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Office Room Design 1.0
The concept of work-from-home isgainingafoothold rapidly in today's fast-paced life.However,withoutproper home-office space planning, the idea mightprove tobe adisaster. Here are some tips to help you design andplan yournewpersonal work place.While working from home was considered impossible notfarback,with the advent of new-age digital technology,especiallytheInternet, many companies today are optingfor'work-from-home'policy. People who choose this option shouldhave aseparate officespace where they can concentrate andworkefficiently. Thefollowing are some steps and guidelines thatmighthelp in creatingyour office space at home.Analyze your RequirementsBased on your job, jot down things that you require. Acomputerorlaptop, a fax machine, books, notepads, documents,stationeryitemscan be a few things to start with. Doing this willgive you afairidea of how much space you will require.Shortlist Office SpaceThe space where you wish to set your home office isimportant.Thisspace can be anywhere in the house, your own room,anemptybasement, attic, or even an old warehouse. If you haveafamily,make sure that the chosen office space is not animpedimenttothem. Your office space should not be a hindrance intheirchoresand at the same time ensure that you don't getdisturbed. Ahomeoffice should be a comfortable place, where youcanconcentratewithout any distraction.Another point to consider is that the office space shouldbewellilluminated, a dingy environment is not only depressingbutalsohampers productivity. A window bringing in natural lightisalwaysa good idea. Ventilation and electrical outlets shouldalsobechecked. Analyze all possible places in your house andselectthebest one.Customize it Your WayThe best part about working from home is, it provides freedomtoworkin your comfort zone. Make the most of this and customizeyourofficespace with things that motivate you. It should also benotedthatthings that distract you should strictly beavoided.You can have paintings, family photos, spiritual items,andotherstuff that can inspire or motivate you when you arestressed.Ifyou are comfortable working with soothing music inthebackground,you can even have a music system. If noise controlisnecessary,you can install a door or a partition wall, so youcanget yourpersonal space. Don't forget a dustbin, a dedicateddustbinensuresthat the home-office space is neat and tidy.Planning & Space UsageOnce all the above things are done, it's time to make optimumuseofthe space so that your personalized office lookssystematicandorganized. The following are some tips to increasefree spaceinyour room. Avoid large furniture, keep it as compactaspossible.You can consider attaching fold-able tables, so youcanfold themagainst the wall when you need more floor space.Forstorage space,you can install overhead shelves and utilizeverticalspace of theroom to gain more floor space. Though yourofficeshould havealmost everything one would need to conduct a dayofwork orbusiness, the room should not be cramped and shouldhavespace tomove freely or even walk about. A cramped orclutteredworkspacecan decrease efficiency and mar productivity.Depending ontheavailable space, you can also consider a small sofaasseatingarrangements for any business guests that arrive.Some Other PointersYou can consider placing your table against a wall that hasawindow,this will bring in natural light, and you don't havetostare at ablank wall while working. Note that the view fromthewindow shouldnot act as a source of distraction, but shouldbeinspiring.Budgeting for your home-office space will be a good idea asitwillgive you a fair estimate of your costs and also makeyourplanningmore organized.