Top 3 Apps Similar to SnapInspect PropertyInspection

SnapInspect 3 2.8.1
Stop struggling to do your propertyinspectionsthe HARD WAY…New Video Inspection Feature - Live NOW!Inspect Properties And Automatically Create ProfessionalLookingInspection Reports With The Click Of 1-Button.Are you a Property Manager?Are you tired of Property Inspections and all the painful tasksthatgo with them?How much time do you spend inspecting properties andcreatingreports?How would it help you if you could…
• Access your portfolio, tenant/owner details and property infofromyour Android Mobile or Android Tablet? 
• View a simple schedule of inspections for the day, weekandmonth?
• Inspect Properties with your device using simplecheck-lists,comments and photos?
• Automatically create professional looking inspection reportswiththe click of 1-Button?SnapInspect does all of the above + more and saves propertymanagersHOURS of time every-day. 

We could go ahead and dump lotsof“Features” on you but we’d rather just cut straight to it…Here’s How SnapInspect Will Help You:• NO MORE SCHEDULING PROBLEMS.
SnapInspect automatically schedules your properties for you.Neveruse a calendar, yellow sticky notes or Outlook again.
Inspect properties with 1 device. Never print anything or lugarounda digital camera again.• AUTOMATIC REPORT GENERATION.
Click 1-Button and SnapInspect will automatically generateaprofessional looking inspection report with photos and yourownbranding on it in your choice of either PDF or MS Word.Nevermanually type reports again.
Here’s How It Works:

1). Import all of your properties into SnapInspect from thewebversion which runs in your web browser. 

2). Inspect properties using your mobile device.

3). Hit the Sync button to sync the inspections wirelessly totheweb version.4). Login to the web version to see all your reports anddownloadthem in PDF or MS Word format.Here’s What Property Managers Are Saying About SnapInspect:
"Writing inspection reports in Microsoft Word used to beanightmare. I now click 1-button and the reports are generatedforme in either PDF or MS Word and they look amazing, they evenhavemy own branding on them and photos which I never used to do.I'llnever look back".–Claire, North Beach, San Francisco."Property inspections used to take up around 80% of my week andleftme with little time to focus on growing my rent roll.Gettingstarted with SnapInspect was easy and it took me around aweek toget used to everything. The application is really simplecomparedto the other app's we tried. Inspections are now simple andIhonestly save hours of time every day. I can now focus ongrowingmy rent roll and hiring the right people to managetheproperties".–Coleen, Sydney Australia.“I used to work inside my business – inspecting properties,creatingreports, chasing rent etc. – I never had any time to focusongrowing it. Now with inspections and reports automated I’ve hadtimeto work on my business and hire additional people – Now Ioverseeeverything and it’s great!”.–Mike, Auckland, New Zealand."One thing that used to scare me was loosing all of myclientdetails. Now if my business fell to the ground I could openup alaptop at the local cafe' and resume business as usual theverynext day. I love having this kind of accessibilityandsecurity".–Kevin, London, UK.
What are you waiting for?Download the App and see for yourself how SnapInspect haschangedPM’s lives and can change yours too.For more information on SnapInspect 3 go to our website:-
다보여 DaboyeoSmart (통합뷰어) 1.4.7
모든 문서와 이미지를 "다보여"드리겠습니다.[다보여 소개]-------------------------------------------------다보여스마트는 스마트폰에서 보기 힘들었던 모든 문서와 이미지파일, 음악관련(악보)을 쉽고 빠르게 열람 할 수있게합니다.이동 중에 중요한 업무상 문서를 열람해야 하나요? 다보여스마트가 도와드리겠습니다.다보여스마트가 있다면 걱정하지 마십시요. 가지고 계신 스마트폰에서 몇 번의 터치 만으로 모든 문서의 내용을 바로열람하고확인할 수 있습니다. 다보여스마트는 움직이는 오피스입니다.[다보여 주요 기능]-------------------------------------------------● 스마트폰에서 문서의 내용( 스마트폰 파일, 문서, 첨부문서, 첨부파일)을 바로 볼 수 있습니다.● 다양한 형태의 문서를 지원합니다. (한컴오피스, MS오피스, Adobe PDF, 훈민정음 등)● 스마트폰에서 기본적인 text파일(txt, java, c, sql등등), 이미지파일 보기기능을 지원합니다.(텍뷰,소설뷰 )● 스마트폰에서 text파일에 대한 읽어주기 기능을 지원합니다.(TTS 기능활용)● 스마트폰에서 볼 수 없는 이미지파일도 바로 볼 수 있습니다.● 현존하는 대부분의 이미지타입을 지원합니다.(AI,PSD,TIFF,JPEG2000,DWG(예정),DICOM등)● 이메일에 첨부된 문서의 내용을 바로 볼 수 있습니다.● 스마트폰에 저장된 문서의 내용을 바로 볼 수 있습니다.● 열람한 문서는 '열어 본 문서'로 관리 됩니다.● '열어 본 문서'는 내폰에 보관하기 기능을 이용하여 어느곳에서나 열람할수 있습니다.● 파일탐색기 풀 기능을 내장하고 있습니다.● 카카오톡을 통해 문서의 내용을 서로 공유하고 전달할 수 있습니다.● 문서 열람을 위한 각종 편의기능을 풀 지원 합니다.● 한글뷰어, 엑셀뷰어, 파워포인트뷰어, pdf뷰어, 이미지뷰어, AI뷰어● All document viewer, document preview[대표 지원 파일]-------------------------------------------------● 한컴오피스 한글 - hwp, hwt● MS 워드(word) - doc, dot, docx, dotx, docm, dotm● MS 엑셀(excel) - xls, xlt, xlsx, xltx, xlsm, xltm● MS 파워포인트(powerpoint) - ppt, pot, pptx, potx, pptm, potm,pps,ppsx, ppsm● MS 비지오(visio) - vsd● MS 프로젝트(project) - mpp (예정)● 정음 Global(훈민정음) - gul● Adobe Acrobat - pdf● XML paper specification - xps (예정)● Adobe Illustrator - ai● Adobe Photoshop - psd● Autodesk AutoCAD - dwg (예정)● Tagged Image File Format - tiff● JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format - jp2● DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) - dcm● 이제 MIDI 악보를 스마트폰에서 볼 수 있습니다.● nwc (NoteWorthy Composer File)● kar (Karaoke MIDI File) 가라오케● rmi (RMID MIDI File)● mid / midi (MIDI File)● 그 외 500 여종 이미지 형식 지원[주의 사항]-------------------------------------------------● "다보여"에 대한 궁금한 사항 또는 개선해야할 점들이 있으시면 [email protected]으로언제든지문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.● "다보여"를 사용하시다 문제가 발생했을 경우 사용하시는 단말기 종류와 OS버젼 등을 [email protected]로알려주시면 빠른 대응 하도록 하겠습니다.연관 검색어: 다보여, 한컴, 리디, 전자책, e북, 이북, 책, ebook, 카카오, 네이버, 다음,싸이월드,푸딩, 구글, 마이피플, 네이트온, 아스트로, 도돌, hwp, hwp뷰어, pdf, pdf뷰어,뷰어,한컴뷰어,도서,tif뷰어, tiff뷰어, ai, ai뷰어, 파일탐색기, 파일관리자, 악보Alldocuments and images, "the show" you.[Introduction to the show;-------------------------------------------------Smart is a smartphone from the show was hard to see allthedocuments and image files, music-related (music) allows youtoquickly and easily read.Reading important business documents on the go should I do?Smartwill help you show it.Do not worry if you have not seen it smart. Having a few tapsonyour smartphone directly to the contents of all the documentscanbe viewed and checked. Smart Office is moving the show.[The show key features;-------------------------------------------------● The contents of the document in smartphones (smartphonesfiles,documents, attachments, attachments) can be seenimmediately.● Various types of documents. (Hancomm Office, MS Office, AdobePDF,Hunminjeongeum etc.)● basic text files from your smartphone (txt, java, c, sql,etc.),support the ability to view the image file (tekbyu,FictionViews)● smartphone text-to-speech functionality for file support.(TTSLeverage)● can not be seen in a smartphone, you can view the imagefilesdirectly.● Most of the existing image types. (AI, PSD, TIFF, JPEG2000,DWG(planned), DICOM, etc.)● The contents of the document attached to the e-mail can beseenimmediately.● stored on your smartphone, you can view the contents ofthedocument immediately.● read the article was "opened documents" are managed.● 'opened documents "in order to keep the naepon features canbeviewed from anywhere in the.● Full function built-in File Explorer.● through KakaoTalk share the contents of the document canbedelivered.● If the document to view full support for the variousconveniencefeatures.● Hangul Viewer, Excel Viewer, Powerpoint Viewer, pdf viewer,imageviewer, AI Viewer● All document viewer, document preview[Representative Support Files-------------------------------------------------● Hancomm Office Hangul - hwp, hwt● MS Word (word) - doc, dot, docx, dotx, docm, dotm● MS Excel (excel) - xls, xlt, xlsx, xltx, xlsm, xltm● MS Powerpoint (powerpoint) - ppt, pot, pptx, potx, pptm,potm,pps, ppsx, ppsm● MS Visio (visio) - vsd● MS Project (project) - mpp (planned)● Quiet Global (Hunminjeongeum) - gul● Adobe Acrobat - pdf● XML paper specification - xps (planned)● Adobe Illustrator - ai● Adobe Photoshop - psd● Autodesk AutoCAD - dwg (planned)● Tagged Image File Format - tiff● JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format - jp2● DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) - dcm● MIDI sheet music now available on smart phones.● nwc (NoteWorthy Composer File)● kar (Karaoke MIDI File) Karaoke● rmi (RMID MIDI File)● mid / midi (MIDI File)● Other image formats supported by over 500 species[Caution]-------------------------------------------------● "I see you" in that they should have any questions orimprovementof any service.playtogether @ Please feel freeto contactus.● "I see you" If you are having problems using the wo devicetypeand OS version you use service.playtogether @ to letusknow and we'll respond fast.Searches related to: the show, Hancomm, Liddy, e-book,e-book,ebook, book, ebook, cocoa, Naver, Daum, Cyworld, pudding,Google,My People, Nate come, Astro, dodol, hwp, hwp viewer, pdf,pdfviewer, viewer, viewer Hancomm, books, tif viewer, tiff viewer,ai,ai viewer, file explorer, file manager, music
Home Inspection Checklist 3.1
Fully customizable, create your owncategoriesand checkpoints.Whether you are inspecting residential, commercialorconstruction sites this app helps make the process fast and easytorecord and document.* No Monthly Fees, No Plan Accounts, No Subscription Plans!You Might Consider Using Home Inspection Checklist App forthefollowing:* Home Inspections* Property Management Inspections* Building/Commercial Inspections* Architecture/Construction Progress* Open House & New Listing Checklist* Hotel Room Inspections* Landscape Maintenance* Routine MaintenanceCreate Home & Property Inspection Reports with yourownbranding quickly and easily by transfer all your data toInspectReport Builder Software.If you're looking for a property inspection app that isfast,flexible, easy and fully customize "you found it"!Features :-Create unlimited checklist.-Customize your own checklist.-Create your own categories and checkpoints-Take pictures and comment on every checkpoints.-Attached your inspection report data into an email.-Use your regular e-mail as storage between App and Software.It'sFree.The only Home & Property Inspection App on the marketthatallows you to save your inspection data into an external file.Wegive you the control of your data to use as you wish.Notes:This app is not a substitute for a home inspection conducted byaLicensed Professional. However, by using this app you can showtheareas of concern to your inspector beforehand.Notes:Some features require the license key version installed.How to create a PDF report from this app: