬性強度一致公平的道具裝備不怕有任何差異、拒絕任何副本體力的進度壓力及養成,堅持不縮水的上中下三路大戰術地圖,讓玩家在手機上也能體驗到最純粹PVP團戰對抗競技樂趣 海量英雄組合 策略團戰登頂王者——海量時空英雄隨心選擇,策略搭配組建最強團隊。射手、戰士、坦克、法師、輔助、刺客一個都不少,巧妙組合打出絕佳團隊合作登頂王者榮耀。 經典5v5大地圖 極限操作收割戰場——上中下三路大戰術地圖,三路推塔、還原最純粹的pvp團戰對抗競技樂趣。越塔強殺讓策略更豐富、讓打野、補刀、Gank、超神、插眼更暢快。盡享極限操作收割戰場的激爽MOBA體驗!
英雄万岁-军团降临 1.2.1
MoreFun Game
※巅峰之争,决战异族军团※ 狼烟已起,天下纷争不断,唯有化身传世英雄,以吾之名,决战异族军团,成就王者荣耀!史诗级3D卡牌策略竞技手游《英雄万岁》巅峰传统,震撼降临!恢弘故事架构,玄幻世界观背景,异族之争,携百万军团迎战天下!顶级引擎优化,巅峰竞技百人军团对战流畅绝不卡顿!震撼主机级酷炫特效尊享奢华爆屏对战,打造全新卡牌手游新境界!顶尖画师手绘精致英雄,纯粹真3D魔幻人设,炫目法术特效身临其境!超凡策略竞技,上百位独特英雄,尽享实时对抗乐趣!==游戏特色==※【 颠覆性策略竞技,战术决胜,智赢天下】——全球首创策略竞技新玩法,谋天下者何须陷阵冲锋!一草一木皆可为战,鬼谋神算,站位布局,英雄王牌,只为胜利全力而战!※【史诗级旷世战场,百人团战,亘古之争】——震撼史诗级战场每日86400秒随时为你开放,百名英雄爆屏而战,无论你身处何时何地,打开游戏,随时随地移动PK!为生存、为战友、为尊严,不负苍生,轰轰烈烈战一场!   ※【殿堂级原画大师,魔幻人设,视觉盛宴】——顶级画师手绘原创角色,真正旗舰级视觉感受!数十个特色种族,过百个英雄人物任你组合,符文、觉醒、升星独一无二英雄培养体系,只为打造你的专属军团!※【快匹配双人作战,默契对决,真人对抗】——资源掠夺、野外PK、2V2对决、好友竞技,线上线下实时真人互动,为友谊,为战友,斗智斗勇,协力战斗!英雄组合策略搭配,组建最强战斗阵容,默契对决精彩互动!※【高仿真梦幻奇境,百变玩法,畅享游戏】——独有梦幻奇境,特色玩法精神祭坛、巨盾地宫、巫妖密窟、精灵深谷、无尽长廊、战神山个个精彩,展现英雄独特个性优势,让你每时每秒畅享游戏乐不停!※【超经典极致影音,奢华视听,身临其境】——顶级音乐团队百万经费打造殿堂级极致游戏音乐,史诗世界,恢宏音乐,燃起你的英雄梦!==联系我们==欢迎到官方Facebook分享您的游戏体验和建议~-《英雄万岁》官方粉丝团:《英雄万岁》官方Group:※※请注意※※本游戏需要网络连线。本游戏为免费使用,游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。请注意游戏时间,避免沉迷游戏。※ pinnacle battle,battlealien legion ※Smoke signals have been since the world strife continued, theonlyincarnation of the hero handed down to my name, alienLegionbattle, achievements king of glory!Epic 3D cards Hand Competitive Strategies Tour "hero" long livethetraditional peak, shock coming!Grand story structure, fantasy worldview background, alienbattle,carrying one million Legion against the world!Top engine optimization, peak athletic hundred Regiment Battleneversmooth Caton! Host-level shock cool special effectsexplosionexclusive luxury-screen battle, creating a new tour cardhand newrealm! Top artist painted fine hero, who set up purely true3Dmagic, dazzling spell effects immersive!Extraordinary competitive strategy, hundreds of unique heroes,enjoythe fun of real-time combat!== Game Features ==※ [disruptive competitive strategy, tactics, winning, wisdom towinthe world]- The world's first new play competitive strategy, why shouldtheworld who seek trap array charge! Plants and trees can serveaswar, ghost seeking Fortune, station layout, ace hero, only tofightthe full victory!※ [enduring epic battle, Hundred war, ancient battle]- Shock epic battle daily 86,400 seconds at any time for you toopenone hundred heroes fight burst screen, no matter when andwhere youlive, to open the game, anytime, anywhere mobile PK! Forsurvival,as comrades, as the dignity, common people live, vigorousawar!※ [Chanticleer original painting master, who set magical,visualfeast]- Top artist painted original role, the real flagshipvisualexperience! Features dozens of race, over one hundred heroesyouany combination of runes, arousal, or Star hero uniqueculturesystem, only to create your exclusive Legion!※ [Double fast matching operations, tacit duel againstthereal]- Resource plundering, field PK, 2V2 duel, friendsathletics,real-time live interactive online and offline, tofriendship,comrades, wits and work together in the fight! Hero withacombination strategy, the formation of the strongestline-upfighting, tacit duel exciting interactive!※ [high simulation fantasy wonderland, Variety of play, enjoythegame]- Unique fantasy wonderland, characteristics of play spirit ofthealtar, a large shield underground palace, Lich secret cave,thewizard valley, the endless promenade, Mars Hill allwonderful,unique personality to show the advantages of the hero, soyou enjoyevery second game when Chang music non-stop!※ [Ultra Classic ultimate movie, luxurious visual, immersive]- Top music team one million funding to build the ultimategamingChanticleer music, epic world, magnificent music, ignite yourherodreams!== Contact Us ==Welcome to the official Facebook to share your gaming experienceandrecommendations ~- "Long live the hero" official fan group: "Long live the hero," the official Group:※※Please note※※This game requires an Internet connection.This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid services within the game.Please note that the game time, avoid indulging in the game.
部落战歌 5.5.8
2016最硬派可爱策略手游《部落战歌》登陆新马Android平台荣耀公测!号角响起,战歌奏起,众多英雄严阵以待,革命、羁绊让您战场上与Bro联袂出击、万夫莫敌,全新公会战系统带你进入万人团战的激烈拼杀!跨服竞技场让玩家尽享王者荣耀!首创的百变换装、宠物调教、考古休闲等系统让您手指滑到哪、玩到哪!《部落战歌》不单是游戏,更是您一定要来决战的万人对战世界!超多靓妹力荐史上最硬最萌的西方魔幻巨作!**特色英雄 守护羁绊**百名英雄重装上阵,只有战斗才能守护多种角色羁绊组合效果,唯有组对队友方可战胜一切。**决战巅峰 公会对抗**一对一、多对多,只有真正王者才能拥有传说PVP、GVG,各种单人、多人竞技对抗,让您英雄之路不寂寞!**矿战夺宝 掏宝乐趣**富矿争夺,奇宝密谋!战争大陆随处隐藏着资源,只有实力者才能拥有,考古掏宝将能获得大量的惊喜!**史诗剧情 巅峰对决**庞大的世界观,史诗英雄与你并肩作战!你会游览大陆各个战场,行军万里路,征服千万地,让您感受最真实的策略玩转、逆翻战场胜负!**超多福利 每日不断**钻石?金币?商城道具?我们免费送!只要登录就有豪华礼包相赠,每日签到还有橙色英雄发放,史上最优惠的返利,让您不花钱也能成为大富豪!Richhhhhhhhhhh!官方网站:http://blsc.gamepanda.twFacebook官网粉丝页:客服邮箱:[email protected] mosthardcorestrategylovely hand travel "tribal war song" Glory landedMalaysiaAndroidplatform beta! Horn sounded, the battle song playedmanyembattledhero, revolution, allowing you fetters on thebattlefieldand Brojointly attack, unchallenged, the new guild warsystembrings you topeople team battles fierce competition!Inter-servicearena allowsplayers to enjoy the glory of the King!Variety'sfirst facelift,pets tune, archeology leisure systemallows you toslide your fingerwhere, where to play! "Tribal BattleHymn" is notonly a game, butyou have to play against the world'speople tobattle!Super Multi Way strongly recommend the hardest in thehistoryofthe most Meng Western magical masterpiece!** Features ** fetters Guardian HeroesOne hundred heroes Reloaded, only to guard battleThe combined effect of multiple roles fetters, the onlygroupofteammates before prevail.** Peak guild battle against **One to one, many to many, only the king can have a reallegendPVP, GVG, a variety of single, multiplayercompetitiveconfrontation,allowing you a hero of the road is notlonely!** Mine warfare Indiana dig treasure fun **Bonanza competition, Keebler conspiracy!Continental war everywhere hidden resources, only those whocanhavethe strength, the archaeological dig treasure will be abletoget alot of surprises!** ** Epic story-upsHuge world, epic heroes on your side!You will visit the battlefield each continent, marchingMilesRoad,to conquer ten million, so you feel the mostrealisticstrategiesFun, turning the battlefield against thewinner!** ** Ultra Duo Fuli on a daily basisdiamond? gold? Mall props? Our free delivery!There just log luxury gift packs, as well as dailyattendanceissuedorange hero, history of the most favorable rebate,so you donotspend money also can become a millionaire!Richhhhhhhhhhh!Official website: http: //blsc.gamepanda.twFacebook fan page officialwebsite: Service Email: [email protected]
帝王争霸-皇者荣耀,吞食天地横扫千军,魏蜀吴三国群英万人国战 2.6.5
☆争夺王位☆使用最好的策略赢得战争,《帝王争霸》是一个大型万人在线的三国策略游戏,在这里你可以击溃敌人的帝国,捍卫自己的荣耀。一骑当千☆☆免费游戏:多人策略战争活跃的国家系统, 加入国家,可以给保护发展你的军队,大家一起征战天下。这里才是你真正的选择!游戏中的战争策略均是实时的,这是一款充满了兄弟情谊游戏, 在这里你可以与来自世界各地的玩家战斗。努力成为最强大的国王!☆☆建设和捍卫你的帝国你不能只是进攻,《帝王争霸》让你建立庞大帝国,升级各种建筑,训练军队,建造陷阱。你的敌人还敢向你宣战吗?君将之魂神将出战王者荣耀魏蜀吴叶问☆☆生动的战争画面美丽生动的场景与画面,让你在《帝王争霸》中领略奇幻史诗的战争!东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天叶问英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战王者荣耀魏蜀吴吞食天地★★《帝王争霸》特色★★✔实时战争!与你的敌人在一个自由奇幻的世界中战斗!✔收集资源,建设帝国。防御和进攻一样的重要!✔《 建立强大的防御来捍卫你的帝国!训练军队来使你的帝国更加强大!✔《帝王争霸》中有很多国王,但是只有一个可以成为真正的国王,他会是你吗?东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天君将之魂神将出战英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英王者荣耀万人国战叶问ipman〓〓〓游戏介绍〓〓〓● 《帝王争霸》是智能手机上首款“国战”题材游戏,带你进入真正的三国世界!群英争霸●● 全景即时国战24小时开放,名城关隘逐个攻破,三国名臣武将为你鞍前马后,百万热血将士助你圆梦三国!●●经典版本玩法的手游神作,熟悉的感觉,不一样的完美体验!乱世三国谁主沉浮?豪情壮志何处挥洒?风起云涌,跟着《帝王争霸——攻城掠地》穿越成为一方霸主!现在起,叱咤风云,独霸三国!●东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天魏蜀吴● 创新的玩法,经典的战役,万人国战,一统天下,坐拥宫嫔妃佳丽三千的帝王生活,成为拯救苍生于水火的大英雄!●●「平原」、「山地」、「水域」和「城池」的四大地形战役,因地制宜!「突袭」、「攻击」与「防守」策略,知能善用,一统江山!●帝王争霸——攻城掠地!无双战将联盟千人斩风云九州战君将之魂神将出战英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战吞食天地〓〓〓五大特色〓〓〓◇三国风云,霸者无双——战吕布,收关羽,拥貂蝉,与诸葛亮共谋天下,让你进入真正的三国世界,君临天下!◇24小时语音国战——三国势力,真实还原地形版图,烽火狼烟,战火连天,让您身临其境,杀敌百万,做真正的无双上将!◇战斗,挥兵千万——突破传统战斗模式,推出递进式攻破战斗系统,独特的战法攻克,让你挥兵千万,大军压境,无可匹敌!◇实景还原三国战图,包含多达300个关隘城池,开创全天候全景实时国战!◇全程语音聊天配合。文臣武将齐数登场,打破“重武轻文”的游戏桎梏,内政事务、军师上阵、计策绝技演绎文官真本色!英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战◇四大资源、战术、兵器、科技、皇城官职战等丰富的特色玩法,让妳充分自由的享受鼎足争雄的热血,圆满开疆扩土、统一天下的宏梦叶问!东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天出战君将之魂神将王者荣耀吞食天地叶问Facebook粉丝团:※本游戏为免费使用,游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。※☆ ☆ throneUse the best strategy to win the war, "imperial hegemony" isalarge, three million people online strategy game where youcandefeat the enemy of the Empire, to defend their honor. 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ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors warlords dominated theworld dominance ofthe King swept the world hegemony attack it sixdragon king UltimateBattle Royal days Ip ManYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen Three Heros OL millionpeoplecountry warfare glory of the King Wu of Wei, Shu devourearth★★ "imperial hegemony" Features ★★✔ Real-time war! And your enemies in a fantasy world infightingfree!✔ Gather resources, build empires. Defensive and offensive justasimportant!✔ "to build a strong defense to defend your empire! Trainingtroopsto make your empire more powerful!✔ "imperial hegemony" There are many kings, but only one can beareal king, he would be you?Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors dominated the worldhegemony warlordsdominance king swept the world bar the kingonslaught ultimatebattle six Royal Dragon Soul Heaven's Soldierswill of God will playYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao CaoMing Zhao Riboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen Three Heros OLking of glorymillion National War Ip ip man〓〓〓 Game description 〓〓〓● "imperial hegemony" are the smart phone's first "nationalwar"theme game, take you into the real world of the ThreeKingdoms!Beat hegemony ●● Panorama immediate war the country is open 24 hourspass-by-citybreak, the three generals after MingChen you saddlebefore thehorse, the blood of millions of soldiers to help yourealize theirdreams of the Three! ●● classic version of hand tour play God for, familiar feeling,notthe same perfect experience! Who Controls the three troubledtimes?Where to sway grand ambitions? Surging, with the "imperialhegemony- encroaching" through to become the dominant party! Fornow,all-powerful, dominate the three! ●Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors dominated the worldhegemony warlordsdominance king swept the world bar the kingultimate battle attacksix days of Wei, Shu and Wu Yu Long● Innovative gameplay, classic battle, and thousands Stateswar,dominate the world, sitting Pageant imperial palaceconcubinesthree thousand lives, save the common people untoldmiseries becomea big hero! ●● "plain", "mountain", four terrain battle "waters" and "city",thelocal conditions! "Raid", "attack" and "defense"strategy,knowledge and ability to good use, dominate the landscape!●Imperial hegemony - to conquer new territories! WarriorsStormTroopers alliance thousands of people cut Kyushu war soul kingwillplay GodYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen Three Heros OL devour theworldwar the country people〓〓〓 five characteristics 〓〓〓◇ three Fengyun, Bazhe unparalleled - war Riboud, closing GuanYu,Yong Diao Chan, Zhuge Liang complicity with the world, letyouenter the real world of the Three Kingdoms, monarchs oftheworld!◇ 24 小时 voice national war - three forces, true terrain map,flamessmoke signals, war-torn, allowing you to the ground, killsmillionswill do the real Warriors!◇ fighting, Huibing ten million - break the traditional battlemode,the introduction of progressive break combat system, uniquetacticsto overcome, so you Huibing millions, army arrives,unmatched!◇ real battle to restore the three maps, contain up to 300passcity, creating a real-time clock panoramic countrybattle!◇ full voice chat with. 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Clash of Dragon (mmortals war) 2.0.1
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This is a battle of gods, ClashofDragon(mmortals war ) titan TCG CARD GAME.There is no hope inthedarkness! And all gods fall from their altar! TheRagnarok.The new TCG CARD GAME Clash of Dragon is a marvel like yugioh!Itwill bring you to the world of mythos! Come on! Join the riskofthe marvel! Hero, on the frontier of the war, draw your weaponsandbreak the chaos!Are you brave enough for bloody battlefield?Onlystrong can survive.****REVIEWS****“Wow! Gold game! Absolute 5 -star! ”“I like the game! Much more fun than others! If you like thistypegames, you mustn’t miss it!”“Absolute an enchantment of the GODS TCG CARD GAME . You canevenget super cards or fragment from the map, totally free!Socool”“I feel like a risk of addiction. I spend hours a day in thisgreatgame”“Worth of recommend”****NEW UPGRADE****The clan war has come. Hero, are you ready for contestforchampions? Summon up your bravery!Survival or defeated, youwilldecide your fate!The final Quests of Chapter Greece has been opened! Facing theGodsof Olympus in Greek mythology do you have this courage?New 5 stars card will be dropped in the new maps! You can makeyourdeck much more powerful!*****Features*****<<It comes to the Troy in the latest story of the gameClashof Dragon. The flame of the war, which is provoked by themostbeautiful woman in the mythos – Helen, started burning andthestorm lasted for 10 years! The whole world is in the chaos.Youwill fight against all the warcrafts like a knight withyourbrothers in bloody Valhalla valley, in bloody Amazon valley,inbloody battlefield and in the bloody Mandelos river valley!That is really a marvel! The Crows will bring the badluck!Through the valley of war, can you do as a hero of the mythosandthen save the fate of your people on the risks of death?<<The most strategy clash of the gold card! There isnolimit of the race, stars and etc. On the basis of COST, winyourbattle with your brain! You will get the survival by killingyourenemy or taking all the worldcards of your adversary intothegraveyard!You will experience the fun of yugioh in another way! You mayalsochoose infernos, protoss or terran to help you fightagainstwarcraft?<<< Feature-systemVarious feature-system: Montower match, Arena match, Laddermatch,World Boss match, Outfits match, Clan, Assist…You will meetall therisks you can imagine!Challenge the warcraft in the Montower, you will get thesecretessence to fusion your cards!Challenge the warcraft in the map you may get a five star cardasthe Trophy!Do you want to be the gold leader of the Arena? Or leader oftheladder? Or leader of the World Boss? Or leader of the Clan?Risksand rewards both are there!Much more entertainment than yugioh! That is a miracle!<<< The perfect cardYou can collect all the mythos titan heroes: Hades, Thor,Apollo,Zeus, Perseus and other gods of Olympus. You can also swapheroesand manipulate them as the leader to make your deck muchmorepowerful and build a gold deck war and win your enemies!Unlimited Deck build! Fight for the survival!Hero from titan, don’t you join the gold mythos of ClashofDragon?Supported languages:* English* Deutsch* Français* Español* Pусский* 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)* 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)NOTE: We recommend a good network condition for theupdate.Better is WLAN.
帝王争霸-全球版.魏蜀吴三国千人国战王者荣耀掠夺开启 2.6.5
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ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors warlords dominated theworld dominance ofthe King swept the world hegemony attack it sixdragon king ultimatebattle royal day devour the worldYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen OL Three million peoplein thecountry battle heroes. Wei, Shu and Wu Annihilation devourtheworld★★ "imperial hegemony" Features ★★✔ Real-time war! And your enemies in a fantasy world infightingfree!✔ Gather resources, build empires. Defensive and offensive justasimportant!✔ "to build a strong defense to defend your empire! Trainingtroopsto make your empire more powerful!✔ "imperial hegemony" There are many kings, but only one can beareal king, he would be you?Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors dominated the worldhegemony warlordsdominance king swept the world bar the kingonslaught ultimatebattle six Royal Dragon Soul Heaven's Soldierswill of God will playYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao CaoMing Zhao Riboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen million peoplein the countrybattle the three heroes OL king of glory. Wei, Shuand WuAnnihilation〓〓〓 Game description 〓〓〓● "imperial hegemony" are the smart phone's first "nationalwar"theme game, take you into the real world of the ThreeKingdoms!Beat hegemony ●● Panorama immediate war the country is open 24 hourspass-by-citybreak, the three generals after MingChen you saddlebefore thehorse, the blood of millions of soldiers to help yourealize theirdreams of the Three! ●● classic version of hand tour play God for, familiar feeling,notthe same perfect experience! Who Controls the three troubledtimes?Where to sway grand ambitions? Surging, with the "imperialhegemony- encroaching" through to become the dominant party! Fornow,all-powerful, dominating the Three king of glory! ●Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors warlords dominated theworld dominance ofthe King swept the world hegemony attack it sixdragon king ultimatebattle royal day devour the world● Innovative gameplay, classic battle, and thousands Stateswar,dominate the world, sitting Pageant imperial palaceconcubinesthree thousand lives, save the common people untoldmiseries becomea big hero! ●● "plain", "mountain", four terrain battle "waters" and "city",thelocal conditions! "Raid", "attack" and "defense"strategy,knowledge and ability to good use, dominate the landscape!●Imperial hegemony - to conquer new territories! WarriorsStormTroopers alliance thousands of people cut Kyushu war soul kingwillplay GodYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen OL Three million nationalwarheroes king of glory. Wei, Shu and Wu Annihilation devourtheworld〓〓〓 five characteristics 〓〓〓◇ three Fengyun, Bazhe unparalleled - war Riboud, closing GuanYu,Yong Diao Chan, Zhuge Liang complicity with the world, letyouenter the real world of the Three Kingdoms, monarchs oftheworld!◇ 24 小时 voice national war - three forces, true terrain map,flamessmoke signals, war-torn, allowing you to the ground, killsmillionswill do the real Warriors!◇ fighting, Huibing ten million - break the traditional battlemode,the introduction of progressive break combat system, uniquetacticsto overcome, so you Huibing millions, army arrives,unmatched!◇ real battle to restore the three maps, contain up to 300passcity, creating a real-time clock panoramic countrybattle!◇ full voice chat with. 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