Top 14 Apps Similar to Blood Sugar DR Checker Prank

Test Diabetes sugar-Joke 1.0.1
A glucose detector in free blood to measurethesugar levels in the blood joke.Scare your friends, just press your finger on the scanner andwaitfor the result.The color you like on the device means that everything is goodorbad.- Green color: It's normal.- Orange color: Pre-diabetes.- Red Color: High diabetes.Check now this application for your mobile phone and enterthis"joke".
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
J Dee Studio
Finger Blood Sugar Test PrankDo you want some fun with your friends?If yes then checktheirDiabetes level with Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank.Many peoples needs to check their sugar level regularly. Theresultshelp you to manage the sugar levels. This is a prank appdoes notsupport to find the actual sugar level. Till the time thatandroidmake it possible to support these kinds of things inreality you cancarry on to make prank of your friends by thisFinger blood sugartest prank.A blood glucose test measures the amount of a sugarcalledglucose in a sample of your blood.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. This raises your blood glucose level.Features of Blood sugar Test Prank• Simple to scan and easy to use• Place your Finger on scanning pad and wait for analysis• Realistic looking sugar detector prank• No privacy invasion• High definition graphics• This is a prank app does not test sugar in real• Patients are advised not to use this prank app because it ismadeonly for entertainment purposeWays to check the Blood sugar level♥ From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger with asmall,sharp needle and put a drop of blood on a test strip. Thenyou putthe test strip into a meter that shows your blood sugarlevel.youcan get blood sugar meters and strips at your localpharmacy.♥Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices,alsocalled interstitial glucose measuring devices, are combinedwithinsulin pumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucoseresults andcan show patterns and trends in your results overtime.Disclaimer:Finger Blood sugar test is a prank and fake application and itisnot capable to test the level of sugar, all the reading thatareused in this app are fake and randomly generated by app. Itsonlyfor the entertainment purpose only.
Cek Gula Darah 6
Blacx Knights
Bingung dengan hasil tes darah. apakahandamenderita diabetes.Cek Gula Darah Konversi dirancang dengan mudah untukdigunakanmenghitung kadar gula darah gula, dan membantu Andauntukmendapatkan hasil konversi gula darah Anda baik dalam mg /dldigunakan oleh sistem Amerika atau mmol / l yang digunakanolehsistem Inggris yang diterima di seluruh dunia. Cek GulaDarahKonversi dibuat mudah bagi semua golongan bahkan walaupun adabelumpernah memakai sebelumnya.Perhatikan:Konversi ini adalah untuk tujuan informasi saja. Andatidakdisarankan menggunakan sesuatu aplikasi sebagai penggantiDokteratau saran Apoteker ' maupun uji / dlmiligram per desiliter, satuan yang digunakan dalam kedokteranuntukmengukur konsentrasi zat dalam darah. 1 mg / dl sama dengan0,01gram per liter (g / L).mmol / l atau mmol / LMillimole per liter, unit SI dalam kedokteran untukmengukurkonsentrasi zat dalam darah.Confused by the resultsofblood tests. if you suffer from diabetes.Checks Blood Sugar Conversion is designed with easy to usesugarcompute blood sugar levels, and help you to get your bloodsugarconversion result either in mg / dl is used by the Americansystemor mmol / l were used by the British system which isacceptedworldwide. Checks Blood Sugar Conversion made easy for allgroups,even though there had never used before.Note:This conversion is for information purposes only. You areadvisednot to use anything as a substitute doctor application oradvicePharmacist 'or test lab. mg / dlmilligrams per deciliter, the unit which is used in medicinetomeasure the concentration of substances in the blood. 1 mg / dlisequal to 0.01 grams per liter (g / L).mmol / l or mmol / LMillimole per liter, the SI unit in medicine for measuringtheconcentration of substances in the blood.
Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.01
Do you need some enjoyment with yourfriends?If yes then check their Diabetes level with Blood SugarTest Prank.Numerous people groups needs to check their sugar levelfrequently.The outcomes help you to deal with the sugar levels.This is atrick application does not backing to locate the genuinesugarlevel. Till the time that android make it conceivable tobolsterthese sorts of things as a general rule you can bear on tomaketrick of your companions by this Blood Sugar Test Prank.A blood glucose test measures the measure of a sugar calledglucosein an example of your blood.Approaches to check the Blood sugar levelFrom Your Fingertip: You prick your finger with a little,sharpneedle and put a drop of blood on a test strip. At that pointyouput the test strip into a meter that demonstrates yourglucoselevel you can get glucose meters and strips at your nearbydrugstore.Nonstop Glucose Monitoring System: These gadgets,additionallycalled interstitial glucose measuring gadgets, arejoined withinsulin pumps. They are like finger-stick glucose comesabout andcan indicate examples and patterns in your outcomes aftersometime.Disclaimer: Blood Sugar Test is a prank application and it isnotable to test the level of sugar, all the perusing that areutilizedas a part of this application are fake and arbitrarilyproduced byapplication. Its just for the amusement reason as itwere.
Tensi Darah Digital 3.8
Blacx Knights
Dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat mengecektekanandarah anda atapun pasientanda dapat mengetahui tekanan sistolik dan diastolik dengancepatdan mudahbahkan tanpa alat sekalipun ke akuratan aplikasi ini mencapai 90 %Tekanan darah adalah tekanan Jantung yang Memompa darahpadadinding arteri. Yang melewati nadi menuju arteri dan padaprosesini akan terasa denyutan. maka dari metodi ini lahdapatmemperkirakan pengukuran tekanan darah. dari jumlah tekanandenyutyang terdapat pada Arteri inilah akan memperkirakan Nilaisistolikdan diastolik. maka cukup masukan nilainya pada program inidanakan menunjukan hasilnya pada anda.Denyut nadi per menit (BPM) dapat dihitung daripergelangantangan. Tempatkan telunjuk dan jari tengah bersamaan disisi kiridari pergelangan tangan Anda dan kemudian rasakandenyutnya. LaluHitung lah denyut selama satu menit atau anda dapatmelakukanpengukuran selama lima belas detik dan kalikan jumlahhitungandengan empat maka Anda akan mendapatkan denyut nadi permenit(BPM).PERHATIAN: Aplikasi ini Memiliki tingkat akurasi 90% Namunbisasaja terjadi kesalahan. untuk lebih Akurat silahkan datangpadaDokter.With this applicationyoucan check your blood pressure atapun pasientYou can determine the systolic and diastolic pressures quicklyandeasilyeven without tools even if the accuracy of this applicationreaches90%Blood pressure is the pressure of the pumping heart blood intheartery wall. Which passes into the arteries and veins inthisprocess will feel a pulse. then from this Metodi was abletoestimate the blood pressure measurement. of the amount ofpressurepulse contained in this artery will estimate the value ofsystolicand diastolic. then simply input the value in this programand willshow the results to you.Pulse per minute (BPM) can be calculated from the wrist.Placethe index and middle fingers simultaneously on the left sideofyour wrist and then feel the pulse. Then count the one pulseforone minute or you can take measurements for fifteen secondsandmultiply the number of counts by four then you will get thepulseper minute (BPM).ATTENTION: This application Has a 90% accuracy rate buterrorsmay occur. for more Accurate please come to the doctor.
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
Hi Logix
Finger blood sugar test is a prank appanditdoes not check blood sugar level in real. Its onlyforentertainmentpurposeDo you want some fun with your friends?If yes thenchecktheirDiabetes level with Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank.This is a prank app does not support to find the actualsugarlevel.Till the time that android make it possible to supportthesekindsof things in reality you can carry on to make prank ofyourfriendsby this Finger blood sugar test prank.Methods to check the Blood sugar level&bull ;From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger withasmall,sharp needle and put a drop of blood on a test strip.Thenyou putthe test strip into a meter that shows your bloodsugarlevel.youcan get blood sugar meters and strips at yourlocalpharmacy.• Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices,alsocalledinterstitial glucose measuring devices, are combinedwithinsulinpumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucose resultsandcan showpatterns and trends in your results over time.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells ofthebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found infruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turnedintoglucose in yourbody. This raises your blood glucoselevel.FeaturesSimple to scan and easy to use• Place your Finger on scanning pad and wait for analysis• Realistic looking sugar detector prank• Prank sugar test app does not work in real• Patients are advised not to use this prank app because itismadeonly for entertainment purposeDisclaimer:Blood sugar patient please note thatFinger Blood sugar test is a prank and fake application and itisnotcapable to test the level of sugar, all the reading thatareused inthis app are fake and randomly generated by app
قس نسبة السكر في الدم Prank 1.0
تطبيق قياس نسبة السكر في الدم تطبيق مجاني وسهلالاستعمال.هناك العديد من الناس يعانون من مرض السكري أو يخافون من الاإصابةبه،لهذا يحتاجون إلى التحقق من نسبة "الجلوكوز" في الدم، بانتظامعندطبيب مختص، لكن مع هذا البرنامج، أصبح الأمر في منتهى السهولةوالبساطة، فمن خلال هاتفك تعرف نسبة السكر في دمك، و ذلك بشكلمجانيوقتما تريد.كيف يمكن استعمال التطبيق :عند فتح التطبيق تضع أصبعك على الجهاز الصغير المرسوم علىالشاشةالأولى من البرنامج لبضع ثوان، ثم تنتظر قليلا حتىتظهرالنتيجة.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank ، للتسلية مع أصدقائك و الضحك معهم .The applicationofmeasuring blood sugar free application and easy to use.There are many people suffering from diabetes or are afraidofAlaasabh him, for this they need to check the ratio of "glucose"inthe blood, regularly at a specialist, but with this program,hasbecome a matter of the utmost ease and simplicity, it isthroughyour know sugar in your blood, and it is free wheneveryouwant.How can the use of the application:When you open the application put your finger on the littledeviceDecree on the first screen of the program for a few seconds,thenwait a little until the result is shown.Application Gateway for Prank, for fun with your friends andlaughwith them.
My Glycemia : Diabete tracker 1.8.2
Complete tool for diabetic glucose monitoring
Glucose Meter Prank 1.0
Glucose meter (glucometer) is a medicaldeviceto calculate the approximate concentration of glucose (bloodsugar)in human blood. it's a great tool for diabetes people,Becauseusing a blood glucose meter can help in better managingdiabetes bytracking any fluctuations in your blood glucose level.Exercise,food, medications, stress and other factors affect yourbloodglucose level.Many types of blood glucose meters are available, from basicmodelsto more-advanced meters with multiple features and options.Thecost of blood glucose meters and test strips varies, ascaninsurance no need for expensive sugar blood test, the new era oftechnologyis here use your smartphone device to know your sugarblood levelusing our Glucose Meter finger print for free.Disclaimer:Please always remember that this app is about fun and was madeonlyfor entertainment purposes, and any results are just fake.
Diabetes Diary v1.08
Marco Studer
The Diabetes Diary is an electronic diaryforpeople with diabetes. Instead of carrying pencil and paper allday,you use what is always in your pocket anyway.The Diabetes Diary records your blood sugar, what you eat andhowmuch you eat. It gives you feedback and suggests what youshould donext (calculation of insulin doses etc.).You can add your own snacks and menus to the (offline)database.The application will try to adjust how much insulin youinject foryour added menus, based on your blood sugarmeasurements.All your data is stored offline on your phone and thusrelativelysecure. There is, of course the option to upload ananonymous backupof your data that only you can recover. You shoulddo this, in caseyou lose your phone, it gets stolen, breaks or incase you buy a newphone.I am myself a diabetic and I am working alone on theapplication.I do not do this full time so it may take some timeuntil I can getto work on your suggestions. I am, however, veryexcited to be ableto publish the application finally and I amlooking forward to yourcomments and opinions.CAMERA: Cameria is needed in order to scan QR codes.Theapplication does not use the camera otherwise.
Diabetes Journal 2.2.9
Track glucose levels for you and others.
mySugr - Diabetes Tracker Log 3.92.59
mySugr GmbH
Sync your blood glucose device, log values automatically andtameyour diabetes!
Blood Pressure DR Cheker Prank 1.1
It's an amazing application "Blood PressureDRChecker Prank"Fingerprint Blood Pressure will provide you the most easiest wayofchecking out your blood pressure.Fingerprint Blood Pressure will display like it is calculatingyourblood pressure.Simple, Place your Thumb on the scanning paid then wait fornearlyfew seconds for the results.The Blood Pressure DR Checker Prank or Fingerprint BloodpressureDetector Prank will calculate your blood pressure.Features:- Realistic looking scanner easy to use.- Totally free for Android users- Clear and beautiful designsDisclaimer:Blood Pressure DR Checker Prank application for justanentertainment purposes only,and at the time it does not calculating correct's just like Blood Pressure Prank will only displayed resultsonrandomly basis.You can use this application for fooling your friends andfamilyEnjoy it!
مشخص الطبي 1.6.3
هي خدمة تتيح للمريض معرفة الأمراض المحتملة بناء على الأعراضالتييشكومنها و التي تصيبه في جزء معين من الجسم. بختيارك للاعراضالتيتشكومنها في جزء او اجزاء معينة من جسمك يمكنك معرفةالامراضالمحتملة التيتعاني منها ويمكنك قرا المزيد عن تلك الامراضومعرفةاسبابها وطرقعلاجها .