Top 4 Apps Similar to 作れるえほんピクニーニョ~アイロンビーズ感覚で作れる+動く!

【えっほー】絵本が完全無料で読み放題!子供向け知育アプリ 1.0.5
◆いつでも、どこでも、何冊でも◆ 【完全無料】で絵本が読み放題!◆豊富なラインナップ◆ 昔話や童謡から知育絵本まで! えっほーオリジナル作品も読める!◆全作品にナレーション付き◆ 字の読めないお子さまも1人で楽しめる!対象年齢:0歳~6歳------------------------------■「えっほー」は完全無料■本アプリでは、全ての絵本を無料で楽しむことができ、広告が出ることもありません!また、操作もシンプルですので、安心してお子さまにご利用いただくことができます。■充実のラインナップ■日本昔話、世界の童話、しつけの絵本、知育の絵本など、様々なジャンルの絵本を取り揃えています。えっほーオリジナルの絵本もあり、ファンタジーから普段の生活の中にあるストーリーまで、お子さまが興味を持つ本がきっと見つかるラインナップです。■全絵本にナレーション付き■全ての絵本にナレーションが付きますので、字が読めないお子さんでも楽しめます。また、ボタン一つで字幕も表示できますので、ご自身のスピードでお読みいただくことも可能です。
はたらくくるまゴーゴー 2歳から遊べる幼児・子供知育アプリ 1.57.0
Work drive with a working car! Educational app for toddlersandchildren that can be enjoyed from 2 years old
0~2才向けの動く絵本 for Baby(読み聞かせ) 1.0.4
Storytelling Baa not not picture book and stomach are fiverecordinghas been 0 to for 2-year-old app.
"Unlimited" kids anime -Japan 1.3.1
FORii, Inc.
"When kids launch this app they will in fact be launching a worldoffun... Fabulous sound effects, animations, and music"-AppPicker.comMOVING BOOKS! Jajajajan (Japanese) is an educationalapp for kids,filled with delightfully animated stories and songssuch as “ThreeLittle Pigs”, “Jack and the Beanstalk”, “The OtherDay I Met a Bear”and more. Watch, read, listen, dance and singalong. Prince Jajajaand his whimsical kingdom of characters areready to help your kidslearn and play. Every Moment a Chance toDiscover • Animated fairytales and songs delivered right to yourdevice. There's always timefor a nursery rhyme. • Great fortravel. Watch offline. No internetconnection required to playdownloaded content. • Loads of fun atparties. Have a singalong. •Ideal for toddlers and preschool kids.• Share stories and songstogether at bedtime, circle time, andstory time. Read and ListenTraditional folk tales, fables, bedtimestories and popular fairytales come to life in delightfullyanimated scenes. Words appearonscreen so your child can followalong. Sing along and Dance Singalong in a karaoke jam to animatedchildren's songs such as “Let'sClap Our Hands” . Easy dance movesyour little ones can quicklylearn reinforce basic motor skills,self-expression, andcommunication skills. Note: vocals cannot beswitched off.Storybooks and songs Included “Three Little Pigs” “TheLittle MatchSeller” “Jack and the Beanstalk” “Kasajizou” (aJapanese folk tale)“Let's Clap Our Hands” “Oh Vreneli” “The OtherDay I Met a Bear”“Cinderella” “Little Red Riding Hood” “The UglyDuckling” “Twinkle,Twinkle, Little Star” “The Golden Axe” “TheNorth Wind and the Sun”“Omusubi Kororin (The Rolling Rice Ball)”“Momotaro” “Welcome tothe Snowman Party!” “Kachi Kachi Mountain”“Red Shoes” “Little Fox”“Rabbit Dance” “Sesame Miso” “YankeeDoodle” “The Little Mermaid”“The Town Musicians of Bremen” andmore! (*available now and comingsoon.) Age Recommendation Infantsto preschool (ages 0-8) ***** Wetake raising awareness of privacyand safety seriously. MOVINGBOOKS! Jajajajan does not collectpersonally identifiableinformation. Anonymous performance data istracked to improve appdevelopment. This app allows in-apppurchases. There is no socialmedia integration. One in-app linkbehind a parental gate will takeyou to our Privacy Policy via yourdevice’s browser. Thank You Wehope your little ones are enjoyingMOVING BOOKS! Jajajajan as muchas we are producing it. We'd like tohear your feedback. If youhave a moment, please let us know whatyou think with a review. Foradditional support: [email protected]: