Top 11 Games Similar to 戦国でQ

Sengoku Tenkatrigger 2.0.1
Sengoku TenkaTrigger is an epoch-makingformalsimulation game for a busy businessman.You need to memorize neither troublesome operation nor acomplicatedrule.The Age of Civil Wars in Japan is a subject matter.When sending out combining a general, the rest is as itwaits.Let's carry out complete [ of the general card exceeding 150kinds], and aim at world unification.
Jastice Samurai vs Black Ninja 1.0
This app is an app that I continue to winbytheenemy and Iaido cutting battle as a samurai of Japan.Andthatenemyis a ninja to use the mysterious art of ninjutsu.How towin aninjato have a superhuman perseverance and spirit force,would notonlyquickness of the samurai.Usability is very simple, tocapturethemoment of the "!" Is displayed on the screen is touchingthetimelyscreen.While playing for determined the game bythedifference of0.01 seconds reflection and focus nerve isrequired,it will diveabuse the brain and fingertips. Also becauseeven with2P functionyou can play also with my friends in thereal.It mighthave appearedto some of Japan at the time. Simple isa profoundexperience typegame.
歴史クイズ 戦国武将 無料アプリ 1.0.4
戦国時代に活躍した有名な武将やあまり知られていない武将、家臣にまつわる歴史問題クイズです。入門編・初級編・中級編・上級編になっています。やさしい問題、難易度の高い問題と四段階に分かれていますので是非チャレンジしてみてください。解答は、三択になっています。Famouswarlordsandmilitary commanders that are not well known and wasactive intheWarring States period, surrounding vassalIt is a historic problem quiz.It has become the introduction,iDrum,intermediateknitting-advanced level.Please come and challenge easy problem, because it is dividedintoahigh degree of difficulty problems and four stage.Answer is, has become a three-choice.
天下統一恋の乱 Love Ballad 戦国武将と恋して 9.9.0
Voltage, Inc.
A romance game that you can play for free, where you can enjoyasweet and sad love with famous military commanders such asOdaNobunaga and Shinobu! The definitive edition of Voltage'sromancedrama series, "Voltage Koi"!
Jungle Banana Adventure 1.0
Jungle Banana Adventure!!! is asimpleandreally adventurous run game with good graphicsandsoundeffects.Help the king kong to run through jungle . Justclickthescreen to make our little kong to jump all obstacles andrun toitsparents in jungle. This jungle kong banana run is one ofthebestadventure game with best graphics and control and music.***Features***1. Tap the screen to make kong banana jump.2. Collect all the bananas and run.3. Run and finish all the levels to open fiveamazingotherworlds.4. Have good relaxing music and sound effects.5. Have five worlds each of having 25 challengingandinterestinglevels***How to play***1. Just tap the screen to jump the kong.2. Collect bananas as many as you can.3. Run to the end of the levels to reach our kong's home .
【戦国めんだこ】めんだこになった戦国武将をまったり育成 1.0.5
戦国武将占い あなたの性格を武将タイプで診断! 1.0
◆結果内容はボリューム満点♪結果の詳細はもちろん、武将の説明や性格、血液型や雑学も掲載しております!ついつい色んな武将を表示したくなるかも!?◆遊び方は簡単♪スタートボタンを押して生年月日と性別、血液型を選択するだけ!そして最後に直感で気になるカードを1枚引くと…その後は結果をお楽しみに♪色んな性格診断や占いがありますが、自分の性格が戦国武将と近いと思うとワクワクしますね!歴史好きな女性もそうでない人も、気になったら今すぐチェックしてみてください♪◇ご利用について◇戦国武将占いは無料でご利用できます。占い結果についてはすべて保証するものではありません。また、示唆された内容の正しさを保証するものではありません。当アプリが娯楽を目的としたものであることをご了承いただき、お楽しみくださいますようお願い申し上げます。◆ Result contents hearty♪Detailed results of course,I have published and personality description of warlords,alsotrivia and blood type!I might be tempted to view the various warlords catapult! ?◆ How to Play Easy ♪Just select gender and date of birth, the blood type bypressingthe start button!And you draw a card anxious intuition finally ...♪ I enjoy the results thenThere are many divination and personality diagnosis,It will exciting to think my personality is close totheSamurai!Even those who do not even like women history,♪ Please check now if you worrisome◇ About the use ◇It is available free of charge Samurai divination.It does not guarantee all results for divination.In addition, it does not guarantee the correctness of what hasbeensuggested.thank you We acknowledge that this is what this app is intendedforentertainment, you please enjoy.
Mini Yellow Runner 1.0
Runner Rush
Mini Yellow Runner is an exciting 2Dplatformaction endless runner game featuring the most loved miniyellowcharacter as the acrobatic cute runner of the game. The gameis funand exciting with easy one finger control.The ultimate objective of the game is to collect as much bananasaspossible by overcoming all random generated obstacles thatappear.Your game score equals to the number of bananas you collectsocollect those bananas to have or beat the highest score!Features:- Easy one finger control- Random generated obstacles- Random generated power-ups- Cute graphics
Super Monkey World Jungle 3.0
World Game
Super Monkey is back ! Help the hero monkeyinthis adventurous and running jungle kong world.You are now in a quest to help the super monkey. Take upthechallenge, collect bananas, coins and unlock the 5differentworlds.Features :★ Many worlds and levels to explore.★ Different scenarios to play in.★ Lots of obstacle-dodging fun!★ Run and finish all levels.Game Control :★ Just tap screen to jump the monkey.★ Collect bananas as many as you can, without being caughtbyobstacles.★ Run till end of the levels, make the little kong happy.World 1 : The Little Kong & Bananas !! Monkey is nowstartinga new journey of adventure. There are many obstacleswaiting for himahead. Do you think he can survive?World 2 : The Little gorilla has just escaped from theamazingforest. He needs to run through the jungle in order to fullyescapefrom the enemy and obstacles. Help the little gorilla toescapewith successfully to gorilla world.World 3 : You need to protect the super kong gorillacharacterand collect all bananas. be careful !!This a great platform game, addictive, and full of surprises!Wewish hours of entertainment to all players of Super MonkeyRunningWorld Jungle.
国盗り合戦-戦国x位置ゲーム!電車や旅行で全国制覇を目指せ! 3.6.6
Go to the Travel of Japan Stamp Rally! Go out and take a walktotake the country and get back! It's an easy and addictive gamewithdaily tech! Use GPS and maps to unite your dreams!
忍ズバ!〜戦国竜司族絵巻〜 1.18
■□■ 忍ズバ!〜戦国竜司族絵巻〜 ■□■爽快忍者アクションRPG見参!400以上もの多彩なステージを攻略しよう!笑いあり、涙あり!?”忍ズバ”界の物語をご堪能あれ!**** あらすじ ****その昔、「竜」が存在する時代…。竜と共に暮らす民族「竜司族」がいた。竜司族は、竜の力を自在に操る力を持っていた。その力を恐れた人々は、「竜司族狩り」を行い、竜司族を倒した者には生きていくには十分な富が与えられたという。やがて竜司族は絶滅し、竜もまた人々の前には姿を現さなくなった…。それから、数百年の時が流れ、世は戦乱の時代。とある辺境の忍(しのび)の里を舞台に竜の伝説をめぐる新たな物語が始まる!!!**** システム ****◆プレイヤーは主人公の忍者くんを操作しながら忍務をこなしていきます。◆忍務中、襲い掛かってくる沢山の強敵を80種以上※の「手裏剣」、「刀」、そして多彩な「忍術」を扱ってなぎ倒していきましょう。※刀・手裏剣は今後随時アップデートされて増えていく予定です。◆強敵に打ち勝てなくなったら、ひたすら「訓練」!!忍者くん自身を鍛え上げましょう!◆さらに、「刀」・「武器」・「忍術」も鍛錬していきレベルを上げていくことでより強くすることができます!◆より強力な武器がほしければ、「武器屋」※でより強力なレア業物を獲得しましょう! ※武器屋のラインナップも随時アップデートされる予定です◆緊急イベント忍務も順次配信!今しか手に入れられない超レア業物を獲得することができます!!◆「秘術・竜人モード」・・・ある条件を満たすと使用可能となります。主人公の忍者くんが一定秒数無敵状態になり、攻撃力も大幅にアップします。これで強敵も一網打尽!◆ 忍式コードをtwitterなどで配布中!#にんずば**** 価格 ****アプリ本体:無料※一部有料アイテムがございます。**** 推奨端末 ****Android4.2以上(一部非推奨端末あり)※推奨端末以外でのサポート、補償等は致しかねますので何卒ご了承くださいませ。このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。