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Astrology & Zodiac Dates Signs 7.5.0
Check your Zodiac dates Signs & Astrologer Signs,horoscopes& Birth signs dates
Love Horoscope 2016 1.1
Utsav LLC
It is hard to say whether the year of 2016willbe memorable or not when it comes to your love life. Therewon’t beany star combinations that could provide for a definitiveanswer.During this period your career and work life will certainlyprevail.However, this doesn’t mean that stars have nothing to sayabout yourlove front and all related spheres! As a bare minimum,we shouldaccount for Mercury’s position – it will hardly befriendlyespecially toward those of you whose conscience is farfrom beingclear. It goes without saying that all of us havecertain closetedsecrets, but we are now talking about truly badthings and everyonewho will be even slightly affected by themwon’t need any additionalexplanations. Moreover, in 2016 we willhave to actively control ourown emotions; otherwise, we canexhibit spontaneous aggression,outbursts of rage and othermanifestations of emotionalinstability.2016 is not the best time for getting married. Obviously,thisdoesn’t mean that your marriage will be doomed if you gethitchednow. Nonetheless, star combinations indicate that in 2016suchdecisions should better be avoided; otherwise, you may cometoregret it in the future. Ultimately, time is hardly an obstaclefortrue feelings – to ensure happiness, it wouldn’t hurt to waitalittle bit longer, would it? Besides, the year of 2016 willproveto be a sort of a trial for most couples. These trials willmostlylikely take shape of open confrontations andstubbornnon-acceptance of a partner’s view point. This will hardlybe afierce and hopeless fight, but you will most certainly have togothrough moments like these more than once. Thus, 2016 will provetobe a true test for your feelings.This period will be nothing special for married couples.Theywill have no heated scandals or dramatic make up sessions tolookforward to. Things will be the way they’ve always been.Thisdoesn’t mean, though, that your life will be deprived ofromanceand fun with your friends and all other positive momentsthat trulydo make your life brighter. It’s just that Venus will notbe asactive now and the lion share of the Moon’s energy will beused ina completely different direction. Nonetheless, for somepeople 2016can very well prove to be life changing when it comes totheirpersonal relations. If you want to know whether 2016 willprove tobe crucial for your Zodiac, please, refer to 2016 lovehoroscopefor your Zodiac sign.
Tarot Card Reading & Horoscope 14.2.0
2023 daily tarot readings, love readings, destiny cards,horoscope& astrology!
Chinese Horoscope 2016 1.1
Utsav LLC
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2016 istheyear of Monkey (Fire Monkey) starting from February 8, 2016(calledthe Lunar Chinese New Year or Chinese Spring Festival) andlastingto January 27, 2017.Monkey ranks ninth position in the Chinese Zodiac. They arecheerfuland energetic by nature and usually represent flexibility.Peopleunder the sign of the Monkey are wise, intelligent,confident,charismatic, loyal, inventive and have leadership. Theweaknesses ofthe Monkeys are being egotistical, arrogant, crafty,restless andsnobbish.Chinese Horoscope 2016 - Read what the Year of the Monkey2016(Fire Monkey) holds for you. Chinese Zodiac predictions forallzodiac signs. Master Tsai 2016 Chinese Horoscopes andChineseAstrology - Zodiac Year of Monkey. 2016 Chinese New YearHoroscopesfor 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs In the Year of Monkey, Yearof FireMonkey. FREE horoscope, love horoscope, astrology, anddailyhoroscopes, weekly horoscopes, monthly horoscopes, lovehoroscopes,zodiac signs, daily tarot reading and chinesehoroscopes. Accordingto Chinese astrology, each year (starting fromChinese New Year) isassociated with an animal sign, occurring in a12-year cycle. Forexample 2016 is a year of the Fire Monkey. Getyour ChineseHoroscope 2016 right away!Years of the MonkeyStart Date End Date Associated Element Heavenly Branch02/06/1932 01/25/1933 Yang Water Ren Shen01/25/1944 02/12/1945 Yang Wood Jia Shen02/12/1956 01/30/1957 Yang Fire Bing Shen01/30/1968 02/16/1969 Yang Earth Wu Shen02/16/1980 02/04/1981 Yang Metal Geng Shen02/04/1992 01/22/1993 Yang Water Ren Shen01/22/2004 02/08/2005 Yang Wood Jia Shen02/08/2016 01/27/2017 Yang Fire Bing Shen01/26/2028 02/12/2029 Yang Earth Wu ShenNote: The months here refer to the Chinese lunar month.Pleaseuse the Gregorian-Chinese Calendar Converter tool onChinesecalendar page to find the Chinese lunar month.根据中国十二生肖,2016年是猴年(火猴)从2016年2月8日起(被称为农历中国新年或中国春节),并持续到2017年1月27日。猴子排在中国十二生肖第九位。他们是快乐和充满活力的本质,通常代表的灵活性。猴子的标志下的人是聪明人,聪明,自信,有魅力的,忠诚的,有创造力和具有领导地位。猴子的弱点正在自负,傲慢,狡诈,不安和势利。中国星座2016年 - 阅读2016年猴(火猴)年度保持着你。中国生肖预测所有的星座。蔡师傅2016年中国占星术和中国占星术-猴的生肖。2016年中国农历新年星座12是中国十二生肖在猴年,火猴年。免费星座,爱情占星,占星术和每日占星,每周占星术,每月星座,爱情占星,星座,塔罗牌每日阅读和中国的八字。据中国占星术,每年(从中国农历新年开始)都与一个生肖有关,在12年的周期内发生。例如2016年的火猴的。让您的中国星座2016年的时候了!多年的猴子开始日期结束日期关联的元素天工分公司1932年2月6日1933年1月25日杨水壬申1944年1月25日1945年2月12日洋木业甲申1956年2月12日1957年1月30日阳消防丙申1968年1月30日1969年2月16日杨地球吾身1980年2月16日1981年2月4日洋金属庚申1992年2月4日1993年1月22日杨水壬申2004年1月22日2005年2月8日洋木业甲申2016年2月8日2017年1月27日阳消防丙申2028年1月26日2029年2月12日杨地球吾身猴子人格猴子是一种明智的和灵活的生物,像人最多。生物学家达尔文写在他的著作物种起源,人类是由猿进化而来的。所以,猴子能那么聪明的人在一定程度上。您也可以从这个孙悟空,在中国四大名小说中的一个主角-西游记。通过使用他的智慧,孙悟空打败了邪恶的精神和鬼,帮助他的同伴完成西游记成功。出生在猴年的人都是伟大的知识分子和熟练的。他们通常是优秀的领导者。快速,智能,因为他们,他们可以赢得奖品频繁地从童年,因此,往往被家长和老师的赞赏。此外,它们是最良好的身体状况。不仅在财富良好时,他们都很年轻,而且具有完善的中世纪之后。由于他们善于攒钱,他们通常住住,不用担心温饱。猴子的标志下的人有时有点性急。这可能从得到成功阻止他们。所以,要学会忍耐克服。他们也喜欢到项目本身来吸引别人。因为他们有非凡的能力的东西区别开来,他们总是能做出正确的决定。在他们的家庭,他们通常是体贴周到。猴子出生的人在一天中不同的时期有不同的性格和运势:猴子出生的人在早晨通常和蔼,彬彬有礼地对待他人。他们不希望把自己推向前进。当事物打交道时,他们通常是积极四舍五入他们的工作。然而,他们认为自己的利益比工作更重要。有时,他们可能会放弃一份好工作,以便有更多的时间在自己的爱好。所以,找工作的时候,他们最好选择一个他们感兴趣。然而,就像在大自然中的树木,猴子跑来跑去,猴人并不稳定。他们热衷于社会活动和众多的朋友传阅。尽管如此,他们有几个知心朋友。猴子出生的人中午充分发挥自己的聪明性格特征。因此,他们的眼睛是雪亮和预测能力来看待事物准确。猴子男人主动,外向和主动。他们想尝试自己想要的一切,并能取得良好的效果。猴子女性多谁是独立的,好脾气的伟大母亲。猴子出生的人,晚上是诚实,忠诚的朋友,热心,以及青睐,并一直向穷人施舍。这使他们从别人更容易得到帮助。他们是人谁将会完成他们开始什么。在工作​​中,他们是忠实的履行职责时,可以通过主管得到赞赏。在财富,他们是谁,他们的青春前期遭受大量的转来转去从中世纪更好的大器晚成。如果他们试图更加稳定年轻时办事,生活可​​以是光滑的。最好的出生月份为猴三月,四月,七月和八月是吉祥的出生月份为属猴的人。3月猴子出生的人在三月份是非常聪明的。他们通常在其他流行,有一个美好的未来,也嫁得好,并愉快地。4月:随着出生月份4月,属猴的人通常可以享受一个光辉的一生。在他们的生活中,他们通常可以做的事情,在自己的意志,并幸运地得到别人的帮助。有食品,服装和健康对他们来说没有任何问题。七月:生于七月,属猴的人通常可以享受一个安全,自由和轻松的生活。八月:8月出生,猴子通常有前途不可限量。他们可以得到职业生涯中取得巨大成功。此外,他们有良好的道德品质,通常可以拥有一个和谐的家庭。注:这里的几个月指的是中国的农历正月。请使用中文日历页面上的阳历,中国农历转换工具来发现中国农历正月。
Free Daily Horoscopes 1.38
The application shows the astrological forecast from aprofessionalastrologer
Horoscop Zilnic 1.1
Vrei sa afli totul despre zodia ta sau ceanumeiti rezerva viitorul, aplicatia iti pune la dipozitieinformatiidespre ce urmeaza sa ti se intample pe plan financiarsentimentalsau cum vei fi din punct de vedere al sanatatii inperioada imediaturmatore.Cu totii stim ca:Berbecii sunt predominant activi imprudenti, gelosi si cu unanumespirit razbunator;Taurii predominant practici, senzuali, sociabili darsinepasatori;Gemenii comunicativi, elocventi, diplomatici, ingeniosisisuperficiali;Racii sunt sensibili, diplomatici, capriciosi si cu tendintesprelene;Leii sunt orgiliosi, vanitosi, mandri, egoisti darsihotarati;Fecioarele sunt inteligente, superficiale, instabilesiingenioase;Balantele sociabile, senzuale, geloase dar si nepasatoare;Scorpionii sunt curajosi, gelosi, agresivi, aspri;Sagetatorii sunt altruisti, intelepti, religiosi, corecti si cubunsimt;Capricornii sunt diplomatici, seriosi, incapatanatisipesimisti;Varsatorii sunt inventivi,originali, noncomformisti si cu unspiritamical dezvoltat;Pestii sunt nehotarati, maniosi, naivi, obsesivi si destuldereceptivi.Aplicatia este gratis si are ca scop de a te pune in tema cu ceeaceiti rezerva astreleHave fun!Want to know allaboutyour sign and what your future holds, traversingapplicationprovides you information about what is going to happento youfinancially or emotionally as you will be in terms of healthin theperiod immediately following.        We allknowthat:Aries are predominantly active inconsiderate, jealous andsomevindictiveness;Bulls predominant practice, sensual, sociable butindifferent;Twins communicative, eloquent, diplomatic, ingeniousandsuperficial;Cancerians are sensitive, diplomatic, capricious and pronetolaziness;Lions are orgiliosi, vain, proud, selfish but determined;Virgos are intelligent, superficial, fragile and ingenious;Libras sociable, sensual, jealous but indifferent;Scorpions are brave, jealous, aggressive, rough;Sagittarians are generous, wise, religious, honest andgoodsense;Capricorns are diplomatic, serious, stubborn and pessimistic;Aquarians are inventive, original, nonconformist and afriendlyspirit developed;Fish are undecided, angry, naive, obsessive andquiteresponsive.The app is free and is designed to put you in theme to whatyoureserve the starsHave fun!
Horosoft (Astrology Software) 3.10
Astrology. Free Indian Astrology software by Triple-SSoftware(HOROSOFT ) English and Hindi Language Support ( अंग्रेजीऔरहिन्दीभाषा उपलब्ध ) Free Astrology App , horoscope appMainFeatures : *Accurate Calculations , Wide database ofGeographicalregions withDST time. * Reliable predictions fromHorosoft ( Since1986 ) *Yearly Predictions ( वार्षिक भविष्यवाणियां) *Interpretation ofplanets ( ग्रहों की व्याख्या ) * Sadesatidetails( Saturn TransitResults) ( विवरण (शनि पारगमन परिणाम) ) *NumerologyCalculations (अंक ज्योतिष गणना ) * Numerology Predictions( अंकज्योतिष व्याख्या) * Lalkitab Chart ( लाल किताब चार्ट ) *LalkitabRemedies ( लालकिताब उपाय ) * Dasha Prediction (दशाभविष्यवाणी) * KPSystem *Ascendent Chart * Nirayana Bhav Chart *Significators *PrimeSignificators * Aspects * Vimshottari Dashaupto Pran Dasha.*Prashari System * Avakahada Chakra * Ghat Chakra *Lucky Numbers*Shodash Varga Charts * Vimshottari Dasha * MatchMaking. *BasicDetails of Male-Female * Ascendent Chart * NavmanshaChart*Vimshottari Dasha Calculations * Match Result ( Points )*MatchResult ( Analysis )
Horoscope, Daily Notifications 1.2
Hey !! :)Has your horoscope announced yet? Are you tired ofchasingyourhoroscope? Finally an app just for you to keep trackyourdailyhoroscope. Here are some features of the app we havepreparedforyou;- Daily prepared horoscopes for you.- Simple interface and user-friendly!- No more waiting for your daily horoscope. For thehoroscopeyouwant to be notified, we will send you a notificationwhenit'savailable.- If you enjoy with your daily horoscope, do not forgettosharewith your friends on social media;)Go ahead and download to view today's horoscope!Includes daily horoscopes of all 12 zodiac signs:Aries,Taurus,Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius, Pisces.
Horoscope: your future 2.0.7
Are you worried about your health, work or romantic status?
Love Calculator 3.0
Love Calculator is an applicationthatmeasuresthe love and compatibility degrees between2persons.The application is scientifically based onthehoroscopecompatibility.The application not only provides love degrees, but alsoadetailedcompatibility report that describes therelationshipindetail.Try it out, and tell your friends. It is a real enjoyment!
Fun Facts About Zodiac Signs 2.0
Learn more about yourself and your friends.
Horoscope Rashi 2016 0.1
Horoscope Rashi 2016 is an app whichprovidesyou latest full year horoscope for all about you inEnglish. Inthis app you find many categories like – Love horoscope,familylife horoscope, career horoscope and health horoscope etc.Now youcan easily know about how will this year for you and yourloveonce.All information and data made available via the tools isprovidedon an “as-is” basis for informational purposes only, andis notintended for actual any kind of advice. Your use of anyinformationor materials on this site, App is entirely at yourownresponsibility, for which we shall not be liable. It shall beyourown responsibility to ensure that any products, servicesorinformation available through this App.
Daily Horoscope 2.3
Daily Horoscope offers you : - Daily Horoscope - Horoscope2017Horoscope source :
Zodiac Horoscope 2020 1.4
Let us discover Zodiac Horoscope 2020 & your Zodiac Sign
Astrology Hindu Sacred Texts 1.0
THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGYFor thousands of years the Hindu Astrologers have bytheirknowledge of the solar system been enabled to formulate asystem ofAstrology, which enables them to speak with scientificauthorityand certainty with respect to the planetary influencesuponmankind.Each person is born in or under one of the twelve signs oftheZodiac and is thus influenced more or less throughout life bytheplanetary conditions at time of birth.In this work I propose to state the natural tendencies ofeachperson and in a certain way indicate what they should do andwhatthey should not do to make their life a success.By referring to your sign, which is indicated by the date andmonthwhen you were born, you will see what your natural tendenciesare,and what it is best for you to do to attract and use unseenforcesand powers which are your birthright, and which will aid youtomake your future bright.Each and every person is naturally endowed with peculiarandgreat powers which make for good, and also are born withtendencieswhich must be corrected in order that the higher and goodpowersand forces may be able to work to advantage. No matter howbad yourlot may seem to you, and how difficult it is for you to getalongin the world, you can readily change all darkness to thebrightestsunshine if you only go about it in the right spirit.The first step to take is to fix in your mind a strong desireforwhat you wish, and persistently and patiently hold this desireuntilyou get it fulfilled. In India, men, through the advice ofeminentastrologers, will have an aspiration to accomplish acertain thing,and will persistently hold and believe they will besuccessful inattaining what they desire until they get theiraspirationsatisfied.There are three things absolutely essential to happinessandwhich will always bring success; viz., hope, patienceanddetermination--persistent determination to reach success. Whenwelearn to exercise our mind and will on hope, patienceanddetermination, we find a wide door open to permanenthealth,wealth, honor and happiness.