Top 31 Apps Similar to friDay購物 - 好買‧好逛‧好好玩

遠傳預付卡APP 1.8.40
專為遠傳易付卡用戶設計,提供最方便快速的儲值方式、最貼心實用的功能、還有不定期APP獨享的優惠折扣等,使用易付卡的你不容錯過。下載與使用本「遠傳預付卡APP」APP 時,所需之電信網路流量依用戶使用之費率決定。
露天市集 3.4.4
It is very convenient to contact sellers through diggingtreasuresin the open air and Lulutong, and mobile payment savestime andconvenience! There are more than hundreds of millions ofproductsin the whole station for you to choose! Souks are themobileshopping station of choice!
Yahoo奇摩拍賣 9.3.1
Auction Annual Gold List #天天级维益超级礼点 #热门好物痴报12元start#全星做公园1元startingbid #生活好物年级最佳价格 #Play over the auction Instagramfilter draw
Yahoo奇摩購物中心 - 好的生活真的不貴 6.2.1
Free return service within the 15-day appreciation period,flashsale is always happy, daily downloads are good, anddiscountcoupons are received every day, making you happy shopping!
PChome24h購物|你在哪 home就在哪 3.56.0
Where are you, where is the home? Continue to listen to yourvoice,master your life, PChome24h shopping is always with you.
Online shopping for overseas Chinese
生活市集 家需要的都在生活 6.1.1
Everything a family needs is in the life market! Tens ofthousandsof carefully selected products, daily discounts and freeshipping.The user's real evaluation does not step on thunder, andshoppingis worry-free and money-saving! Commodities challenge thelowestprice in the market, large groups are super cost-effective,andsmall groups are also cheap. New users enjoy another 150 yuangiftbag
蝦皮購物 | 花得更少買得更好 3.11.07
Free shipping from $299 on the whole site|100% off on thewholesite|Drawing $300,000 in Japan
[Myfone shopping-3C smart home leading brand] Sell the latestandmost favorable 3C products such asmobilephones/tablets/laptops/digital cameras, as well as the mostpopularperipheral accessories, home appliances and otherproducts,creating a 3C smart home life!
飛比價格 - 購物拍賣比價找便宜必備小幫手 - Feebee v3.12.5_g
"Preferred APP for Online Shopping and Price Comparison" Therearehundreds of millions of price-comparison products; hundredsofshopping and auction websites and selected overseas storesareincluded; The point collection function allows you to solvetasks,get points, and exchange gifts every day. Let you findcheaper andearn more~
Gomaji 懂生活的好麻吉 6.9.6
Gomaji understands life well: provide coupons for discountedmeals,massages, spas, accommodations, bathing, exhibition tickets,homedelivery group purchases, etc.
Rakuten樂天市場購物網 12.27.0
Enjoy 24-hour mobile shopping in the Rakuten Market ShoppingNetworkAPP, and provide member exclusive discounts or doubleRakuten pointsto give away activities, and redeem more discountedproducts throughpoints.
86小舖 Beauty Fast 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
Carousell: Snap-Sell, Chat-Buy 2.185.793.799
Carousell is a community marketplace thatletsyou Buy and Sell everything from fashion, clothes,accessories,beauty products, furniture, art, books, branded goods,cars, bikes,antiques to houses. Declutter your closet, room, orhome of oldstuff by putting them up for sale on Carousell, the bestplace tofind a new home for your pre-loved items.Are you a hoarder? Running out of storage space fornewpurchases?☻ Create beautiful listings in 30 seconds to sell or shop fromamassive online marketplace wherever, whenever.☻ Customised search with keywords for fast and easy shopping☻ Chat with local and foreign sellers & buyers with asingletap☻ Make money by selling stuff and discover great deals☻ With Carousell Groups, you can buy and sell in interestgroups,neighborhood groups, school groups and more! It’s moretrusty andfun to buy and sell in a community that you and fellowmembers careabout!☻ Set up your very own mobile and web e-commerce store quicklyandseamlessly – its as easy as posting on Instagram ;)For Sellers…☻ Offer up your preloved items - free up garage / storage spaceandmake money at the same time☻ Snap, List, Sell: free listings with up to 4 photos to sellyournew and used / secondhand items + in-app editing features☻ When listing something for sale, you can post it tomultipleCarousell Groups to reach more buyers!☻ Instantly share listings on Facebook Pages, Groups andTimeline,Twitter, and Instagram☻ Raise the bar on your street cred by accumulating positivememberfeedback from other Carousellers.☻ Earn a verified badge to boost your credibility by connectingviaFacebook and verifying your email☻ Beautiful promotional images magically generated based onyourCarousell profile that you can share across all yoursocialnetworks and interact with friends through likesandcomments.For Buyers...☻ Effortless catalog-like browsing for unique items☻ Great variety of secondhand branded goods like designerbags,shoes, makeup and beauty products, to watchesandautomobiles.☻ Private Chat feature within the app to talk to sellers to buyanitem and negotiate on prices, or ask for more images of theproductbefore you make an offer☻ Safe transactions with trusted sellers: Get the lowdown onotherusers' experiences on any seller by checking out theirmemberfeedback☻ Get the best deal or bargain in your neighbourhood orcountryacross over 18 categories☻ Sort items by Nearest, Recent, and Popular, and by Location☻ Personalize your marketplace by following your favouritecommunitymembers to get updates on new listingsTo get the full experience of the app, grant us thefollowingpermissions:• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : so we can save used photos onyourexternal storage• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: so we can upload photos that are savedonyour external storage• ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: so we know where you are located toshowyou nearby listings and tag your own listings to therightlocation• ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: we need your exact location to provideyouwith a hyperlocal experience• CAMERA: used to access camera for snapping photos before youcanlist and sell them!
friDay購物 4.2.43
friDay shopping provides more than 800,000 products such asYuanbai,SOGO Department Store, iMai, brand outlet and 3C, home,fashion,etc., enjoy discount coupons, cash discounts, HAPPYGOpointsaccumulation points, 10-day appreciation period!
姊妹購物網-全站免運 首購再送500 2.7.4
::::: 姊妹購物網 APP 必載特色 :::::●「好康天天抽」首次包中 100 元折價券。人人有獎,還有 500 元等眾多折價券等您來領!○ APP 新客限定!完成首筆APP訂單當月登記再送 500 元● APP 獨賣!每周二午間 12:30 開賣 $99 瘋搶活動○ 超過 300 萬網友的肯定:旗下 APP 突破 300 萬總下載量【手滑就買隨心所欲】# 流暢的使用體驗,手機下單最方便# 圖文並茂的詳細敘述,掌握細節好安心# 我的最愛商品收藏功能,銷售結束前提醒您,不再錯失任何限時好康# 自訂推播通知,不定期折價券與特惠資訊不漏接。# 購物爽度有口皆碑,網友提供商品綜合評價與實拍圖讓您買得安心【快速註冊、下單與訂單追蹤】# 註冊方便:不需要落落長的註冊資訊更不用擔心個資外流# 安全第一:採用 SSL 最高安全等級加密機制,保護您的付款資訊# 多元付款:信用卡一次付清與分期付款、實體 ATM、7-11ibon、全家、萊爾富、OK便利商店超商付款、超商取貨付款(部分商品)# 輕鬆收貨:全部商品一律免運費宅配到府,省去搬運困擾# 訂單狀態:從訂單成立、商品出貨到物流配送狀態、退貨流程等一目了然===【姊妹購物網 - 時尚居家好物限時特賣】 ==嚴選女性親子家庭好物,包含時尚女裝、穿搭小物、鞋包配件、美妝面膜、美體保健、居家用品、親子玩具,讓您天天都可輕鬆逛逛,發現與購買實用又優惠的特選商品。* 若有訂單或任何問題要反映,請來信[email protected] 或是從 APP內訂單底下以及客服中心發問,透過Email 方便與您雙向溝通以增加解決效率;Google評論功能無法讓客服人員為您提供會員專屬服務或處理售後事宜。
燦坤福利品行動購物商城-24h購物網給您立即購給您最大折扣 4.3
燦坤快3福利品行動購物商城-24h購物網給您立即購最好康的大折扣福利價格就在此;優質嚴選、優惠商品福利品出售,讓您用超划算的價格,搶購潮流科技商品!全台擁有三百多家實體門市,搭配燦坤快3 超級商城,實體雲端找便宜,全國首創24h購物網給您最優質嚴選、限時特賣、時尚好物的3C福利品,讓您用最超划算的價格,搶潮流科技、優惠商品逛手機in 91app內就好買不怕貴!!我們的六項特色:★ 台灣網購首選3C福利品家電暢貨網-首創福利品出售、拆封整新品、展示出清 - OUTLET!!★ 365天,天天提供優質大廠 3C 福利品出清!!★ 1年4季,每季超殺 3C 福利品激低出清!!★ 手機購物輕鬆便利購,隨買隨享受立即購福利!!★ 福利品行動購物商品購物讓你「省時」又「省錢」!!★ 全國最多蘋果(Apple)商品聚集地!輕鬆比價搶優惠這邊最福利!!燦坤快3福利品 行動購物商城-24h購物網給您立即購 最好康的福利價格就在此!優質嚴選、優惠商品福利品出售,讓您用超划算的價格,搶購潮流科技商品!燦坤快3福利品行動購物商城內建7大選單,方便您輕鬆找尋商品。1.電腦資訊2.周邊耗材3.數位攝像4.視聽娛樂5.生活家電6.車用周邊7.Apple 商店燦坤福利品行動購物商城三大保證:1.商品大折扣,超福利2.保固不打折,超貼心3.全台限量出清,超珍貴同場加映★★★★★燦坤快三燦坤快三粉絲團★★★★★
九乘九購物網 2.81.0
小三美日美妝|保養生活購物網 23.6.0
The No. 1 Brand of Affordable Beauty Makeup, Get CashImmediatelyfor the First Download! *It is super convenient to joinas a member*24H shopping is not closed *Event push notification~Don't missthe good deals *U.S. dollar consumption rebate 1%,unlimiteddiscount *Open to overseas members to purchase
DOKODEMO Japanese Marketplace 1.3.7
Japan's best products at your fingertips, shop as if you wereinJapan!
ZALORA-Online Fashion Shopping 16.7.1
Shop the latest trends & brands online, only on ZaloraFashionShopping app!
甘仔店 - 異國零食立即購 一次買齊全世界美味零食 3.0.0
::::: 甘仔店APP 必載特色 :::::★ 零食網購第一選擇,超過90萬網友下載肯定。★ 全台線上零食種類最齊全,站上超過400種零食。★ 週週更新美味新潮零食,比別人更早享用世界各國第一手零食。★ 最高品質黑貓運送 兩天內到府,不用再苦苦等待。★ 嚴格把關食品,不賣未貼標水貨,即便吃零食也要安心放心。★ 零食新知一把抓,高質感美味零食一網打盡,透過零食探索世界。★ 輕鬆簡便的手機購物體驗,透過清晰分類快速找到零食,一鍵登入讓你購物不卡住。===【甘仔店 - 異國零食立即購】===常常穿梭許多小店和高級超市尋找異國餅乾點心嗎?甘仔店是全台首間搜羅全世界異國零食的APP,我們主打「種類最齊、周周新品、快速出貨、限時特惠」嚴選出世界各國餅乾、糖果、巧克力、泡麵即食、下酒菜等,並且堅持最簡單方便的購物流程,讓您不用出門就可以在家享受到世界各國零食的美味!* 若有訂單或任何問題要反映,請來信[email protected] 或是從APP內客服中心發問,透過 Email方便與您雙向溝通以增加解決效率;Google評論功能無法讓客服人員為您提供會員專屬服務或處理售後事宜。
17Life 生活電商 8.0.019
17 Life
17LIfe 24H宅配快速到貨服務2019年全新上線!今天買,明天到,挑戰團購最低價幫您省荷包,隨買即用當您的好厝邊。結合全家咖啡跨店寄杯、全台吃喝玩樂店家優惠,讓您吃美食、做SPA、住飯店,精彩生活不打折!【最懂生活的您必備APP】※24小時到貨專區,不只讓您買便宜,一指下單全台24小時送到家!※超多團購商品3折起:每日限量超低折扣優惠,天天都有好驚喜!※即買即用餐旅住宿券,美食、泡湯、住宿、門票一網打盡,讓您美好旅程說走就走。※每日獨家快閃超夯特價商品,貼心收藏功能!讓您不再錯過喜歡的好康,開心買!※自己的首頁自己設!將您喜愛的頻道設定為首頁,開啟立即看!※隨時關注17Life熱門活動,不定期贈獎回饋幸運兒可能就是您!若APP使用上有任何建議,歡迎回饋至《17Life服務信箱》:[email protected]訂單問題則可從客服中心發問,來加快您的問題處理效率《17Life客服中心》:[email protected]
趣購網-享受樂趣購物 2.19.6
眼圈熊RingBear中大尺碼 23.6.0
Intentions of a full range of beauty services, cash fastshipping,do not have long to wait / S-7L has, full size
凱西娃娃Cathy doll韓風女裝購物 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
New messages pop outfit, best savings activities, all in "CaseydollCathy doll" Famous women shopping shopping mall
屈臣氏台灣 23030.4.0
New Watsons Shopping APP Shop online immediately, buy well, andsaveyour pet i membership card, and go to the store to spendpoints orpoints to convert to cash at any time, exclusive andinvincible!
iQueen愛女人購物網 2.81.5
The latest and hottest beauty and health care products thatthesisters are crazily buying can be purchased at [iQueen LoveWomenShopping Network]. 100% original factory quality assurance,keepabreast of the latest event information + preferentialdiscounts,pamper yourself and come shopping immediately!
IKEA Store
The IKEA Store app is here to make shopping in storesmoothandsimple. From planning your visit to findingandrememberingeverything when you get there, this is theperfectshoppingcompanion. GET ORGANISED Browse and search the IKEArange,then addproducts to a shopping list. Already made a shoppingliston theIKEA website? Simply log in to access it in the app*.PLANYOURTRIP Find the nearest IKEA store based on your locationandcheckopening hours and driving directions. See if products areinstockat your selected store so you can plan the best time toshop.VISITIKEA See where products on your shopping list are locatedinstoreand get helpful hints so you don't forget anything.Scanbarcodes,QR-codes and article numbers to get productinformationand addproducts to your list. Then swipe right onproduct to markit ascollected and left to remove it from the list.STAY INFORMEDANDSAVE There’s always something going on at yourlocal IKEAstore.The app keeps you up to date with events, offersand newproducts.Sign up or log in to your IKEA FAMILY account soyou cankeep adigital IKEA FAMILY card to hand and make greatsavings. — —*Currently the app will only synchronise with themostrecentlysaved shopping list on the website. Some features maynotbeavailable in all countries and all IKEA stores. Your useofthisapp is governed by the Application License Agreement.
1028 時尚彩妝-官方購物 23.6.0
Download 1028 Fashion Makeup-Official Shopping APP todesigncosmetics for Asian women's skin type, skin tone, andcontour. Youcan easily shop at home without going out! Join as amember to sendup to $300.
HL中大尺碼:流行女裝行動購物 2.80.0