Top 9 Apps Similar to Hair Care

Aqualert:Water Tracker Intake&Reminder Google Fit
Aqualert is a water drink tracker andreminderapp to create the water drink habit.It Sends daily reminders and alerts to motivates you to drinkwaterand keeps a log of your daily aqua intake.For the google fit users , Aqua Alert work with it.The Benefits of drink water are huge: weight control ,skincondition, hair condition, organs function, energy level andmanyothers.Helps you to have a good water balance on your bodyusingnotification drink reminder and a tracker of how much youshoulddrink.water intake.Aqualert tracker functions are :* Is simple and easy. Making it adequate for any age* Daily intake calculator, tracker and reminder based on yoursex,weight and activity level. Lets you know how much water youshoulddrink daily.* Notification , Alert and reminder to remember you to drinkwateras you prefer and helping you to drink more.* Automatic bed time mode so you don't receive reminder onthemiddle of the night. Making it a smarter reminderandtracker.* Graphic & Log display of your hydration level anddailyconsumption.* Calculate how many servings you have left.* Easy to add or remove a serving from the water tracker* Use our serving size or customize your serving sizeandreminder* Consumption Chart History so you can know your hydrated levelandhave all the drink water benefits.* Automatic notes of why be hydrated, when you are hydrated andwhenyou take more than you need* Google Fit Integration* Stay slimmerRevs up metabolism and helps you feel full.Replace calorie-laden beverages with water and drink morebeforemeals to help you feel fuller.* Boosts your energyIf you're feeling drained and depleted, drink more. Beigndehydratedmakes you feel fatigued.* Lower stress85% of your brain tissue is water. If you're dehydrated, bothyourbody and your mind will be stressed.* Build muscle tone and stay FitOne of the benefit is to prevent muscle cramping andlubricatesjoints in the body.* Nourish your skinFine lines and wrinkles are deeper when you're dehydrated.Drinkinghydrates skin cells and plumps them up, making your facelookyounger.* Stay regularAlong with fiber, water is essential for good digestion.* Reduces kidney stonesThe rate of painful kidney stones is rising becausepeople,including children, aren't drinking enough water.It dilutes the salts and minerals in your urine that form thesolidcrystals known as kidney stones.This app is a water tracker from the family of Water yourBody,Plant Nanny, Hydro Coach, Aqua Alert and Daily Wateravailables onGoogle Play.Integrates with google fit app.Check Aqualert water tracker and reminder websiteonhttp://aqualertapp.comContact Aqualert water tracker and reminder team [email protected] Aqualert water tracker andreminder
وصفات طبيعية للبشرة والشعر 1.0
David Bil
يتضمن هذا التطبيق أحسن الوصفات الطبيعيةوالمجربة للعناية بالشعر و الجسم و كذا الخلطات الطبيعية الفعالةلحلكل مشاكل البشرة و الشعر, حيث قمنا بوضع كل الوصفات و الخلطاتالتيتحتاجينها سيدتي و هي كالتالي :أسهل وصفة لإزالة شعر الوجهأسهل وصفة لتكثيف وتلميع الرموشأسهل وصفة لوقف نمو الشعر في المناطق الحساسةأسهل وصفة ممتازة للحد من تساقط الشعرأقوى وصفة لعلاج تساقط الشعرالوصفة الصحراوية القوية لتبييض الوجه و الجسم كلهالوصفة المغربية لتبييض المناطق الحساسةالوصفة المغربية لترطيب البشرةالوصفة المغربية لترطيب الشعرالوصفة المغربية لترطيب و تنعيم الأقدامالوصفة المغربية لتصغير الأنفالوصفة المغربية لتقوية الشعر و منع تساقطهالوصفة المغربية لتنعيم و تفتيح اليدينالوصفة المغربية لصفاء ونقاء ونظارة الوجهالوصفة المغربية لعلاج البهاق في أسرع مدةالوصفة المغربية لعلاج تشقق القدمينالوصفة المغربية لعلاج تشقق و ترهل البطن و الفخذالوصفة المغربية لعلاج جفاف البشرةالوصفة المغربية لغلق مسام وثقوب الوجهالوصفة المغربية للقضاء على البقع السوداء في الوجهصباغة الشعر باللون الأحمر و بمكونات طبيعيةصباغة الشعر باللون الأشقر و بمكونات طبيعيةصباغة الشعر باللون البني المحمر و بمكونات طبيعيةصباغة الشعر باللون البني و بمكونات طبيعيةصباغة الشعر باللون الكستنائي و بمكونات طبيعيةصباغة الشعر باللون النحاسي و بمكونات طبيعيةصباغة الشعر بلون الشوكولاته و بمكونات طبيعيةقناع الخميرة لتبييض الوجه الجاف في أسرع وقتكوماج لتقشير الوجه وصفائهوصفة الحلبة الممتازة لتكثيف الشعروصفة سهلة وسريعة لتبييض الجسم كلهوصفة طبيعية لتسمين الوجهوصفة لتبييض الوجه الجاف في أسرع وقتوصفة لتقوية الشعر الضعيف من جذوره حتى أطرافهوصفة لتكثيف الحواجب في أسبوعوصفة مغربية لعلاج الشيب المبكروصفة ممتازة لتطويل الشعر بأسرع طريقةوصفة ممتازة لتطويل الشعر والحد من تساقطهوصفة ممتازة لعلاج الشيب المبكروصفة هائلة لتنبيت الشعرمع العلم أننا سنقوم بإضافة وصفات و خلطات جديدة كل شهر.This applicationincludesthe best natural and proven recipes for hair care and bodyas wellas mixtures of natural and effective to solve all skin andhairproblems, where we put all the recipes and mixes that youneedMadam and are as follows:The easiest recipe to remove facial hairThe easiest recipe to intensify and polishing eyelashesThe easiest recipe to stop hair growth in sensitive areasThe easiest excellent recipe for reducing hair lossStronger prescription for the treatment of hair lossStrong desert recipe for whitening face and whole bodyMoroccan recipe for whitening sensitive areasMoroccan recipe to moisturize skinMoroccan recipe to moisturize hairMoroccan recipe to moisturize and soften the footMoroccan recipe for NoseMoroccan recipe to strengthen hair and prevent hair lossMoroccan recipe to soften and lighten handsMoroccan recipe for clarity and purity of the face andglassesMoroccan recipe for the treatment of vitiligo in thefastestperiodMoroccan recipe for the treatment of cracked feetMoroccan recipe for the treatment of cracked and saggingabdominaland thighMoroccan recipe for the treatment of dry skinMoroccan recipe to close the pores of the face and holesMoroccan recipe for the elimination of black spots on thefaceDyeing hair red and natural ingredientsDyeing hair blond and natural ingredientsDyeing the hair brown and reddish-natural ingredientsDyeing the hair brown and natural ingredientsDyeing hair color chestnut and natural ingredientsDyeing hair painted copper and natural ingredientsDyeing hair colored chocolate and natural ingredientsYeast mask to bleach and dry in the face as soon asKumaj for peeling face and clarityRecipe excellent ring to intensify hairAnd a quick and easy recipe for whitening the whole bodyNatural recipe for fattening faceA recipe for whitening dry face as soon asRecipe to strengthen the weak roots of hair even limbsRecipe to intensify eyebrows in a weekMoroccan recipe for the treatment of premature grayingExcellent recipe for lengthening hair as fast wayExcellent recipe for lengthening hair and reduce hair lossExcellent recipe for the treatment of premature grayingRecipe huge germination hairKnowing that we we'll add recipes and new mixes ofeachmonth.
Hair Care 3.6.1
Complete Hair care for All Healthy hair is mark of goodconfidenceinhuman grooming.Maintaining your hair is relativelyeasy withtheright kind of steps. This app brings you tips abouthair care,andwhat you can do at home to solve all your hairproblemsgetunbelievably beautiful hair. This hair care appincludes**Dandruff Solutions ** Prevent hair fall ** Hairfallremedies**Faster hair growth ** Hair regrowth ** Foods for hair **Shinyhair** Hair packs ** Remedies for split ends ** Yoga forhairFollowthese simple and effective steps and get healthyandgorgeouslooking hair..
Acne Revolution Tracker 1.0
The Acne Revolution presents ourAndroidacnetracking application. This app gives you all the toolsyou needtoget started with self-experimentation to reduce youracne.It can:* Record before and after pictures* Track effect of changing variables (such as diet,exercise,ormedication)* Show progress over timeFor best results go to to see alltheresearchon acne and suggestions on how to get the most outofyourself-experimentation.
Fairness Tips + Skin Care 1.1.0
Do you want to improve your skin qualityandfairness. This application contains various ways to improveyourcomplexion. Many home made face packs , daily tips for fairnessandwhat should not be done in routine life has been brief inthisapp.How to use this app and Features of “Fairness and Skin Care”1. Download and install this fairness tips app from app store2. Home page contains two tabs, namely(a) Improve Fairness(b) Hazards3. In Improve Fairness we have below topics covered(a) Various Homemade pack packs(b) Daily Tips to improve complexion(c) Instant fairness face packs(d) Bridal Glow face pack(e) Clear Pimple face pack(f) Fruit face pack(g) Turmeric Face Pack4. Hazards tab contains below points:(a) Daily precaution to be taken to take care of our skin(b) Monsoon Precaution(c) Winter Precaution(d) Summer Precaution(e) Dry Skin Precaution(f) Oil skin safety measure(g) How to get fresh lookThis application contains a number of ways to improve yourfairness.Based on the skin type the elements / products mentionedin the packreacts. It is strongly recommended to apply any facepack afterconsulting dermatologist or beautician. We would bethankful if youcan take time to rate our application and sharethis app with yourfriends and relatives
Beauty & self-care tips 4.04.00
Beautiful body and a healthy spirit. Take care of yourselfwithoutleaving home
hair loss treatment 1.0
hair loss treatment is the applicationsthattip on hair loss treatment, for example.- Best_Hair_Loss_Treatment- Causes And Treatment For Hair Loss- Hair Loss Aloe Vera Treatment And Other Natural HairLossTreatments* Hair care tips to reduce hair fall in men, women, boys&girls.* A home remedies guide for hair care.* Complete hair fall solution and long hair maintenance tipsareprovided.* Grow long & thick hair with our specially formulatedhairgrowing tips.* Most of our tips for hair growth are suggested by top haircare& salon experts.* Safe hair makeup tips to make your hair healthy and shiny.....
Epi-Tracker 9.0.4
The Epi-Tracker is a cool way to stayexcitedabout the progress of your skincare treatment withEpiduo®(adapalene and benzoyl peroxide) Gel 0.1%/2.5%. Just take apictureand rate your skin, and you’ll be able to visualize yourprogresswith side-by-side comparisons, graphs and progresstime-lapse. Youeven use the photo journal to share results withyour doctor. TheEpi-Tracker has a simple, intuitive interface thatguides you asyou document your progress and automatically buildscoolvisualizations based on your input. You can now share yourresultswith a single or comparison photo with your doctor or parentbyemail and SMS.Features include:* Daily photo journal with ratings* Reminders (if you need them)* Skincare tips* Compare photos from any days you choose* Progress time-lapse of you-know-who (You know, you!)* Share your results with a single photo or comparison photosviaemail and SMSTurn your phone into a mirror with a memory and watch thegoodnessunfold.Important Safety InformationINDICATION: Epiduo® Gel is indicated for the topical treatmentofacne vulgaris in patients 9 years of age and older. ADVERSEEVENTS:In controlled clinical studies, the most commonly reportedadverseevents (>=1%) in patients treated with Epiduo® Gel weredry skin,contact dermatitis, application site burning, applicationsiteirritation and skin irritation. WARNING/PRECAUTIONS: PatientstakingEpiduo® Gel should avoid exposure to sunlight and sunlampsand wearsunscreen when sun exposure cannot be avoided. Erythema,scaling,dryness, stinging/ burning, irritant and allergic contactdermatitismay occur with use of Epiduo® Gel and maynecessitatediscontinuation.You are encouraged to report negative side effectsofprescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, orcall1-800-FDA-1088.The Epi-Tracker is for your personal use only. By usingtheEpi-Tracker, you understand and acknowledge the informationthatyou put into the Epi-Tracker will not be accessed by anyoneotherthan you, unless you choose to share it with someone else.Please note that all comments posted on iTunes are notassociatedwith, endorsed or monitored by Galderma Laboratories,L.P.Galderma will not respond to comments posted on iTunes.Instead,please contact us directly at 1-866-735-4137. If youareexperiencing a medical emergency, contact yourdoctorimmediately.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Beyoncé Song Lyrics 6.1.1
Popular Song Beyoncé Full Album in 2022