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견적고-인테리어,이사,도배,철거,방수,싱크대,샷시,욕실 1.62
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인테리어 공사할 땐, 공간의힘 1.6.7
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DIY리폼의 고수-인테리어,소품만들기,데코 3.0.3
여성포털 이지데이( DIY 리폼 마니아들이직.접.만.든상세한 리뷰를 모바일로 감상하세요!우리집꾸미기,소품만들기,재활용품 활용하기 등 DIY,리폼,리빙의 모든것이 매일 업데이트됩니다.“내 아이 아토피에 좋은 가구는 뭘까?”“곧 집들이인데 어떤 소품과 인테리어를 할까?”“내 손으로 직접 내 옷 리폼할 수 있을까?당신의 모든 DIY 리폼 궁금증, 이제 리빙 마니아들의 전문적인 칼럼으로 해결하세요![주요메뉴 및 기능]1. DIY리폼 칼럼-마니아가 직접 꾸민 DIY, 리폼, 인테리어 칼럼이 매일 업데이트 됩니다!!2. DIY리폼 마니아-나와 맞는 스타일을 추구하는 마니아는 누구일까? 찾아보세요~3. 우리집 꾸미기-마니아가 아닌 일반 회원들끼리 인테리어 정보를 나누는 수다공간!-이벤트도 참여할 수 있어요~4. 스크랩-내가 꾸미고 싶은 DIY리폼 칼럼을 찾았다면? 스크랩 고고!5. 트위터, 페이스북, 카카오톡, 이메일 공유-친구의 집에 추천하는 인테리어 팁을 보내주세요! 6. DIY리폼 마니아 신청-나도 마니아를 하고싶다?! 바로 신청해 주세요! 심사를 통해 여성포털 이지데이(마니아로승인됩니다~이지데이 마니아는 활동지원금, 체험단 어드밴티지 등 다양한 혜택을 받으실 수 있어요~ ----개발자 연락처 :153-787서울 금천구 가산동 371-50 에이스하이엔드타워 3차 11F 1106호Women's Day portalpage( DIY enthusiasts reform organization.Contactonly. Watch all the detailed review by Mobile!Decorating our home, making props, etc. to utilize recycledDIY,remodeling, and everything is updated daily living."What good is my kid furniture atopy?""Soon Housewarming inde do some props and decor?""Can you direct remodeling my clothes with my hand?DIY remodeling all of your questions, get resolved inaprofessional column of living enthusiasts!Main Menu and Features1. DIY Remodeling column- Armenia is directly Wrought DIY, remodeling, interior columnsareupdated daily!2. DIY enthusiasts Reform- Who are enthusiasts who seek a style that suits me? Look ~3. Decorate my house- Armenia is not regular members together to share information,chatroom decor!- You can also participate in the event ~4. Scrap- If you find a DIY Remodeling column I want to decorate?Bookmarkarcheology!5. Twitter, Facebook, KakaoTalk, sharing e-mail- Send us a tip interior recommend to a friend's house!6. DIY enthusiasts Remodeling application- I want a fanatic ?! Please apply immediately! Women's Day withascreening portal page ( is approved inTasmania-Tasmania's Day is not available a wide range of benefits,includingfunding activities, cheheomdan Advantage ~
하우징페어- 건축,인테리어,건축자재,가구 1.1.0
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한샘ik인테리어 1.0
한샘ik인테리어는"인테리어의 가치는 고객만족이다."라는기업이념을 바탕으로 고객만족 서비스에 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.언제나 저희의 기업목표인 "세계수준의 대한민국 제일의 실내건축디자인"의 꿈을 위하여저희 한샘 ik인테리어의 전문인들은 언제나 노력에, 노력을 게을리 하지않는 기업이되겠습니다.한발앞선 최신디자인 트랜드분석, 전문적인 관련지식습득, 체계적인 전문가발굴 및 양성, 시공방법개선,완벽한 사후 서비스등을 통하여 좀더 나은 차별화에 전력하겠습니다.변화에 인식하고 대응하며, 다양한 실험을 통해 항상 새로운 가능성에 도전하는 "젊은기업"이 도이ㅓ새로운꿈이 펼쳐지는 살아 숨쉬는 공간의 가치를 실현해 나가겠습니다.한샘ik인테리어 직원일동Hanssem ikinteriors"The value of the interior is customer satisfaction," calledBased on the corporate philosophy of trying to do ourbestcustomerservice.Always to the dream of our corporate goal of"aworld-classarchitectural design of the interior of the RepublicofKorea thebest"Our interiors are Hanssem professionals from ik to alwaystry,Wewill be a company that does not neglect the effort.One step ahead of the latest design trendsanalysis,expertknowledge acquisition, discovery andsystematicprofessionaltraining, improved constructionmethods,Perfect after-sales service, etc. We will powertobetterdifferentiate through.And to recognize and respond to change,throughvariousexperiments always a challenge to newpossibilities,"youngentrepreneurs" The Doi shNew dreams unfold we will realize the value of aliving,breathingspace.Hanssem ik Interior Staff
퀸스하우스인테리어 1.1.2
일산,파주지역의 인테리어 회사 입니다. 아파트인테리어,상업인테리어,주택리모델링,건축 등 시공전문모바일 제작은 1688-3398 으로 문의 주세요~Ilsan and Pajucompany'sinterior regions. Apartment interiors, commercialinteriors, homeremodeling, building and construction professionalMobile production please contact us at 1688-3398 ~
인테리어쇼 - 당신이 꿈꾸던 공간(인쇼) 0.11
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인테리어 견적, 공사톡! 1.2.5
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Home Interior Design 1.0
Are you planning to buy a home foryourfamilyand want to make sure that they are not only happy withtheoutsidebut the interior as well? Or are you thinking ofgivingyourpresent home a new look in a room or a total makeover?Ifyouanswer yes to either of these questions, what you needtoknowabout home interior design.Unlike home interior design that concentrates on finishessuchaspaint, window coverings, wallpapers and furnishing,homeinteriordesign is the very process of shaping the interiorspace ofyourhome according to your lifestyle and the variouslifestyles ofyourfamily. Interior design is integrated toward thearchitectureofthe home and is involved in the room layout,cabinetdesigns,windows and door placements, and so on.Home interior design means a lot to the owner. It alsodemandshardwork and devotion, as it is not an easy task. Designincludesboththe interior as well as exterior aspects.As far as home interior design is concerned, every nookandcornerhas to be studied so that the available space is utilizedtothemaximum. A good interior decorator should be able to helpyouinselecting the correct interior design solution foryourhome.Before actually starting the work, you need to be surewhethertheemphasis is going to be on beauty, comfort, or theappearanceofyour home.You need to attend to all parts, namely, doors,windows,floors,furniture and accessories. For windows, curtains,blinds,rods andpanels should be attractive and appealing. Somepeopleprefer lightcolors, while others prefer heavy andstrikingupholstery. Doorscan be tastefully designed and thematerial itselfcan beexotic.There is a wide range of flooring options available. Youcanchoosefrom marble, granite tiles, bricks, slates, concrete,orsteel. Toadd more color, suitable carpets can be spread. Rugscanbe used tocomplement them.Walls, pillars, and other standouts can be decoratedusingartifacts,paintings or wall hangings. Modern arts arebecoming acommonchoice.Not just the living room, but also every part of your homeneedsyourattention. The kitchen should be convenient and easy touse.The gastables, racks and shelves, cooking range, utensils, andallotheraccessories should be chosen carefully and arranged neatlytoavoidmessing them.Further, furniture selection should be done wisely. Thesofasets,chairs, dining table, dressing table and cots mustreflectyourtaste.Pottery and decorative plants are also a welcome additioninhomeinterior design. Sculptures or a mini-fountain mayseemincredible.An aquarium can add beauty to your home. You needtopick the rightcolors and paints for your wonderful home.While deciding on the interiors, themes likeenergy-efficiencycanprove useful. As you see, there is no limit tohomeinteriordesign.Home interior designing depends largely on the types andsizesofyour many rooms. Basic rooms include the livingroom,kitchen,deck, bedroom, bathroom and sometimes a home office.Theseroomscan also be further subdivided into a guest room,diningroom,kids' room and adult's room, among others. Thedifferentaspectsinvolved in home interior design such as cabinetmaking,roomlayout, window placement, appliance selection and tileandfloorselection should aptly fit the room since each room hasadifferentpurpose.So, if you are planning to do some home interiordesigning,decidewhat rooms need improvement and incorporate thesevenelements ofhome interior design -- form, mass, shape, line,color,texture andpattern.
Apartment Interior Design 4.0
Apartment Interior Design How much effort does one want togothrough to improve a space that one doesn't actually own?Luckily,most interior decorating concerns non-structural work thatfocuseson color and furniture layout. Still, renter decorators tendtoseek quicker, cheaper solutions to their decoration challengesthantheir home owner counterparts. In big cities where rents arehighand space is at a premium, this difference is even morepronounced.In fact, the hipper the neighborhood, the more creativeyou have tobe. Modern Apartment and Office Interiors Design Officeinteriorsdesign, on the other hand, is based nowadays on theunderlyingphilosophy/principles of the organization in question.Modernoffice design, therefore, bases itself on theorganizationalpersonality with a view to increasing the property'svalue. It isdone with the objective of uplifting the company'sprofile andboosting staff morale. Of prime importance is the factthat officeinteriors design should be based on organization's mainactivityand things like conference rooms, cabinets, workstations,andtraining rooms ought to be designed to ensure maximum utilityandcomfort. Office designing also involves partitions andfalseceilings, specialized lighting and flooring, specialfurniture,windows and doors. These in their totality involve otherconceptslike transportability, fire and sound protection,aesthetics andbudget. The design has to be such that it gives outan airy as alsowell-lit and contemporary look. The ceiling may bedesigned fromvarious materials like wood, metal or mineral boards.Find theRight Painting and Decorating There's a lot of knowledgefordecorators in London, online. If you do a search you will findalot of results, but you need to be selective and this meansthatyou must go to sites that have a very good reputation. Here,you'llfind honest decorators, which will explain more about thePaintingand Decoratin Services. Small Apartment Furniture Considerthisblast from the past, art deco interior design with smallapartmentfurniture. Once it was all the rage in the 1920's and30's. Howeverit had a short lived life as a way of designing andsettingyourself apart from everyone else. This is in allprobabilitybecause it grew to such vast popularity. Once everyonestarted tohave it you were no longer set apart from the mainstreamand inessence no longer different.
Daily Home Design/Decor Idea 1.2
Voza Media
This android application is developed byVozaMedia. The main objective of this android app is to provideimage /picture about home design and home decorating idea picture.We knowthat everyone can easily search image / picture throughsearchengines, but Voza Media trying to select the best-qualityhomedesign picture to be presented through the android device.So,android users can browse this interior and exteriorhome-designpicture gallery easier when still in mobileactivity.The picture gallery is categorized into bathroom, bedroom,diningroom, furniture, garden, pool, house, kitchen room, livingroom,office, outdoor, etc .The Main Features :- Browse by category- Image will be updated Regularly.- High-quality image.- Image can be saved to your android devices and set aswallpaperautomatically.I hope you can get new inspiration / idea for decorating/designing your sweet home. Media Voza aware if android app isnotperfect, but Voza Media will always provide the best forandroidusers.Criticism, suggestions and removal requests can be sent to [email protected]
Kitchen Interior Design 1.0
The design and color of Uk Kitchen Storage and Design mightdiffer,depending on the needs. You can look for the right one, foryourneeds. kitchen design There are different types of products,whichyou might have to take help of, whenever the main area relateswithfurnishing areas. The reliable online companies are goingtomanufacture kitchen and other bedroom related units,associatedwith the specifications, related with the standard creamor whiteunits. On the other hand,you can even try and look for thefullycolored co-ordinated structure, which can act in yourfavor.Therefore, design and re-design your cabinets, just for yourneedsand demands, and create a look, which is completely differentandunique, for matching your needs. kitchen design Focusingtowardsunits kitchen design In order to increase the present valueof yourkitchen and take help of the full kitchen space, nothing canbeatthe importance of stunning collections of kitchen units. Thesearemanufactured and installed by none other thanrelatedprofessionals, associated with this field for more than sometimenow. You have the right and money for getting help of theUkKitchen Storage and Design, which can offer best inclasssolutions. You have the liberty to explore the range fromonlinestore, without leaving the comfort of your house. On theotherhand, you can even book for the design by making anappointmentbefore. kitchen design Happy to answer your questionskitchendesign If you are facing any problem with the rightKitchensdirect, online professionals are always ready to help youwith theright solutions. They can even help you to make the rightchoiceassociated with the best kitchen units, which can suit theinteriorof your kitchen. The interior walls and designs are knownfor theirgreat structure, and color, which can last for a longerspan oftime. From the classic look to the retro feel, there are somanyoptions, waiting for you to grab. Make sure to get in touchwiththe best solutions, which can act in your favor. kitchendesignTime for the bedroom kitchen design Depending on the typeofbedroom and the space available, you have to take help ofdesignerbedroom furniture uk. There are different types ofbedroomfurnishing items available, and some are meant for thechildrenbedroom only. The color, structure, design and style,everything isgoing to vary a lot. Make sure to get in touch withthe rightsolutions, after comparing so many options, meant for design
Modern Home Interior 4.0
You switch on the television and tune intoyourfavorite home makeover show. On a balmy winter afternoon, afamilygives their house keys away to a complete stranger. 5 daysandseveral hours of drilling, building, and more importantlyshiftingand painting later, the family reenters the house. Thistime thereare whoops of joy. The family has just been gifted theirdream housein a style that reflects them. The show comes to anend. You switchoff the TV and sigh in hope that someday maybe youwill have similarluck and someone will decorate your house. Butwhy depend onunrecognized, unrequited dreams? All you need to dois educateyourself on the various styles at your disposal anddesign away.Home interior decorating involves anything that has to dowiththe interiors of a house and its furnishings. If you plan torevampthe decor of your house, you need to keep in mindseveralattributes that contributes to the design, like thelayout,furniture arrangement, color and the theme.While a professional interior decorator will manage to giveyourhouse the much-needed pizazz, he will also manage to burn anotvery needed hole in your wallet. Different styles of interiorhomeinterior decoration can be understood by just anyone. All youneedto do is use that locked up imagination and infuse yourpersonalflavor. There are several interior designing ideas that youcoulduse. Interior home interior decoration can be studied andlearnedbut if you have a slight knack for the creatives then it isatalent that can be nurtured to create a space in your housethatyou truly love. The following interior home interiordecorationstyles would probably give you the much-needed push todiveheadlong into the colorful world of interior homeinteriordecoration.A style that peaked in its popularity in the 1920s and 30s, itischaracterized by the minimalist colors and structures that ituses.Sleek, strong lines are a mainstay of this style ofinteriordecorating. Wooden furniture that is used is generallylacquered inblack. White, red, and black are the colors that areused the mostbut dove gray, dull purple, and pale blue are used aswell. Thesecolors are often accentuated by the use of steel,aluminum, chrome,glass, mirrors, and white marble. The flooring forthis style ofinterior decorating is generally black or whitemarble. Lighting isintegral with table lamps, wall sconces, andceiling lights beingused throughout the room.With cultures that are probably as old as the planet itself,itis no wonder that interior home interior decoration inspiredbyAsia has become hugely popular. The Asian style of homeinteriordecoration is embodied by simple furnishings anduncluttered areas.If your life is all about balancing the positiveand the negative,the yin and the yang, then Asian or oriental stylewould definitelyappeal to you. Use feng shui to design the space inyour home. Itis an ancient Chinese art of decorating which uses theflow ofenergy to decide on the perfect arrangement for the house.Youcould use mats and rugs on the floor which forms an integralpartof oriental culture. The furnishings should be made of blackorbrown wood. Bamboo is also a commonly used element.For a long time contemporary decor was considered to be averycold style of decorating. It borrowed its foundation from theArtDeco style but designers added to it a dash of comfort. It wasthenthat the popularity of this style soared. The style is definedbysubtlety, simplicity, and geometric shapes. The colors thatareassociated with this style are black, white, and neutrals.Thefloor should ideally be either wooden or tiled.